
First Kick-Ball Game


First Kick-Ball Game (mari hajime)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: New Year
***** Category: Humanity


During the Edo period, the first game took place on the first day of the monkey.
The tradition was almost lost, but during the Meiji period it revived and now there are groups in Kyoto which preserve this ancient sports.

The first game takes place on January 4 at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto. 

first game, hatsumari 初鞠, mari hajime 鞠初
..... kemari hajime 蹴鞠初め


Players in Elegant Court Costumes Exhibit Skills

A New Year ritual, "Kemari Hajime," meaning first ball kicking of the year, took place on January 4 at Shimogamo Shrine in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto. Players dressed in colorful court costumes of the Heian Period (8-12C AD) performed Kemari, an ancient ball-kicking game, in front of visitors who were paying their first visit of the year to the shrine. As the ball was kicked with rhythmical sounds high into the air, onlookers burst into cheers and applause.

Kemari was introduced to Japan from China along with Buddhism. A group of players form a circle, and kick a ball while preventing it from touching the ground. It became quite popular among noble people in the Heian Period, and its ritual procedures and styles are believed to have been established in the Kamakura Period (13-14C AD).
Although it once died out during the rush to westernization after the Meiji Restoration in the 19th century, this traditional court sport was revived with the establishment of the Kemari Preservation Society in 1903, and has continued to the present.

Seventeen members of the preservation group, dressed in ancient formal wear of "Suikan" jackets, "Hakama" trousers, and "Eboshi" caps, appeared on the 15-meter-square Kemari court specially set up in front of the shrine's main hall. A team of eight players formed a circle on the court, and elegantly passed the deerskin ball to one another. They skillfully controlled the ball using only the instep of their right feet while shouting the names of the Kemari's deities; "Ari," "Ya" and "Oh." Spectators focused their cameras at the players, clapped their hands and enjoyed the wonderful ball handling.

© Kyoto Shimbun 2006.1.4 News


Folding Screen from the Momoyama Period
A sceene from the Tale of Genji

The scroll paintings evoke the ideal of the aristocratic society in early eleventh-century Japan. The work incorporates the arts of painting, calligraphy and decorated paper. A fusion of traditions of monogatari, Yamatoe painting and kana calligraphy, the work emerges as the very epitome of Haian aesthetics.

More in English is here:

桃山時代(16世紀)以降の近世、絵画は現世主義的な生活観を背景に、 明快な可視的効果を希求し、いちだんと装飾性を強めます。そうした時代風潮にあって、 障屏画とならんで大画面に金地濃彩を用いて描く屏風絵は、画家たちがその感性や 伎倆を発揮するのにまさに格好の画面形式でした。

桃山時代 六曲屏風 1双
各159.4×358.5 紙本金地著色

Click HERE to see the second screen !


Fujiwara Narimichi 藤原成通
and the three Spirits of Kemari

Tosa Koi, 17th cent.


The Ball, made from Deer Skin


CLICK for more photos !

Click HERE to look at more first kick-ball game photos !

Click HERE to look at more kick-ball photos !


Worldwide use


Bronze Mirror with Kick-Ball Players

www.sg.com.cn/2004style/ FGBJ/t20050328_90216.htm

Click HERE to see more kemari photos from CHINA !



. Sepak takraw kick volleyball .

Things found on the way

at shrine Shimogamo Jinja 下鴨神社


first kick-ball game -
so many beads of sweat
on the old costumes

Gabi Greve, Japan, January 2006


烏帽子 結いなおすも作法 鞠初
eboshi yuinaosu mo sahoo mari hajime

first kick-ball game !
fastening the court hat again
is part of the rules
(tr. Gabi Greve)



fuyu no tsuki kemari no yukugata shirezu kana

winter moon -
maybe just a kemari ball
gone astray

(tr. Gabi Greve)

ningyo-hime. Look at the moon-ball here !

Related words

***** kajimari 梶の鞠(かじのまり)paper mulberry kickball
for the Tanabata star festival rituals

Tanabata no kemari 七夕の蹴鞠(たなばたのけまり)

***** . temari 手まり、手毬 hand ball .

***** Soccer, Football, Fussball


First Water (wakamizu)


First drawing of Well Water (wakamizu)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: New Year
***** Category: Observance


"Young Water", wakamizu 若水
drawing the first water of the year at the double-hour of the tiger (tora no koku 寅の刻, from four to six in the morning) . This water was supposed to bring health and wellbeing to the people who drink it. It is also renown for bringing back youth to the people ("young water" waka mizu).

The water is drawn only by choosen "men of the year" (toshi otoko 年男, but referring either to the "man of the house" or to men who are born in the animal sign of the coming year) which are thought of as having special heavenly power with them. This ceremony is the very first male activity of the New Year. Women had to stay away from the well.
Is some parts of Shikoku island, however, it is the lady of the house who fetches the first water.

From simple farmers to temple priest to tea ceremony masters, all took this custom very seriously. The well where this water was drawn is usually decorated with New Year decorations.

Well water as a source for drinking water was most important during all times, until the arrival of modern tab water! When we moved to our farm house, we had only well water for about six months, which makes you well aware of the importance of this commodity. The god of water (suijin 水神) was venerated everywhere.
In our neighbourhood it can still happen that you are invited to a cup of tea from the first water at six in the morning, to participate of the good luck for the area.
Food cooked later with this water is eaten later, mostly the famous "New Year Soup", zooni 雑煮.

..... first water, hatsumizu 初水
..... first water, ichiban mizu 一番水
..... first drawn well water, seikasui せいかすい、井華水

..... first well, waka-i 若井
..... meeting the first water, wakamizu-mukae 若水迎
..... drawing the first water, wakamizu kumi 若水汲み

blessed water, fukumizu 福水
New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea (fukucha) 

bucket for drawing the first water, wakamizu oke 若水桶
usually the bucket too is decoraded with auspicious symbols.


Drawing the first Water, O-Mizutori, Omizutori, お水取り
Ceremony at the temple Nigatsu-Do  

Kigo related to this ceremony can be placed in the New Year season or in mid-spring.


CLICK for more from Keishu

First Water
Keishu Takeuchi 1861-1942 - 武内桂舟

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

New Year decoration on the well - rural Japan


Issa and his haiku about the "first water"

wakamizu ya souto tsukikomu ume no hana

into the year's first
water softly...
plum blossoms

wakamizu no yoshi naki hito ni kumare keri

New Year's water--
an unfortunate soul
ladles it

Originally I translated yoshi naki hito as "an unlucky soul." Shinji Ogawa suggests that yoshi in this context could mean "reason," not "luck." The expression might signify that a person with no reason to do so is ladling the New Year's water. Masafumi Kobayashi, in Issa to onnatachi ("Issa and Women"), has a different theory. He writes that yoshi naki hito refers to an unfortunate soul: a prostitute who, when she was alive, ladled the water at a certain well. "I don't know why she died, but it's surely a sad story," he adds (Tokyo: Sanwa 2004) 42-43.

cha keburi ya waga wakamizu mo sumida-gawa

tea smoke--
my year's first water
from Sumida River

myôdai ni wakamizu abiru suzume kana

bathing in the
New Year's water...
my proxy the sparrow

yoku-doshiku wakamizu tsukau onna kana

greedily using up
the year's first water...
the woman

Haiga by Nakamura Sakuo

Yokudoshi is an old word that means "to be greedy"; see Kogo dai jiten (Shogakukan 1983) 1704. Is this haiku a gentle slap at Issa's wife, Kiku?
Age 56, Fifth Month, 4th day, the first daughter, Sato, is born. On New year his wife is pregnant with fifth month baby.

wakamizu ya narabu suzume mo mamena kao

year's first water--
sparrows in a row
with healthy faces

wakamizu ya mazu wa hotoke no shikimi oke

year's first water--
the first goes to Buddha's
bucket of branches

A temple scene. The stone Buddha's bucket is filled with sacred shikimi (star-aniseed) branches that are placed on Buddhist graves.

myôdai ni wakamizu abiru karasu kana

bathing in the
New Year's water...
my proxy the crow

san mon ga wakamizu amaru iori kana

three pennies of New Year's
water is enough...
my little hut

hito oke o wakamizu waka yu waka cha kana

from one bucket
the year's first cold water
first hot water, first tea

wakamizu ya wara ga uite mo fuku to iu

year's first water--
even a floating straw
they call "lucky!"

Shinji Ogawa comments, "The straw is rather unimportant here. The humor of this haiku is the people's psyche: that no matter what is floating, they call it a lucky omen."

chisai ko ya wakamizu kumi mo nambanme

little child
draws the year's first water...
again and again!

mezamashi ni wakamizu miru ya sumida-gawa

the year's first water
looks wonderful!
Sumida River

wakamizu ya dobin hitotsu ni sumida-gawa

the year's first water
in an earthen teapot...
Sumida River

Tr. David Lanoue 


wakamizu ya hito no koe suru kaki no yami

first water -
the hedge in the dark sounds
like a man's voice

. Murou Saisei 室生犀星  





© 現代俳句データベース- 


Related words

***** WKD: Ceremonies of Japan Nihon no Gyooji 日本の行事

***** Suijin, the God of Water 水神 Mizu no Kamisama

WATER and related KIGO



First Things, New Things

[ . BACK to worldkigo TOP . ]

First Things done at the New Year

and in other seasons

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various
***** Category: Humanity, Observances


Does the word NEW, or FIRST, alwayd denote
the new year season and is a kigo?

There are many other New and First activities and things throughout the year.

I will try and find some here.

First things often start with HATSU ...
or end in .... SOME / ZOME.

There are 386 kigo starting with 初..., and
119 of them do not relate to the New Year.

There are 93 kigo that end with ...初 and
7 of them do not relate to the New Year.

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 and first things .



Many things done during the New Year holidays are kigo for haiku.

More observances are here:

New Year in Japan
Buddhist and Shinto Ceremonies and Rituals are introduced here.


Please use your BROWSER to find your keyword
in the following list.

first bath (hatsuyu, hatsuburo 初湯 (はつゆ) / 初風呂(はつぶろ)

first boat, first use of the boat, funa okoshi 船起 (ふなおこし)

first calligraphy (kakizome 書初め)
fude hajime 筆始(ふではじめ)first use of the brush
hatsu suzuri 初硯(はつすずり)first use of the ink stone

first chopping board, first use of the chopping board
manaita hajime 俎始 (まないたはじめ)

First Dream (hatsu yume)

first fire 初火事 (はつかじ) hatsu kaji
first burning down of a building

"first flute"
first blowing of the flute 吹初(ふきぞめ)fukizome

first fortune-telling slip 初神籤(はつみくじ)hatsumikuji, hatsu mikuji

first garden 初庭(はつにわ) hatsu niwa

first green (hatsu midori 初緑 )

First Haiku 2007
. . . hatsu kukai 初句会 first haiku meeting

first Ikebana flower arrangement 生初 (いけぞめ) ikezome
..... seika hajime 生花始(せいかはじめ)
..... sooka hajime 挿花始(そうかはじめ)

first Kagura dance 初神楽 (はつかぐら) hatsu kagura
..... kagura hajime 神楽始(かぐらはじめ)

first kitchen knife, first use of the kitchen knife
hoochoo hajime 庖丁始(ほうちょうはじめ)

first laugh (hatsu warai)
first smile and more laughing kigo

First Kick-Ball Game (kemari hajime) Japan

first purification ceremony 初祓(はつはらい) hatsu harai  

First shrine or temple visit 初詣 hatsumoode, hatsu moode
hatsu mairi 初参(はつまいり)
hatsu yashiro 初社(はつやしろ)

First Snow (hatsuyuki, Japan)

First Sun, First Sunrise (hatsuhi, hatsuhi no de, Japan)

First Tea Ceremony 初茶湯(はつちゃのゆ)hatsu chanoyu

first trip, hatsu tabi 初旅 (はつたび) first travel
hatsu hikoo 初飛行(はつひこう)first flight
hatsu densha 初電車(はつでんしゃ)first taking of the train
and more

First Using of the Bellows (hatsu fuigo 初鞴)
First Using of the Smithy (hatsu kaji 初鍛冶)


First View of a famous mountain

They all come under the KIDAI

First view of the landscape, hatsu geshiki, hatsugeshiki
初景色. 初気色 (はつげしき)

First view of Mount Fuji, hatsu Fuji 初富士

Hatsu Tsukuba, First view of Mt. Tsukuba, 初筑波 はつつくば

Hatsu Hiei 初比叡 First View of Mount Hiei (Hieizan near Kyoto)

Hatsu Asama 初浅間 First View or Visit to Mount Asama, near Karuizawa Town

Hatsu Sengen, Hatsu Asama, 初浅間 First view or visit to the Asama Shrine (Mt. Fuji)


aramushiro, new straw mat 新筵(あらむしろ)
kake mushiro 掛筵 (かけむしろ) portable seating mat
Tatami and other floor mats as kigo

hakizome 掃初 (はきぞめ) first cleaning
... hatsubooki 初箒(はつぼうき)first (use of the) broom
... hatsusooji 初掃除(はつそうじ)
... fukihajime 拭始(ふきはじめ)beginning to clean
. hooki 箒 the broom and haiku .

hatsu choozu 初手水 (はつちょうず)
first use of the wash basin for hands

hatsu denwa, hatsudenwa 初電話 (はつでんわ)
"first telephone", first telephone call
To your family and friends, when you got a greeting card for the New Year. Also to hear the voice of the grandchildren for the first time in the New Year.

hatsu ishoo 初衣裳(はついしょう) first wearing of New Year Robes
hatsugasane, hatsu gasane 初重ね(はつがさね)
... kizome hajime 着衣初 (きそはじめ)
Kimono, robes in all seasons

hatsu kyuu, hatsukyuu 初灸 (はつきゅう) first moxabustion
... hatsu yaito, hatsuyaito 初やいと

hatsu zashiki 初座敷 (はつざしき)first use of the official living room
hatsubyoobu 初屏風 (はつびょうぶ) first use of a folding screen
Folding screens and related kigo


CLICK for original LINK
Old calendar with the 72 seasons

hatsugoyomi 初暦 (はつごよみ)
"first calendar" new calendar

... shingoyomi 新暦(しんごよみ)
... Ise goyomi 伊勢暦(いせごよみ)calender from the Shrine of Ise

koyomibiraki, koyomi biraki 暦開き(こよみびらき)opening the calendar
... hatsubiraki 、初開き(はつびらき)first opening (of the calendar)
hongoyomi 本暦(ほんごよみ)main calendar
hashiragoyomi 、柱暦(はしらごよみ)calendar on the pillar
tsuzurigoyomi 綴暦(つづりごよみ)calender to scribble on
hanagoyomi 花暦(はなごよみ)"flower calendar"
makigoyomi 巻暦(まきごよみ)rolled calendar
gyoojigoyomi 行事暦(ぎょうじごよみ)calendar with the events of the coming year

. . . . .

hatsugoyomi mekureba chikyuu ugoita yoo na  

first calendar sheet -
when I turn it I almost feel
the globe has moved

Yaki Tsutomu 夜基津吐虫 aka Toyozato Tomoyuki


A calendar was very important in olden times. It covered the auspicious and less auspicious days, the changing of the seasons and much more for the daily life of the people.

The Asian Lunar Calendar
The 72 Seasons in China and Japan
shichijuuni koo 七十二候 (しちじゅうにこう)

kigo for the end of the year

Koyomi no Soo 暦の奏
Imperial Ceremony of perparing the new calendar
..... Goryaku no soo 御暦の奏(ごりゃくのそう)、rekisoo 暦奏(れきそう)
observance kigo for mid-winter
On November 1.
Imperial Ceremony of preparing the New Calendar according to the rites of the Yin-Yang Lore and more.


hatsu hanashi, hatsuhanashi 初話(はつはなし / 初咄)
first smalltalk, first talk
first talk to a person you meat, maybe a family member or someone on your first outing.
..... hansahizome 話初( はなしぞめ )

. hatsu kagami 初鏡 (はつかがみ) "first mirror"  
..... hatsugeshoo 初化粧(はつげしょう)first make-up

. hatsu kami 初髪 (はつかみ) "first hair"  
..... 初結(はつゆい)first combing the hair
having the hair made up for the first time
..... yuizome 、結初(ゆいぞめ)
toshi no kami 年の髪(としのかみ)
sukizome 梳初 (すきぞめ) first combing the hair
hatsu Shimada 初島田(はつしまだ)first Shimada hairstyle

. Shimada Candy Festival (Shimada ame matsuri) .

hatsu kashigi 初炊ぎ (はつかしぎ) first cooking (of rice)
kashigizome 炊ぎ初(かしぎぞめ)
takizome 炊初(たきぞめ), takizome 焚初(たきぞめ)
wakameshi 若飯(わかめし)first cooked rice

hatsu kamado 初竈 (はつかまど) first use of the hearth (fire)

hatsuneuri, hatsune uri 初音売 (はつねうり)
first vendor of a nightingale flute

..... hatusnebue 初音笛(はつねぶえ)first nightingale flute
It is a simple toy flute made of bamboo, even now sold in Nagano.


hatsu nikki 初日記(はつにっき)first entry in the diary
..... nikki hajime 日記初 にっきはじめ
..... shin nikki 新日記(しんにっき)new diary

kigo for mid-winter

nikki kau 日記買う (にっきかう) buying a diary
furu nikki 古日記 (ふるにっき) old diary
nikki hatsu 日記果つ(にっきはつ)end of the diary


. hatsu shigoto hatsushigoto 初仕事(はつしごと)
first work and business activities 
a long KIGO LIST

hatsu shashin 初写真 (はつしゃしん) "first photo" (taking a photo)

hatsu tomoshi, hatsutomoshi 初燈 (はつともし)
... hatsu toomyoo 初燈明(はつとうみょう)
first light offering to the Deities, Buddhas and ancestors.
Lighting a candle in the house altar.
Light offerings (toomyoo)

hatsu warai 初笑(はつわらい) first laugh, first smile
first cry, nakizome 泣初 (なきぞめ)

hatsuzuri 初刷 (はつずり) "first printing"
..... surizome 刷初(すりぞめ)
first making of a woodblock print


keiko hajime, keikohajime 稽古始 (けいこはじめ)
first lesson, first rehearsal, first practise
(of an artform)

..... hatsugeiko 初稽古(はつげいこ)
Many traditional arts have a special ritual for this day, when you greet your master and start the first lesson.

hikizome 弾初 (ひきぞめ) first playing lesson
of an instrument, usually string instrument.
..... hatsuhiki 初弾(はつひき)
..... koto hajime 琴始(ことはじめ)first koto lesson

Koto 琴 Japanese zither with thirteen strings 

utaizome 謡初 (うたいぞめ) first singing lesson
..... matsu utai 松謡(まつうたい)


o-torizome お取初め(おとりぞめ)first bite of New Year's Food  

yomizome 読初 (よみぞめ) first reading (of a book)
..... hatsuzooshi 初草紙(はつぞうし)
dokusho hajime読書始(どくしょはじめ)


okotohajime, o koto hajime お事始め "begin of work"
first day of the 12th lunar month

This ceremony was quite popular in Edo during the New Year rituals, but has now disappeared. Sometimes the mochi were placed in bamboo baskets and put on a pole high above the roof of a home. This was an invitation for the deities to come down and bring luck to the home in the new year.
Then a kind of miso soup with six different ingredients was served (okotojiru, o-koto-jiru お事汁).

. kawabitarimochi 川浸り餅(かわびたりもち)
mochi prepared on the day of kawabitari
prepared on this day
kigo for early winter

There is also a koto hajime on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month and the 8th day of the second lunar month.


To make a distinction we also have

shoogatsu kotohajime 正月事始 (しょうがつことはじ)
first work of the New Year

koto hajime 事始(ことはじめ)
kotohajime no mochi 事始の餅(ことはじめのもち) mochi rice cakes for the beginning of work celebrations

observance kigo for mid-winter

On the 13th day of the 12th lunar month.
This is more popular in Kansai and for the Tea Ceremony, tradtional dancers, flower arrangement schools and other traditional entertainment. People would come together and exchange greetings for the New Year.

The emperor celebrated this day on the first of January.


The people of Edo loved first things of any season.

Here are more kigo related to these "hatsumono" 初物.
I will introduce them here.

- - - - - There is a proverb
hatusmono nanajuu gonichi 初物75日 / "初物七十五日"

If you eat a "first thing",
your life will be prolonged for 75 days.

hatsu hana ni inochi nanajuu gonen hodo

from these first blossoms
I will gain at least
seventy-five years

MORE - hokku about "first things"
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


hatsumono ya yuki mo hotoke ni tsukuraruru

first of the season--
the snow, too
made into Buddha

. Snowman (yukibotoke) "snow Buddha" .

hatsu furi ya yuki mo hotoke ni nari ni keri

first snowfall--
it too
becomes Buddha

Issa (Tr. David Lanoue)

. . . CLICK here for Photos of Hatsumono !


kigo for early spring

hatsu haruzuki 初春月(はつはるづき)first month of spring
hatsuzorazuki 初空月(はつぞらづき)month with the first view of the sky

kigo for mid-spring

hatsuhazuki 初花月(はつはなづき)month for first plum blossoms

. hatsu ikada 初筏 (はついかだ) first raft
to get timber out of the forest

hatsuiso, hatsu iso 初磯(はついそ) "first shore"
first visit to the shore, to start collecting seafood, clams and plants.

hatsu tsuitachi 初朔日 (はつついたち) first "first day"

kigo for late spring

hatsubuna, hatsu buna 初鮒 first crucian carp

hatsuniji 初虹(はつにじ) first rainbow (of the new year)

. hatsu shussha 初出社(はつしゅっしゃ)
first going to the office

hatsu ka 初蚊(はつか)first mosquito

hatsukusa 初草 (はつくさ) first grass(es)

kigo for all spring

hatsurai 初雷(はつらい)first thunder
(first in the new year)


kigo for summer

. hatsu higurashi 初蜩 (はつひぐらし) first Higurashi cicada  
kigo for early summer

. hatsu yukata 初浴衣(はつゆかた)   
first wearing of the summer yukata

. hatsu kaya 初蚊帳(はつかや)first use of the mosquito net  

. hatsufuro 初風炉(はつぶろ) first use of the furo brazier  
for the Tea Ceremony


first bonito, hatsu katsuo, hatsugatsuo 初鰹
FISH as kigo
kigo for early summer

CLICK for more delicious photos

manaita ni koban ichimai hatsugatsuo

on the chopping board
a golden thaler -
first bonito

Takarai Kikaku (1661-1707) 基角
The Chopping Board and Haiku

. First Bonito from Kamakura .
with hokku by Matsuo Basho


shinbushi 新節 (しんぶし) new dried bonito shavings
new katsuobushi 鰹節 of the season
kigo for all summer
Dried bonito pieces (katsuobushi)

first cicada, hatsu-semi 初蝉
late summer


kigo for all autumn

. hatsu arashi 初嵐 first autumn storm  
(early autumn)

. hatsugiku 初菊(はつぎく)first chrysanthemum

. hatsuzake 初鮭 first salmon (sake)

. hatsushio, hatsu shio 初潮 (はつしお) first (autumn) tide

hatsu tsuyu 初露 first dewdrop

. aki no hatsujimo 秋の初霜 first frost of autumn  
(late autumn)

. aki no hatsuyuki 秋の初雪 first snow in autumn  
(late autumn)

. hatsu soba 初蕎麦first buckwheat of the season  
(late autumn)

new silk, shinginu 新絹 (しんぎぬ)
silk of this year, kotoshi ginu 今年絹(ことしぎぬ)
new loom, shinhata 新機(しんはた)
Silk (kinu) and related kigo

new pinecone(s) 新松子 しんちぢり shinchijiri
青松毬(青松笠) あおまつかさ aomatsukasa, green pinecone(s)
Pine (matsu 松)and related kigo

new tofu (from the new beans harvest)
shindoofu 新豆腐 (しんどうふ)
kigo for early autumn
Tofu and related kigo

New Ricewine, shinshu 新酒
This ricewine is brewed with the first rice crop of a year.
kigo for mid-autumn

first run of a new sake, abarashiri 新走
ricewine of this year, kotoshizake 今年酒
early rice sake, wasezake 早稲酒
Ricewine, rice wine (sake, saké, saki) and related kigo

. shoryoo 初涼(しょりょう) first coolness (in autumn)   


. shoshuusan 初秋蚕first autumn silk worm


kigo for winter

kigo for all winter

hatsu arare 初霰(はつあられ first winter hail

"new roll" aramaki 新巻(あらまき)with salmon
salted salmon, shiozake 塩鮭 (しおざけ)
Salted winter food and related kigo

kigo for early winter

first winter 初冬 (はつふゆ) hatsufuyu
first feeling of winter
... fuyu no hajimari 冬の始(ふゆのはじめ)winter is beginning
... shotoo 初冬(しょとう)

. hatsushimozuki 初霜月 month with first frost   

kigo for mid-winter

hatsugoori 初氷 はつごおり first ice,
first frozen water

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


kodakara ya boo o hiku no mo kissho hajime

treasured child--
his cane dragging
the year's first writing

Instead of using a brush, the child draws a character on a larger scale--in mud or snow. Shinji Ogawa, who helped with this translation, notes, "It is a Japanese custom to write with a writing brush on the second day of the year."

Issa (Tr. David Lanoue)


First Things from the Bamboochas
Kenya, January 2011

the head of a hen
thrown in the middle of the path—
first walk

Patrick Wafula Wanyama

first school day—
stepping on the algae on
the toilet doorpost

~James Bundi

. . . Read them all HERE !

Related words

***** Ceremonies and Festivals Saijiki

. WKD : The New Year SAIJIKI

. SAIJIKI - the complete WKD-LIST


- #hatsumono #firstthings -

Fish from Russia

nnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnn

Fish from Russia

***** Location: Russia
***** Season: various, see below
***** Category: Animal


Read this entry for more about
..... FISH as a kigo worldwide.


In Russia, the spring fishing, with fishing rod, in the rivers takes place at the time when the white birches begin to bud till the time the leaves appear on them. The fish goes upstreams, with the high waters, to spawn. The earliest fish that could be caught is pike. Then comes dace and ide.

A bit later one catches roach and perch. After them, it is gudgeon, chub and bleak.

Zhanna P. Rader

The following information is taken mainly from a Russian site:


Dace (Squalius leuciscus) Yelets (yeh-lets) - in Russian
(Dace) n. [Written also dare, dart, fr. F. dard dase, dart, of German origin. Dace is for an older darce, fr. an OF. nom. darz. See Dart a javelin.] (Zoöl.) A small European cyprinoid fish (Squalius leuciscus or Leuciscus vulgaris); — called also dare.

Ide (Leuciscus idus) Yaz - in Russian

Pike (Esox Lucius) Stchuka (stchoo-kah) - in Russian

Roach. (Rutilus retiles.) Plotva (ploh-tvah) - in Russian
Family Cyprinidae

The European perch (Perca fluviatilis) Okun (oh-koon)- in Russian.
is found in Europe and northern Asia. It is 15-60 cm long, and may weigh up to 10.4 kg. It is usually dark green with red fins. It has been successfully introduced in New Zealand and Australia where it is called redfin perch.

The Perch is a predatory fish. Young Perch feed on tiny crustacea and insect larvae such as Bloodworm. When the Perch reaches around four ounces it will switch to a mainly fish diet consisting of fry. When they reach around 1-2lb they will take prey around 1-2oz. The best bait to catch perch is the Worm.

When you catch a Perch care must be taken when handling them. They have a spiny dorsal fin this is not poisonous but it is very sharp. To get the fin down gently push the dorsal fin from head to tail. The fin will then go down. Perch usually spawn between March and June. The female can lay as many as 300,000 eggs. Which will begin to hatch about one week after fertilisation

Gudgeon (Gobio gobio) peskar (peh-skahr) - in Russian

CHUB. Leuciscus Cephalus. Goloval (goh-loh-vahl) - in Russian
Family: Cyprinidae

Bleak (Alburnus alburnus) Ukleyka (ook-ley-kah)- in Russian

Smelt, Osmerus mordax, including
..... ..... Корюшка (smelt) (Orushka) - in Russian. Osmerus eperlanus

Things found on the way


White birch budding -
pike struggles up the stream
to spawn.

Skylarks' trills -
a fisherman takes his first ide
off the hook.

Zhanna P. Rader


Related words

***** ..... FISH as a kigo worldwide,
with more haiku in Russian.

***** Salmon (sake) Japan

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
worldkigo .....

Back to the WHC Worldkigo Index

Fireflies (hotaru)

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Fireflies, firefly (hotaru)

***** Location: Japan,
***** Season: various, see below
***** Category: Animal


CLICK for more photos

The kanji image shows a "lantern insect" .
Their appearance along rivers of Japan brings a romantic, poetic feeling to all who watch them. And it did not cost the farmers a penny to go out and enjoy them.
The "fire" these animals emit is cold, though.
There are more than 40 different types of fireflies known in Japan.

Some say they are the vengeful spirit of Genzanmi Yorimasa 源三位頼政
(another name for Minamoto no Yorimasa), .
He was a warrior, leading the Minamoto armies at the beginning of the Genpei War. Suffering defeat, he committed suicide in the Byodo-in temple in Uji.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Some fireflies are named after the region where they were most beautiful and romantic to watch, in a historical setting.


Genjibotaru senbi rice crackers

Two special types of fireflies,
the Heike-botaru and the Genji-botaru 源氏蛍, are special kigo in Japan.
Heike-botaru, heikebotaru 平家蛍 - Luciola lateralis
Genji-botaru, genjibotaru 源氏蛍 - Luciola cruciata

CLICK for more photos To understand the deep appreciation of the Japanese for fireflies, you need to know a bit about Japanese history and the conflict between the clans of the Heike and the Genji around 1180, which ended in the fall of the Heike clan.
The Tale of the Heike / Heike Monogatari)

. . . CLICK here for Photos of Heikebotaru!

. . . CLICK here for Photos of Genjibotaru !

. Heike densetsu 平家伝説 legends about the Heike clan .
Heikegani 平家蟹 Heike crabs, Heikea japonicum

. . . CLICK here for Photos of the Tale of the Heike!

From the example of the firefly you see how a small animal like a firefly can be a guide to the rich history and art of Japan.

Luciola lateralis. - lightning bug, Leuchtkäfer

The Japanese word hotaru comes from
ho taru 火垂る (hi o taru) to drip fire

another explanation is

ho teri 火照り fire glows


Kono Bairei (1844-1895)


kigo for mid-summer

hotaru 蛍 (ほたる) firefly, fireflies
Luciola lateralis. Glühwürmchen; Leuchtkäfer

hotaru gassen 蛍合戦(ほたるがっせん)battle of the fireflies, firefly contest (they are looking for a mate)
heikebotaru 平家蛍(へいけぼたる)Heike-fireflies
genjibotaru 源氏蛍(げんじぼたる)Genji-fireflies

Luciola vitticollis

himebotaru 姫蛍(ひめぼたる) "princess firefly"
Hotaria parvula
Mostly in the mountainous regions.

Ujibotaru 宇治蛍(うじぼたる)fireflies from Uji
The ones along the River Uji are most famous.
Ishiyamabotaru 石山蛍(いしやまぼたる)fireflies from Ishiyama
(see below)
Moriyamabotaru 守山蛍(もりやまぼたる)fireflies from Moriyama
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hotarubi 蛍火(ほたるび) firefly glow

hatsubotaru, hatsu-botaru 初蛍(はつぼたる)
first firefly ( of the season )
asa no hotaru 朝の蛍(あさのほたる) firefly in the morning
hiru no hotaru 昼の蛍(ひるのほたる) firefly at noon
yuubotaru 夕蛍(ゆうぼたる ) firefly in the evening
yoibotaru, yoi-botaru 宵蛍(よいぼたる) firefly at night

ame no hotaru 雨の蛍(あめのほたる) firefly in the rain
kusabotaru 草蛍(くさぼたる) firefly in the grass

oobotaru, oo-botaru大蛍(おおぼたる) large firefly
..... hootaru ほうたる
Genji fireflies
They are out a bit earlier than the smaller Heike fireflies.

 Click for more photos
hogarugari 蛍狩 (ほたるがり) firefly-viewing
a common pastime in olden times, along the famous rivers and rivulets.
A free passtime that even the poor farmers could enjoy.

hotarumi, hotaru-mi 蛍見(ほたるみ) going to observe fireflies
... hotaru kenbutsu 蛍見物(ほたるけんぶつ)
. hotarubune 蛍舟(ほたるぶね) boat for observing fireflies
and the fireflies of Seta 瀬田の蛍
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hotarutori, hotaru tori 蛍採(ほたるとり) catching fireflies

hotarukago, hotaru-kago 蛍籠 (ほたるかご) basket for fireflies
often made from bamboo in the old days.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

hotaru uri, hotaru-uri 蛍売 (ほたるうり) vendor of fireflies


kigo for early autumn

aki no hotaru 秋の蛍 (あきのほたる) fireflies in autumn
nokoru hotaru 残る蛍(のこるほたる)fireflies still left
yamihotaru, yami hotaru 病蛍(やみほたる) ill fireflies


topic for haiku

tsuchibotaru 土螢 glowworm, Glühwürmchen
glow worm
larves of the female, which do not hve wings


To look at and catch fireflies was one of the common pleasures of the farmers since ancient times. Since the widespread use of farm chemicals, their number has greatly declined and nowadays many villages in Japan make special efforts to multiply these wonderful animals as an attraction for tourists and playground for the local children.

Calling the fireflies to come here in an ancient childrens song

こっち のみ-ずはあ-まいぞ、ホッホッ、ほ-たるこい

ho ho hotaru koi

Hey, fireflies, come here!
The water over there is bitter.
The water here is so sweet,
so come here, please, fireflies.

ho ho hotaru koi


From the Tale of the Heike


... The meadow glimmered with the light of a myriad glow-worms. Asagao smiled with sudden delight. Descending to the river she gathered the fireflies by scores, and, prisoning them in her veil, made a gleaming torch....

....The trembling girl crouched upon the balcony. Affrighted by the clash of arms, a swarm of fireflies rose from the river bank, soaring upon the night like sparks from a mighty conflagration.
The souls of the Minamoto!” cried Asagao despairingly. “Father, we are lost!”....

“A firefly in a prison pent,
Ne’er more to flame upon the moor.”

It is quite a long story within a LONG story!

Safekeep copy is here:
Fireflies and the Heike Monogatari

Click on the picture to see them down by the river.


Sweets called FIREFLY

Hotaru 蛍
from Kameya, Kyoto 亀屋

© PHOTO : kyotofoodie.com

hotaru no miya 「蛍宮(ほたるのみや)」 
From 長久堂
Remembering a story of the Genji Monogatari 蛍兵部卿宮.

© PHOTO : 遠くのこだま

firefly sweets -
the wonderous world of

Gabi Greve

Worldwide use


Another name for firefly here is candle fly

candle fly, cold light
an invitation to dance
after midnight

kenneth daniels (GY)
WKD : South American Saijiki

Things found on the way

.. .. .. .. .. .. More Lore about the Fireflies

The below from F. Hadland Davis book,
"Myths and Legends of Japan" 1913 Unabridged

1. HAIKU, Page 285 (no source or Japanese text given)

Ah, the cunning fireflies !
being chased,
they hide themselves
in the moonlight

2. HAIKU, Page 285 (no source or Japanese text given)

From the Uji river-bank dart myriads of these flashing insects, and in a moment they form a great silver-shining cloud.
The cloud breaks and the flowing river, once dark as black, becomes a winding stretch of gleaming jewels.
No wonder the Japanese poet cries:

Do I see only fireflies drifting with the current?
Or is the Night itself drifting, with its swarming of stars?

3. GHOST LORE Page 286 (no source or Japanese text given)

Fireflies are fond of swarming around willow-trees, which are the most eerie trees in Japan, and this is part of their "ghostly" role as Minamoto Firefly and the Taira Firefly. In ancient days, the fireflies were said to possess medicinal properties.
Firefly ointment was said to render all poisons harmless, and, moreover, it had the power to drive away evil spirits and to preserve a house from the attacks of robbers.

4. STORY Page 287 Hadland (no Japanese text given)

Quoted from "Ancient Tales and Folk-lore of Japan," by R. Gordon Smith
Story called the Vengeance of Kanshiro.

A very old man named Kanshiro wants to make one last pilgrimage before he dies. His neighbors and friends all lend him some money to help him.
Along the way he is robbed by an inn keeper named Jimpachi. Kanshiro dies, but comes back from the tomb transformed into thousands of fireflies and the fireflies rush into Jimpachi's eyes, ears, mouth, and nose.
Jimpachi lives for 20 days, screaming for mercy. But no mercy comes, and finally the fireflies kill the wicked Jimpachi. Immediately thereafter, the fireflies disappear completely.


hotarumeshi, hotaru meshi ホタル飯 "firefly rice"
100 Favorite Dishes of Edo


The Hunt for Fireflies
Eishosai Choki c. 1795


Issa wrote about 100 haiku about the fireflies, maybe more...
Check out the translations of David Lanoue.
Issa and the Fireflies

草も木も 源氏の風や とぶ蛍
kusa mo ki mo genji no kaze ya tobu hotaru

in grass, in trees
the army of the Genji...
fireflies flit

(This haiku alludes to the historical battle between the Minamoto (Genji) and Taira (Heike) clans. The swarming fireflies remind Issa of a great army lighting campfires or carrying torches in the night.)

uma no he ni mezamete mireba tobu hotaru

the horse's fart
wakes me to see...
fireflies flitting

hatsu-botaru tsui to soretaru te kaze kana

the first firefly
deftly swerves away...
wind from my hand

"tsui to" can mean satto ("suddenly") or migaru ni ("with agility")

Issa calling for the fireflies

hotaru koyo hotaru koyo to yo hitori-zake

come, firefly!
firefly, come!
drinking alone

hotaru yobu yokogao yogiru hotaru kana

while calling fireflies
crossing his profile...
a firefly

hotaru yobu kuchi e tobi-iru hotaru kana

a mouth calling fireflies--
flies in

ao yagi ya hotaru yobu yo no omowaruru

green willow--
thinking of a night
of calling fireflies

hito-goe ya oobone otte tobu hotaru

people's voices--
with all their might
the fireflies flit

Literally, the firefly (or fireflies) are flitting with "bone-breaking" effort ... to reward the people who are calling.

Kobayashi Issa

Click on the picture to see them all.


hiru mireba kubisuji akaki hotaru kana

Alas! the firefly seen by dailight
Is nothing but a red-necked insect
Tr. Asatarō Miyamori

Oh this firefly!
seen by daylight, the nape of its neck is red
Tr. Lafcadio Hearn

seen by day
the firefly's nape
is red
Tr. Michael Haldane

seen by day
the neck is red -
this firefly !
Tr. Gabi Greve

. Reference


lost souls
down by the brook
the fireflies

moonless night . . .
the fireflies dancing
double shifts

fireflies cruising
in bumpy circles . . .
Mandala Valley

Gabi Greve, 2005
living in Mandala Valley

Firefly haiku by Gabi Greve, Japan


hotarubi ya onna no michi o fumihazushi

fireflies alight -
I step off the path
of a virtuous woman

Suzuki Masajo 鈴木真砂女(すずきまさじょ)
Tr. Gabi Greve


hotarukago kurakereba yuri-moetatasu

my cage for fireflies -
when it gets dark I shake it
to shine again

橋本多佳子 Hashimono Takako
Takako Hashimoto (1899-1963)


ookami ni hotaru ga hitotsu tsuite ita

on the wolf
one firefly

. Kaneko Tohta and the Wolf Haiku 金子兜太  


restless firefly
another attempt at
self immolation

kenneth daniels (GY)
Kigo Hotline, June 2009


koko hotaru ta-goto no tsuki to kurabe-ken

"I would like to compare
The glow of these fireflies and moonlight
Reflected in every paddy field"

(Matsuo Basho)

In 1688 (Genroku 1), Basho looked flying around fireflies on the surface of Seta River in Ohmi (The present Shiga Prefecture) on the way home. At that time, he remembered viewing the moon in Sarashina of Nagano, that was noted for "moonlight reflected in every paddy field" and composed this Haiku.

The whole district was called "The mount of Hime (princess)". 河野通有 Michiari Koono's uncle, Michitoki went to the war of Mongolian Invasions (of 1274 and 1281), leaving his only daughter "Hime" and he was killed in the Bay of Hakata.
Michiari carried his remains back to Hime waiting up her father. Hime had been staying at Gianji Temple 義安寺 and kept the grave of her late father throughout her life.

Princess Daruma Dolls at Temple Gian-Ji

Gian-Ji temple in Matsuyama is a zen temple, so it had been said that the origin of "Hime Daruma doll" is a tumbler of Bodhidharma on that Hime's face was drawn, to hold a memorial service for Hime.
Michiari was a samurai of Iyo (ow Ehime) and died in 1311.
The temple Gina-Ji had been build by the child of Kono Kagemichi 河野景通, Kono Shiroo Gian 河野彦四郎義安 in 1539.

Mitarai River flows under Gianji Temple from the front of Ishiteji Temple and it is famous for its Genji fireflies. There would be some fireflies that were pressed by catchers and went out in the hill at the back of the temple, that of the main gate had been already closed.

sanmon ni hotaru nigekomu shimari-nari

There would be some fireflies
Been driven away and went out in
the back-hill of the Temple

(Masaoka Shiki)

. Daruma and Fireflies .

- hotaru 蛍 (ほたる) firefly, fireflies - and
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

Related words

Hotaru-bukuro 蛍袋(ほたるぶくろ) Pantaloons flower
kigo for mid-summer

... tsuriganesoo 釣鐘草(つりがねそう)
... choochinbana 提燈花(ちょうちんばな)"lampion flower"
fuurinsoo 風鈴草(ふうりんそう)"wind chime flower"
Campanula punctata
literally “Bag for Fireflies” . Glockenblume

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

When one grows out thousands of seedlings, something special always pops up. ‘Pantaloons’ is such a special plant; the flowers are a light purple and shaped in a double ‘hose-in-hose’ like we’ve never seen before.

A rose-purple-dipped drink for the eyes! This is a tasty combination of red winter leaves (& wine-darkened summer leaves) topped with huge, rose-purple blooms. Easy to grow with a spreading habit. A sun lover of Japanese origin.

***** Fireflies from Temple Ishiyamadera, Ishiyamabotaru


. Firefly squid (hotaruika, hotaru ika 蛍烏賊 ) .

. hotarusoo 蛍草 (ほたるそう) "firefly plant" .
..... hotaru saiko ほたるさいこ (蛍柴胡)
Bupleurum longiradiatum
- - - - - and
hotarukazura 蛍蔓 (ほたるかずら) "firefly vine"
Buglossoides zollingeri


- #hotaru #fireflies #genjibotaru -
