Ice (koori)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: Late Winter
***** Category: Earth
There are some kigo related to ice in late winter.
For ICE kigo about spring, see below.
ice, koori, kōri (こおり, こうり) 氷
thick ice, atsugoori 厚氷
thin ice, "like cicada wings" semigoori, 蝉氷
mirror of ice, mirror ice, himo kagami 氷面鏡
..... koori no kagami 氷の鏡
"cotton ice" watagoori 綿氷
..... at the bottom of small brooks
"ice like a sword", koori no tsurugi 氷の剣 (こおりのつるぎ)
"below zero" hyootenka 氷点下
koori no neya 氷の閨(こおりのねや)icecold in the bedroom
ice forming, ketushyoo 結氷
..... hyooketsu 氷結
..... koori musubu 氷結ぶ
..... koori haru 氷張る
..... hyookai 氷塊(ひょうかい)
kooritozu 氷閉ず(こおりとず)enclosed by ice
hyoojoo 氷上(ひょうじょう)on the ice
When the ice crystals start to form, we can even hear it:
"voice of the ice", koori no koe 氷の声
ice floes, floating ice, ryuuhyoo 流氷
ice chrystals, hyooshoo 氷晶
.... when it gets below 20 degrees centigrade
diamond dust, daiamondo dasuto ダイアモンド ダスト
"flowers of ice", koori no hana 氷の花
..... ice patterns on a flat surface, like ripples
"ice dress", koori no koromo 氷の衣 (こおりのころも)
..... ice forming around things
koori no kusabi 氷の楔(こおりのくさび)wedge of ice
. tsuki kooru 月氷る(つきこおる)"freezing moon"
kane kooru 鐘氷る(かねこおる)frozen temple bell
tsuyu kooru 露氷る(つゆこおる)frozen dew
harawata kooru 腸氷る(はらわたこおる)"frozen intestines"
feeling the cold deep inside
. kage kooru 影氷る(かげこおる)frozen shadow
hyooheki 氷壁 (ひょうへき) ice wall, wall of ice
seppeki 雪壁(せっぺき)snow wall
A steep mountain slope frozen.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

March cold
icicles of spring day
freeze tears
- Shared by Gennady Nov, Russia
Joys of Japan, March 2012
icicle, ice pillar (hyoochuu), tsurara 氷柱
hanging icicle, taruhi 垂氷
standing icicle, tachihi 立氷
large icicle, ootsurara 大氷柱
"silver bamboo" ginchiku 銀竹(ぎんちく)
"ice chopsticks" hyoocho 氷著 (ひょうちょ)
..... hyoojoo 氷条(ひょうじょう)
..... hyoojun 氷笋(ひょうじゅん)
..... hyookin 氷筋(ひょうきん)
iced lake, hyooko 氷湖
iced sea, hyookai 氷海
iced waterfall, idetaki 凍滝, taki kooru 滝氷る
..... koori no taki 氷の滝
..... karedaki 涸滝
iced bridge, kooribashi 氷橋
. mizuumi kooru 湖凍る(みずうみこおる)frozen lake
kamiwatari 御神渡 (おみわたり) gods crossing the frozen lake
miwatari, mi-watari 御渡(みわたり)
At Lake Suwako 諏訪湖 in winter, when it is frozen and has special patterns like a path on the ice.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
. hyookai 氷海 (ひょうかい) frozen sea, ocean frozen
hyoosetsu 氷雪(ひょうせつ)ice and snow
hyooden 氷田(ひょうでん)field with ice
hyooya 氷野(ひょうや)plain/ wild fields in ice
icy dew cover, muhyoo 霧氷
when the moist air floats upward and builds ice around branches
..... jusoo 樹霜
"tree icicles" juhyoo 樹氷、sohyoo 租氷
rain and ice, uhyoo 雨氷 (うひょう)
hatsugoori 初氷 はつごおり first ice,
first frozen water
kigo for mid-winter
(hatsu koori)
first ice -
a sparrow picks
at its reflection
Gabi Greve, December 2009
Googeling for more haiku with

Photo Gabi Greve
cold sunshine -
the icicles refuse
to melt
. Gabi Greve, January 2011
Worldwide use
Eis, Eiszapfen
Things found on the way
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

kame waruru yoru no koori no nezame kana
I wake up at night (from the sound of)
the water jar breaking
from the ice . . .
Paraverse by Gabi Greve
This is difficult to translate.
the Japanese lines contain these words
water jar breaks/cracks
ice at night
I wake up
source : yamanashi-ken.ac.jp
On a cold night, from the sound of a jar breaking, the poet wakes up. He might wonder, has the jar really broken? In the jar was the water for cooking tea and cook rice for the breakfast next morning. Basho records this extreme cold and the loneliness of his living condition.
The scene is a winter's night, obviously, and a water jar cracking from the expansion of the ice. This has some relationship to waking, but in Japanese grammar it is unclear who is awake, or woken. You could choose to say "I", and you could choose to be awake in the night (lonely and unable to sleep), or suddenly awakened by the cracking of the water-jar. There is plenty of scope!
source : www.haiku.insouthsea.co.uk
. . . . .
a water jar cracks :
in the freezing of the night
I lie here awake
source : www.tclt.org.uk
. . . . .
The sound of a water jar
Cracking on this icy night
As I lie awake
Wen-zhi (Wortdenk) translation
source : poetrybeingzen.blogspot.com
. . . . .
awakened at midnight
by the sound of the water jar
cracking from the ice
Tr. Sam Hamill
- - - - There is a similar poem attributed to Basho:
abura koori tomoshibi hosoki nezame kana
Awake at night,
the lamp low,
the oil freezing.
Tr. Robert Hass
oil is freezing
and the light is low
(as I) wake up at night . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
The cut marker KANA is at the end of line 3.
mihotoke no mihana no saki e tsurara kana
on the tip of
the Buddha's blessed nose
an icicle
Kobayashi Issa
Icicle, tsurara - University of Virginia Library
on honorable Buddha's
honorable nose
an icicle
Tr. David Lanoue
hazy afternoon
the woodpecker's call
bounces off the ice
après-midi brumeuse
l'appel du pic
résonne sur la glace
Copyright Cindy Zackowitz, 2000
Look at a great photo here
Float Ice, ryuuhyoo from Abashiri, Hokkaido.

Look at a photo site about floating ice
ryuuhyoo ya Sooya no to nami areyamazu
float ice !
at Sooya the waves
never come to rest
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
山口 誓子
The Cape of Sooya in Hokkaido (Soya Misaki 宗谷岬) is a famous place. Many haiku have been written there.
Here is a famous song about the place (in Japanese).
Rauhe Inseln aus
Packeis treiben nach Süden
In blauer Weite.
Œuvre Copyright © 2002ff. by Hans-Jürgen Murer
Related words
ICE kigo for early spring
ice in spring, haru no koori 春の氷(はるのこおり)
ice still left over, nokoru koori 残る氷(のこるこおり)
thin ice, usurai 薄氷 (うすらい )
..... usugoori 薄氷(うすごおり)
usurai is a rather thinclear ice, usually sparkling and finely crystallized. It forms on cold spring nights and is gone when the sun comes out warmly during the day.
Shiki placed this kigo in early sping.
Before him, the reading was "hakuhyoo" and used in winter.
ICE kigo for mid-spring
ice is melting, koori toku 氷解く (こおりとく)
kaihyoo 解氷(かいひょう)
ukigoori 浮氷(うきごおり)
ice vanishing, koori kiyu 氷消ゆ(こおりきゆ)
time of melting ice, kaihyooki 解氷期(かいひょうき)
lake with melting ice, kaihyoo ko 解氷湖(かいひょうこ)
driftice, floating ice
drifting ice, floating ice, ryuuhyoo 流氷 (りゅうひょう)
time of drifting ice, ryuuhyoo ki 流氷期(りゅうひょうき)
layer of melting ice, ryuuhyoo ban 流氷盤(りゅうひょうばん)
ice is drifting, koori nagaruru 氷流るる(こおりながるる)

Drifting ice along Abashiri, Hokkaido, Japan
usurai wa namida o tomeru saku nari shi
The thin coating ice
was a fence
to dam up tears
Niji Fuyuno
Tr. Ryu Yotsuya
soft icy face ... (usurai ya)
of the pond ... (bidoo danisenu)
not a sign of movement .... (ike no omo)
© Michi Umeda

ice shards
from moment to moment
underground chill
- Shared by Verica Zivkovic -
Joys of Japan, January 2013
***** Winter (fuyu, Japan)
***** January Worldwide
. SAIJIKI ... category EARTH
freezing pond
seagulls experiment
waddle or swim
Isabelle Prondzynski, 24 January 2006
thin ice
on a pond
many webbed feet
on the thin ice
honks of geese
At the moment, we have a plague of geese here. They come from the north to await the spring, pecking on the local variety and causing the farmers headaches.
:>) Ella
Thank you, Sakuo san!
Yes, I like to study about Japanese Kigo Culture.
koori tozu 氷閉ず(こおりと)enclosed by ice
waveless lake -
the ice-bound boat unmoved
by the north wind
jezero bez valova -
nepomičan na sjevercu
zaleđen čamac
Thanks for the anonymous contribution!
If you find the time, add your name!
Tomislav Maretić
Kobayashi Issa
yuuyake ya karakurenai no hatsugoori
sunset --
the winter's first ice
bright crimson
This hokku is from the beginning of the eleventh lunar month (the middle of December) of 1819, the year evoked in Year of My Life. At this time Issa is traveling around visiting several students near his hometown, and water has frozen over for the first time this winter. The color kara-kurenai is a fairly bright and slightly pinkish, rosy crimson that came from the East Asian continent (Kara, that is, China and Korea), where it was very popular. "Continental" actually means stylish or fancy, so "fancy crimson" might be a good literal translation. Here it gives icing-over villages a few minutes of otherworldly beauty to remember.
The link below shows samples of many traditional Japanese colors, including kara-kurenai, which this site calls "foreign crimson" (#e95464). If you scroll about a third of the way down, it's in the left column, just above the deeper reds and scarlets:
Chris Drake
first ice . . .
hatsugoori menkawa no gotoku hageshitaru
稲垣きくの Itagaki Kikuno
Also menkawa 面皮.
A pillar or post *hashira 柱, rafter *taruki 垂木 or batten *sao 竿, usually made of cedar or cypress, which has four planed sides but retains natural texture, including the bark, untouched at the corners. The planed sides are highly polished. Sometimes the bark is peeled off leaving the rough surface underneath exposed.
Rafters of this type or battens that are hidden on one side are treated with a technique called *sewari 背割, purposely making a split on the back to prevent cracking.
This technique is particularly suited to tea ceremony houses *chashitsu 茶室 of the sukiyashoin style, sukiyashoin-zukuri 数寄屋書院造.
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