
Newsletter 2006

..................................................................... December 2006

..... Southern Cross Haiku Information about the Southern Hemisphere

Australian Saijiki A New Edition !

Ibis in Australia

Komodo Dragon Indonesia

Papaya India

Cormorant fishing (ukai) Japan

Demolitions in Patanisho, Nairobi Kenya

..... Food from Japan (washoku)

..... Sweets from Japan (wagashi)

Shiitake Mushrooms Japan

Samurai, bushi, buke, tsuwamono Japan

Gods are absent (kami no rusu)Japan. Old lunar 10. month (now November)

Mosquitoes in Kenya

Flies, Fly, Housefly, Fruitfly Kenya

BUTTERFLY Haiku Club, Kenya

World Handicap Day, Black Day for the Blind Worldwide

Safflower, saffron flower (benibana, beni no hana) Japan

Hot Drinks to keep you warm in Winter worldwide A KIGO list.

Warm Things to keep you warm in Winter in Japan A KIGO list.
.....Including furniture, clothing and food.

Shichi-Go-San (Celebrating Seven-Five-Three Years for Children) Japan

Trouser-skirt (hakama) Formal wear in Japan

Pulling Pine Seedlings (komatsu hiki)  Japan
..... First Day of the Rat (hatsune)

Koel, Koil, Kuil, a Bird (Eudynamys scolopacea)India. "Demon cuckoo" oni kakkoo (Japan)

..................................................................... November 2006

Haiku Clubs of Kayole, Kenya Meeting November 2006

Court Rituals for the New Year Japan

Teeth strengthening Ceremony (hagatame) Japan
..... rice cakes for strengthening the teeth, hagatame no mochi

First Water, "young water" (wakamizu) Japan. Including more kigo of this ceremony.

Binzuru, Ceremony for the Arhat Binzuru (Binzuru mawashi) Japan

Haiku Teahouse, Haiku Chaya for Pilgrims in Shikoku Japan

Tea, Black Tea from Kenya Coffee from Kenya

Fart, farting (he) Furz Japan, worldwide

Fields, rice paddies (ta, hatake) Japan
..... Including kigo for all seasons in the fields.

Flute (fue, yokobue)   Japan

Saffron Crocus (Crocus sativus) safuron, safuran, Safran Japan

Trumpet Flower (datura) Korean Morning Glory, Mandala Flower (mandarage). Angel's Trumpet Flower. Japan, North America.

Hashidate Festival, Ama no Hashidate Matsuri Japan

Ebisu, the God of Wealth and Prosperity Japan

Ramadan in Kenya

Cold wave (kanpa, kampa) Japan, worldwide

Ganjin Memorial Day (Ganjin Ki) Japan

December Singers, Twelfth Month Singers (sekizoro) Japan

First rainfall, imminent rain Kenya, Tropics

..... Calendar Systems, Asian Lunar Calendar, 12 Zodiac Animals, 24 Seasons
Helpful reference to understand Japanese Haiku Seasons.

Bellows Festival (fuigo matsuri) Japan

Bread (pan) Worldwide

Yew Tree (ichi i, ichii, ichi-i)Japan

Rakugo, comic storytelling Japan

..................................................................... October 2006

Marathon Kenya, worldwide.
..... Including Olympics, Olympic Games. Special Olympics, Paralympics.

Umewaka Memorial Day (Umewaka Ki) and Temple Mokubo-JiJapan

Nobel Prize Europe, worldwide

Mother Goddess in all cultures

Day of the African Child (16 June) Kenya, Africa, worldwide

Cotton rose, Rose-Mallow (fuyoo, fuyo, fuyoh) Hibiscus mutabilis. Japan

Hazel, hazelnut (hashibami) Japan

Chestnut (kuri) Japan

Walnut (kurumi) Japan

Hickory nuts Carya Fruits

Dussera, Dasara, Dussehra: Day Of Victory India
..... Navarati : Nine Nights Of Festivities

Ginger (shooga) Hawaii, India, Japan. Hajikami pickles.

Moss (koke) Japan

Fox God Shrine Festival (Inari Matsuri) Japan. First day of the horse, hatsu uma

Fox (kitsune) Japan

Sierra Nevada North America

..................................................................... September 2006

..... World Days and Weeks a growing collection
.. .. World Deaf Day, World Mother-in-Law's Day and many more

..... Harvest and its various kigo  

Sage, Salbei, Salvia splendens et al. (sarubeea, seeji) Japan

Weeds (zassoo) worldwide !

Wild Chrysanthemum (nogiku) Japan

Zinnia (hyakunichisoo) Japan

Toad Lily (hototogisu) Japan

Peace (Swahili : Amani) Kenya

Begonia (shuukaidoo, shukaido) Japan

Candle (roosoku) Japan. With a discussion about translating Japanese haiku.

Heart Pond (kokoro no ike)   Japan

Maize : Green Maize, Corn on the Cob   Kenya

Rain Gutters Cleaning  North America

Ladakh : Haiku and Kigo  

Kamehameha Day  Hawaii

Hula Dance and the Goddess Laka  Hawaii

Long day, short day, long night, short night  Japan. nagaki hi, tanjitsu, nagaki yo, mijika yo

Pipal tree (Ficus religiosa) India Peepul or Bo tree
..... figs (ichijiku) Japan

Oranges, mandarin oranges, tangerines  Kenya. mikan (Japan)

Santoka and Sake Haiku  

Matsuyama and Masaoka Shiki  

Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets

Winter drizzle, sleet (shigure)   Japan. With many more related kigo.

World Peace Day International Day of Peace. Ahimsa. India, worldwide

World Music Day India, worldwide

Teacher's Day, Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan Memorial Day India

Summer Purification Ceremony (nagoshi, natsu no harae) Japan
..... including many related Japanese kigo

Coolness (suzushi) Japan. cool breeze (ryoofuu) and more about the Tea Ceremony
..... including "coolness in autumn"

Bukusu Culture, Babukusu People Kenya

Mud (Swahili : matope) Kenya
..... including: Brickmaking, Dry mud, Bukusu Initiation (Circumcision) in Kenya
..... Spring Mud, haru no doro, shundei in Japan

Figs (Ficus carica)   Turkey. Ichijiku, toogaki, hororoishi in Japan.

Ramadan, Berat Kandil (Leylatul Berat, Laylatul Barat)   Turkey   

Mahatma Gandhi's Birthday, Gandhi Jayanthi Day India

Bird Haze in Spring (torigumori) Japan. Also "flower haze", cherry blossom haze (hanagumori) and "herring haze" (nishingumori).
..... Birds and Clouds .. kumo ni tori .. 雲に鳥

Voices of Animals From Russia

Spring Equinox, vernal equinox (haru higan) Japan

..................................................................... August 2006

Holy Innocents Celebration Christian Catholic Communities

Deer (shika)   Japan

Tagore Memorial Day    Rabindranath Tagore, India, August 17

Senior Citizen's Day. Respect for the Aged Day (keiroo no hi) Japan
..... Including: Old people, elders, elderly and so on as haiku topics.

Buddha's Birthday, Flower Festival, Flower Hall (kanbutsu-e, shuuni-e, hahamatsuri, hana midoo   Japan
Soap bubbles (shabondama)   Japan

Honey Spas, Apple Spas, Linen Spas Russia . Honey Saviour.

Cemetery Sunday Ireland (Roman Catholic parishes)

Wasabi, Japanese horseradish Japan

Monkey, Hanuman India. saru (Japan)

Peace and War (heiwa to sensoo) Worldwide

..................................................................... July 2006

Grave marker (sotoba) Japan

Voice of an Animal (xx no koe) Japan. Various examples and translation possibilities.

Freezing, frozen (itsuru, kooru) Japan. Iced, under ice and more

Avocado pear (Kikuyu : Mûkorobîa) Kenya

"Kigo" and "haiku" as Haiku Topics Japan

..... Child, Children (kodomo) Read Haiku about Children and from Chilren. A new Forum of the World Kigo Database!

"Goats and Goat Meat Kenya

Green Caterpillar "green insect" (aomushi, namushi) Japan Kenya

Maize (toomorokoshi, tookibi), Corn (koon), Millet (kibi) Japan Kenya

Wading Pool, Spray Park Canada

First Kick-Ball Game (kemari hajime) Japan

Morning-Glory (asagao) Japan ..... Bindweed (hirugao). Evening Face (yorugao)

Buddha, Shakyamuni, Shaka India, Japan


Temple, Buddhist Temple(tera) Japan

Shrine, Shinto Shrine (jinja) Japan

Bell, Temple Bell (kane, tsurigane, waniguchi, dootaku) Japan
..... Bell, Temple Bell in India

Withering Wind, Cold Gale (kogarashi) Japan

Grackle Bird (Quiscalus mexicanus) Oklahoma, USA Great-tailed grackle, boat-tail grackle

Wimbledon Tennis Tournament ... collecting

..................................................................... June 2006

Fly-swatter (haetataki) Japan

Cool dry season  Kenya, tropical areas
Desires, worldly desires, illusions, delusions (bonno) Japan

Wisteria Cutting Ceremony (Fuji Kiri Eshiki)Japan Yamanashi Prefecture

Dew, Dewdrop (tsuyu, ro) Japan Worldwide

Mortality (shi ni yuku) Japan Worldwide

Soccer, Football. Europe
..... Including other Winter Sport Kigo, such as Rugby, American Football, Bob Sley, Skiing, Skating, Ice Hockey

Loincloth (fundoshi) Japan

Coins, Money (zeni) Japan Worldwide

Seaweed (kaisoo) Japan
..... including laver (nori), kelp (wakame), duckweed (mo) and agar agar (tengusa)

Summer sash (natsu obi, natsuobi) Japan

Dead body, deceased person (hotoke) Japan

Butterfly in Winter(fuyu no choo) Japan
..... frozen/freezing butterfly (itechoo)

Pigeon, pidgeon, dove (hato) Japan dove whistling (hatobue)

Mountain, peak, hill (yama, gake, oka) Japan

Sunset (yuuhi) Japan

Sound of Water (mizu no oto) Japan Translation problems and more

Oysters (kaki) Japan
..... Including Pearls (shinju) and mother-of-pearl

Sponge gourd, loofah, luffa (hechima, ito-uri) Japan
..... Including the Memorial day for Masaoka Shiki, Hechima-Ki

Stepping on a Christian image (fumi-e, ebumi) Japan

Ginkoo in Kayole, Nairobi (Kenya)

Horse (uma) Japan
..... Including various kigo such as plough horse, foal,cooling horses, fatten a horse, horse market, autumn colt, autumn pony, horses standing in the cold.

Gentle breeze, soft breeze (Linde Lüfte) Germany

..................................................................... May 2006

Sliding paper doors (fusuma), Japan

Secret Buddha Statues (hibutsu) Japan. Including showing them (kaichoo), substitute statues (maedachi, kakebotoke)

Papad Bread (papadam, poppadom, papadum, and appalam). India

Rain on Cherry Blossoms (hana no ame) Japan

Hungry Ghosts (gaki) Japan Buddhist Communities

..... Dance, a haiku topic Japan

Dance in India

The color GREEN in Haiku (midori, ao) Japan

The color GREY (GRAY)in Haiku (hyaku nezumi, hai iro) Japan

The color WHITE in Haiku (shiroi, haku) Japan

..... ..... World Kigo Database : Canada Saijiki

World Youth Day (Weltjugendtag)Italy, Germany, worldwide

Sand (suna)Japan, Worldwide. On the Beach, in the Desert ... Yellow Sand (koosa)

Berlin Wall (Berliner Mauer)Germany. Including the Iron Curtain, Eiserner Vorhang.

Elephant (zoo)Africa, India, in the Zoo

Rainbow (niji)Japan

River (kawa) Japan

Bridge (hashi) Japan

Embankment, dike (dote) Japan, worldwide

Mu, Shunyata : void, nothingness Japan

Mother (o-fukuro) Japan

New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea, lucky tea (fukucha) Japan

Hat, Straw hat, hood ...(kasa, zukin, booshi) Japan

Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) Europe, Japan, other areas

Crab (kani) Japan. Chesapeake Bay.
..... Including King Crab (tarabagani), Queen Crab (zuwaigani), swamp crab (zawagani) and many more.

Window (mado) Japan

Stone Lantern (ishidooroo) Japan

Chesapeake Saijiki - SPRING USA

..................................................................... April 2006

Water Strider, water boatman, water spider, water horse (amenbo 水馬) Japan
..... also whirligig beetles, mizusumashi 水澄

Grave (haka) Japan

Cloud (kumo) Japan

LIST of Non-seasonal Haiku Topics

Target (mato) Japan. Bull's Eye
..... Including Bow, Arrow, Archery.
..... First Arrow, First Archery Competition. Archery on horseback (yabusame).

Earth Day Worldwide

Peacock, Kujaku and Haiku Japan
..... Including Marigold (kujakusoo), fruit flies (kujakubae) and the peacock butterfly (kujakuchoo)

Pheasant (kiji) Japan

..... ..... Chesapeake Bay Saijiki, USA

Fortune cookies; "Haikookies", O-Mikuji

God of the Rice Paddies (ta no kami) Japan

Mourning Kenya, worldwide

Patrick Wafula, Kenya

LORNA Haiku Club, Kenya

OAKS Haiku Club, Kenya

PEACOCK Haiku Club, Kenya

SPIDER Haiku Club, Kenya

Long Rains (Kenya)

Lent (Europe)

Mothering Sunday, Laetare (Europe)

... ... SPICES from India

Sesame (til, tila, gingili) India goma, goma no hana (Japan)

Light Charcoal Cherry Blossoms, Usuzumizakura 薄墨桜 Japan

Hail (hyoo) Japan , also arare, snow pellets

..................................................................... March 2006

Weasel (itachi) Japan

Ambedkar Jayanti, Memorial Day India

Tukaram Celebrations India

Dragon, a non-seasonal topic of Eastern Art

Eagle(washi) Japan
..... including other birds of winter, fuyu no tori
Water birds (mizudori 水鳥) ; Hawk (taka 鷹), Winter wild goose (fuyu no kari 冬の雁) , Winter skylark (fuyu hibari 冬雲雀), Midwinter sparrow (kan suzume 寒雀) , Midwinter crow (kan garasu 寒烏) Owl (fukuroo 梟) , Duck (kamo 鴨), Plover (Chidori 千鳥) , Hooded gull (miyakodori, yurikamome ユリカモメ), Winter gull (fuyu kamome 冬鴎), Wren (misosazai ミソサザイ), Crane (tsuru 鶴)
Swan (hakuchou 白鳥) , Grebe (Kaitsuburi カイツブリ)

Butterbur sprouts (fuki no too) and butterbur (fuki) (Japan)

Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), Europa Butterbur Dandelion, fuki tanpopo (Japan)

Grape Hyacinth, Europa muscari, Lampenputzer

Gutsy Radish (dokonjoo daikon) Japan

Kite flying, India and Pakistan

Haiku in Bhutan INDIA SAIJIKI

Daffodil, Narcissus and Jonquils Europa

Spring light, spring shining (shunkoo) Japan
..... wind shining (kaze hikaru) Japan

Veronica, field speedwell, Europa inufuguri (Japan)

Girl Scout Cookies USA

Bahati Haiku Club Meeting, March 2006 Kenya

Bahati Haiku Club Records since January 2006 Kenya

Jizobon, Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆

Jizobon, Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆
..... including Coming of Age and Fire Rituals, Sagichoo 左義長

O-Mizutori, Omizutori Ceremony, お水取り) Shuni-E Ceremony 修二会 Nara, Japan
..... Including "Sending off Water from Wakasa" Wakasa no O-Mizu Okuri.

Hawaiian Spirit

Vailankanni (Velankanni), Festival in Chennai, India

Doll Festival (hina matsuri) Japan Peach Festival, Girl's Festival

Surfer, Surfing, Surf Hawaii, worldwide

Homeland, Hometown (furusato) Japan Heimat, Fatherland, Motherland

..................................................................... February 2006

Doll Festival (hina matsuri) Japan. Peach Festival, Girl's Festival.

Haiku Situation in Nepal

Tiruppavai of Andal Tamizhnadu, Tamil Nadu, India

Shiva Ratri Night, Festival India, Nepal, Hindu Communities

Goa Carnival India

Shivaji's forts India

Panchatantra, a Fable India

Nehru, Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru's Memorial Day, Children's Day India

Maasai Cattle (Masai Cattle) Kenya, Nairobi

Summer in India Kigo Collection

Yoga India

Chittorgarh Fort (Rajasthan) India

Pansy, Pansies Europe, sanshoku sumire (Japan)

Haiku from Bulgaria Collection of the Europa Saijiki
Haiku from Hungary Collection of the Europa Saijiki

Alberta Family Day, Canada

Crocus (Europe, worldwide)

Power Stone, Strenght Stone (chikara ishi, Japan) weight lifting competition

Poetry and Literature of Kenya

Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, Writer, Kenya

Caterpillar, Hairy Caterpillar of Kenya

Festivals of India They are all kigo.

Ganesh Chaturthi Festival India

Tiger Dance (Huli Vesha, Puli Vesha) India
.... Including TIGER, the animal as non-seasonal topic.

Serpent Festival (Nag Panchami) India

Snake, serpent, viper, cobra (hebi, mamushi, habu) Japan

Wintersweet (roobai) Japan

..... Bahati Haiku Poetry Club, Second Meeting Kenya

..................................................................... January 2006

Caterpillars worldwide
..... Including
hairy caterpillar, woolybear, kemushi 
looper, inchworm, shakutori

Ice, Icicle (koori, tsurara) (Japan)

..... Kaniparambil Ramesh Poet from India

Start of School Year, School Year starts(Kenya)
..... Including
form one (form 1), new term, new textbooks, school fees, new uniform

..... Bahati Haiku Poetry Club, Kenya

..... Hawaii Saijiki

..... EUROPA Saijiki

Buddha's Seat (hotoke no za)(Japan) 05.
.................... Two flowers with the same name !

Seven Herbs of Spring (haru no nanakusa) (Japan) 05
..... Including Seri (Japanese parsley or dropwort), Nazuna (shepherd's purse), Gogyou (cottonweed), Hakobera (chickweed), Hotoke-no-za (Japanese nipplewort), Suzuna (Japanese turnip), Suzushiro (Japanese radish)

Fern (shida)(Japan) 05

Pheasant's Eye (fukujusoo) (Japan) 05

Vog (Volcanic Smog) (Hawaii, Big Island)

New Year's Day (ganjitsu)Japan, Worldwide. First day of the Year, January 1.

..... Korean Haiku

..... African Haiku

Kagura Dance (Japan)

Graduation Ceremony, Kenya

Last Fudo Ceremony of a year(osame-Fudo) (Japan)
Last Daishi Ceremony of a year (osame no Daishi) (Japan)

Whales, kujira (Japan)

Cow (Pashu, Gai) The Holy Cow of India

Bhagavad Gita (India)

Number of Entries December 2005 : 328


........................................... Kigo Archives

World Kigo Database <> Archives

Use the search function provided at these archives to look for a kigo or synonym of it. These archives contain all kigo collected so far in the various saijiki of the World Kigo Database.


The Discussion Group for the World Kigo Database started on May 19, 2004.
The BLOG Database started after the first 50 kigo had been collected, about October 2004.

Thank you for visiting the World Kigo Database !
And come back soon !

Gabi Greve


Back to the alphabetical Worldkigo Index




BACKUP Washoku 2010




Additions 2010

shufu 主婦 / 主夫 ... housewife, homemaker Hausfrau

kawabitarimochi 川浸り餅(かわびたりもち)
mochi prepared on the day of kawabitari

otogomochi otogo mochi 乙子餅
"mochi for the youngest child"

Recycled vegetables (Okaeri Yasai)

hiuchi yaki 火打焼 a kind of mochi
from shrine Kasuga Taisha . gyuuhi mochi 求肥餅

Sea bass (suzuki 鱸(すずき)) Lateolabrax japonicus

Worlds of Flavor : Japan: Flavors of Culture. CIA

Shiratama 白玉 (しらたま) Shiratama Dango dumplings

raayu ラー油 chili pepper oil Rayu 辣油 or La Yu 辣椒油

Slow food, eco food スローフード !

Matsuyama Sushi and Masaoka Shiki Matsuyama sushi 松山鮓

Ajinomoto 味の素 and MSG, Umami flavor

Kyuuri fuuji きゅうり封じ / 胡瓜封じ cucumber service

Bettarazuke (べったら漬) "sticky pickles" from Tokyo

hasumeshi 蓮飯 lotus with rice and other lotus rood (renkon 蓮根) dishes

Hatago (旅籠, 旅篭) lodgings, inns and guesthouses

Shiga Prefecture - Regional Dishes

nanuka no on sechiku 七日の御節供 Official easonal feast on the
seventh day of the seventh lunar month

Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成, a famous samurai
candy and senbei in his honor

Music and Food for animals and plant growing

Fukuro no atsumono 梟の羹 (ふくろうのあつもの)
"hot soup with owl meat"

Gopan Bread Maker (ゴパン) Rice Bread Cooker ライスブレッドクッカー

Ichiyoo senbei 一葉煎餅(いちようせんべい)
Senbei in honor of Ichiyo
Writer Higuchi Ichiyo

Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 弁財天 and Food

Tsuchinoko ツチノコ or 槌の子 hammerspawn

Hatoyama apples and bisquits Farewell, Hatoyama 鳩山由紀夫 !

daikonsoba 大根そば buckwheat noodles with shredded radish

Gyaru ギャル gals, girls
noogyaru 農ギャル / ノギャル  nogyaru, farming girls
ugyaru 魚ギャル / ウギャル fishing girls

bengara karee ベンガラカレー Bengara Curry from Fukiya Village, Okayama

Suizenji-nori 水前寺のり

fruutsu wain フルーツワイン Fruit Wine

Wasabi Distro ワサビディストロ zines/fanzines / ミニコミ誌

mitsuimo, mitsu imo 蜜芋 "honey sweet potato"
Tanegashima Annoo Imo 種子島あんのう芋 / 安納芋

kajoogashi 嘉定菓子(かじょうがし)Kajo-cakes

Sex and Food / Penis Festivals


Karakki からっキー a mascot for red hot food

Sooshoku otoko 草食男子 grass-eaters and
nikushoku onna 肉食女 "meat-eating girls" / 草食系男子

Containers for food, new materials P-Plus P-プラス

Bii Kyuu Gurume B級グルメ   Grade B Gourmet, Okayama prefecture

abare-ichi あばれ市 "Wild market sales"

Pareo foodo パレオフード paleo food, Paleo diet Paleolithic Diet

Bisuketto, kukkii ビスケット, kukkii クッキー Bisquits and Cookies

Ryugu no tsukai 竜宮の使い slender Oarfish "sea serpent, Genus Regalecus

doggii baggu ドッギーバッグ  doggy bag


kako no jabujabu 水夫のじゃぶじゃぶ sailor's jabu-jabu Ushimado, Okayama

Agri-fashion アグリファッション Agrifashion
Agrizm(アグリズム) Magazine

Motenashi, shitsurai 持成しの心 / 失礼
entertaining guests and table manners

Kansai Sanuki Udon Pigrimage ralley
関西讃岐うどん 西国三十三ヶ所巡礼

ankoo 鮟鱇 (あんこう) anglerfish Lophiomus setigerus

Curry from GLICO グリコカレー / glico カレー職人
Gookaku Karee 合格 to pass the examination

Midorimushi みどりむし Euglena and food preparations
yuugurena ユーグレナ Euglena


. DANGO as kigo for all seasons

. Manjuu まんじゅう (饅頭) steamed buns of all kinds

. Mochi もち (餅) ricecakes, rice cake of all kinds

Panda and Food パンダまん / ぱんだパン

Tachibana 橘 and other citrus fruit kankitsurui かんきつるい (柑橘類)

New Year decorations with food items

Mayudama 繭玉 (まゆだま) "cocoon balls"
Mochi or dango for the New Year celebrations of the Silk protecting deities

Tsuribaka nisshi raamen 釣りバカ日誌ラーメン "Fishing addicts diary" Ramen noodle soup
from エースコック Acecook Co.

Udon うどん
noodles from all over Japan

kanji bisuketto 漢字ビスケット Kanji bisquits, Kanji cookies from Burbon ブルボン

ori 澱 (おり) dregs, sediment when making soy sauce

Shashin keeki 写真ケーキ Edible Photo Cake

kiganmai 祈願米 "consecrated rice"

ishidoofu 石豆腐 "stone tofu"  
from the Iya valley, Tokushima. 祖谷豆腐 Iya Tofu and Iya Zooni soup

Shirumori Jinja 汁守神社 Shrine Shirumori, the protector of soups
Ukemochi no Mikoto 保食命. and
Meshimori jinja 飯守神社 Protector shrine of cooked rice

Sakamoto Ryoma 坂本竜馬 龍馬伝 the hero of Tosa at NHK

Tokoroten 心太, 心天 (ところてん) jelly strips, gelidium jelly

Ebisu sama 恵比寿様 God of the Fishermen


December 2009

Shijimijiru 蜆汁, しじみ汁 miso soup with corbicula clams

somurie ソムリエ sommelier for wine, fruits, vegetables and other food
fuudo somurie フードソムリエ - food sommelier

mimiudon, mimi-udon 耳うどん "Udon noodles like ears" Sano town, Tochigi

iwashi no kezuribushi 蒲原いわし削りぶし shredded dried sardines
from Kanbara, Shizuoka

Presents during all seasons

Dorayaki (どら焼き, どらやき, 銅鑼焼き, ドラ焼き) bean-jam pancake

Sukiyaki (鋤焼 / すき焼き meat hot pot "Japanese steamboat"

yudeboshi daikon ゆで干し大根 cooked, dried radish stripes from Nagasaki prefecture

shin yasai, shinyasai 新野菜 new types of vegetables
Not native to Japan. a long LIST

dentoo yasai 伝統野菜 traditional vegetables
heritage vegetables. a LIST

Restaurants and Menues

Tsukimi dango 月見団子 Dumplings for Moon Viewing and other kinds of DANGO

gyoojana 行者菜 Gyojana, "green chives for mountain ascetics" Yamagata

Milk and milk products LIST
Butter, Cheese, Sweets, Yoghurt
Pudding (purin プリン)
Ice cream (aisu アイス) Eiscreme
Chocolate チョコレート chocoreeto

. . . BUZZWORDS buzzwords


Addidions in 2009

Addidions in 2008


BACKUP Washoku 2009

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Use SEARCH THIS BLOG ONLY on the right sidebar to find your keyword.


NEWSLETTER ... latest additions

History of Japanese Food


piiman ピーマン green sweet pepper, pimiento, pimento bell pepper. Paprika

okura オクラ Okra Abelmoschus esculentus. Gombofrucht

Aloe vera (aroe アロエベラ)

aisukuriimu アイスクリーム ice cream aisu: soft cream, ice candy, soft ice. Speiseeis, Eis

Cha 茶 O-Cha. tea, chai Tee

Imodango 芋だんごdumplings with sweet potatoes as base

Kagoshima local dishes


Naniwa yasai なにわ野菜 local vegetables from Naniwa (Osaka area) 浪花野菜

Suita kuwai 吹田くわい arrowhead from Suita town, Osaka

chanpuru チャンプル Champuru "mixed ingredients" and other dishes from Okinawa

Umeboshi 梅干 dried pickled salty plums

Nara Prefecture 奈良県
Asukanabe 飛鳥鍋 hodgepodge from Asuka, with milk
so 蘇(そ)酥 / 蘇 milk products of old、Asuka no So 飛鳥の蘇
Miwa soomen 三輪そうめん somen from Miwa
kuzu ryoori 葛料理 dishes made from arrowroot starch
chagayu 大和の茶がゆ rice gruel cooked with tea

Karashi 芥子 mustard, the plant and the condiment

Himiko, Yamataikoku and Yoshinogari 卑弥呼 / 邪馬台国 / 吉野ヶ里 in Saga, Kyushu
Himiko senbei 卑弥呼せんべい
Himiko manju 卑弥呼饅頭
Yamataikoku manjuu 邪馬台国饅頭
noodles the old style 吉野ヶ里古代麺
Sablee from Yoshinogari 吉野ヶ里 サブレー and more

Saga prefecture 佐賀県 Local specialities

Watarikaki 渡利牡蠣(わたりかき)Oysters from Mie prefecture

Mukimono むきもの Vegetables cut to artistic figures

Sesame street セサミストリート cookies and lunchboxes

Akagai 赤貝 "red clam", arc clam
Edo wazurai 江戸患い "the Illness of Edo", and Kagurazaka 神楽坂

Bernd Siefert ベアンド ・ ジーフェルトPatisserie, Von Michelstadt nach Japan

Yufuin Hot Spring 湯布院 Specialities Oita, Kyushu.

Ariakekai 有明海 Ariake Sea Kyushu. Ariake Dishes 有明料理

Daikotaki 大根焚きDaikotaki Cooking Radishes for Saint Nichiren
and Yuzumeshi, yuzu gohan ゆず御飯

Kokerazushi こけら寿司 / 柿寿司 / こけら鮨 layered sushi from Okayama

Shusseuo, shusse uo 出世魚 "career fish"

Kyoto obanzai 京のおばんざい home-cooking from Kyoto (omawari おまわり, お雑用 ozayoo). obansai

Maguro 鮪 (まぐろ) tuna, tunafish, Thunfisch

Matsuura zuke, Matsuurazuke 松浦漬け whale pickles from Matsuura

Kintaro 金太郎 .. a sardine and a candy

mozuku もずく(水雲/海蘊) seaweed, Nemacystis decipiens

mokuzugani 藻屑蟹 / モクズガニ Japanese mitten crab

Food safety in Japan

Kabocha 南瓜 (かぼちゃ) pumpkin, squash

Unzen yusenpei ゆせんぺい senbei from hot sprint water Nagasaki, Mount Unzen

Gion doofu 祇園豆腐 Gion Tofu From Niken Chaya 二軒茶屋, Kyoto

Kanda Daruma 神田のたい焼き屋 達磨 with Daruma Taiyaki waffles in the form of a sea bream and Fudo yaki 不動焼き from the temple Sayama Fudoji 狭山不動寺.

Hatoyama apples 鳩山 リンゴ

yakiboshi 焼き干し "grilled and dried" small sardines

Hyogo Prefecture Dishes

horumon udon ホルモンうどん udon noodles with innards Tsuyama town, Okayama

Saitama Prefecture Dishes

Tochigi Santaka 栃木三鷹
"three hawk talons" from Tochigi
chilli peppers

kachidokimeshi (かちどき飯)"rice to win the battle" in memory of Uesugi Kenshin

unagi manjuu うなぎ饅頭 bun with eel filling Mishima, Shizuoka.

Kurashiki specialities, Okayama prefecture Kurashiki Sushi.

shagiri manjuu しゃぎり饅頭 buns in the form of cart wheels Murakami, Niigata

Yokai nabe 妖怪鍋 Monster Soup and other monster dishes

Kiru 切る cutting food

Komaijiru 氷下魚汁(こまいじる)soup with saffron cod
hoshi komai 乾氷下魚(ほしこまい)dried saffron cod

niken chaya mochi 二軒茶屋餅(にけんちゃやもち) from Ise, Kakuya 角屋

Izushi 飯寿司 and hatahata ハタハタ dishes from Akita shottsuru しょっつる【塩汁】

Buri 鰤 (ぶり) yellowtail, Gelbschwanz Seriola quinqueradiata

mashumaro マシュマロ marshmallow and Guimauve, gimoobu ギモーブ.

Chinowagayu, chinowa-gayu 茅の輪粥 rice porridge
chi no wa kayu, served on the last day of the sixth month.

Yahataimo, Yahata-imo やはたいも taro from Yahata Yamanashi prefecture

Mamori, omamori, o-mamori お守り Talismans, amuletts and food

Akagai and Matsuo Basho at the Temple Kanman-Ji, Kisakata

Japanese Table Manner 和食作法 Ishimura Kanae 石邨可奈江, Okayama Grace Finishing School グレースフィニッシングスクール. Table manners

bubuzuke ぶぶづけ/ ぶぶ漬け ochazuke from Kyoto お茶漬け and furikake 振り掛け

Kanpyoo 干瓢calabash . Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida. Kampyo, Kanpyo.

Shishigatani kabocha 鹿ヶ谷かぼちゃ pumpkin from Shishigatani, Kyoto

Kyuusu teapot 急須 (kyusu) for green tea

Kokubun-ji Daifuku 国分寺大福 Kokubunji-Dumpling From Temple Kokubun-Ji, Shizuoka

mentaiko 明太子 marinated roe of pollock and
Banana Fair in Mojiko Retro 門司港レトロ / バナナフェア. Fukuoka dishes. Yanagibashi Coop Market 柳橋市場

ikijime (活き締め) ikejime (いけじめ / 活けじめ) fast killing of a fish

Akita, Ugo Town and pretty girl sketches advertisements 秋田県羽後町 Aoi Nishimata 西又葵, rice Akita Komachi あきたこまち

Polititians and Food
Hatoyama Yukio Bisquits 鳩山民衆サブレー / 鳩山サブレー Hatoyama Sabure 鳩山由紀夫
Aso Taro 麻生太郎、Fujikawa Yuri 藤川ゆり, Ozawa Ichiro 小沢一郎 : Manju
Obama Manju

McDonald’s “Nippon All-Stars” series and Mr. James Mr.ジェームスの食べある記. 日本マクドナルド

Hooroku 焙烙 / 炮烙 / ホーロク / ほうろくearhten roasting pot and Hooroku Jizo ほうろく地蔵 and a kyogen play, 炮烙割り "smashing pots"

yudebishi 茹菱(ゆでびし)boiled water chestnuts hishi . water chestnut and related kigo

Shabushabu しゃぶしゃぶ, sukiyaki 鋤焼 (すきやき) and other beef dishes wagyuu, wagyu 和牛 Japanese beef

Japanisches Essen im Laufe der Geschichte
Ein historischer Abriss

Dishes from Tochigo Prefecture 栃木県
gyooza 餃子, Utsunomiya gyooza
shimotsukare しもつかれ Shimotsuke Family Dish
suiton すいとん(法度汁)dumpling soup
yuba ryoori 湯波料理 dishes with yuba soymilk skin and many mroe

ninjin shirishiri 人参しりしり chopped carrots from Okinawa

Sweets from Western Japan

arare ochazuke あられお茶漬 arare senbei with green tea from Mie prefecture 三重県

Sake no Hosomichi 酒のほそ道 "The Narrow Road of Ricewine"
Manga about food, with haiku, by ラズウェル細木 Rozwell Hosoki, Roswell Hosoki

Shibazuke しば漬け / 柴漬け Perilla pickles with eggplant Kyoto. and more tsukemono pickles.

menjitsuyu 綿実油 cotton seed oil

Kurofune monaka 黒船最中 Black Ship wafers

Cup Noodles with Gundam ガンダム カップヌードル GUNPLA CUP NOODLES

Daruma pan だるまパン Daruma bread

Monaka 最中  もなかwafers, waffles
Daruma monaka だるまもなか Daruma wafers

Shiro 城 Castle Burgen. and related food items

Bunraku and Joruri 文楽.浄瑠璃 and wasabi

kenkoo shokuhin 健康食品 health food

Orio Kashiwameshi 折尾駅  かしわめし Kitakyushu

Danshi Gohan 男子ごはん, 太一×ケンタロウ men are cooking !
. . . bentoo danshi 弁当男子 lunchbox men

mizunasu, mizu nasu 水なす "water-eggplant" from Southern Osaka

karee カレー curry and many curry dishes


YASAI . Vegetable Saijiki

Train station lunch boxes ... ABC

Addidions in 2008


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Latest Additions 2008

nonbee 呑兵衛 (のんべえ) Nonbei, nombei, drinker, alcoholic Trinker, Alkoholiker

yukishio, yuki shio, yukijio 雪塩 snow-salt from Miyakojima Island. Salt (shio)

Takuan, takuanzuke 沢庵漬 (たくあんづけ) Takuan radish pickles and Priest Takuan Soho

Shiitake, maitake, matsutake, nameko and many other mushrooms Mushroom (ki no ko, kinoko), dobin mushi

Chuukanabe, wok 中華なべ 囲炉裏鍋, irori nabe, donabe earthen pot and more pots and pans

Mogura daikon もぐら大根 "mole radish" and other dishes from Gunma prefecture

Teppanyaki 鉄板焼き fried (or grilled) on an iron plate or pan and other fried or grilled food, yakiniku 焼き肉

oyaki, o-yaki おやき , お焼き, 御焼(き)grilled dumplings with vegetables
mit Gemüse gefüllte Reisküchlein

Italian food イタリアン料理 Spaghetti, Pizza, Pasta, Doria, Pesto

ramune ラムネ lemonade and other Summer Drinks

biiru ビール
beer : Bier
and local beer (jibiiru 地ビール)

budooshu ぶどうしゅ、葡萄酒 wine

shinsen 神饌(しんせん) Shinto - Food offerings

shirasu elvers . しらすの釜揚げ boiled shirasu from Shonan

Rakkasei 落花生 (らっかせい) Peanuts from Chiba

FAGI FOODS ファジフーズ Fagiano Okayama ファジアーノ岡山

Miele Guide of Asian Restaurants ミーレガイド
Miele KITCHEN(ミーレ・キッチン)

gekiyasu bentoo 激安弁当 extremely cheap lunchbox

Osaka no kui-daore くいだおれ kuidaore

hamakonabe, hamako nabe 浜子鍋 hodgepodge for the "beach children" Hiroshima

Shoochuu 焼酎 (しょうちゅう) Shochu
strong distilled liquor, Schnaps

Haneki shibori sake 撥ね木搾り(はねぎしぼり)酒

Yakimochi Fudoo Son 焼き餅不動尊in Gunma

"salt road" 塩の道 shio no michi
from Niigata to Matsumoto, Nagano

Firefly squid (hotaruika, hotaru ika ホタルイカ(蛍烏賊))

Squid, cuttlefish dishes (ika ryoori イカ料理, 烏賊料理)  

Chinmi and fish roe dishes

Bean curd (tofu, toofu, dofu 豆腐) and haiku

Mamakari ままかり Fish dishes from Okayama

Koohii 黒だるまコーヒー Black Daruma Coffee

kankoro かんころ 甘古呂 flower from sweet potatoes
kankoro dango かんころ団子
kankoro soba かんころそば

kinpira キンピラ simmered root vegetables

Uni 海胆 (うに) sea urchin and sea urchin roe (uni 雲丹)

Satsumaimo, satsuma imo 薩摩薯(さつまいも)sweet potatoes

Horse meat, baniku (ばにく/ 馬肉)

Kenchinjiru けんちんじる(巻繊汁) vegetable soup from temple Kenchoji, Kamakura

God of Cooking, Iwakamutsukari no Mikoto 磐鹿六雁命

History of Japanese Food Culture

Issunbooshi bentoo 一寸法師弁当 Issun-Boshi Bento for Tom Thumb

Gokuraku Onkei 極楽温鶏 whole steamed chicken from Oita 極楽温鶏

BUTA ... Pig and Pork (buta, ton 豚 ぶた)

Daietto ダイエット Diet and fasting ... the extreme : Sokushinbutsu 即身仏

Manga, Anime and Japanese Food Culture
料理漫画. 料理アニメ. グルメ漫画

Dishes from Tokyo 東京

Wrapping Paper Art / Food Art

Ramen, raamen ラーメン Chinese noodle soup

Hakata no shio 伯方の塩 salt from Hakata island

Sweets from Hokkaido 北海道スィーツ Hokkaido Sweets

Ainu Dishes, Hokkaido アイヌ料理

Tosa no Inaka Sushi 土佐の田舎寿司 sushi from the countryside of Tosa

Kagawa dishes 香川 Shikoku Takamatsu, Shodoshima

World Tasty Museum 世界食文化博物館 Imabari, Ehime. Nihon Shokken

Rokuben, Bento for a kabuki performance ろくべん, 大鹿歌舞伎 Nagano.

Famine and Hunger periods during the Edo period . kikin 飢饉

Sweets from Tohoku 東北の甘いもの

Tottori dishes 鳥取

Recycle, Reuse, Re-use Wiederverwendung von Lebensmitteln

Yam 長芋, Taro 里芋 and sweet potatoes 薩摩芋 Dioscorea japonica. Colocasia esculenta. Ipomoea batatas.

Shooyu purin 小豆島醤油プリン Soy Sauce Pudding from Shodoshima

Kani 蟹料理 CRAB dishes

Oiri, yomeiri おいり 嫁入り sweets for the bride

Kamaboko (蒲鉾, かまぼこ) Fish paste, fish cake, ground fish on boards

Cooking methods : yaku and ...yaki

Kitaoji Rosanjin (北大路魯山人)
UTSUWA うつわ【器】, vessel or dish
hassunzara, hassun sara 八寸皿 Hassun-plate for kaiseki
hirazara ひらざら【平皿】 flat dish
kakuzara かくざら【角皿】 plate with four corners
kareezara カレー皿 plate for curry rice
sara, ban さら 【皿・盤】 plate, dish, saucer, platter
kozara 小皿 small plate
torizara 取り皿 small plate
ukezara 受け皿 saucer
hachi はち【鉢】 bowls of all kinds
daibachi 大鉢 big bowl
fukabachi 深鉢 deep bowl
kakubachi 角鉢 square bowl
katakuchi bachi 片口鉢 bowl with a spout on one side
kobachi 小鉢 small bowl
mamebachi 豆鉢 very small bowl
meshiwan めしわん【飯椀/飯碗】 bowl for rice
tonsui とんすい small bowl with a handle
cups : kappu カップ cup
sakazuki 杯/ さかずき small cup for hot sake
yunomi 湯のみ(湯呑み) small tea cups.

Washoku .. Onegai Daruma



WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes

JANUARY ... ichigatsu 一月

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NEWSLETTER .. Daruma 2010


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DARUMA ... Additions 2010

Kanban kenchiku 看板建築 billboard architecture
signboard architecture
. . . . . and
Town Houses of Kyoto, Kyoto Machiya 京都町屋

Harimi はりみ paper dustpan

Tokaido 東海道五十三次
The 53 stations of the Tokaido

Fukuda Kodoojin 福田古道人 Fukuda Kodojin (1865-1944) Painter and Haiku Poet

Keeki だるまケーキ Daruma Cakes of all kinds - cake

Fue 笛 Flute, Daruma playing flute

Kawai Toshiaki 河合豊彰 and Origami Daruma 折り紙

Men お面不動明王 Masks with Fudo Myo-O A big collection !

Kasukabe Dolls 春日部張子 Daruma on a catfish, Watonai 和唐内 / 和藤内 Watoonai

Senjafuda 千社札 Shrine Tags

E-Tegami, etegami 絵手紙 <> Handpainted Letters and Postcards (like Haiga)

Taimadera 当麻寺 / 當麻寺 and the Taima Mandala 当麻曼荼羅図

Gion Festival (Gion matsuri) Kyoto, Japan

Daruma Sushi だるま 寿司

Tagami Kikusha 田上菊舎 Haiku poet and painter. (1753 - 1826)

Lodging, inn, guest house (hatago (旅籠, 旅篭))

Conch trumpet plant (horagai soo) Japan. Impatiens textorii. Jewelweed. all about the horagai conch trumpet and yamabushi

Sakaori no Miya and Yamato Takeru 酒折宮 . 日本武尊

Danjiri Matsuri Festivals だんじり祭り Autumn festivals

Nagoya matsuri 名古屋祭り Nagoya Festival

Otsu Matsuri 大津祭 Otsu Festival

Nijo Castle 二条城 (Nijoo-joo) Kyoto and the Shikidai Hall

Ninja 忍者 spies of the Edo period

Hatomugi cha はとむぎ ダルマ and dokudami cha. Job's tears tea.

Gosho Imperial Palace in Kyoto 京都御所 Kyoto Gosho

Hisui 翡翠 / ヒスイ jade and menoo 瑪瑙 agate

Ishida Mitsunari 石田三成 1560 - November 6, 1600. Samurai

Natori Shunsen 名取春仙 1886 - 1960. Hanga artist. and Ogiwara Seisensui 荻原井泉水

Oshaburi おしゃぶり teething ring Beissring, Schnuller

Nebuta Matsuri ねぶた祭 Nebuta Festival and Daruma Daishi Float

Shimizu Seifu (Seifuu) 清水清風 (1851 - 1913) Woodblock prints of Toys

Kama, Daruma kama ダルマ鎌 sickle called DARUMA

Roadside sanctuaries, wayside shrines (tsujidoo 辻堂) Tsujido

Xavier, Saint Francis Xavier, sei Sabieru 聖ザビエル
(1506 - 1552)

Kenkoo Daruma 健康だるま for your Health
Genki Daruma for your wellbeing 元気だるま

Moon Rabbit Daruma Plant ダルマ月兎耳 Kalanchoe tomentosa


KyunKyara きゅんキャラ K-On Figures

Yookan 羊羹 sweet bean jelly kurimushi yookan 栗蒸し羊羹 with chestnuts

Arukigami 歩行神 the God of Wandering with Basho and Issa
Sozorogami そぞろ神

Harahoge Jizoo はらほげ地蔵 Harahoge Jizo, Iki Island 壱岐

Date Masamune 伊達政宗 (1567 - 1636)

Benten, Benzaiten 弁天 / 弁財天

Kumade 熊手(くまで) "hand of a bear", lucky bamboo rake
okame-ichi おかめ市(おかめいち) market for masks of "o-kame"
hyottoko ひょっとこ Hyottoko and O-Kame おかめ【阿亀】, O-Tafuku おたふく【阿多福】

Kingyo 金魚 Goldfish named フクダルマ Fuku Daruma

Kanegasaki 金崎城 / 鐘ヶ崎城 and Basho in Tsuruga
Daruma Pilgrims

Ai 藍 indigo

Sanada himo 真田紐 Sanada-himo ribbon Shogun Sanada Daruma

Inden 印伝/ 印傳 deerskin products Yamanashi prefecture
Koshuu inden 甲州印傳(こうしゅういんでん)

yookai daruma 妖怪ダルマ Daruma as a monster
some are from the gegege no Kitaro manga

Darumappa Ten Exhibition だるまッパ展 April 2010

Nagai Yasuo 永井康夫 Laquer Tableware

Seruroido ningyoo セルロイド人形 celluloid dolls
セルロイド玩具 celluloid toys

Kiriko 切子だるま cut glass Edo Kiriko 江戸切子, Satsuma Kiriko 薩摩切子

Ikkyu Sojun 一休宗純 (1394-1481) Zen priest

Hachi 鉢 small pot

Gate (門 mon, kado) Temple gate (sanmon)

Miroku Bosatsu 弥勒菩薩 Maitreya

Shomen Kongo 青面金剛 Shoomen Kongoo

Kichijoten 吉祥天 Kichijooten (Lakshmi, Shri Mahadevi)

Idaten 韋駄天 (Skanda)

Daigensui, Taigen (Atavaka) 大元帥明王

Gigeiten 伎芸天 Daijizai Tennyo 大自在天女
. . . and Daijizai Ten 大自在天 (Shiva)

Pagoda and Stupa (too 塔 )

Fugen Bosatsu (Samantabhadra) 普賢菩薩 and the White Elephant

Eta and Burakumin 穢多 (えた) / 部落民 the "Untouchables" of Japan

Sacred Symbols in Profane Japan Exhibition, Scholten Japanese Art

Utasebune 打瀬船 fishing boat for shrimp

Yamato Province (大和国 Yamato no Kuni)

Fishing Methods in Japan

Oshoo Daruma だるま和尚 Osho, the Priest Daruma

Takita Sakae, actor and carver 滝田栄 Fudo Myo-O statue

Samekawa Jinja Misogi 佐女川神社
Cold Water Ablutions at Shrine Samekawa



Hiraizumi, temple Motsu-Ji and Chuson-Ji, the Fujiwara clan
平泉、毛越寺、中尊寺, 藤原 (Mootsuuji, Chuusonji)

Kishibojin 鬼子母神 at temple Miidera 千団子祭 festival of the one thousand dango

Tagai Kansho (Tagai Kanshoo 互井観章) "Mr Happiness" / ハピネス観章 the rapping monk of temple Kyo-O-Ji 経王寺, Tokyo

. . . Kigo with Daruma himself !

gookaku 合格(ごうかく)pass an examination with the help of Daruma san

Nichiren 日蓮 Saint Nichiren (1222 - 1282)

Goshiki 五色 The Five Colors of Buddhism

Banzai Daruma by Mauricio Eiji

Wall sticker, wallpaper ウォールステッカーだるま

Hakobi Daruma hakobi だるま運び Carry-around Daruma. Game

Urushi 漆工芸 laquer and Daruma : Introduction

Fude Daruma 筆だるま / Daruma Fude だるま筆 Daruma fude as a pen

Daruma mikan 達磨蜜柑(だるまみかん)mikan named Daruma

Matsuyama no Hime Daruma 松山の姫だるま Princess Daruma from Matsuyama

Jimotsu 持物 What is Daruma holding?

Me-ire - Painting Eyes for Daruma 達磨の目入れ Daruma and his EYES

Sunafumi 砂踏み <> O-Sunafumi, osunafumi, Stepping on Sacred Sand

Temple Jindai-Ji and the Ajikan meditation 深大寺の達磨市 to 阿字観

Daruma Days, book by Terry Watada

WHO is Daruma ? Introduction

Goma aburi-ki 胡麻あぶり器 Sesame seed roasting pot Type of Horoku (hooroku)

Curry from GLICO グリコカレー / glico カレー職人 Gookaku 合格 to pass the examination

Hachiman and Hachiman Shrine festivals Yahata Festivals
Tsurugaoka Hachiman-gū (鶴岡八幡宮)
Iwashimizu Hachiman-gū (石清水八幡宮)


Miwa, Omiwa Jinja 大三輪神社 and Mount Miwa三輪山. Mimoro yama 三諸山. Nara

Bonten 梵天 Brahma

Daikokuten, Daikoku 大黒天

Benten, Suiten and water deities 弁天、水天

Sumiyoshi Myoojin 住吉明神 Sumiyoshi Myojin and Sumiyoshi Shrines in Japan 住吉神社 Sumiyoshi Jinja

Gifu Hashima Train Station and Enku 岐阜羽島

Sakasa Jizo さかさ地蔵 "upside down" Jizo

Eigen-ji 永源寺 Temple and 寂室元光 Jakushitsu Genko

Daruma Sunset (Daruma yuuhi だるま夕日)

Sakamoto Royma (Ryuma) 坂本龍馬 (1836 - 1867). Ryomaden 竜馬伝


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World Kigo Database

Daruma Museum Waitinglist

. . . . . . . . . . . .Daruma Museum Archives since 2007

Daruma Digest January 2005


