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to the various BLOG entries
or e-mail them to me.
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You do not have to be a member of any haiku club
to submit your haiku.
Previously published haiku are also welcome.
This Database wants to serve ALL HAIJIN WORLDWIDE.
Please bookmark this page !

Keywords, non-seasonal haiku topics, all year topics, all season topics, miscellaneous
no season, muki 無季、無期 ...
. SAIJIKI - the complete WKD-LIST
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
Reporting since March 11, 2011
SEARCH all my articles

. Join Joys of Japan - Poetry - Facebook .
To share your love for Japan after March 11, 2011!
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. Edo Haikai 江戸俳諧 Haiku and Hokku .
................................................................ 2013
. WKD : NEWS - Latest Additions .
. Basho, Matsuo Basho .
. Buson, Yosa Buson .
. Issa, Kobayashi Issa .
. Keywords for Haiku .
. Shiki, Masaoka Shiki .
. WKD Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food Saijiki
KIGO HOTLINE - Discussion Forum
Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
Inahata Teiko (1931 -)
President of the Japan Traditional Haiku Association
If you find a mistake, please contact me for corrections.
Thank you for visiting the World Kigo Database !
And come back soon !
Gabi Greve, Japan
Start of the WKD in May 2004

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Latest Additions to the
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. World Kigo Database
Please add your haiku as a comment
to the various BLOG entries
or e-mail them to me.
Contact me ! Ask me !
You do not have to be a member of any haiku club
to submit your haiku.
Previously published haiku are also welcome.
This Database wants to serve ALL HAIJIN WORLDWIDE.
Please bookmark this page !
Keywords, non-seasonal haiku topics, all year topics, all season topics, miscellaneous
no season, muki 無季、無期 ...
. SAIJIKI - the complete WKD-LIST
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
Reporting since March 11, 2011
SEARCH all my articles

. Join Joys of Japan - Poetry - Facebook .
To share your love for Japan after March 11, 2011!
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. Edo Haikai 江戸俳諧 Haiku and Hokku .
................................................................ 2013
. WKD : NEWS - Latest Additions .
. Basho, Matsuo Basho .
. Buson, Yosa Buson .
. Issa, Kobayashi Issa .
. Keywords for Haiku .
. Shiki, Masaoka Shiki .
. WKD Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food Saijiki
KIGO HOTLINE - Discussion Forum
Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
Inahata Teiko (1931 -)
President of the Japan Traditional Haiku Association
If you find a mistake, please contact me for corrections.
Thank you for visiting the World Kigo Database !
And come back soon !
Gabi Greve, Japan
Start of the WKD in May 2004
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Darumapedia - Additions (01)
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Additions to the
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. WKD Newsletter - Darumapedia .
SEARCH all my articles

. WKD Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies

Additions to the
.. .. .. .. .. Darumapedia
. WKD Newsletter - Darumapedia .
SEARCH all my articles

. WKD Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
Newsletter 2012
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Newsletter 2012
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. World Kigo Database
Keywords, non-seasonal haiku topics, all year topics, all season topics, miscellaneous
no season, muki 無季、無期 ...
the complete WKD-LIST
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
Reporting since March 11, 2011
. Join Joys of Japan - Poetry .
on facebook
................................................................ December 2012
Rashomon Gate, Kyoto Japan
Nose (hana)
Luggage (nimotsu) Japan. wicker trunk (koori)
Aristocrats (kuge) Japan
Beard (hige) Japan
Khat, miraa (Catha edulis) Kenya
Cultural Keywords used by Matsuo Basho
Hut,thatched hut, hermitage (iori, an) Japan
Tempel bells (kane) haiku by Basho
Mukai Chine 向井千子 (? - 1688)
Six in the morning (akemutsu, asamutsu) Japan
Mallomars chocolate cookies New Jersey, USA. Mohrenkopf
Ukiyo 浮世 floating world
Scouting for food USA
Mochi rice cakes and Matsuo Basho haiku
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Nobunaga Memorial Day (Nobunaga Ki) Oda Nobunaga (June 23, 1534 – June 21, 1582)
Morin khuur horse-headed fiddle Mongolia
Dumitru Prunariu Romania
Obama, Barack Obama USA
Melbourne cup horse race Australia
Aswang shape shifter Philippines
Pasig River, Manila Philippines
Kesz Valdez Philippines
Kapre monster Philippines
Holland (Oranda) the Dutch Delegation in Edo. Japan
Bhajan Hindu Music India
Kagami Shikoo 各務支考 Kagami Shiko (1665 - 1731)
Pashmina shawl, Kashmir India
Dragon Haiku by Matsuo Basho Japan
Firooz, Soosan Firooz, Sosan Afghanistan, rap singer
Rimrock North America.
Mongolian Camel Mongolia
Face, faces (kao, tsura) Japan
Shadow play, shadow puppets Malaysia
Carpenter (daiku, tooryoo) Japan
Yee Sang fish salad Malaysia
World Poverty Day - October 17 Worldwide
Mindanao Island Philippines
Felix Baumgartner
Tudor Gheorghe Romania
Gensei memorial day Japan. Monk Gensei (1623―1668)
Blue grass Mongolia
Takhi wild horses, Przewalski's horse Mongolia
Mo Yan, novelist China
Antelope, Saiga antelope Mongolia, Kenya
Malala Yousafzai Swat, Pakistan
Enomoto Shidoo 槐本之道 Shido
(1659?−1708) Tookoo - 東湖 - Toko "East Lake"
Sugiyama Sanpu 杉山杉風 (Sampu) (1647 - 1732)
Arthur's Day - Arthur Guinness Worldwide
Harumafuji Yokozuna Mongolia, Japan
Sora, Kawai Sora 河合曾良 (1649 - 1710)
. Williams, Andy Williams . USA
Mynah bird, myna India. Fam. Sturnidae
Homi, Khöömei throat song Mongolia
Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota) wild carrots North America
Steppe, Mongolian-Manchurian steppe
Tumbleweed, tumbleweeds Mongolia, North America
Marigold Tagetes and Calendula India, Japan
Lao Tzu, Laozi 老子 Lao Tse. China
Playing for Change Day Worldwide
Feather, feathers Mongolia, Japan
Edelweiss Mongolia, Japan
Fujiwara no Teika 藤原定家 (1162 –1241)
Donryu Memorial Day, September 3, 1623) (Donryuu ki) Japan
Sepak Takraw ball game Malaysia
Carless car free Sunday Europe
Cherry blossoms in Mongolia
Tiger Balm Gardens China
Beas River Punjab, India
Gilgamesh - the Epic Mesopotamia
Magpie (kasasagi) Magpie-Robin (Pica Pica) Japan. India.
Kookaburra kingfisher Australia
Yanagita Kunio Memorial Day Japan
Skink, blue-tongued skink skink family (Scincidae). Australia
Cosplay, costume play (kosupure) Japan, USA
Stilts "Bamboo horse" (take uma, takeuma) Japan. Stelzen
Sakazuki, cup for ricewine, sake cup Japan
Katsumi Jiryuu 勝見二柳 (1723 ?1722 -1803) Japan
Shikishi - Decoration Board Japan
Minaret - tower of a mosque Worldwide
Jonan Shrine Festival (Joonan matsuri) Kyoto, Japan
Handa Inari Shrine Festivals Tokyo, Japan
Absolving of lies (seimonbarai) Kyoto, Japan
Meadowlark - Wyoming USA
Henry Prince of Wales England
Labour Day, Labor Day - USA
Niukawakami shrine festival (Niukawakami matsuri)
and rain rituals in Japan
Rose chafer (Cetonia aurata) Europe
Golden Eagle Festival Mongolia
Eastwooding, Clint Eastwood USA
Blue Moon worldwide
Crocodile - Bujang Senang Malaysia
Kureha Shrine Festivals (Kureha Jinja) Osaka, Japan
Kureha Hime and Ayaha Hime for Weavers
Month of Shawwal Yemen
Babbler bird (Turdoides striata) India
Alma, aalma, amalika - Indian gooseberry Phyllanthus emblica
Kirishima Shrine Festivals Kagoshima, Japan
Sumo wrestling until babies cry (nakizumoo) Japan
Matsumura Goshun Gekkei (1752 - 1811) Japan
Higgs boson particle
Hakozaki Hachimangu Shrine Festival Fukuoka, Japan
Blue Ridge Mountains USA
- - - and Appalachian dulcimer
Duckbill, duckmole, platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) Australia
Possum, fam. Diprodontia Australia
Miyazaki Keiko 宮崎荊口 (? - 1725)
Damaru drum, damru India
Fire, fires, blaze Kenya
Tit, Chickadee, Meise (Parus major) Japan, Canada, North America
Raga Chandar Kauns, Chandarkauns Moon raga India
Togakushi festival (Togakushi matsuri) Nagano, Japan
Tipi, teepee, Lakota tent North America
Tropical night (nettaiya) Japan
Pussy Riot Rock Band Russia
Giddarpirhi mushroom (Trametes versicolor)
Elvis Presley
Baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) India
Rajanigandha (Polianthes tuberosa) India
Arakida Moritake 1473 – August 30, 1549
. WKD Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
Quisqualis indica. Chinese honeysuckle India
Raksha Bandhan - Bond of Protection - Rakhi Purnima India
Miyagi Prefecture Festivals Japan
Fantail Flycatcher (fam. Rhipiduridae) India
Dargah Sufi Islamic Shrine Sufism, India
Tear, tears (namida) Japan. Träne, Tränen
Roundness (hito-marume), round things Japan
Kalyani, kalyan, kalyaan - raga music India
- - - Mongolia SAIJIKI - - -
Month of Sawan (Savan) in Punjab
Chickpeas (kala chana) India
Pinoy street food Philippines
- Thailand Saijiki -
Liatris - Blazing-Star North America
Kingfisher (kawasemi) Japan. Eisvogel
Slug (namekuji) Nacktschnecke Japan
Talk, talking
Ariwara no Narihira 在原業平 Japan
Moti Bagh Palace Punjab, India
Japji hymns (Jabji hymns) India
Igusa rush (Juncus effusus) Japan
Sakai Hoitsu 酒井抱一 Sakai Hooitsu (1761 - 1829)
Orchids in Summer Japan
Sanziana, Yellow Bedstraw (Galium verum) Romania
Hayashi Fumiko 林芙美子 Japan
Suminoe, Sumiyoshi in Osaka Japan
Mitumba (singular : mtumba) second-hand goods Kenya
Miyazaki Prefecture Festivals Japan
Gurbani hymns Punjab, India
Trees blossoming in Summer - LIST
Evening Snow - Linanthus dichotomus North America
Ear, ears (mimi) Ohren Japan
Mount Kaguyama, Nara. Ama no Kaguyama Japan
Sutlej River India
Tago no Ura 田子の浦 Tagonoura Bay Japan
Armadillo - Dasypus novemcinctus
Nozarashi Kiko - Poetic Traveling Japan. Matsuo Basho
Big Dipper (pole star) and related kigo (hokuto) Japan
Basho walks the 中山道 Nakasendo Road Japan
Michinoku, Mutsu 陸奥 Japan
Koono Riyuu 河野 李由 Kono Riyu (1662 - 1705) Haiku poet.
Tokyo Sky Tree 東京スカイツリー Skytree Tokyo, Japan
Eclipse, solar eclipse May 21, 2012 金環日食
Kanjak Ashtami Puja and Navaratri . India
Jean Sibelius - Finnish composer
Kabir, Sant Kabir, the Poet India
Leather haori coat (kawabaori) Japan
. Poetry and Japanese Food .
Haiku 俳句 and haika 俳菓 - waka 和歌
Hagiwara Sakutaro 萩原朔太郎 Japan
Yellow, the color, Gelb
Maurice Sendak USA
Marigold (kinsenka) Calendula officinalis Japan
Kibanda hut Kenya
Challenger Space Shuttle USA
Burj Khalifa Building in Dubai Yemen
Skimmia (shikimi) miyama shikimi Skimmia japonica. Japan
Boxwood (tsuge) Buchsbaum, Buxus microphylla. Japan
Mockingbird North America
Tada Chimako 多田智満子 (1930-2003) Japan.
Sampaguita, Jasminum sambac Philippines
. Arbor Day, Tree Day .
Anzac Day (25th April)Australia
Tule fog - California USA
Agni, God of Fire and Agni V missile India
Nipa hut Philippines
Jackie Robinson Day USA
Bridges in the USA
Bay Bridge San Francisco
Brooklyn Bridge New York
Ishikawa Takuboku 石川 啄木 Japan
O no Mai (oo no mai 王の舞) dance of the king
Uwase Shrine, Wakasa, Fukui
Shidoji Temple Festival (Shidodera matsuri) Kagawa, Japan
Kuwana Festival (Kuwana matsuri) Mie, Japan
Gojinjoo daiko -
"Drums for the Shinto Gods" Wajima, Japan
Cagsawa ruins and Mount Mayon volcano Philippines
Lakota Sioux People North America
World TB Day - World Tuberculosis Day worldwide
Earth Hour worldwide
Al Khallool flute Yemen
Ornaments from Punjab and Giddha dance
Adrienne Rich (May 16, 1929 – March 27, 2012)
Nyepi, day of silence New Year. Bali, Indonesia
Jackfruit, fenesi Uganda
Kusama Yayoi Kusama Polka Dot Artist (1929 - )
Kachnar tree, orchid tree Bauhinia variegata. India
Rudraksha tree - "Rudra's eyes" mala India
Nettletree, Chinese hackberry tree (enoki) Japan
Trash day, garbage collection day Indonesia
Black Forest, Adelaide Australia
"Best of the year" list, 10 best list USA
Blind people (zatoo) and kigo
Karasaki shrine festival (Karasaki matsuri) Otsu, Shiga, Japan
Oyama festival (Ooyama matsuri) shrine Afuri Jinja, Oyama, Kanagawa
Yoshiwake Tairo Haiku Poet. (1730 - 1778)
Zama festival (Zama matsuri) Ikasuri Shrine, Osaka, Japan
Aso Shine Festival (Aso matsuri) Japan
Violet (sumire) Plant, Japan
Hola Mohalla festival Punjab, India
Shimada ame matsuri 島田飴まつり
Shimada Candy Festival Miyagi, Japan
Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis) Yemen
Tsuwano Heron Dance (Tsuwano Sagimai) Shimane, Japan
Sumomo plum festival (sumomo matsuri) Japan
Martenitsa in Bulgaria - March 1.
Gojinjoo daiko -
"Drums for the Shinto Gods" Wajima, Japan
Cagsawa ruins and Mount Mayon volcano Philippines
Lakota Sioux People North America
World TB Day - World Tuberculosis Day worldwide
Earth Hour worldwide
Al Khallool flute Yemen
Ornaments from Punjab and Giddha dance
Adrienne Rich (May 16, 1929 – March 27, 2012)
Nyepi, day of silence New Year. Bali, Indonesia
Jackfruit, fenesi Uganda
Kusama Yayoi Kusama Polka Dot Artist (1929 - )
Kachnar tree, orchid tree Bauhinia variegata. India
Rudraksha tree - "Rudra's eyes" mala India
Nettletree, Chinese hackberry tree (enoki) Japan
Trash day, garbage collection day Indonesia
Black Forest, Adelaide Australia
"Best of the year" list, 10 best list USA
Blind people (zatoo) and kigo
Karasaki shrine festival (Karasaki matsuri) Otsu, Shiga, Japan
Oyama festival (Ooyama matsuri) shrine Afuri Jinja, Oyama, Kanagawa
Yoshiwake Tairo Haiku Poet. (1730 - 1778)
Zama festival (Zama matsuri) Ikasuri Shrine, Osaka, Japan
Aso Shine Festival (Aso matsuri) Japan
Violet (sumire) Plant, Japan
Hola Mohalla festival Punjab, India
Shimada ame matsuri 島田飴まつり
Shimada Candy Festival Miyagi, Japan
Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis) Yemen
Tsuwano Heron Dance (Tsuwano Sagimai) Shimane, Japan
Sumomo plum festival (sumomo matsuri) Japan
Martenitsa in Bulgaria - March 1.
Gujarat violence 2002, Gujarat pogrom India
Sleshmantak ban Forest Nepal
Kahlo, Frida Kahlo de Rivera Mexican Painter
Bindi, the Red Dot decoration India
Sutra copying in all seasons (shakyoo) Japan
Not quite so (anagachi 強ち)
Falgun, month of falgun, PhalgunaIndia
Roben memorial day - priest Roben and Todai-Ji Nara Japan
Washington, George Washington USA
Family Day Canada
Breast, breasts (oppai, chibusa) Japan
Nose (hana) Japan, Kenya. blowing the nose
Tsunemochi matsuri -Tsunemochi festival Saitama, Japan
Yotaka lantern festival (Yotaka andon matsuri) Fukuno, Japan
Toowan kuyoo -memorial service for Chinese bowls Matsudo, Japan
Mustard greens (takana) Japan. Brassica juncea var. integlifolia
Dukh-Bhanjani Beri tree Golden Temple, Amritsar, India
Tomobata matsuri - Tomobata Flag Festival Japan
Golowan Festival Cornwall, England
Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 First Emperor Jimmu Japan
Japji Sahib - universal song of God Punjab, India
Whitney Elizabeth Houston Singer, USA
Yasukuni matsuri 靖国祭 Yasukuni shrine festival Japan
Chindonya ちんどん屋 street musician Japan
Tenzushi dance (Tenzushimai) Kofu, Japan
Kemansoo 華鬘草 "Keman flower" Japan. Lamprocapnos spectabilis, bleeding heart
Shutsugyoo-e 出行会 start of the ascetic exercises Japan
. Aurel Vlaicu - Pilot . Romania
Big Sur, California USA
Yukon River North America
Smell of urine Kenya
Bosatsu 菩薩 Bodhisattva Japan
Karl Marx Germany
Nath - nose ring India
Yoshino Yoshiko 吉野義子 (1915 - )
Thorn tree - Acacia xanthophloea Kenya
Shino pottery (Shinoyaki) Japan
Charles Dickens England
Nihang warriors Punjab, India
Panjabi Apparel Punjab, India
Patiala salwar trousers, pauncha ankle cuff
Nishan Sahib flag Punjab, India
Ooyamato shinkoosai 大和神幸祭
Festival at shrine Oyamato Jinja Nara, Japan
Dupatta scarf Punjab, India
Dukh Nivaran shrine Punjab, India
Krishna - Deity in India India and Bhagavad Gita
Yakumo - "Eight Clouds" in Japanese legend Origin of Waka
Phoebe Snow, Singer USA
Ion Luca Caragiale (1852-1912), Romania
Lip, lips (kuchibiru) Japan, Kenya
Food from Punjab India
Raj Kapoor - actor India
O-fuda nagashi, ofudanagashi お札流 floating of temple amulets Japan
Guru Granth Sahib - Adi Granth scripture Punjab. India
O-Mi-Nugui 御身拭 Ominugui
ritual cleansing of the Amida Buddha statue
Seiryooji 清涼寺 Temple Seiryo-Ji, Kyoto
Ichiya kanjoo 一夜官女 court lady for one night Japan
Cape Fear, North Carolina USA
Yakazu haikai 矢数俳諧 haiku marathon
Gusokubiraki, gusoku biraki 具足開 "opening the armour" Japan
Futomani matsuri 太占祭 Futomani festival Japan
. Haiku from Punjab . India
Ropar town, Sassui Punhun folktale, Harike Wetland, Kahwah tea, Golden Temple Amritsar, Shisham tree, Gulmohar tree . . .
Sarovar - Sacred Pool India
Phulkari embroidery Punjab, India
First Rituals at the Imperial Court Japan
Nara no Yamayaki 奈良の山焼 burning the mountain slopes at Nara Japan
Fushimi Inari Taisha Festivals 伏見稲荷大社 Kyoto, Japan
Winter Festival in Sakanbe (Sakabe) Nagano, Japan
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day USA
Hakusan shrines 白山神社 and festivals
Yoshida kiyo harae - purification ritual at Yoshida Kyoto
Tamakae matsuri, tamakae sai -
festival of exchanging auspicious balls Kurume, Fukuoka
Nishi Shichijoo taue shinji -
rice planting ceremony at Nishi Shichijo village Kyoto
Snow festival at Niino (Niino no yukimatsuri) Nagano
Naoi no shinji - driving away evil
Shrine Konomiya, Inazawa, Aichi
First shooting at the Inari shrine
(Inari no bushasai) Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto
Ichigami matsuri - festival for the God of the Market
Imigomori 亥巳籠 respectful retreat
from the first day of the wild boar (i 亥)
to the day of the snake (mi 巳)
Shiba Myoojin matsuri 芝明神祭 festival at Shiba Myojin Shrine
Mooja Okuri 亡者送り Seeing Off the Dead, driving out the devil
Asakusa, Moja Okuri
mogura-uchi 土龍打 "hitting the moles" . Japan
WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food Saijiki
Discussion Forum !!!!!
Current Events !!!!!
NEW Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
If you find a mistake, please contact me for corrections.
Thank you for visiting the World Kigo Database !
And come back soon !
Gabi Greve, Japan
Back to the Worldkigo Database ABC Index
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Newsletter 2012
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. World Kigo Database
Keywords, non-seasonal haiku topics, all year topics, all season topics, miscellaneous
no season, muki 無季、無期 ...
the complete WKD-LIST
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
Reporting since March 11, 2011
. Join Joys of Japan - Poetry .
on facebook
................................................................ December 2012
Rashomon Gate, Kyoto Japan
Nose (hana)
Luggage (nimotsu) Japan. wicker trunk (koori)
Aristocrats (kuge) Japan
Beard (hige) Japan
Khat, miraa (Catha edulis) Kenya
Cultural Keywords used by Matsuo Basho
Hut,thatched hut, hermitage (iori, an) Japan
Tempel bells (kane) haiku by Basho
Mukai Chine 向井千子 (? - 1688)
Six in the morning (akemutsu, asamutsu) Japan
Mallomars chocolate cookies New Jersey, USA. Mohrenkopf
Ukiyo 浮世 floating world
Scouting for food USA
Mochi rice cakes and Matsuo Basho haiku
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Nobunaga Memorial Day (Nobunaga Ki) Oda Nobunaga (June 23, 1534 – June 21, 1582)
Morin khuur horse-headed fiddle Mongolia
Dumitru Prunariu Romania
Obama, Barack Obama USA
Melbourne cup horse race Australia
Aswang shape shifter Philippines
Pasig River, Manila Philippines
Kesz Valdez Philippines
Kapre monster Philippines
Holland (Oranda) the Dutch Delegation in Edo. Japan
Bhajan Hindu Music India
Kagami Shikoo 各務支考 Kagami Shiko (1665 - 1731)
Pashmina shawl, Kashmir India
Dragon Haiku by Matsuo Basho Japan
Firooz, Soosan Firooz, Sosan Afghanistan, rap singer
Rimrock North America.
Mongolian Camel Mongolia
Face, faces (kao, tsura) Japan
Shadow play, shadow puppets Malaysia
Carpenter (daiku, tooryoo) Japan
Yee Sang fish salad Malaysia
World Poverty Day - October 17 Worldwide
Mindanao Island Philippines
Felix Baumgartner
Tudor Gheorghe Romania
Gensei memorial day Japan. Monk Gensei (1623―1668)
Blue grass Mongolia
Takhi wild horses, Przewalski's horse Mongolia
Mo Yan, novelist China
Antelope, Saiga antelope Mongolia, Kenya
Malala Yousafzai Swat, Pakistan
Enomoto Shidoo 槐本之道 Shido
(1659?−1708) Tookoo - 東湖 - Toko "East Lake"
Sugiyama Sanpu 杉山杉風 (Sampu) (1647 - 1732)
Arthur's Day - Arthur Guinness Worldwide
Harumafuji Yokozuna Mongolia, Japan
Sora, Kawai Sora 河合曾良 (1649 - 1710)
. Williams, Andy Williams . USA
Mynah bird, myna India. Fam. Sturnidae
Homi, Khöömei throat song Mongolia
Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota) wild carrots North America
Steppe, Mongolian-Manchurian steppe
Tumbleweed, tumbleweeds Mongolia, North America
Marigold Tagetes and Calendula India, Japan
Lao Tzu, Laozi 老子 Lao Tse. China
Playing for Change Day Worldwide
Feather, feathers Mongolia, Japan
Edelweiss Mongolia, Japan
Fujiwara no Teika 藤原定家 (1162 –1241)
Donryu Memorial Day, September 3, 1623) (Donryuu ki) Japan
Sepak Takraw ball game Malaysia
Carless car free Sunday Europe
Cherry blossoms in Mongolia
Tiger Balm Gardens China
Beas River Punjab, India
Gilgamesh - the Epic Mesopotamia
Magpie (kasasagi) Magpie-Robin (Pica Pica) Japan. India.
Kookaburra kingfisher Australia
Yanagita Kunio Memorial Day Japan
Skink, blue-tongued skink skink family (Scincidae). Australia
Cosplay, costume play (kosupure) Japan, USA
Stilts "Bamboo horse" (take uma, takeuma) Japan. Stelzen
Sakazuki, cup for ricewine, sake cup Japan
Katsumi Jiryuu 勝見二柳 (1723 ?1722 -1803) Japan
Shikishi - Decoration Board Japan
Minaret - tower of a mosque Worldwide
Jonan Shrine Festival (Joonan matsuri) Kyoto, Japan
Handa Inari Shrine Festivals Tokyo, Japan
Absolving of lies (seimonbarai) Kyoto, Japan
Meadowlark - Wyoming USA
Henry Prince of Wales England
Labour Day, Labor Day - USA
Niukawakami shrine festival (Niukawakami matsuri)
and rain rituals in Japan
Rose chafer (Cetonia aurata) Europe
Golden Eagle Festival Mongolia
Eastwooding, Clint Eastwood USA
Blue Moon worldwide
Crocodile - Bujang Senang Malaysia
Kureha Shrine Festivals (Kureha Jinja) Osaka, Japan
Kureha Hime and Ayaha Hime for Weavers
Month of Shawwal Yemen
Babbler bird (Turdoides striata) India
Alma, aalma, amalika - Indian gooseberry Phyllanthus emblica
Kirishima Shrine Festivals Kagoshima, Japan
Sumo wrestling until babies cry (nakizumoo) Japan
Matsumura Goshun Gekkei (1752 - 1811) Japan
Higgs boson particle
Hakozaki Hachimangu Shrine Festival Fukuoka, Japan
Blue Ridge Mountains USA
- - - and Appalachian dulcimer
Duckbill, duckmole, platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) Australia
Possum, fam. Diprodontia Australia
Miyazaki Keiko 宮崎荊口 (? - 1725)
Damaru drum, damru India
Fire, fires, blaze Kenya
Tit, Chickadee, Meise (Parus major) Japan, Canada, North America
Raga Chandar Kauns, Chandarkauns Moon raga India
Togakushi festival (Togakushi matsuri) Nagano, Japan
Tipi, teepee, Lakota tent North America
Tropical night (nettaiya) Japan
Pussy Riot Rock Band Russia
Giddarpirhi mushroom (Trametes versicolor)
Elvis Presley
Baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) India
Rajanigandha (Polianthes tuberosa) India
Arakida Moritake 1473 – August 30, 1549
. WKD Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months .
Quisqualis indica. Chinese honeysuckle India
Raksha Bandhan - Bond of Protection - Rakhi Purnima India
Miyagi Prefecture Festivals Japan
Fantail Flycatcher (fam. Rhipiduridae) India
Dargah Sufi Islamic Shrine Sufism, India
Tear, tears (namida) Japan. Träne, Tränen
Roundness (hito-marume), round things Japan
Kalyani, kalyan, kalyaan - raga music India
- - - Mongolia SAIJIKI - - -
Month of Sawan (Savan) in Punjab
Chickpeas (kala chana) India
Pinoy street food Philippines
- Thailand Saijiki -
Liatris - Blazing-Star North America
Kingfisher (kawasemi) Japan. Eisvogel
Slug (namekuji) Nacktschnecke Japan
Talk, talking
Ariwara no Narihira 在原業平 Japan
Moti Bagh Palace Punjab, India
Japji hymns (Jabji hymns) India
Igusa rush (Juncus effusus) Japan
Sakai Hoitsu 酒井抱一 Sakai Hooitsu (1761 - 1829)
Orchids in Summer Japan
Sanziana, Yellow Bedstraw (Galium verum) Romania
Hayashi Fumiko 林芙美子 Japan
Suminoe, Sumiyoshi in Osaka Japan
Mitumba (singular : mtumba) second-hand goods Kenya
Miyazaki Prefecture Festivals Japan
Gurbani hymns Punjab, India
Trees blossoming in Summer - LIST
Evening Snow - Linanthus dichotomus North America
Ear, ears (mimi) Ohren Japan
Mount Kaguyama, Nara. Ama no Kaguyama Japan
Sutlej River India
Tago no Ura 田子の浦 Tagonoura Bay Japan
Armadillo - Dasypus novemcinctus
Nozarashi Kiko - Poetic Traveling Japan. Matsuo Basho
Big Dipper (pole star) and related kigo (hokuto) Japan
Basho walks the 中山道 Nakasendo Road Japan
Michinoku, Mutsu 陸奥 Japan
Koono Riyuu 河野 李由 Kono Riyu (1662 - 1705) Haiku poet.
Tokyo Sky Tree 東京スカイツリー Skytree Tokyo, Japan
Eclipse, solar eclipse May 21, 2012 金環日食
Kanjak Ashtami Puja and Navaratri . India
Jean Sibelius - Finnish composer
Kabir, Sant Kabir, the Poet India
Leather haori coat (kawabaori) Japan
. Poetry and Japanese Food .
Haiku 俳句 and haika 俳菓 - waka 和歌
Hagiwara Sakutaro 萩原朔太郎 Japan
Yellow, the color, Gelb
Maurice Sendak USA
Marigold (kinsenka) Calendula officinalis Japan
Kibanda hut Kenya
Challenger Space Shuttle USA
Burj Khalifa Building in Dubai Yemen
Skimmia (shikimi) miyama shikimi Skimmia japonica. Japan
Boxwood (tsuge) Buchsbaum, Buxus microphylla. Japan
Mockingbird North America
Tada Chimako 多田智満子 (1930-2003) Japan.
Sampaguita, Jasminum sambac Philippines
. Arbor Day, Tree Day .
Anzac Day (25th April)Australia
Tule fog - California USA
Agni, God of Fire and Agni V missile India
Nipa hut Philippines
Jackie Robinson Day USA
Bridges in the USA
Bay Bridge San Francisco
Brooklyn Bridge New York
Ishikawa Takuboku 石川 啄木 Japan
O no Mai (oo no mai 王の舞) dance of the king
Uwase Shrine, Wakasa, Fukui
Shidoji Temple Festival (Shidodera matsuri) Kagawa, Japan
Kuwana Festival (Kuwana matsuri) Mie, Japan
Gojinjoo daiko -
"Drums for the Shinto Gods" Wajima, Japan
Cagsawa ruins and Mount Mayon volcano Philippines
Lakota Sioux People North America
World TB Day - World Tuberculosis Day worldwide
Earth Hour worldwide
Al Khallool flute Yemen
Ornaments from Punjab and Giddha dance
Adrienne Rich (May 16, 1929 – March 27, 2012)
Nyepi, day of silence New Year. Bali, Indonesia
Jackfruit, fenesi Uganda
Kusama Yayoi Kusama Polka Dot Artist (1929 - )
Kachnar tree, orchid tree Bauhinia variegata. India
Rudraksha tree - "Rudra's eyes" mala India
Nettletree, Chinese hackberry tree (enoki) Japan
Trash day, garbage collection day Indonesia
Black Forest, Adelaide Australia
"Best of the year" list, 10 best list USA
Blind people (zatoo) and kigo
Karasaki shrine festival (Karasaki matsuri) Otsu, Shiga, Japan
Oyama festival (Ooyama matsuri) shrine Afuri Jinja, Oyama, Kanagawa
Yoshiwake Tairo Haiku Poet. (1730 - 1778)
Zama festival (Zama matsuri) Ikasuri Shrine, Osaka, Japan
Aso Shine Festival (Aso matsuri) Japan
Violet (sumire) Plant, Japan
Hola Mohalla festival Punjab, India
Shimada ame matsuri 島田飴まつり
Shimada Candy Festival Miyagi, Japan
Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis) Yemen
Tsuwano Heron Dance (Tsuwano Sagimai) Shimane, Japan
Sumomo plum festival (sumomo matsuri) Japan
Martenitsa in Bulgaria - March 1.
Gojinjoo daiko -
"Drums for the Shinto Gods" Wajima, Japan
Cagsawa ruins and Mount Mayon volcano Philippines
Lakota Sioux People North America
World TB Day - World Tuberculosis Day worldwide
Earth Hour worldwide
Al Khallool flute Yemen
Ornaments from Punjab and Giddha dance
Adrienne Rich (May 16, 1929 – March 27, 2012)
Nyepi, day of silence New Year. Bali, Indonesia
Jackfruit, fenesi Uganda
Kusama Yayoi Kusama Polka Dot Artist (1929 - )
Kachnar tree, orchid tree Bauhinia variegata. India
Rudraksha tree - "Rudra's eyes" mala India
Nettletree, Chinese hackberry tree (enoki) Japan
Trash day, garbage collection day Indonesia
Black Forest, Adelaide Australia
"Best of the year" list, 10 best list USA
Blind people (zatoo) and kigo
Karasaki shrine festival (Karasaki matsuri) Otsu, Shiga, Japan
Oyama festival (Ooyama matsuri) shrine Afuri Jinja, Oyama, Kanagawa
Yoshiwake Tairo Haiku Poet. (1730 - 1778)
Zama festival (Zama matsuri) Ikasuri Shrine, Osaka, Japan
Aso Shine Festival (Aso matsuri) Japan
Violet (sumire) Plant, Japan
Hola Mohalla festival Punjab, India
Shimada ame matsuri 島田飴まつり
Shimada Candy Festival Miyagi, Japan
Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis) Yemen
Tsuwano Heron Dance (Tsuwano Sagimai) Shimane, Japan
Sumomo plum festival (sumomo matsuri) Japan
Martenitsa in Bulgaria - March 1.
Gujarat violence 2002, Gujarat pogrom India
Sleshmantak ban Forest Nepal
Kahlo, Frida Kahlo de Rivera Mexican Painter
Bindi, the Red Dot decoration India
Sutra copying in all seasons (shakyoo) Japan
Not quite so (anagachi 強ち)
Falgun, month of falgun, PhalgunaIndia
Roben memorial day - priest Roben and Todai-Ji Nara Japan
Washington, George Washington USA
Family Day Canada
Breast, breasts (oppai, chibusa) Japan
Nose (hana) Japan, Kenya. blowing the nose
Tsunemochi matsuri -Tsunemochi festival Saitama, Japan
Yotaka lantern festival (Yotaka andon matsuri) Fukuno, Japan
Toowan kuyoo -memorial service for Chinese bowls Matsudo, Japan
Mustard greens (takana) Japan. Brassica juncea var. integlifolia
Dukh-Bhanjani Beri tree Golden Temple, Amritsar, India
Tomobata matsuri - Tomobata Flag Festival Japan
Golowan Festival Cornwall, England
Jinmu Tenno 神武天皇 First Emperor Jimmu Japan
Japji Sahib - universal song of God Punjab, India
Whitney Elizabeth Houston Singer, USA
Yasukuni matsuri 靖国祭 Yasukuni shrine festival Japan
Chindonya ちんどん屋 street musician Japan
Tenzushi dance (Tenzushimai) Kofu, Japan
Kemansoo 華鬘草 "Keman flower" Japan. Lamprocapnos spectabilis, bleeding heart
Shutsugyoo-e 出行会 start of the ascetic exercises Japan
. Aurel Vlaicu - Pilot . Romania
Big Sur, California USA
Yukon River North America
Smell of urine Kenya
Bosatsu 菩薩 Bodhisattva Japan
Karl Marx Germany
Nath - nose ring India
Yoshino Yoshiko 吉野義子 (1915 - )
Thorn tree - Acacia xanthophloea Kenya
Shino pottery (Shinoyaki) Japan
Charles Dickens England
Nihang warriors Punjab, India
Panjabi Apparel Punjab, India
Patiala salwar trousers, pauncha ankle cuff
Nishan Sahib flag Punjab, India
Ooyamato shinkoosai 大和神幸祭
Festival at shrine Oyamato Jinja Nara, Japan
Dupatta scarf Punjab, India
Dukh Nivaran shrine Punjab, India
Krishna - Deity in India India and Bhagavad Gita
Yakumo - "Eight Clouds" in Japanese legend Origin of Waka
Phoebe Snow, Singer USA
Ion Luca Caragiale (1852-1912), Romania
Lip, lips (kuchibiru) Japan, Kenya
Food from Punjab India
Raj Kapoor - actor India
O-fuda nagashi, ofudanagashi お札流 floating of temple amulets Japan
Guru Granth Sahib - Adi Granth scripture Punjab. India
O-Mi-Nugui 御身拭 Ominugui
ritual cleansing of the Amida Buddha statue
Seiryooji 清涼寺 Temple Seiryo-Ji, Kyoto
Ichiya kanjoo 一夜官女 court lady for one night Japan
Cape Fear, North Carolina USA
Yakazu haikai 矢数俳諧 haiku marathon
Gusokubiraki, gusoku biraki 具足開 "opening the armour" Japan
Futomani matsuri 太占祭 Futomani festival Japan
. Haiku from Punjab . India
Ropar town, Sassui Punhun folktale, Harike Wetland, Kahwah tea, Golden Temple Amritsar, Shisham tree, Gulmohar tree . . .
Sarovar - Sacred Pool India
Phulkari embroidery Punjab, India
First Rituals at the Imperial Court Japan
Nara no Yamayaki 奈良の山焼 burning the mountain slopes at Nara Japan
Fushimi Inari Taisha Festivals 伏見稲荷大社 Kyoto, Japan
Winter Festival in Sakanbe (Sakabe) Nagano, Japan
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day USA
Hakusan shrines 白山神社 and festivals
Yoshida kiyo harae - purification ritual at Yoshida Kyoto
Tamakae matsuri, tamakae sai -
festival of exchanging auspicious balls Kurume, Fukuoka
Nishi Shichijoo taue shinji -
rice planting ceremony at Nishi Shichijo village Kyoto
Snow festival at Niino (Niino no yukimatsuri) Nagano
Naoi no shinji - driving away evil
Shrine Konomiya, Inazawa, Aichi
First shooting at the Inari shrine
(Inari no bushasai) Fushimi Inari Shrine, Kyoto
Ichigami matsuri - festival for the God of the Market
Imigomori 亥巳籠 respectful retreat
from the first day of the wild boar (i 亥)
to the day of the snake (mi 巳)
Shiba Myoojin matsuri 芝明神祭 festival at Shiba Myojin Shrine
Mooja Okuri 亡者送り Seeing Off the Dead, driving out the devil
Asakusa, Moja Okuri
mogura-uchi 土龍打 "hitting the moles" . Japan
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NEW Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
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Thank you for visiting the World Kigo Database !
And come back soon !
Gabi Greve, Japan
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Keywords, non-seasonal haiku topics, all year topics, all season topics, miscellaneous
no season, muki 無季、無期 ...
the complete WKD-LIST
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
Reporting since March 11, 2011
. Join Joys of Japan - Poetry .
on facebook
................................................................ December 2011
"Deity of the Year" (Toshitokujin, toshigami) Japan
Toshibi iwai - birthday celebration at the New Year Okinawa
..... shoonen iwai - celebrating the birthday
Shishinden 紫宸殿 Hall for State Ceremonies Japan
Echigoya 越後屋 and Mitsui Store 三井 Edo, Japan
Shichikoozan mairi 七高山詣 - Nagasaki
Pilgrimage to the Seven High Mountains Japan
Miyake Shozan 三宅嘯山 Miyake Shoozan (1718 - 1801)
Chanting of the Buddhas' Names -( Butsumyo-e, Butsumyooe) Jpana
Temple Kozan-Ji 高山寺 and Saint Myoe Shonin 明恵上人
memorial service for the bugs at Toganoo
Healing Haiku, Haiku therapy, psychotherapy
Koofukuji 興福寺 Temple Kofuku-Ji, Nara
Chishaku-in rongi 智積院論義
public debate at temple Chishaku-In
Nomura Kiwao 野村喜和夫 (1951 - )
Nyudo goblin at the gate (kado nyuudoo) Japan
. Magatama jewels, curved beads .
Iwakura Daiun-Ji Temple and Waterfall Japan
Flower kagura (hana kagura, sakaki oni) Japan
Toyama December Festival (Tooyama no shimotsuki matsuri) Nagano, Japan
Isonokami Shrine (Isonokami Jingu) Festivals Japan
Tamaki Jinja 玉置神社 and Kunitokotachi Japan
Otagaki Rengetsu 太田垣 蓮月 (1791 - 1875) Waka poetess, nun Lotus Moon
Time and Space
haiku about past, present and future events
Wara ningyoo 藁人形 straw dolls for curses Japan
Rohatsu (Rohachi) ceremony at Zen temples Japan
Kurokawa Noh performance and kigo
Konpira Shrine festivals (Kompira)
Shrine Suitengu 水天宮 and festivals. God of Water.
Shrine Munakata Taisha 宗像大社 Fukuoka and festivals
Izumo Grand Shrine Festivals Shimane
Shitenno-Ji Temple Festivals Osaka
Yoshida Kenko, Tsurezuregusa Japan
Auspicious box (chigibako) Japan
Nezu Jinja 根津神社 Nezu Shrine
Manners of Edo (Edo shigusa) Japan
Ningyoo kuyoo 人形供養 Memorial Ceremony for used dolls
Ooji no kitsunebi 王子の狐火 "fox fire at Oji Inari Shrine
. Kitsunebi 狐火 きつねび Will-o'-the-wisp . "Fox fire"
Edo Sanza 江戸三座 the three famous Kabuki theaters of Edo.
Sakai machi and Basho
Komachi Ki 小町忌 Ono no Komachi Memorial Day
negai no ito 願の糸 "string for wishes"
for Tanabata
mangansai 万願祭 "festival of the fulfilled wish"
Great Festival at Mount Osorezan (Osorezan taisai) Aomori, Japan
Suppootei Matsuri 数方庭祭 Suhotei Festival Yamaguchi
. The Atago shrines of Japan . Atago Jinja
. Doro ningyoo 泥人形 "mud dolls", clay dolls .
from Tientsin and Kiangsu in China
Heian matsuri 平安祭(へいあんまつり) Heian festival Japan
Jidai Matsuri "Festival of the Ages"
Natsume Soseki (1867 - 1916)
Hikosan Jinguu 英彦山神宮 Hikosan Shrine
Yoshinaka Memorial Day - Taira no Yoshinaka and Tomoe Gozen. Japan
Dice and gambling (saikoro, bakuchi) Japan
Breast Cancer Awareness Month USA
Folsom Street Fair and Festival San Francisco, USA
Hakoniwa 箱庭 landscape garden
We Day We Schools in Action
Cowboys Blanket Dallas, Texas, USA
Fire festival at Nachi (Nachi no himatsuri) Japan
..... oogi matsuri 扇祭(おうぎまつり) hand fan festival
Love letter (kesoobumi) Japan
Measuring box or cup (masu) Japan
masu ichi 枡市(ますいち)measure cups market (kigo)
Sannoo matsuri 山王祭 (さんのうまつり) Sanno Festival
Hiyoshi matsuri 日吉祭(ひよしまつり) Hiyoshi festival
sarumatsuri 申祭(さるまつり)monkey festival
. Haiku, Kigo and Dolls . INFO . Japan
Joys of Japan - Tribute
World Homeless Day . October 10
Bullfinch (uso) Japan
exchanging carved bullfinches (usokae)
Kasetori - "Imitating the Cock's Call" Japan. Festival in Yamagata
Cold water . Kenya
Haboob, sandstorm Arizona, USA
Yamazaki Sokan 山崎宗鑑 Yamazaki Sookan (1465 - 1553)
Iga Manko (Banko) 伊賀万乎(まんこ) (? - 1724, August 15)
and the Iga Students of Basho 伊賀蕉門 Iga Shoomon
Saikusa matsuri 三枝祭 (さいくさまつり) Saikusa Festival
Lily festival (yuri matsuri) Nara
Mt. Fuji and kigo Japan
Soma Nomaoi Horse Festival (Sooma Nomaoi) Fukushima. Japan
Usaka matsuri 鵜坂祭 (うさかまつり)
Usaka Shrine festival Toyama
Ondeko 鬼太鼓 (おんでこ) Demon's Drums Sado Island
Sapporo Matsuri 札幌祭 Sapporo Festival
Hie Jinja sairei 日枝神社祭礼 festival at Hie shrine Tokyo
Sanno Matsuri, Tenka Matsuri.
Hyakumangoku Matsuri 金沢百万石まつり
Kaga Hyakumangoku Festival Kanazawa, Ishikawa. Japan
Atsuta matsuri 熱田祭 Atsuta Festival Nagoya, Japan
Tsuruoka Tenmangu Festival (Tsuruoka Tenmangu matsuri) Yamagata, Japan
Fujimori Festival (Fujimori matsuri) Kyoto.Japan
Mulberry, mulberries (kuwa no mi) Japan. Maulbeeren
Mifune matsuri 三船祭 Mifune festival Kyoto. Japan
Nankoosai 楠公祭 Nanko Festival
Festival for Lord Kusunoki Masashige 楠木正成
Hatano Soha (Sooha) 波多野爽波 (1923-1991)
Waka no Ura festival (Wakanoura matsuri) Wakayama. Japan
Market, markets (... ichi) flea markets, sales, worldwide
Kibune matsuri 貴船祭 Kifune Festival
Hitomi Enkichi Tomei 人見 圓吉 東明 1883 -1974
Blazing sky (enten) Japan. scorching sun, very hot weather, sweltering heat and more
Rice Planting at Ise Shrine (Ise no Taue Matsuri) Japan
Kanda Festival (Kanda Matsuri) Tokyo, Japan
Sanja matsuri 三社祭 Asakusa Festival Tokyo
Memorial Day Decoration Day. USA.
Izumo matsuri 出雲祭 Izumo festival Shimane, Izumo Shrine, Japan
Seihakusai 青柏祭 (せいはくさい) Seihaku Festival
. Aoi Matsuri 葵祭 Aoi Festival
Yase matsuri 八瀬祭 Yase Festival
Dentist haiku and toothache teeth, tooth ... and the god of toothache
Yamazaki Festival (Yamazaki matsuri) Kyoto. Japan
Takaya Soshu 高屋窓秋 Takaya Sooshuu (1910-1999)
Uji Festival (Uji matsuri) Japan
Imamiya Shrine Festival (Imamiya matsuri) Japan
Kobe Festival (Kobe Matsuri) Japan
Yanagawa Suitengu shrine festival (Yanagawa suitengu matsuri) Okinohata Suitengu Festival. Japan
Eighth day of the uzuki month (uzuki yooka) Japan
Yamaga Lantern Festival (Yamaga Tooroo Matsuri) Kumamoto, Japan
Kamo Shrine complex Festivals Kyoto, Japan
Horse race (kurabe uma) Japan
Fuchu Festival (Fuchuu matsuri) Tokyo, Japan
Gomottomo sama at Mitsumine shrine
Goryo Festival (Goryoo matsuri) Kyoto, Japan
Obarazashi 大原志 Obara shrine festival
Ozawa Minoru 小澤實 (1956 - )
Shinran Shonin 親鸞 Saint Shinran (1173 - 1263). Hoonko kigo
Hakone ekiden race, hakone relay marathon Japan
Kinkazan (Kinkasan) Miyagi, cutting antlers of deer
Edith Piaf French Singer.
Cedar (sugi) cryptomeria Japan. Cryptomeria japonica. Japanische Zeder
Wall hanger (kabekake) Japan. Wandbehang
Amelia Mary Earhart USA. aviation pioneer and author
Nicolae Grigorescu Romania
Kisongo Market Tanzania
Sand harvesting, sand mining Kenya
Cow nose ring ritual (hanaguri kuyoo) Japan
Henri Coanda Romania
Isukuti Dance Kenya
Taira no Kiyomori 平清盛 Heike Monogatari
Du Fu 杜甫 Tu Fu Chinese Poet
Japan - after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
Nai no kami 地震神 God of Earthquakes
Milan Kundera, Writer
Budapest Hungary
Sentei Festival (senteisai) Japan. Remembering Antoku Tenno
Jomo Kenyatta Kanya
Tsuburo fertility dance (tsuburosashi) Japan. a penis festival
Ota Dokan Memorial Day (Dookan ki) Japan.
Buckwheat (soba) plant and food Japan
Paperweight (bunchin) Japan
Tsuda Kiyoko Haiku Poetess
Maya Temple Visit (Maya moode) Kobe, Japan
Hira Hakko Ceremony (Hira hakkoo) Japan. Lake Biwa
Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan
Places in Florida USA
Grevillea tree Grevillea Robusta. Kenya
Prayer flags Tibet. Japan
Pool cage Florida
Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus Florida
Mount Yangming, Yang-ming shan Taiwan
Takaha Shugyo 鷹羽狩行 Takaha Shugyoo (1930, October 5 - )
Mikurumayama matsuri : "honorable float festival"
Bird egg shells Yemen
Horyu-Ji Temple in Nara Japan
Sophie Magdalena Scholl Germany
Bussokusekika, bussoku sekika 仏足石歌
Poems on the Buddha's footprint stone Temple Yakushiji, Nara
Libya, Tripoli February 2011
Purification at Suma beach (Suma no misogi) Japan.
Neuville War Cemetary Belgium. Ardennes American Cemetery
Mie-Ji Temple Festival Gifu. Japan
Philippine Tarsier (Tarsius syrichta)
The world's smallest monkey.
Bahrain, February 2011
Miwa mountain and festivals (hanashizume) Japan
Monkey, monkeys in Kenya
Furukawa Drum Festival (Furukawa no okoshi daiko) Gifu. Japan
Mino Town Festival (Mino matsuri) Gifu. Japan
Munia bird, Chestnut Munia, maya pula Lonchura atricapilla jagori. Philippines
Lantern festival (Yuanxiao) China
Brush, pen (fude) Japan
Fude matsuri 筆まつり Brush Festival Kumano, Hiroshima, Japan.
. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Germany
Kaneko Tohta : Wolf Haiku from Chichibu
Spine, back (sesuji) Japan. Parts of the human body
Furuta Oribe, Potter (1544 -1615). Japan
Egypt February11, 2011.
Fire-swinging festival (hiburi matsuri, hifuri shinji) Aso Shrine, Kumamoto, Japan
Hans Küng, German theologian
Martin Heidegger and Matsuo Basho
Igor Stravinsky, composer
Bob Dylan
Kurama - Temple and Shrine Festivals Kyoto, Japan
Wife, my beloved wife (wagimoko) Japan
Awashima Festival Japan
Gunter Grass Germany. Günter Wilhelm Grass
Large cups of tea (oochamori) temple Saidai-Ji, Nara, Japan
Seimeisai 清明祭 Seimei festival, Okinawa
Hole (ana) and hibernating animals
Genghis Khan (jingisu kan) and the Yoshitsune connection
Ezra Pound
Language - "written literary, classical language" (bungo) -
spoken colloquial kogo language (koogo)
"Making a bonfire" ceremony (ohotaki) Japan
Itsukushima Shrine festivals Miyajima, Hiroshima, Japan
Festivals with a special twist (kisai) Japan. weird festivals
Marilyn Monroe
Last bath of the year (toshi no yu) Japan.
Raincoat, straw raincoat (mino) Japan
Red (akai) crimson, cinnabar Japan
. . . Music and Haiku - Introduction
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven
Miyamoto Musashi (1584 - 1645)
Setagaya flea markes (Setagaya boroichi) Boro-ichi at Tokyo, Japan
Chuang-tzu, Zhuangzi 荘子 / 莊周 Sooshi, Sooji China
Kabaka, King of Uganda Buganda
Li Po, Li Bo (Ri Haku 李白) Li T'ai-po, Chinese poet
Cooking rice (kashigi) Japan. using the hearth fire
Hearth (kamado) in the kitchen (daidokoro) Japan
Machakos town, Masaku
. Urban Haiku .
A growing collection from many poets !
Needles and pins ceremony (hari kuyoo) Japan
Belt, sash (obi) Japan
Enlightenment, Zen and Haiku
Hasegawa Kanajo (1887 - 1969)
Sakaki tree (sakaki) Japan. Cleyera japonica
Asociación Navarra de Haiku - ANAKU Spain
Coming of Age Day (seijin no hi, seijinshiki) Japan
First fortune-telling (hatsu mikuji) Japan
Morotabune Ship Race Ceremony (morotabune shinji) Japan
Corn shucking, corn husking USA
Sake brewers are coming (tooji kitaru) Japan
Entertaining the God of the Fields (ae no koto)
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NEW Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
If you find a mistake, please contact me for corrections.
Thank you for visiting the World Kigo Database !
And come back soon !
Gabi Greve, Japan
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Newsletter 2011
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Keywords, non-seasonal haiku topics, all year topics, all season topics, miscellaneous
no season, muki 無季、無期 ...
the complete WKD-LIST
. Japan - after the BIG earthquake .
Reporting since March 11, 2011
. Join Joys of Japan - Poetry .
on facebook
................................................................ December 2011
"Deity of the Year" (Toshitokujin, toshigami) Japan
Toshibi iwai - birthday celebration at the New Year Okinawa
..... shoonen iwai - celebrating the birthday
Shishinden 紫宸殿 Hall for State Ceremonies Japan
Echigoya 越後屋 and Mitsui Store 三井 Edo, Japan
Shichikoozan mairi 七高山詣 - Nagasaki
Pilgrimage to the Seven High Mountains Japan
Miyake Shozan 三宅嘯山 Miyake Shoozan (1718 - 1801)
Chanting of the Buddhas' Names -( Butsumyo-e, Butsumyooe) Jpana
Temple Kozan-Ji 高山寺 and Saint Myoe Shonin 明恵上人
memorial service for the bugs at Toganoo
Healing Haiku, Haiku therapy, psychotherapy
Koofukuji 興福寺 Temple Kofuku-Ji, Nara
Chishaku-in rongi 智積院論義
public debate at temple Chishaku-In
Nomura Kiwao 野村喜和夫 (1951 - )
Nyudo goblin at the gate (kado nyuudoo) Japan
. Magatama jewels, curved beads .
Iwakura Daiun-Ji Temple and Waterfall Japan
Flower kagura (hana kagura, sakaki oni) Japan
Toyama December Festival (Tooyama no shimotsuki matsuri) Nagano, Japan
Isonokami Shrine (Isonokami Jingu) Festivals Japan
Tamaki Jinja 玉置神社 and Kunitokotachi Japan
Otagaki Rengetsu 太田垣 蓮月 (1791 - 1875) Waka poetess, nun Lotus Moon
Time and Space
haiku about past, present and future events
Wara ningyoo 藁人形 straw dolls for curses Japan
Rohatsu (Rohachi) ceremony at Zen temples Japan
Kurokawa Noh performance and kigo
Konpira Shrine festivals (Kompira)
Shrine Suitengu 水天宮 and festivals. God of Water.
Shrine Munakata Taisha 宗像大社 Fukuoka and festivals
Izumo Grand Shrine Festivals Shimane
Shitenno-Ji Temple Festivals Osaka
Yoshida Kenko, Tsurezuregusa Japan
Auspicious box (chigibako) Japan
Nezu Jinja 根津神社 Nezu Shrine
Manners of Edo (Edo shigusa) Japan
Ningyoo kuyoo 人形供養 Memorial Ceremony for used dolls
Ooji no kitsunebi 王子の狐火 "fox fire at Oji Inari Shrine
. Kitsunebi 狐火 きつねび Will-o'-the-wisp . "Fox fire"
Edo Sanza 江戸三座 the three famous Kabuki theaters of Edo.
Sakai machi and Basho
Komachi Ki 小町忌 Ono no Komachi Memorial Day
negai no ito 願の糸 "string for wishes"
for Tanabata
mangansai 万願祭 "festival of the fulfilled wish"
Great Festival at Mount Osorezan (Osorezan taisai) Aomori, Japan
Suppootei Matsuri 数方庭祭 Suhotei Festival Yamaguchi
. The Atago shrines of Japan . Atago Jinja
. Doro ningyoo 泥人形 "mud dolls", clay dolls .
from Tientsin and Kiangsu in China
Heian matsuri 平安祭(へいあんまつり) Heian festival Japan
Jidai Matsuri "Festival of the Ages"
Natsume Soseki (1867 - 1916)
Hikosan Jinguu 英彦山神宮 Hikosan Shrine
Yoshinaka Memorial Day - Taira no Yoshinaka and Tomoe Gozen. Japan
Dice and gambling (saikoro, bakuchi) Japan
Breast Cancer Awareness Month USA
Folsom Street Fair and Festival San Francisco, USA
Hakoniwa 箱庭 landscape garden
We Day We Schools in Action
Cowboys Blanket Dallas, Texas, USA
Fire festival at Nachi (Nachi no himatsuri) Japan
..... oogi matsuri 扇祭(おうぎまつり) hand fan festival
Love letter (kesoobumi) Japan
Measuring box or cup (masu) Japan
masu ichi 枡市(ますいち)measure cups market (kigo)
Sannoo matsuri 山王祭 (さんのうまつり) Sanno Festival
Hiyoshi matsuri 日吉祭(ひよしまつり) Hiyoshi festival
sarumatsuri 申祭(さるまつり)monkey festival
. Haiku, Kigo and Dolls . INFO . Japan
Joys of Japan - Tribute
World Homeless Day . October 10
Bullfinch (uso) Japan
exchanging carved bullfinches (usokae)
Kasetori - "Imitating the Cock's Call" Japan. Festival in Yamagata
Cold water . Kenya
Haboob, sandstorm Arizona, USA
Yamazaki Sokan 山崎宗鑑 Yamazaki Sookan (1465 - 1553)
Iga Manko (Banko) 伊賀万乎(まんこ) (? - 1724, August 15)
and the Iga Students of Basho 伊賀蕉門 Iga Shoomon
Saikusa matsuri 三枝祭 (さいくさまつり) Saikusa Festival
Lily festival (yuri matsuri) Nara
Mt. Fuji and kigo Japan
Soma Nomaoi Horse Festival (Sooma Nomaoi) Fukushima. Japan
Usaka matsuri 鵜坂祭 (うさかまつり)
Usaka Shrine festival Toyama
Ondeko 鬼太鼓 (おんでこ) Demon's Drums Sado Island
Sapporo Matsuri 札幌祭 Sapporo Festival
Hie Jinja sairei 日枝神社祭礼 festival at Hie shrine Tokyo
Sanno Matsuri, Tenka Matsuri.
Hyakumangoku Matsuri 金沢百万石まつり
Kaga Hyakumangoku Festival Kanazawa, Ishikawa. Japan
Atsuta matsuri 熱田祭 Atsuta Festival Nagoya, Japan
Tsuruoka Tenmangu Festival (Tsuruoka Tenmangu matsuri) Yamagata, Japan
Fujimori Festival (Fujimori matsuri) Kyoto.Japan
Mulberry, mulberries (kuwa no mi) Japan. Maulbeeren
Mifune matsuri 三船祭 Mifune festival Kyoto. Japan
Nankoosai 楠公祭 Nanko Festival
Festival for Lord Kusunoki Masashige 楠木正成
Hatano Soha (Sooha) 波多野爽波 (1923-1991)
Waka no Ura festival (Wakanoura matsuri) Wakayama. Japan
Market, markets (... ichi) flea markets, sales, worldwide
Kibune matsuri 貴船祭 Kifune Festival
Hitomi Enkichi Tomei 人見 圓吉 東明 1883 -1974
Blazing sky (enten) Japan. scorching sun, very hot weather, sweltering heat and more
Rice Planting at Ise Shrine (Ise no Taue Matsuri) Japan
Kanda Festival (Kanda Matsuri) Tokyo, Japan
Sanja matsuri 三社祭 Asakusa Festival Tokyo
Memorial Day Decoration Day. USA.
Izumo matsuri 出雲祭 Izumo festival Shimane, Izumo Shrine, Japan
Seihakusai 青柏祭 (せいはくさい) Seihaku Festival
. Aoi Matsuri 葵祭 Aoi Festival
Yase matsuri 八瀬祭 Yase Festival
Dentist haiku and toothache teeth, tooth ... and the god of toothache
Yamazaki Festival (Yamazaki matsuri) Kyoto. Japan
Takaya Soshu 高屋窓秋 Takaya Sooshuu (1910-1999)
Uji Festival (Uji matsuri) Japan
Imamiya Shrine Festival (Imamiya matsuri) Japan
Kobe Festival (Kobe Matsuri) Japan
Yanagawa Suitengu shrine festival (Yanagawa suitengu matsuri) Okinohata Suitengu Festival. Japan
Eighth day of the uzuki month (uzuki yooka) Japan
Yamaga Lantern Festival (Yamaga Tooroo Matsuri) Kumamoto, Japan
Kamo Shrine complex Festivals Kyoto, Japan
Horse race (kurabe uma) Japan
Fuchu Festival (Fuchuu matsuri) Tokyo, Japan
Gomottomo sama at Mitsumine shrine
Goryo Festival (Goryoo matsuri) Kyoto, Japan
Obarazashi 大原志 Obara shrine festival
Ozawa Minoru 小澤實 (1956 - )
Shinran Shonin 親鸞 Saint Shinran (1173 - 1263). Hoonko kigo
Hakone ekiden race, hakone relay marathon Japan
Kinkazan (Kinkasan) Miyagi, cutting antlers of deer
Edith Piaf French Singer.
Cedar (sugi) cryptomeria Japan. Cryptomeria japonica. Japanische Zeder
Wall hanger (kabekake) Japan. Wandbehang
Amelia Mary Earhart USA. aviation pioneer and author
Nicolae Grigorescu Romania
Kisongo Market Tanzania
Sand harvesting, sand mining Kenya
Cow nose ring ritual (hanaguri kuyoo) Japan
Henri Coanda Romania
Isukuti Dance Kenya
Taira no Kiyomori 平清盛 Heike Monogatari
Du Fu 杜甫 Tu Fu Chinese Poet
Japan - after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011
Nai no kami 地震神 God of Earthquakes
Milan Kundera, Writer
Budapest Hungary
Sentei Festival (senteisai) Japan. Remembering Antoku Tenno
Jomo Kenyatta Kanya
Tsuburo fertility dance (tsuburosashi) Japan. a penis festival
Ota Dokan Memorial Day (Dookan ki) Japan.
Buckwheat (soba) plant and food Japan
Paperweight (bunchin) Japan
Tsuda Kiyoko Haiku Poetess
Maya Temple Visit (Maya moode) Kobe, Japan
Hira Hakko Ceremony (Hira hakkoo) Japan. Lake Biwa
Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan
Places in Florida USA
Grevillea tree Grevillea Robusta. Kenya
Prayer flags Tibet. Japan
Pool cage Florida
Snowy Owl, Bubo scandiacus Florida
Mount Yangming, Yang-ming shan Taiwan
Takaha Shugyo 鷹羽狩行 Takaha Shugyoo (1930, October 5 - )
Mikurumayama matsuri : "honorable float festival"
Bird egg shells Yemen
Horyu-Ji Temple in Nara Japan
Sophie Magdalena Scholl Germany
Bussokusekika, bussoku sekika 仏足石歌
Poems on the Buddha's footprint stone Temple Yakushiji, Nara
Libya, Tripoli February 2011
Purification at Suma beach (Suma no misogi) Japan.
Neuville War Cemetary Belgium. Ardennes American Cemetery
Mie-Ji Temple Festival Gifu. Japan
Philippine Tarsier (Tarsius syrichta)
The world's smallest monkey.
Bahrain, February 2011
Miwa mountain and festivals (hanashizume) Japan
Monkey, monkeys in Kenya
Furukawa Drum Festival (Furukawa no okoshi daiko) Gifu. Japan
Mino Town Festival (Mino matsuri) Gifu. Japan
Munia bird, Chestnut Munia, maya pula Lonchura atricapilla jagori. Philippines
Lantern festival (Yuanxiao) China
Brush, pen (fude) Japan
Fude matsuri 筆まつり Brush Festival Kumano, Hiroshima, Japan.
. Dietrich Bonhoeffer Germany
Kaneko Tohta : Wolf Haiku from Chichibu
Spine, back (sesuji) Japan. Parts of the human body
Furuta Oribe, Potter (1544 -1615). Japan
Egypt February11, 2011.
Fire-swinging festival (hiburi matsuri, hifuri shinji) Aso Shrine, Kumamoto, Japan
Hans Küng, German theologian
Martin Heidegger and Matsuo Basho
Igor Stravinsky, composer
Bob Dylan
Kurama - Temple and Shrine Festivals Kyoto, Japan
Wife, my beloved wife (wagimoko) Japan
Awashima Festival Japan
Gunter Grass Germany. Günter Wilhelm Grass
Large cups of tea (oochamori) temple Saidai-Ji, Nara, Japan
Seimeisai 清明祭 Seimei festival, Okinawa
Hole (ana) and hibernating animals
Genghis Khan (jingisu kan) and the Yoshitsune connection
Ezra Pound
Language - "written literary, classical language" (bungo) -
spoken colloquial kogo language (koogo)
"Making a bonfire" ceremony (ohotaki) Japan
Itsukushima Shrine festivals Miyajima, Hiroshima, Japan
Festivals with a special twist (kisai) Japan. weird festivals
Marilyn Monroe
Last bath of the year (toshi no yu) Japan.
Raincoat, straw raincoat (mino) Japan
Red (akai) crimson, cinnabar Japan
. . . Music and Haiku - Introduction
Antonio Lucio Vivaldi
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Beethoven, Ludwig van Beethoven
Miyamoto Musashi (1584 - 1645)
Setagaya flea markes (Setagaya boroichi) Boro-ichi at Tokyo, Japan
Chuang-tzu, Zhuangzi 荘子 / 莊周 Sooshi, Sooji China
Kabaka, King of Uganda Buganda
Li Po, Li Bo (Ri Haku 李白) Li T'ai-po, Chinese poet
Cooking rice (kashigi) Japan. using the hearth fire
Hearth (kamado) in the kitchen (daidokoro) Japan
Machakos town, Masaku
. Urban Haiku .
A growing collection from many poets !
Needles and pins ceremony (hari kuyoo) Japan
Belt, sash (obi) Japan
Enlightenment, Zen and Haiku
Hasegawa Kanajo (1887 - 1969)
Sakaki tree (sakaki) Japan. Cleyera japonica
Asociación Navarra de Haiku - ANAKU Spain
Coming of Age Day (seijin no hi, seijinshiki) Japan
First fortune-telling (hatsu mikuji) Japan
Morotabune Ship Race Ceremony (morotabune shinji) Japan
Corn shucking, corn husking USA
Sake brewers are coming (tooji kitaru) Japan
Entertaining the God of the Fields (ae no koto)
WASHOKU : Regional Japanese Dishes
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food Saijiki
Discussion Forum !!!!!
Current Events !!!!!
NEW Saijiki for Japanese Festivals and Ceremonies
If you find a mistake, please contact me for corrections.
Thank you for visiting the World Kigo Database !
And come back soon !
Gabi Greve, Japan
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Newsletter 2010
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Newsletter 2010
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. World Kigo Database
Keywords, non-seasonal haiku topics, all year topics, all season topics, miscellaneous
no season, muki 無季、無期 ...
the complete WKD-LIST
................................................................ December 2010
Important things (daiji) Japan
Nada Fighting Festival (Nada kenka matsuri) Japan
Banana ring, to carry things on your head Kenya
Kebesu festival (kebesu sai) Japan
Evening primrose (tsukimisoo) Japan
Chinz, calico (sarasa) Japan
Mochi for the first of december (kawabitarimochi) Japan
. Nairobi Animal Orphanage Kenya
Silk tree (nemu no ki) Japan
Eboshi, formal headwear and seafood kigo Japan
Takebe Socho 建部巣兆 Takebe Soochoo (1761-1814)
Sea bass (suzuki) Japan. Lateolabrax japonicus
Traffic jam (juutai) Verkehrsstau Japan
Crow, raven in the cold (kangarasu) Japan
Umbrella tree (Schefflera actinophylla and Acacia tortilis) Kenya
Monkeys in the cold (kanen, kan en) Japan
Fox (kitsune) Japan. a KIGO list
Marabou Stork, Leptoptilos crumeniferus Kenya
Badger, racoon dog, palm civet (tanuki, mujina, anaguma ... ) Japan
Hibernating (toomin) Winterschlaf Japan
Kashima Shrine (Kashima jinguu) - Festivals Japan
"Washing red beans" (azuki arai) Japan.An insect of autumn.
Tokaido 東海道五十三次
The 53 stations of the Tokaido
Manta ray, stingray (aka ei) Japan. Philippines
Mandazi, a kind of doughnuts Kenya
Brick making in Arusha Tanzania
Loach (dojoo) Japan. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. fish and food
Tropical fish (nettaigyo) Japan
Shoojoo, the Tipster Sprite Shojo Japan. and yugen.
Maggot (uji, ujimushi) Japan
Leech (hiru) Blutegel Japan
Kawai Chigetsu 川井智月 / 河合智月 ?(1634-1718)
Kawai Otokuni 川井乙州, her younger brother
Ochi Etsujin 越智越人 (1655 - 1739) / (1656 - 1730)
Mayuzumi Madoka
Deer in all seasons Japan
Beetles in all seasons (xyz-mushi)
Rhinoceros beetle (kabutomushi) Japan
Koha (Kooha) 香波 "Fragrant Wave" (? - 1897, August 14)
Withered plants in winter Japan
Dropwort (seri) Oenanthe javanica Japanese parsely. Japan
Greenhouse plants, hothouse plants Japan
Cherry trees in winter (fuyuki no sakura) Japan
Pansies in winter (fuyu sumire) Japan
Shiratama Dango dumplings Japan
Pencil (enpitsu) Japan
Matsuo Basho at temple Taimadera
Poetic Haibun from Kenya
Buds of trees in winter kigo Japan
Chrysanthemum kigo for winter Japan
Plum blossoms in winter (fuyu no ume) Japan
Plants in Autumn - SAIJIKI
Cucumber service (kyuuri fuuji) Japan
Gion Festival (Gion matsuri) Kyoto, Japan
Gentian (rindoo) Gentiana scabra Japan. Yemen. senburi
Retreat for monks (ango) Japan. In Summer and Winter.
Lodging, inn, guest house (hatago) Japan
Conch trumpet plant (horagai soo) Japan. Impatiens textorii. Jewelweed
Shrine Sakaori no Miya and Yamato Takeru Renku. Japan
Suwa Shrine and Misayama Festivals Japan
Nagoya Festival (Nagoya matsuri) Japan
Otsu Festival 大津祭 Otsu matsuri Japan
Socotra Island Yemen
Nijo Castle 二条城 (Nijoo-joo) Kyoto and the Shikidai Hall
Bread from Lahj (khamir lahaji) Yemen
Konishi Raizan 小西来山 1654 - 1716, October 3 or November 16)
Michaelmas and Michaelmas Daisy Europe
Flame tree (Erythrina fam.) Kenya
Aurora borealis, northern lights, arctic fox's tail, Nordlicht Arctica
Ninja Haiku
Hop, hops, Hopfen (hoppu) Japan. and delicious beer
Kimura Hiroko 木村浩子 (1937 - ) Tanka and Haiga
Fences and hedges (kaki, hei, kakoi, saku) Japan. Kenya.
Shallot (rakkyo) Japan. Allium chinense, Allium bakeri Regel
Home Visit (tsutoiri, tsuto iri) at O-Bon Japan
Kantoo "lantern on a pole" Kanto Lantern Festival in Akita, Japan
Jeevanjee Gardens in Nairobi and Alibhai Mulla Jeevanjee. Kenya
Culture day (bunka no hi). Art festival (geijutsusai) Cultural events in Autumn. Japan
Birthday (tanjoobi, tanjitsu)
Shinohara Hosaku (Hoosaku) 1905-1936
Genroku Period Haikai Poets ... Introduction
Sports day (taiiku no hi) Japan. more sport autumn activities
Earthquake Memorial Day (shinsai kinenbi) Japan. Great Kanto Earthquake, September 1, 1923.
Shayo (Shioe Shayoo) Pupil of Matsuo Basho
Benkei festival (Benkei matsuri) Tanabe, Kumano. Japan
Boredom, to be bored (taikutsu) Japan
Tax, taxes (nengu, kemi) Japan. Steuern
Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo) Double Nine Day. Japan
Ise Shrine and its kigo Japan. Ise Jingu
Fennel (uikyoo) Japan. Foeniculum vulgare. Fenchel
Aronia (kaidoo) Japan. Malus halliana
Orchid, orchids (ran) Japan
Saffron (safuran) Japan. Zephyranthes candida
Sakubei-noodles as offerings (sakubei) Japan
Seasonal feast on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month
Olive, olives (oriibu) Japan. Yemen
Wattle, National Wattle Day Australia
Nuts, fruits and seeds of trees (konomi) Japan
Calabash (hyootan) Kalabasse Japan. Lagenaria siceraria
Oak trees of Japan (Quercus) and acorns (donguri)
Gardenia (kuchinashi) Japan. Gardenia jasminoides
Bottle gourd (yuugao) Lagenaria siceraria Japan
Banana plant (bashoo), banana fruit (banana) Japan
Ivy and vines (tsuta kazura) Japan. All kinds of creepers
Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament (Nagoya basho) Japan
First parade of the flood prevention brigade
suiboogumi dezomeshiki, Edo, Japan
Paris Festival (Pari sai) Japan. Bastille Day. July 14.
Kimigayo, the Japanese Anthem
Soga brothers burning their umbrellas (Soga no kasayaki) Japan
Matsumae. Crossing over to Matsumae (Matsumae wataru) Hokkaido, Japan
Black Ships Festival (Kurofune Matsuri) Perry Festival, Shimoda and Kurihama, Japan
Murou Saisei (1889 - 1962)
. Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo LIST
Saint Mary (seibo maria) Japan
Confucius, Sekiten, Sekisai, Kooshi, Kung Fu ... Japan
God of the rice paddies (ta no kami) Japan
Waterfall (taki) Japan
Sleeve (tamoto, sode) Japan. Sleeve of a kimono or modern wear.
Hawkers for warm things Kenya. Glove, hot coffee, uji maize porridge, scarf, sweater ...
Hieizan, Mount Hiei, Kyoto Japan
Ogiwara Seisensui and the Haiku Magazine "Soun" (Stratus Clouds)
Spell writing (against mosquitoes and flies) gihoo o kaku Japan
Kyoto, the old capital
Nara, the ancient capital
Mabati - corrugated iron sheets Kenya
Nebuta Festival (Nebuta matsuri) Japan. Aomori
Irish Potatoes Kenya
Potato, potatoes (jagaimo, jaga imo) Japan
Derby (daabii), Japan Derby Japan. Horse race
Misasa Tug-of-war (Misasa tsunahiki) at the Hot Spring Misasa, Japan
Dragon Boat Race, Peron (peeron) Japan
Curie, Madame Curie Memorial Day (Kyurii ki) Japan
Seeing off the insects (mushiokuri) Japan
Pangas, sickles and slashers Kenya
Sickle (kama) Japan
Roadside sanctuaries, wayside shrines (tsujidoo) Japan
Xavier, Saint Francis Xavier, sei Sabieru (1506 - 1552) Japan
John the apostle, Johannes Day (sei yohane no hi) Japan
Christian Celebrations
Marikiti Farmers' Market Nairobi, Kenya
in all seasons
in all seasons
Fine weather, fine day (hare, -biyori) in all seasons Japan
The MOON in AUTUMN Japan. All related kigo. A culture walk.
Beanie cap Kenya
Earth in Winter : SAIJIKI
Drying up of rivers, wells and other water (karu) Japan
Arukigami, the God of Wandering with Basho and Issa
. Earth in Autumn SAIJIKI
Visiting (mimai) oblgatory visits during all seasons Japan
Barrel organ Romania
Candles changing (roosoku kae) Japan
Date Masamune (1567 - 1636)
Karuizawa (Karuisawa shuku) and Usui Pass Japan
Higuchi Ichiyo (Ichiyoo) 1872 - 1896
Swamp, marshland, marsh (numa, zawa) Japan
Shearing sheep and goats, shearing time (senmooki) Japan
Gerbera (gaabera) Japan, UK
Rain in summer (natsu no ame) Japan. a KIGO list
Benten, Benzaiten and the lottery at Minoo Japan
Market on the Day of the Rooster (tori no ichi) "Rooster Market". Japan. Tori no Ichi Fair, Kumade bamboo rakes and O-Kame masks
Wind in summer (natsukaze) Japan. A LONG kigo list.
Frost in summer (natsu no shimo) Japan
School life in summer, summer holidays (natsuyasumi) Japan
Presents (seibo, chuugen) in all seasons Japan
Disease and illness in summer
summer cold, heat stroke, prickley heat, diarrhoea, loosing weight in summer, dysentery, cholera, beriberi, malaria, athlete's foot, typhus, sunstroke... KIGO list
Night stories (yobanashi) and diorama toys (tatebanko) Japan
Entertainment in summer Japan. night stalls, street singers and more
Ghost stories (hyaku monogatari) to keep cool Japan
Beer (biiru) Japan. Bier
Mountain climbing (tozan) Japan. Summer ski and more
Enjoy a cool evening breeze (suzumi) Japan. riverbed veranda (kawayuka) and more cool things to enjoy in summer.
Ballet (baree) Japan
Summering (hisho) Japan. a KIGO list. Sommerfrische
Cockatoo Australia. Kakadu, Parrot.
Visit after water damage (mizu mimai) Japan
bonfire to kill insects (mushi kagari) Japan. more KIGO to ward off insects in summer
Bamboo planting (take uu) Japan. an old Chinese custom
Fruit packed in paper bags (fukurokake) Japan
Matsuo Basho and the bell at the bottom of the sea
Indigo (ai) Japan . Polygonum tinctorum. Indigofera
Seaweed harvest in summer Japan. konbu, mo, funori, agar-agar and many more
Peppermint (hakka) Japan
Thunderheads, lightning and rumbling thunder Yemen
Rock (iwa) and stones Japan
Hemp, flax (asa, ooasa, taima) Japan
harvesting rapeseed (natane karu) Japan
Indigo (ai) Japan
Planting in Summer Japan
Puppets and Dolls (ningyoo) Japan
Tengu, long-nosed goblin Japan
water fights (mizu arasoi) during a dry spell Japan
giving thanks to a rainfall and more
Wild roses (nobara, ibara) rose hip, Hagebutten Japan, Europa
Water wheel treading (suisha fumu) Japan
rice planting (taue) and humanity kigo Japan
Geta sandals for rice planting (ta-geta) Japan
Sanada cord or ribbon (Sanada himo) Japan
Farmers Work in Summer
Antidote medicine for summer ailments (dokukeshi) Japan
Water (mizu) ... humanity kigo for SUMMER
vendor of seedlings (nae-uri) Japan
Refrigerator (reizooko) Japan
hanagoori 花氷 (はなごおり) "ice flowers"
Air conditioning (reiboo) Japan. room cooler
Weeds in Kenya
Mosquito net (kaya), fly swatter (hae-tataki) and more Japan
Basket for rice (meshikago) Japan
Crosscultural Musings
. . . . . My Haiku Trip to Nagi, Tottori and Chizu
Lupinus, lupins, lupines, Lupinie Fam. Fabaceae
Peace Festival (Hiroshima) Japan
atom bomb day (genbaku no hi)
Marathi New Year's Day India. Ugadi, Yugadi, Gudipadva
Yellowfin tuna (thamad) Yemen
Time Memorial Day (toki no kinenbi) Japan
Radio Day (denpa no hi) Japan
White feather (shiroi hane) for donations in May Japan
Guitar (Gitarre, gitaa) Worldwide
Kajo-Cakes for the Kajo-Day (kajoogashi) Japan
Food-related rituals of the Heian Period and their KIGO
Yabusame ... Archery on horseback Japan
Court ritual with hand fans (oogi no hai) Japan
Beggar, begging (kojiki), homeless, poor people (binboonin) Japan. Kanya
Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council
Lilac (Flieder) Syringa fam. Germany. Japan (rairakku)
All Saints Kukai, November 2009 Nairobi, Kenya
Cut glass (kattogurasu, kiriko, biidoro, gyaman) Japan
Tin pot (suzu no hachi), tin plate Japan
Rattan chair (too isu) rattan mats ... Japan
Futon bedding in all seasonsJapan
zabuton sitting cushions
Pillow (makura) in all seasons Japan
Cleavers, cleaver weeds (mugura) Galium aparine and others. Japan
Gate (mon, kado) Japan. Temple gate (sanmon)
Aoki Getto (1879 - 1949)
Volcano (kazan) and volcano ash Iceland
Gloves, mittens (tebukuro)
Rhododendron Bhutan
Kigo Category of SEASON ... the complete SAIJIKI
Waiting for spring (haru o matsu) Japan. End of winter ... KIGO list
Morning, daytime, evening, night and KIGO
Clear and cold winter season (sayuru) Japan. a KIGO list
Kung Fu, martial arts Kenya
Yamazaki Naoko in outer space
Tax paying season
Kagura Dance Japan
Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya) Japan
Kichijoten 吉祥天 Kichijooten (Lakshmi, Shri Mahadevi)
Pagoda (too, tou), stone pagoda (sekitoo) Japan
Gigeiten 伎芸天 Daijizai Tennyo
Fugen Bosatsu (Samantabhadra) and the White Elephant
Melancolic wind of autumn (richi no kaze) Japan.
Red plum blossoms (koobai) Japan
Bright autumn weather (aki urara) Japan
Eta and Burakumin the "Untouchables" of Japan
Truffle, truffles (shooro) Japan. Rhizopogon rubescens
Autumn (aki) Japan
Basil, sweet basil, holy basil, tulsi Serbia, India. (Ocimum spp.)
Ukogi aralia (Acanthopanax sieboldianum Makino) Japan
naked (hadaka, hadanugi) Japan
bare foot, barefoot
Bikaner Camel Festival, Rajastan India
Yamato province in Nara prefecture
Utasebune fishing boat for shrimp Japan
Sufuria .. cooking pot or saucepan Kenya
Pig, pigs Kenya
Eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring (hachijuuhachiya) Japan. Beginning of the tea picking season
Morning (asa) Japan. a KIGO list
Redwing, Red-wing (Turdus iliacus) North America
Otter, fishotter (kawauso) Japan
Foehn wind (feen) Japan. Föhn; Föhnwind
Darkness (yami) dark evening Japan
. . . HEAVEN ... all kigo of this category for SPRING Japan
. . . EARTH ... all kigo of this category for SPRING Japan
Gumboots, rubber boots, Wellington boots Kenya
Tadpole (otamajakushi) Japan
Himalayan Bearded Vulture chicks India
Gypaetus barbatus aureus, a kind of Lammergeier
Shamba, garden plot Kenya
Animals in SPRING mating, breeding ...
Bow and arrow shooting with a small bow (suzume koyumi) Japan
Sake flasks (tokkuri) Japan
Priest, Buddhist priest or monk (oshoo) Japan
Chair (isu) Japan
Ski, skiing a KIGO list
Picknick and outdoors enjoyment Japan
Awano Seiho (1899-1992)
Ash, ashes (hai) and related kigo
and sumi-temae carcoal layout of the tea ceremony
Takita Sakae, actor and wood carver (1950 - )
Akimoto Fujio (1901-1977)
Cookie, bisquits and more cakes and sweets cookies, crackers. Japan
Samekawa Jinja Misogi / Cold Water Ablutions Hokkaido
Eucalyptus tree Fam. Myrtaceae. Kenya, Australia.
white night of the summer solstice (geshi byakuya) Japan
Arima Akito (1930 - )
Hiraizumi Fujiwara Festival Japan, May 1 - 5
Daruma san Bodhidharma and KIGO related to him
First Patriarch of the Chinese Zen lineage
Dumplings of all kinds and all seasons (dango) Japan.
Emotions expressed in spring kigo Japan
Shore life in spring (iso asobi, shiogari) KIGO list
excursion (ensoku), whirling currents (uzushio) ...
Forest work in spring grafting, planting, pruning ...
timber, logs, rafting
School life in all seasons Japan
graduation, examination, teacher, kindergarden ...
Seeds and sowing (tane, tanemaki, nae) Japan. KIGO list
Servants in Edo degawari .. and related kigo
Five Colors (goshiki) a Buddhist concept
Nichiren / Saint Nichiren (1222 - 1282). Japan
Matatu minibus Kenya
Nairobi City Kenya
Anglerfish, "frog fish" (ankoo) Japan. Lophiomus setigerus. Seeteufel
Daruma mikan (Citrus sulcata) Japan
Daruma market (Daruma ichi) Japan
Blizzard (fubuki, fuusetsu) snowstorm Japan
Sleep in spring, sleep in the morning (shunsui, asane) Dream in spring and more ... Japan
Brazier and handwarmer (hibachi) Japan
Home, interior, furniture during all seasons Sliding doors, curtains, heating, lamp light
Cherry blossom viewing (hanami) Japan. Humanity kigo.
Pineapple, Ananas comosus Kenya
Tea leaves picked green tea prepared in spring . Japan
Usuda Aroo (1879-1951) Aro Usuda
Hachiman and Hachiman Shrine festivals
Kusumoto Kenkichi 楠本憲吉 (1922‐1988)
Kyogen, Kabuki and other performances .. KIGO
Saga ... Arashiyama, Kyoto Spring festivals
Miwa, Omiwa Jinja 大三輪神社 and Mount Miwa三輪山. Mimoro yama 三諸山. Nara
Bonten 梵天 Brahma
Daikokuten, Daikoku 大黒天
Amida Buddha
Dragon (ryuu) Japan
Kannon Bosatsu, Kanzeon, Avalokiteshvara Japan. Guan-yin
Sumiyoshi Jinja .. a shrine for poetry in Osaka Japan. KIGO list
Daikoku, Daikoku Ten, God of Good Luck Japan
Benten, Suiten and water deities KIGO
Plover (chidori) Japan
Nail, nails, fingernails, cutting the fingernails (tsumekiri) Japan
Winter : feeling cold, frostbite, dry skin ... Humans suffering in winter. Japan
Winter : Games and Toys Japan
New Year Auspicious Performances
Gifu Hashima Train Station and Enku Japan
. FIRST THINGS done at the New Year
Mirror and mirror stand (kagami, kagamidai) Japan
Drum (taiko, daiko) Japan. Musical instruments.
Fishing during all seasons (ryoo) KIGO list
New Year begins : all kinds of WORK of farmers, fishers and more KIGO list
Tachibana, mikan and other citrus fruit
Diary (nikki) Japan
Chopping board (manaita, mana-ita) Japan
Haiku meeting (kukai) Japan. First haiku meeting, a New Year KIGO list
Amaryllis (amaririsu) Japan
Chicken and cock (niwatori) Japan
Fukusuke, a symbol for good luck and prosperous business
. . GENDAI .. Modern Haiku .. Translations
Katata (Katada) town at Lake Biwa and Ukimido Hall
Yamaguchi Seison 山口青邨 (1892 - 1988)
and the beach Sabishiro no Hama 淋代の浜
Divers, ama woman divers (ama) Japan
diving as a hobby
Bath (furo, sentoo) Japan. Taking a bath in various seasons
Sho-Chiku-Bai, Pine, Bamboo and Plum Japan. Three Friends of Winter
Sommelier (somurie) for wine, vegetables, fruit and other things Japan
Decorations for the New Year (o-kazari) Japan
Games and Toys for the New Year Japan
Dance, ritual dance performances for the New Year Japan
Moxabustion (o-kyuu, yaito) Japan
Cyclamen (shikuramen) Japan. Alpenveilchen
Hangover (futsukayoi) Japan. Kater
Paper, "pocket paper" (kaishi) Japan. and more about Japanese paper (washi)
Corbicula clams in miso soup (shijimijiru, shijimi jiru) Japan. (Corbicula japonica)
2010, the Year of the Tiger Japan
First Day of the Tiger (hatsu tora)
If you find a mistake, please contact me for corrections.
. WKD -
Complete Saijiki List
Newsletter 2010
.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. World Kigo Database
Keywords, non-seasonal haiku topics, all year topics, all season topics, miscellaneous
no season, muki 無季、無期 ...
the complete WKD-LIST
................................................................ December 2010
Important things (daiji) Japan
Nada Fighting Festival (Nada kenka matsuri) Japan
Banana ring, to carry things on your head Kenya
Kebesu festival (kebesu sai) Japan
Evening primrose (tsukimisoo) Japan
Chinz, calico (sarasa) Japan
Mochi for the first of december (kawabitarimochi) Japan
. Nairobi Animal Orphanage Kenya
Silk tree (nemu no ki) Japan
Eboshi, formal headwear and seafood kigo Japan
Takebe Socho 建部巣兆 Takebe Soochoo (1761-1814)
Sea bass (suzuki) Japan. Lateolabrax japonicus
Traffic jam (juutai) Verkehrsstau Japan
Crow, raven in the cold (kangarasu) Japan
Umbrella tree (Schefflera actinophylla and Acacia tortilis) Kenya
Monkeys in the cold (kanen, kan en) Japan
Fox (kitsune) Japan. a KIGO list
Marabou Stork, Leptoptilos crumeniferus Kenya
Badger, racoon dog, palm civet (tanuki, mujina, anaguma ... ) Japan
Hibernating (toomin) Winterschlaf Japan
Kashima Shrine (Kashima jinguu) - Festivals Japan
"Washing red beans" (azuki arai) Japan.An insect of autumn.
Tokaido 東海道五十三次
The 53 stations of the Tokaido
Manta ray, stingray (aka ei) Japan. Philippines
Mandazi, a kind of doughnuts Kenya
Brick making in Arusha Tanzania
Loach (dojoo) Japan. Misgurnus anguillicaudatus. fish and food
Tropical fish (nettaigyo) Japan
Shoojoo, the Tipster Sprite Shojo Japan. and yugen.
Maggot (uji, ujimushi) Japan
Leech (hiru) Blutegel Japan
Kawai Chigetsu 川井智月 / 河合智月 ?(1634-1718)
Kawai Otokuni 川井乙州, her younger brother
Ochi Etsujin 越智越人 (1655 - 1739) / (1656 - 1730)
Mayuzumi Madoka
Deer in all seasons Japan
Beetles in all seasons (xyz-mushi)
Rhinoceros beetle (kabutomushi) Japan
Koha (Kooha) 香波 "Fragrant Wave" (? - 1897, August 14)
Withered plants in winter Japan
Dropwort (seri) Oenanthe javanica Japanese parsely. Japan
Greenhouse plants, hothouse plants Japan
Cherry trees in winter (fuyuki no sakura) Japan
Pansies in winter (fuyu sumire) Japan
Shiratama Dango dumplings Japan
Pencil (enpitsu) Japan
Matsuo Basho at temple Taimadera
Poetic Haibun from Kenya
Buds of trees in winter kigo Japan
Chrysanthemum kigo for winter Japan
Plum blossoms in winter (fuyu no ume) Japan
Plants in Autumn - SAIJIKI
Cucumber service (kyuuri fuuji) Japan
Gion Festival (Gion matsuri) Kyoto, Japan
Gentian (rindoo) Gentiana scabra Japan. Yemen. senburi
Retreat for monks (ango) Japan. In Summer and Winter.
Lodging, inn, guest house (hatago) Japan
Conch trumpet plant (horagai soo) Japan. Impatiens textorii. Jewelweed
Shrine Sakaori no Miya and Yamato Takeru Renku. Japan
Suwa Shrine and Misayama Festivals Japan
Nagoya Festival (Nagoya matsuri) Japan
Otsu Festival 大津祭 Otsu matsuri Japan
Socotra Island Yemen
Nijo Castle 二条城 (Nijoo-joo) Kyoto and the Shikidai Hall
Bread from Lahj (khamir lahaji) Yemen
Konishi Raizan 小西来山 1654 - 1716, October 3 or November 16)
Michaelmas and Michaelmas Daisy Europe
Flame tree (Erythrina fam.) Kenya
Aurora borealis, northern lights, arctic fox's tail, Nordlicht Arctica
Ninja Haiku
Hop, hops, Hopfen (hoppu) Japan. and delicious beer
Kimura Hiroko 木村浩子 (1937 - ) Tanka and Haiga
Fences and hedges (kaki, hei, kakoi, saku) Japan. Kenya.
Shallot (rakkyo) Japan. Allium chinense, Allium bakeri Regel
Home Visit (tsutoiri, tsuto iri) at O-Bon Japan
Kantoo "lantern on a pole" Kanto Lantern Festival in Akita, Japan
Jeevanjee Gardens in Nairobi and Alibhai Mulla Jeevanjee. Kenya
Culture day (bunka no hi). Art festival (geijutsusai) Cultural events in Autumn. Japan
Birthday (tanjoobi, tanjitsu)
Shinohara Hosaku (Hoosaku) 1905-1936
Genroku Period Haikai Poets ... Introduction
Sports day (taiiku no hi) Japan. more sport autumn activities
Earthquake Memorial Day (shinsai kinenbi) Japan. Great Kanto Earthquake, September 1, 1923.
Shayo (Shioe Shayoo) Pupil of Matsuo Basho
Benkei festival (Benkei matsuri) Tanabe, Kumano. Japan
Boredom, to be bored (taikutsu) Japan
Tax, taxes (nengu, kemi) Japan. Steuern
Chrysanthemum Festival (chooyoo) Double Nine Day. Japan
Ise Shrine and its kigo Japan. Ise Jingu
Fennel (uikyoo) Japan. Foeniculum vulgare. Fenchel
Aronia (kaidoo) Japan. Malus halliana
Orchid, orchids (ran) Japan
Saffron (safuran) Japan. Zephyranthes candida
Sakubei-noodles as offerings (sakubei) Japan
Seasonal feast on the seventh day of the seventh lunar month
Olive, olives (oriibu) Japan. Yemen
Wattle, National Wattle Day Australia
Nuts, fruits and seeds of trees (konomi) Japan
Calabash (hyootan) Kalabasse Japan. Lagenaria siceraria
Oak trees of Japan (Quercus) and acorns (donguri)
Gardenia (kuchinashi) Japan. Gardenia jasminoides
Bottle gourd (yuugao) Lagenaria siceraria Japan
Banana plant (bashoo), banana fruit (banana) Japan
Ivy and vines (tsuta kazura) Japan. All kinds of creepers
Nagoya Grand Sumo Tournament (Nagoya basho) Japan
First parade of the flood prevention brigade
suiboogumi dezomeshiki, Edo, Japan
Paris Festival (Pari sai) Japan. Bastille Day. July 14.
Kimigayo, the Japanese Anthem
Soga brothers burning their umbrellas (Soga no kasayaki) Japan
Matsumae. Crossing over to Matsumae (Matsumae wataru) Hokkaido, Japan
Black Ships Festival (Kurofune Matsuri) Perry Festival, Shimoda and Kurihama, Japan
Murou Saisei (1889 - 1962)
. Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo LIST
Saint Mary (seibo maria) Japan
Confucius, Sekiten, Sekisai, Kooshi, Kung Fu ... Japan
God of the rice paddies (ta no kami) Japan
Waterfall (taki) Japan
Sleeve (tamoto, sode) Japan. Sleeve of a kimono or modern wear.
Hawkers for warm things Kenya. Glove, hot coffee, uji maize porridge, scarf, sweater ...
Hieizan, Mount Hiei, Kyoto Japan
Ogiwara Seisensui and the Haiku Magazine "Soun" (Stratus Clouds)
Spell writing (against mosquitoes and flies) gihoo o kaku Japan
Kyoto, the old capital
Nara, the ancient capital
Mabati - corrugated iron sheets Kenya
Nebuta Festival (Nebuta matsuri) Japan. Aomori
Irish Potatoes Kenya
Potato, potatoes (jagaimo, jaga imo) Japan
Derby (daabii), Japan Derby Japan. Horse race
Misasa Tug-of-war (Misasa tsunahiki) at the Hot Spring Misasa, Japan
Dragon Boat Race, Peron (peeron) Japan
Curie, Madame Curie Memorial Day (Kyurii ki) Japan
Seeing off the insects (mushiokuri) Japan
Pangas, sickles and slashers Kenya
Sickle (kama) Japan
Roadside sanctuaries, wayside shrines (tsujidoo) Japan
Xavier, Saint Francis Xavier, sei Sabieru (1506 - 1552) Japan
John the apostle, Johannes Day (sei yohane no hi) Japan
Christian Celebrations
Marikiti Farmers' Market Nairobi, Kenya
in all seasons
in all seasons
Fine weather, fine day (hare, -biyori) in all seasons Japan
The MOON in AUTUMN Japan. All related kigo. A culture walk.
Beanie cap Kenya
Earth in Winter : SAIJIKI
Drying up of rivers, wells and other water (karu) Japan
Arukigami, the God of Wandering with Basho and Issa
. Earth in Autumn SAIJIKI
Visiting (mimai) oblgatory visits during all seasons Japan
Barrel organ Romania
Candles changing (roosoku kae) Japan
Date Masamune (1567 - 1636)
Karuizawa (Karuisawa shuku) and Usui Pass Japan
Higuchi Ichiyo (Ichiyoo) 1872 - 1896
Swamp, marshland, marsh (numa, zawa) Japan
Shearing sheep and goats, shearing time (senmooki) Japan
Gerbera (gaabera) Japan, UK
Rain in summer (natsu no ame) Japan. a KIGO list
Benten, Benzaiten and the lottery at Minoo Japan
Market on the Day of the Rooster (tori no ichi) "Rooster Market". Japan. Tori no Ichi Fair, Kumade bamboo rakes and O-Kame masks
Wind in summer (natsukaze) Japan. A LONG kigo list.
Frost in summer (natsu no shimo) Japan
School life in summer, summer holidays (natsuyasumi) Japan
Presents (seibo, chuugen) in all seasons Japan
Disease and illness in summer
summer cold, heat stroke, prickley heat, diarrhoea, loosing weight in summer, dysentery, cholera, beriberi, malaria, athlete's foot, typhus, sunstroke... KIGO list
Night stories (yobanashi) and diorama toys (tatebanko) Japan
Entertainment in summer Japan. night stalls, street singers and more
Ghost stories (hyaku monogatari) to keep cool Japan
Beer (biiru) Japan. Bier
Mountain climbing (tozan) Japan. Summer ski and more
Enjoy a cool evening breeze (suzumi) Japan. riverbed veranda (kawayuka) and more cool things to enjoy in summer.
Ballet (baree) Japan
Summering (hisho) Japan. a KIGO list. Sommerfrische
Cockatoo Australia. Kakadu, Parrot.
Visit after water damage (mizu mimai) Japan
bonfire to kill insects (mushi kagari) Japan. more KIGO to ward off insects in summer
Bamboo planting (take uu) Japan. an old Chinese custom
Fruit packed in paper bags (fukurokake) Japan
Matsuo Basho and the bell at the bottom of the sea
Indigo (ai) Japan . Polygonum tinctorum. Indigofera
Seaweed harvest in summer Japan. konbu, mo, funori, agar-agar and many more
Peppermint (hakka) Japan
Thunderheads, lightning and rumbling thunder Yemen
Rock (iwa) and stones Japan
Hemp, flax (asa, ooasa, taima) Japan
harvesting rapeseed (natane karu) Japan
Indigo (ai) Japan
Planting in Summer Japan
Puppets and Dolls (ningyoo) Japan
Tengu, long-nosed goblin Japan
water fights (mizu arasoi) during a dry spell Japan
giving thanks to a rainfall and more
Wild roses (nobara, ibara) rose hip, Hagebutten Japan, Europa
Water wheel treading (suisha fumu) Japan
rice planting (taue) and humanity kigo Japan
Geta sandals for rice planting (ta-geta) Japan
Sanada cord or ribbon (Sanada himo) Japan
Farmers Work in Summer
Antidote medicine for summer ailments (dokukeshi) Japan
Water (mizu) ... humanity kigo for SUMMER
vendor of seedlings (nae-uri) Japan
Refrigerator (reizooko) Japan
hanagoori 花氷 (はなごおり) "ice flowers"
Air conditioning (reiboo) Japan. room cooler
Weeds in Kenya
Mosquito net (kaya), fly swatter (hae-tataki) and more Japan
Basket for rice (meshikago) Japan
Crosscultural Musings
. . . . . My Haiku Trip to Nagi, Tottori and Chizu
Lupinus, lupins, lupines, Lupinie Fam. Fabaceae
Peace Festival (Hiroshima) Japan
atom bomb day (genbaku no hi)
Marathi New Year's Day India. Ugadi, Yugadi, Gudipadva
Yellowfin tuna (thamad) Yemen
Time Memorial Day (toki no kinenbi) Japan
Radio Day (denpa no hi) Japan
White feather (shiroi hane) for donations in May Japan
Guitar (Gitarre, gitaa) Worldwide
Kajo-Cakes for the Kajo-Day (kajoogashi) Japan
Food-related rituals of the Heian Period and their KIGO
Yabusame ... Archery on horseback Japan
Court ritual with hand fans (oogi no hai) Japan
Beggar, begging (kojiki), homeless, poor people (binboonin) Japan. Kanya
Herman Van Rompuy President of the European Council
Lilac (Flieder) Syringa fam. Germany. Japan (rairakku)
All Saints Kukai, November 2009 Nairobi, Kenya
Cut glass (kattogurasu, kiriko, biidoro, gyaman) Japan
Tin pot (suzu no hachi), tin plate Japan
Rattan chair (too isu) rattan mats ... Japan
Futon bedding in all seasonsJapan
zabuton sitting cushions
Pillow (makura) in all seasons Japan
Cleavers, cleaver weeds (mugura) Galium aparine and others. Japan
Gate (mon, kado) Japan. Temple gate (sanmon)
Aoki Getto (1879 - 1949)
Volcano (kazan) and volcano ash Iceland
Gloves, mittens (tebukuro)
Rhododendron Bhutan
Kigo Category of SEASON ... the complete SAIJIKI
Waiting for spring (haru o matsu) Japan. End of winter ... KIGO list
Morning, daytime, evening, night and KIGO
Clear and cold winter season (sayuru) Japan. a KIGO list
Kung Fu, martial arts Kenya
Yamazaki Naoko in outer space
Tax paying season
Kagura Dance Japan
Miroku Bosatsu (Maitreya) Japan
Kichijoten 吉祥天 Kichijooten (Lakshmi, Shri Mahadevi)
Pagoda (too, tou), stone pagoda (sekitoo) Japan
Gigeiten 伎芸天 Daijizai Tennyo
Fugen Bosatsu (Samantabhadra) and the White Elephant
Melancolic wind of autumn (richi no kaze) Japan.
Red plum blossoms (koobai) Japan
Bright autumn weather (aki urara) Japan
Eta and Burakumin the "Untouchables" of Japan
Truffle, truffles (shooro) Japan. Rhizopogon rubescens
Autumn (aki) Japan
Basil, sweet basil, holy basil, tulsi Serbia, India. (Ocimum spp.)
Ukogi aralia (Acanthopanax sieboldianum Makino) Japan
naked (hadaka, hadanugi) Japan
bare foot, barefoot
Bikaner Camel Festival, Rajastan India
Yamato province in Nara prefecture
Utasebune fishing boat for shrimp Japan
Sufuria .. cooking pot or saucepan Kenya
Pig, pigs Kenya
Eighty-eighth day from the beginning of spring (hachijuuhachiya) Japan. Beginning of the tea picking season
Morning (asa) Japan. a KIGO list
Redwing, Red-wing (Turdus iliacus) North America
Otter, fishotter (kawauso) Japan
Foehn wind (feen) Japan. Föhn; Föhnwind
Darkness (yami) dark evening Japan
. . . HEAVEN ... all kigo of this category for SPRING Japan
. . . EARTH ... all kigo of this category for SPRING Japan
Gumboots, rubber boots, Wellington boots Kenya
Tadpole (otamajakushi) Japan
Himalayan Bearded Vulture chicks India
Gypaetus barbatus aureus, a kind of Lammergeier
Shamba, garden plot Kenya
Animals in SPRING mating, breeding ...
Bow and arrow shooting with a small bow (suzume koyumi) Japan
Sake flasks (tokkuri) Japan
Priest, Buddhist priest or monk (oshoo) Japan
Chair (isu) Japan
Ski, skiing a KIGO list
Picknick and outdoors enjoyment Japan
Awano Seiho (1899-1992)
Ash, ashes (hai) and related kigo
and sumi-temae carcoal layout of the tea ceremony
Takita Sakae, actor and wood carver (1950 - )
Akimoto Fujio (1901-1977)
Cookie, bisquits and more cakes and sweets cookies, crackers. Japan
Samekawa Jinja Misogi / Cold Water Ablutions Hokkaido
Eucalyptus tree Fam. Myrtaceae. Kenya, Australia.
white night of the summer solstice (geshi byakuya) Japan
Arima Akito (1930 - )
Hiraizumi Fujiwara Festival Japan, May 1 - 5
Daruma san Bodhidharma and KIGO related to him
First Patriarch of the Chinese Zen lineage
Dumplings of all kinds and all seasons (dango) Japan.
Emotions expressed in spring kigo Japan
Shore life in spring (iso asobi, shiogari) KIGO list
excursion (ensoku), whirling currents (uzushio) ...
Forest work in spring grafting, planting, pruning ...
timber, logs, rafting
School life in all seasons Japan
graduation, examination, teacher, kindergarden ...
Seeds and sowing (tane, tanemaki, nae) Japan. KIGO list
Servants in Edo degawari .. and related kigo
Five Colors (goshiki) a Buddhist concept
Nichiren / Saint Nichiren (1222 - 1282). Japan
Matatu minibus Kenya
Nairobi City Kenya
Anglerfish, "frog fish" (ankoo) Japan. Lophiomus setigerus. Seeteufel
Daruma mikan (Citrus sulcata) Japan
Daruma market (Daruma ichi) Japan
Blizzard (fubuki, fuusetsu) snowstorm Japan
Sleep in spring, sleep in the morning (shunsui, asane) Dream in spring and more ... Japan
Brazier and handwarmer (hibachi) Japan
Home, interior, furniture during all seasons Sliding doors, curtains, heating, lamp light
Cherry blossom viewing (hanami) Japan. Humanity kigo.
Pineapple, Ananas comosus Kenya
Tea leaves picked green tea prepared in spring . Japan
Usuda Aroo (1879-1951) Aro Usuda
Hachiman and Hachiman Shrine festivals
Kusumoto Kenkichi 楠本憲吉 (1922‐1988)
Kyogen, Kabuki and other performances .. KIGO
Saga ... Arashiyama, Kyoto Spring festivals
Miwa, Omiwa Jinja 大三輪神社 and Mount Miwa三輪山. Mimoro yama 三諸山. Nara
Bonten 梵天 Brahma
Daikokuten, Daikoku 大黒天
Amida Buddha
Dragon (ryuu) Japan
Kannon Bosatsu, Kanzeon, Avalokiteshvara Japan. Guan-yin
Sumiyoshi Jinja .. a shrine for poetry in Osaka Japan. KIGO list
Daikoku, Daikoku Ten, God of Good Luck Japan
Benten, Suiten and water deities KIGO
Plover (chidori) Japan
Nail, nails, fingernails, cutting the fingernails (tsumekiri) Japan
Winter : feeling cold, frostbite, dry skin ... Humans suffering in winter. Japan
Winter : Games and Toys Japan
New Year Auspicious Performances
Gifu Hashima Train Station and Enku Japan
. FIRST THINGS done at the New Year
Mirror and mirror stand (kagami, kagamidai) Japan
Drum (taiko, daiko) Japan. Musical instruments.
Fishing during all seasons (ryoo) KIGO list
New Year begins : all kinds of WORK of farmers, fishers and more KIGO list
Tachibana, mikan and other citrus fruit
Diary (nikki) Japan
Chopping board (manaita, mana-ita) Japan
Haiku meeting (kukai) Japan. First haiku meeting, a New Year KIGO list
Amaryllis (amaririsu) Japan
Chicken and cock (niwatori) Japan
Fukusuke, a symbol for good luck and prosperous business
. . GENDAI .. Modern Haiku .. Translations
Katata (Katada) town at Lake Biwa and Ukimido Hall
Yamaguchi Seison 山口青邨 (1892 - 1988)
and the beach Sabishiro no Hama 淋代の浜
Divers, ama woman divers (ama) Japan
diving as a hobby
Bath (furo, sentoo) Japan. Taking a bath in various seasons
Sho-Chiku-Bai, Pine, Bamboo and Plum Japan. Three Friends of Winter
Sommelier (somurie) for wine, vegetables, fruit and other things Japan
Decorations for the New Year (o-kazari) Japan
Games and Toys for the New Year Japan
Dance, ritual dance performances for the New Year Japan
Moxabustion (o-kyuu, yaito) Japan
Cyclamen (shikuramen) Japan. Alpenveilchen
Hangover (futsukayoi) Japan. Kater
Paper, "pocket paper" (kaishi) Japan. and more about Japanese paper (washi)
Corbicula clams in miso soup (shijimijiru, shijimi jiru) Japan. (Corbicula japonica)
2010, the Year of the Tiger Japan
First Day of the Tiger (hatsu tora)
If you find a mistake, please contact me for corrections.
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