Search the World Kigo Database
and the Daruma Museum Galleries
Unfortunately this personal search function
does not cover all my entries any more.
Somehow later additions to entries will not be found.
The Kappapedia is also not searched.
Best use the normal GOOGLE SEARCH and begin with the keywords
Greve, WKD ...
. .

Click your refresh button, if nothing shows above the banner or
Or you can try the main ABC Index of each BLOG.
But the ABC list does not cover all the kigo of the WKD.
For example many names of flowers and animals are only covered in the respective topical saijiki.
. Complete SAIJIKI list .
I am sorry for the inconvenience.
Check the latest additions of all BLOGS
- - - - - Darumapedia News - - - - -
and new bits and pieces:
. darumapedianews at Yahoo .
Trying to look up a Chinese character?
The YAHOO dictionary pages !

If you know of a better search function,
please let me know.
Gabi Greve, Japan - April 2015

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