Freezing, frozen (itsuru, kooru)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: All Winter
***** Category: Season
There are many ways to describe the freezing process during cold spells in winter. Let us look at some examples.

waking up
to the morning sun -
the heart still freezing
Photo and Haiku by Gabi Greve, 2005
freezing, itsuru 冱つる
..... kooru 凍る, 氷る
..... shimu 凍む(しむ)
..... ite 凍て
freezing and splitting, itewaruru 凍割るる (いてわるる)
freezing over, itetsuku 凍て付く、凍てつく
freezing, tooketsu 凍結
freezing morning, asajimi 朝凍(あさじみ)
freezing evening, yuujimi 夕凍(ゆうじみ)
frozen light, tookoo 凍光
freezing moon, tsuki itsuru 月凍つる
freezeing wind, kaze itsuru 風凍つる
fine weather but freezing, itebare 凍晴
freezing sky, itezora 凍空 いてぞら
freezing clouds, itegumo 凍雲
freezing mist, itegasumi 凍霞
..... itemoya 凍靄
frozen cheeks, hoo itsuru 頬凍つる
sound of the frozen temple bell, kane itsuru 鐘凍つる
waterfall iced up, itetaki 凍滝
..... taki kooru 滝氷る たきこおる
..... hyoobaku 氷瀑(ひょうばく)
iced lake, hyooko 氷湖 hyōko
iced sea, hyookai 氷海 hyōkai
ice bridge, kooribashi 氷橋
frozen harbour, tookoo 凍港
frozen road, itemichi 凍道
frozen ground, itetsuchi 凍土
..... toodo 凍土(とうど); toojoo 凍上(とうじょう); itetsuchi 冱土(いてつち); tsuchi itsuru 土冱つる(つちいつる)
..... frozen road, itemichi 凍道(いてみち)
..... michi itsuru 道冱つる(みちいつる)
frozen window, itemado 凍窓
frozen butterfly, itechoo 凍て蝶
..... Butterfly in Winter(fuyu no choo) Japan
frozen bee, wasp, itebachi 凍蜂
Some things are rather "frozen in time" or slow motion, like a smile, a gesture in mid-air and more. Here the FREEZE has nothing to do with cold weather.
These are not kigo.
Frozen food, like frozen chicken from the refrigerator can be enjoyed all year, so it makes for haiku topics.
A chicken frozen to death in an icecold barn, on the other hand, would be a real winter happening.

Photo Gabi Greve
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
tookoo ya kyuu-Ro no machi wa ari to nomi
A frozen harbor —
what was once a Russian town
there and nothing more.
Yamaguchi Seishi 山口誓子
The harbour is the old town of Oodomari in 1926.
Read a discussion of this haiku by
Vaughn Seward, Translating Haiku Forum
... ... ...
This frozen harbor...
what was once a Russian town,
barely there anymore.
Гавань в тисках мороза...
от старого русского посёлка
мало что осталось.
Gavan' v tiskah moroza...
ot starogo russkogo posiolka
malo chto ostalos'.
Zhanna P. Rader
奥山の 凍て滝の声 響きおり
okuyama no itetaki no koe hibiki ori
deep in the mountains -
the frozen waterfall
still roaring
Gabi Greve, Japan, January 2007
freezing night chill
we both seek warmth
in close whispers
N.K. Singh, India
Related words
***** Ice, Icicle (koori, tsurara) (Japan)
***** Frost (shimo, Japan) , Late Frost
***** Winter (fuyu, Japan)
Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
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deep in the mountains -
the frozen waterfall
still roaring
More is here:
Gabi Greve, Ohaga, Japan
footsteps crunch
blades of grass become shards ~
twenty-six degrees
Tokugawa Hayato
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