First Things done at the New Year
and in other seasons
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various
***** Category: Humanity, Observances
Does the word NEW, or FIRST, alwayd denote
the new year season and is a kigo?
There are many other New and First activities and things throughout the year.
I will try and find some here.
First things often start with HATSU ...
or end in .... SOME / ZOME.

There are 386 kigo starting with 初..., and
119 of them do not relate to the New Year.
There are 93 kigo that end with ...初 and
7 of them do not relate to the New Year.
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 and first things .
Many things done during the New Year holidays are kigo for haiku.
More observances are here:
New Year in Japan
Buddhist and Shinto Ceremonies and Rituals are introduced here.
Please use your BROWSER to find your keyword
in the following list.
first bath (hatsuyu, hatsuburo 初湯 (はつゆ) / 初風呂(はつぶろ)
first boat, first use of the boat, funa okoshi 船起 (ふなおこし)
first calligraphy (kakizome 書初め)
fude hajime 筆始(ふではじめ)first use of the brush
hatsu suzuri 初硯(はつすずり)first use of the ink stone
first chopping board, first use of the chopping board
manaita hajime 俎始 (まないたはじめ)
First Dream (hatsu yume)
first fire 初火事 (はつかじ) hatsu kaji
first burning down of a building
"first flute"
first blowing of the flute 吹初(ふきぞめ)fukizome
first fortune-telling slip 初神籤(はつみくじ)hatsumikuji, hatsu mikuji
first garden 初庭(はつにわ) hatsu niwa
first green (hatsu midori 初緑 )
First Haiku 2007
. . . hatsu kukai 初句会 first haiku meeting
first Ikebana flower arrangement 生初 (いけぞめ) ikezome
..... seika hajime 生花始(せいかはじめ)
..... sooka hajime 挿花始(そうかはじめ)
first Kagura dance 初神楽 (はつかぐら) hatsu kagura
..... kagura hajime 神楽始(かぐらはじめ)
first kitchen knife, first use of the kitchen knife
hoochoo hajime 庖丁始(ほうちょうはじめ)
first laugh (hatsu warai)
first smile and more laughing kigo
First Kick-Ball Game (kemari hajime) Japan
first purification ceremony 初祓(はつはらい) hatsu harai
First shrine or temple visit 初詣 hatsumoode, hatsu moode
hatsu mairi 初参(はつまいり)
hatsu yashiro 初社(はつやしろ)
First Snow (hatsuyuki, Japan)
First Sun, First Sunrise (hatsuhi, hatsuhi no de, Japan)
First Tea Ceremony 初茶湯(はつちゃのゆ)hatsu chanoyu
first trip, hatsu tabi 初旅 (はつたび) first travel
hatsu hikoo 初飛行(はつひこう)first flight
hatsu densha 初電車(はつでんしゃ)first taking of the train
and more
First Using of the Bellows (hatsu fuigo 初鞴)
First Using of the Smithy (hatsu kaji 初鍛冶)
First View of a famous mountain
They all come under the KIDAI
First view of the landscape, hatsu geshiki, hatsugeshiki
初景色. 初気色 (はつげしき)
First view of Mount Fuji, hatsu Fuji 初富士
Hatsu Tsukuba, First view of Mt. Tsukuba, 初筑波 はつつくば
Hatsu Hiei 初比叡 First View of Mount Hiei (Hieizan near Kyoto)
Hatsu Asama 初浅間 First View or Visit to Mount Asama, near Karuizawa Town
Hatsu Sengen, Hatsu Asama, 初浅間 First view or visit to the Asama Shrine (Mt. Fuji)
aramushiro, new straw mat 新筵(あらむしろ)
kake mushiro 掛筵 (かけむしろ) portable seating mat
Tatami and other floor mats as kigo
hakizome 掃初 (はきぞめ) first cleaning
... hatsubooki 初箒(はつぼうき)first (use of the) broom
... hatsusooji 初掃除(はつそうじ)
... fukihajime 拭始(ふきはじめ)beginning to clean
. hooki 箒 the broom and haiku .
hatsu choozu 初手水 (はつちょうず)
first use of the wash basin for hands
hatsu denwa, hatsudenwa 初電話 (はつでんわ)
"first telephone", first telephone call
To your family and friends, when you got a greeting card for the New Year. Also to hear the voice of the grandchildren for the first time in the New Year.
hatsu ishoo 初衣裳(はついしょう) first wearing of New Year Robes
hatsugasane, hatsu gasane 初重ね(はつがさね)
... kizome hajime 着衣初 (きそはじめ)
Kimono, robes in all seasons
hatsu kyuu, hatsukyuu 初灸 (はつきゅう) first moxabustion
... hatsu yaito, hatsuyaito 初やいと
hatsu zashiki 初座敷 (はつざしき)first use of the official living room
hatsubyoobu 初屏風 (はつびょうぶ) first use of a folding screen
Folding screens and related kigo

Old calendar with the 72 seasons
hatsugoyomi 初暦 (はつごよみ)
"first calendar" new calendar
... shingoyomi 新暦(しんごよみ)
... Ise goyomi 伊勢暦(いせごよみ)calender from the Shrine of Ise
koyomibiraki, koyomi biraki 暦開き(こよみびらき)opening the calendar
... hatsubiraki 、初開き(はつびらき)first opening (of the calendar)
hongoyomi 本暦(ほんごよみ)main calendar
hashiragoyomi 、柱暦(はしらごよみ)calendar on the pillar
tsuzurigoyomi 綴暦(つづりごよみ)calender to scribble on
hanagoyomi 花暦(はなごよみ)"flower calendar"
makigoyomi 巻暦(まきごよみ)rolled calendar
gyoojigoyomi 行事暦(ぎょうじごよみ)calendar with the events of the coming year
. . . . .
hatsugoyomi mekureba chikyuu ugoita yoo na
first calendar sheet -
when I turn it I almost feel
the globe has moved
Yaki Tsutomu 夜基津吐虫 aka Toyozato Tomoyuki
A calendar was very important in olden times. It covered the auspicious and less auspicious days, the changing of the seasons and much more for the daily life of the people.
The Asian Lunar Calendar
The 72 Seasons in China and Japan
shichijuuni koo 七十二候 (しちじゅうにこう)
kigo for the end of the year
Koyomi no Soo 暦の奏
Imperial Ceremony of perparing the new calendar
..... Goryaku no soo 御暦の奏(ごりゃくのそう)、rekisoo 暦奏(れきそう)
observance kigo for mid-winter
On November 1.
Imperial Ceremony of preparing the New Calendar according to the rites of the Yin-Yang Lore and more.
hatsu hanashi, hatsuhanashi 初話(はつはなし / 初咄)
first smalltalk, first talk
first talk to a person you meat, maybe a family member or someone on your first outing.
..... hansahizome 話初( はなしぞめ )
. hatsu kagami 初鏡 (はつかがみ) "first mirror"
..... hatsugeshoo 初化粧(はつげしょう)first make-up
. hatsu kami 初髪 (はつかみ) "first hair"
..... 初結(はつゆい)first combing the hair
having the hair made up for the first time
..... yuizome 、結初(ゆいぞめ)
toshi no kami 年の髪(としのかみ)
sukizome 梳初 (すきぞめ) first combing the hair
hatsu Shimada 初島田(はつしまだ)first Shimada hairstyle
. Shimada Candy Festival (Shimada ame matsuri) .
hatsu kashigi 初炊ぎ (はつかしぎ) first cooking (of rice)
kashigizome 炊ぎ初(かしぎぞめ)
takizome 炊初(たきぞめ), takizome 焚初(たきぞめ)
wakameshi 若飯(わかめし)first cooked rice
hatsu kamado 初竈 (はつかまど) first use of the hearth (fire)

hatsuneuri, hatsune uri 初音売 (はつねうり)
first vendor of a nightingale flute
..... hatusnebue 初音笛(はつねぶえ)first nightingale flute
It is a simple toy flute made of bamboo, even now sold in Nagano.
hatsu nikki 初日記(はつにっき)first entry in the diary
..... nikki hajime 日記初 にっきはじめ
..... shin nikki 新日記(しんにっき)new diary
kigo for mid-winter
nikki kau 日記買う (にっきかう) buying a diary
furu nikki 古日記 (ふるにっき) old diary
nikki hatsu 日記果つ(にっきはつ)end of the diary
. hatsu shigoto hatsushigoto 初仕事(はつしごと)
first work and business activities
a long KIGO LIST
hatsu shashin 初写真 (はつしゃしん) "first photo" (taking a photo)
hatsu tomoshi, hatsutomoshi 初燈 (はつともし)
... hatsu toomyoo 初燈明(はつとうみょう)
first light offering to the Deities, Buddhas and ancestors.
Lighting a candle in the house altar.
Light offerings (toomyoo)
hatsu warai 初笑(はつわらい) first laugh, first smile
first cry, nakizome 泣初 (なきぞめ)
hatsuzuri 初刷 (はつずり) "first printing"
..... surizome 刷初(すりぞめ)
first making of a woodblock print
keiko hajime, keikohajime 稽古始 (けいこはじめ)
first lesson, first rehearsal, first practise
(of an artform)
..... hatsugeiko 初稽古(はつげいこ)
Many traditional arts have a special ritual for this day, when you greet your master and start the first lesson.
hikizome 弾初 (ひきぞめ) first playing lesson
of an instrument, usually string instrument.
..... hatsuhiki 初弾(はつひき)
..... koto hajime 琴始(ことはじめ)first koto lesson
Koto 琴 Japanese zither with thirteen strings
utaizome 謡初 (うたいぞめ) first singing lesson
..... matsu utai 松謡(まつうたい)
o-torizome お取初め(おとりぞめ)first bite of New Year's Food
yomizome 読初 (よみぞめ) first reading (of a book)
..... hatsuzooshi 初草紙(はつぞうし)
dokusho hajime読書始(どくしょはじめ)
okotohajime, o koto hajime お事始め "begin of work"
first day of the 12th lunar month

This ceremony was quite popular in Edo during the New Year rituals, but has now disappeared. Sometimes the mochi were placed in bamboo baskets and put on a pole high above the roof of a home. This was an invitation for the deities to come down and bring luck to the home in the new year.
Then a kind of miso soup with six different ingredients was served (okotojiru, o-koto-jiru お事汁).
. kawabitarimochi 川浸り餅(かわびたりもち)
mochi prepared on the day of kawabitari
prepared on this day
kigo for early winter
There is also a koto hajime on the 8th day of the 12th lunar month and the 8th day of the second lunar month.
To make a distinction we also have
shoogatsu kotohajime 正月事始 (しょうがつことはじ)
first work of the New Year
koto hajime 事始(ことはじめ)
kotohajime no mochi 事始の餅(ことはじめのもち) mochi rice cakes for the beginning of work celebrations
observance kigo for mid-winter
On the 13th day of the 12th lunar month.
This is more popular in Kansai and for the Tea Ceremony, tradtional dancers, flower arrangement schools and other traditional entertainment. People would come together and exchange greetings for the New Year.
The emperor celebrated this day on the first of January.
The people of Edo loved first things of any season.
Here are more kigo related to these "hatsumono" 初物.
I will introduce them here.
- - - - - There is a proverb
hatusmono nanajuu gonichi 初物75日 / "初物七十五日"
If you eat a "first thing",
your life will be prolonged for 75 days.
hatsu hana ni inochi nanajuu gonen hodo
from these first blossoms
I will gain at least
seventy-five years
MORE - hokku about "first things"
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
hatsumono ya yuki mo hotoke ni tsukuraruru
first of the season--
the snow, too
made into Buddha
. Snowman (yukibotoke) "snow Buddha" .
hatsu furi ya yuki mo hotoke ni nari ni keri
first snowfall--
it too
becomes Buddha
Issa (Tr. David Lanoue)
. . . CLICK here for Photos of Hatsumono !
kigo for early spring
hatsu haruzuki 初春月(はつはるづき)first month of spring
hatsuzorazuki 初空月(はつぞらづき)month with the first view of the sky
kigo for mid-spring
hatsuhazuki 初花月(はつはなづき)month for first plum blossoms
. hatsu ikada 初筏 (はついかだ) first raft
to get timber out of the forest
hatsuiso, hatsu iso 初磯(はついそ) "first shore"
first visit to the shore, to start collecting seafood, clams and plants.
hatsu tsuitachi 初朔日 (はつついたち) first "first day"
kigo for late spring
hatsubuna, hatsu buna 初鮒 first crucian carp
hatsuniji 初虹(はつにじ) first rainbow (of the new year)
. hatsu shussha 初出社(はつしゅっしゃ)
first going to the office
hatsu ka 初蚊(はつか)first mosquito
hatsukusa 初草 (はつくさ) first grass(es)
kigo for all spring
hatsurai 初雷(はつらい)first thunder
(first in the new year)
kigo for summer
. hatsu higurashi 初蜩 (はつひぐらし) first Higurashi cicada
kigo for early summer
. hatsu yukata 初浴衣(はつゆかた)
first wearing of the summer yukata
. hatsu kaya 初蚊帳(はつかや)first use of the mosquito net
. hatsufuro 初風炉(はつぶろ) first use of the furo brazier
for the Tea Ceremony
first bonito, hatsu katsuo, hatsugatsuo 初鰹
FISH as kigo
kigo for early summer

manaita ni koban ichimai hatsugatsuo
on the chopping board
a golden thaler -
first bonito
Takarai Kikaku (1661-1707) 基角
The Chopping Board and Haiku
. First Bonito from Kamakura .
with hokku by Matsuo Basho
shinbushi 新節 (しんぶし) new dried bonito shavings
new katsuobushi 鰹節 of the season
kigo for all summer
Dried bonito pieces (katsuobushi)
first cicada, hatsu-semi 初蝉
late summer
kigo for all autumn
. hatsu arashi 初嵐 first autumn storm
(early autumn)
. hatsugiku 初菊(はつぎく)first chrysanthemum
. hatsuzake 初鮭 first salmon (sake)
. hatsushio, hatsu shio 初潮 (はつしお) first (autumn) tide
hatsu tsuyu 初露 first dewdrop
. aki no hatsujimo 秋の初霜 first frost of autumn
(late autumn)
. aki no hatsuyuki 秋の初雪 first snow in autumn
(late autumn)
. hatsu soba 初蕎麦first buckwheat of the season
(late autumn)
new silk, shinginu 新絹 (しんぎぬ)
silk of this year, kotoshi ginu 今年絹(ことしぎぬ)
new loom, shinhata 新機(しんはた)
Silk (kinu) and related kigo
new pinecone(s) 新松子 しんちぢり shinchijiri
青松毬(青松笠) あおまつかさ aomatsukasa, green pinecone(s)
Pine (matsu 松)and related kigo
new tofu (from the new beans harvest)
shindoofu 新豆腐 (しんどうふ)
kigo for early autumn
Tofu and related kigo
New Ricewine, shinshu 新酒
This ricewine is brewed with the first rice crop of a year.
kigo for mid-autumn
first run of a new sake, abarashiri 新走
ricewine of this year, kotoshizake 今年酒
early rice sake, wasezake 早稲酒
Ricewine, rice wine (sake, saké, saki) and related kigo
. shoryoo 初涼(しょりょう) first coolness (in autumn)
. shoshuusan 初秋蚕first autumn silk worm
kigo for winter
kigo for all winter
hatsu arare 初霰(はつあられ first winter hail
"new roll" aramaki 新巻(あらまき)with salmon
salted salmon, shiozake 塩鮭 (しおざけ)
Salted winter food and related kigo
kigo for early winter
first winter 初冬 (はつふゆ) hatsufuyu
first feeling of winter
... fuyu no hajimari 冬の始(ふゆのはじめ)winter is beginning
... shotoo 初冬(しょとう)
. hatsushimozuki 初霜月 month with first frost
kigo for mid-winter
hatsugoori 初氷 はつごおり first ice,
first frozen water
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
kodakara ya boo o hiku no mo kissho hajime
treasured child--
his cane dragging
the year's first writing
Instead of using a brush, the child draws a character on a larger scale--in mud or snow. Shinji Ogawa, who helped with this translation, notes, "It is a Japanese custom to write with a writing brush on the second day of the year."
Issa (Tr. David Lanoue)
First Things from the Bamboochas
Kenya, January 2011
the head of a hen
thrown in the middle of the path—
first walk
Patrick Wafula Wanyama
first school day—
stepping on the algae on
the toilet doorpost
~James Bundi
. . . Read them all HERE !
Related words
***** Ceremonies and Festivals Saijiki
. WKD : The New Year SAIJIKI
. SAIJIKI - the complete WKD-LIST
- #hatsumono #firstthings -
Thank you very much Gabi san
It is Summer kigo in Australia
World haiku is very fun
wonderful your work
regional u.s. custom :
eating black-eyed peas
on new year's day
New Year
the sun rises and sets
as I go on working
Ella Wagemakers
new year--
the rhythmic whistles of a
calender vendor
Caleb Mutua, Kenya 2011
目に青葉 山ほととぎす初かつお
me ni aoba yama hototogisu hatsu katsuo
green leaves to look at
hototogisu in the mountains
first Katsuo skipjack
Yamaguchi Sodoo 山口素堂 Sodo
(1642 - 1716)
He was a disciple of Matsuo Basho.
koyomi uru monzenmachi no furu honya
the used bookstore
of the temple town
sells calendars
Tsuchiya Kyooko 土屋孝子 Tsuchiya Kyoko
about monzenmachi towns
Kobayashi Issa
hatsumono ya yuki mo hotoke ni tsukuraruru
first of the season--
the snow, too
made into Buddha
Tr.David Lanoue
Kobayashi Issa
furu kabe ya kotatsu mukau no hatsugoyomi
this old wall -
toward the kotatsu heater
the new calendar almanach
hatsumono zo usuppera demo ore ga yuki
first one of the year
thin as can be...
my snow
Kobayashi Issa
(tr. David Lanoue)
Legend from Niigata 新潟県
about Kamaitachi . . .
If someone is cut by the sickle of a Kamaitachi, even if the wound is deep there is little bleeding and little pain.
If a man happens to enter the sphere where a Kami is wielding his sword, he might get this wound.
It is seen as the deed of 悪神 Akujin. A good medicine for this kind of wound is burning Ise goyomi 伊勢暦 a calender from the Ise shrine and place the ashes on the wound.
The powder can also be spread on a weasel to make it disappear.
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