Hail (hyoo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer.
...........Hail in other seasons see below
***** Category: Heavens
Hail usually comes with the summer storms and is known to destroy the rice harvest in just one go. The grains range from rather small to big as an apple or a man's fist.
I remember well some hail stones banging on my body before I could find safety and later see blue spots on my arms.
hail, hyoo, hyô 雹 (ひよう)
ice rain, hisame 氷雨 ヒサメ, (ひさめ)
hailstorm, hyoo no ooburi 雹の大降り
Gabi Greve

© Jim Bishop and Simon Brewer (Stormgasm)
More of his HAIL photos are here
Question raised by Bill Higginson, 2001 :
While we're wrestling with various semantic issues, let me add one that puzzles me.
Virtually every J-E dictionary I know of makes no distinction between _arare_ [Nelson 5066] and _hyou_ [Nelson 5047], except perhaps to note that the former serves in a number of somewhat metaphorical expressions.
arare: 霰 (New Nelson 6546), hyoo: 雹 (New Nelson 6523)
Yet, every haikai/haiku saijiki that I pick up makes clear that these are somewhat different phenomena, over and above the fact that they occur at different times of the year (_arare_ in winter, _hyou_ in summer).
Collating the descriptions in the saijiki with North American weather guides has led me to believe that "hail" is a bad translation of _arare_, which makes much better sense as "graupel" (technical meteorological name) or "snow pellets" (common name). _Hyou_, on the other hand, does seem to pair well with "hail".
Since I have not lived in Japan year-round since the 1960s, and have no access to mainstream Japanese media, I have not been able to note current popular usage. I wonder if any list members can tell me if the distinction between _arare_ and _hyou_ found in modern haiku saijiki (both as to season and nature of phenomena) is maintained in the popular media? (I realize that these are murky waters when dealing with classical texts, as these and other words, such as _mizore_ today relegated to "sleet" or sometimes confusingly used for mixed rain and snow, for example, are often conflated in earlier times.)
Read the rest of this most interesting discussion here.
Arare versus Hyoo, Discussion, 2001
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Water kettle with "arare" pattern
arare moyo 霰模様, referring to a dotted pattern.

source : kunzan-kobo 薫山工房

kaiun arare Daruma 開運あられだるま
arare crackers for good luck
source : www.hozugawaarare.com

達磨茶屋 Daruma Tea House, selling all kinds of arare and other sweets
谷汲あられ”の里 - Tanigumi Arare no Sato、Gifu
source : www.tanigumi-arare.com
Ishiyama no ishi ni tabashiru arare kana
splashing on the stones
of Mount Ishiyama -
these hailstones
Matsuo Basho
Tr. Gabi Greve
Read the discussion of
translating this haiku !
and look at a sweet !
hailstones, too,
enter my begging bowl
An Introduction to the Haiku of Taneda Santoka. Simply Haiku
Hawaii, March 2006
hailstorm in Hawaii
someone shook
the snow globe
uprooting a pathway
fallen trees
under the palmtree
now in my freezer
hailstones in my freezer
evening margaritas
connected to the universe
Shanna Moore
Related words
Kigo for All Winter
***** Hail in winter, snow pellets, graupel,
arare 霰
jewel-like pellets, tama arare 玉霰
snow and hail, yuki arare 雪あられ(ゆきあられ)
first winter hail, hatsu arare 初霰(はつあられ
ice and hail, koori arare 氷あられ(こおりあられ)
..... hisame 氷雨(ひさめ)
hail stones, "Hail balls", tama arare 玉霰(たまあられ)
hailstorm in the evening, yuu arare 夕霰(ゆうあられ)
sudden hailstorm, kyuusan 急霰(きゅうさん)
sleet, mizore 霙 (みぞれ)
yukimajiri 雪雑り(ゆきまじり)"mixed with snow
..... yukimaze 雪交ぜ(ゆきまぜ)
In that winter, when the homeless Basho returned from a stay in Kai Province, his friends and disciples again gathered together and presented him with a new Basho Hut. He was pleased, but it was not enough to do away with his melancholy.
His poem on entering the new hut was:
arare kiku ya kono mi wa moto no furugashiwa
The sound of hail -
I am the same as before
Like that aging oak.
. Makoto Ueda -
The master haiku Poet Matsuo Basho .
Written in 天和3年, Basho age 40.
This hokku counts 6 in the first line.
MORE - hokku about arare by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Kigo for all Spring
***** haru no mizore 春の霙 (はるのみぞれ) sleet in spring
..... harumizore 春みぞれ(はるみぞれ
***** Hail in spring, haru no hyoo
春の雹 はるのひょう
***** snow pellets in spring, haru no arare
春の霰 はるのあられ
is also the name of a sweet, kind of rice puffs, especially during the Doll festival (hina arare 雛あられ).

.. .. .. .. Rain (ame)
.. .. .. .. Snow (yuki)
... .. .. .. Doll Festival (hina matsuri)
Matsuo Basho
ikameshiki oto ya arare no hinoki-gasa
so harsh
the sound - hail
on my pilgrim's hat
Basho listens to the sound of hail bouncing off from his hat.
This hokku has the cut marker YA in the middle of line 2.
ikameshii 厳めしい solemn, stern, grave, dignifies
. Nozarashi Kiko 野ざらし紀行 .
貞亨元年, 1684
Matsuo Basho - arare
arare kiku ya / kono mi wa moto no / furu gashiwa
arare majiru / katabira yuki wa / komon kana
arare se ba / ajiro no hio o / nite dasan
fuyu shiranu / yado ya momi suru / oto arare
iza kodomo / hashiri arikan / tama arare
zōsui ni / biwa kiku noki no / arare kana
Matsuo Basho
biwakoo no yo ya samisen no oto arare
and Shamisen poems
Hailstorm hits Tokyo
June 24, 2014
Heavy rain and hailstones hit Tokyo and surrounding areas on Tuesday.
Tokyo's Mitaka City was hit by hail in the afternoon. Some residents say that hailstones of up to 3 centimeters wide fell for about 30 minutes.
It covered residential areas, accumulating up to 10 centimeters. Residents used shovels to remove it from around their homes.
Weather officials say that warm, humid air and a cold air mass made atmospheric conditions unstable, causing cumulonimbus clouds to develop over Tokyo area.
Some clouds were more than 10 kilometers high. Powerful updrafts occurred, and that lead to the hailstorm.
Tokyo's Chofu City was hit by a heavy rain around 3PM. 68 millimeters fell in one hour.
Weather officials forecast more localized thunderstorms in Tokyo and surrounding areas later on Tuesday.
Watching this on TV was amazing.
Ice on the road in the middle of summer in Tokyo - extreme weather conditions coming on . . .
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