
Summer flowers

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Summer flowers

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer
***** Category: Plant


This is part of the saijiki for PLANTS in SUMMER.



Below is a list of more summer flowers,
which do not have an entry of their own yet.

If you look for a special plant,
check the ABC index of the World Kigo Database.


kigo for early summer

choojisoo 丁字草 (ちょうじそう) amsonia
..... hana chooji 花丁字(はなちょうじ)
Amsonia elliptica

maagaretto マーガレット marguerite; Paris daisy
Chrysanthemum frutescens. Margaritte

tetsusen 鉄線花 (てつせんか) "metal wire plant", Clematis
..... tetsusen 鉄線(てつせん)、tessen kazura てっせんかずら
Clematis florida

zeraniyu-mu ゼラニューム geranium, Geranie
tenkiku aoi 天竺葵(てんじくあおい)


kigo for mid-summer

hollyhock 葵 (あおい) aoi
garden hollyhock, garden mallow, great mallow, holy mallow
aoi no hana 葵の花(あおいのはな)hollyhock flowers
..... hana aoi 花葵(はなあおい)
zeni aoi 銭葵(ぜにあおい)"coin hollyhock"
Malva sylvestris
kara aoi 蜀葵(からあおい)
tachi aoi 立葵(たちあおい)standing hollhock
nishiki aoi 錦葵(にしきあおい)
tsuri aoi つる葵(つるあおい)hollyhock vine
shiro aoi 白葵(しろあおい)white hollyhock
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Alcea rosea

. Hollyhock Festival (Aoi matsuri 葵祭り)

CLICK For more photos
. Mitsuba Aoi 三つ葉葵 hollyhock crest
aoi no gomon, of the Tokugawa clan

. . . . . but . fuyuaoi, fuyu aoi 冬葵 (ふゆあおい)
hollyhock in winter

Asarum nipponicum
kigo for early winter

. Aoi Shoten 葵商店 "Hollyhock Store"  
Sells colorful Daruma dolls in Kawasaki.

futaba aoi 双葉葵/二葉葵  hollyhock with two leaves
moroha aoi 双葉葵(もろはあおい)hollyhock with two leaves
Kamo no aoi 賀茂葵(かものあおい)"hollyhock from Kamo"
..... Kamo aoi 加茂葵(かもあおい)
. The Hata Clan 秦氏 Hata Uji .
and the Korean and Christian connection


jigitarisu ジキタリス digitalis
kitsune no tebukuro 狐の手袋 foxglove
Digitalis purpurea. Fingerhut

kyookanoko, Kyoo kanoko 京鹿子 (きょうがのこ) "Kyoto bambi deer"
Planted in gardens to enjoy the pink flowers, from June to July.
of the family Filipendula multijuga
There is also a famous Kabuki performance called like this
京鹿子娘道成寺 Kyo Kanoko Musume Dojoji


kigo for late summer

akansasu アカンサス Acanthus
Akanthus, Bärenklau

baabena バーベナ verbena
..... bijozakura 美女桜 (びじょざくら) "beautiful lady Sakura"
Verbena hybrida. Verbene, Eisenkraut


gekka bijin 月下美人 "beauty under the moon"
joooka 女王花(じょおうか) "queen flower"
Queen of the Night
Dutchman's pipe cactus . Epiphyllum oxpetalumm
Selenicereus grandiflorus
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

gekka bijin aruji tadaima nyuuin-chuu

Queen of the Night -
your owner is in hospital
right now

Horiuchi Ichiroo 堀内一郎

More haiku with this flower and other cactus:
source : www.haisi.com

Gekka-bijin (Queen of the Night)

It was a clear, moonlit night, a little after the tenth of the Eighth Month.
Her Majesty sat by the edge of the veranda while Ukon no Naishi played the flute for her. The other ladies in attendance sat together, talking and laughing; but I stayed by myself, leaning against one of the pillars.

"Why so silent?" said Her Majesty. "Say something. It is sad when you do not speak."
"I am gazing into the autumn moon," I replied.
"Ah yes," she remarked. "That is just what you should have said."

From the 10th-century "Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon," translated by Ivan Morris (Penguin)
source : Japan Times, 2006


ginpaisoo 銀盃草 (ぎんぱいそう) "silver cup plant"
gin sakazuki 銀盃(ぎんさかずき) "silver sake cup"
Nierembergia rivularis

gojika 午時花 / 子午花 (ごじか) "afternoon flower"
..... kinsenka 金銭花(きんせんか)
yaraku kinsenka 夜落金銭(やらくきんせん)
nichuu kinsenka 日中金銭(にっちゅうきんせん)Midday flower
Pentapetes phoenicea

hatsuyukisoo 初雪草 (はつゆきそう) "first snow plant"
..... mine no yuki 嶺の雪(みねのゆき)snow-on-the-mountain
Euphorbia marginata

hotei aoi ほていあおい Common Water Hyacinth
"Hotei Aoi"
Eichhornia crassipes

. Hotei 布袋 Pu-Tai .
God of Good Luck

nichinichisoo 日日草 (にちにちそう) "day to day plant"
Cape Periwinkle, Rose Periwinkle, Rosy Periwinkle, and "Old-maid"
..... nichinichika 日日花(にちにちか)
shijika 四時花(しじか) four o'clock flower
..... sonohigusa そのひぐさ
Vinca rosea. Catharanthus roseus. Madagaskar-Immergrün


rugosa rose 玫瑰(浜茄子)(はまなす) hamanasu
saltspray rose, sweetbrier
lit. "eggplant of the beach"
..... hamanashi 浜梨 (はまなし
Its fruit are eaten like sweet peas or made to tea, like rosehip.
This is the crest flower of crown princess Masako 皇太子妃雅子.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Rosa rugosa. Weinrose. ハマナス

rukoosoo 縷紅草 (るこうそう) Quamoclit
..... 留紅草(るこうそう)
Quamoclit pennata, Ipomoea quamoclit


sennichisoo 千日草 (せんにちそう) "thousand day plant"
Globe Amaranth or Bachelor Button
..... sennichikoo 千日紅(せんにちこう)
Gomphrena globosa. Amarant, Fuchsschwanz

yukka ユッカ Yucca, Palmlilie
kimigayoran, Kimigayo ran 君代蘭(きみがよらん)Kimigayo orchid
Yucca recurvifolia
itoran 糸蘭(いとらん)"thread orchid"
Yucca filamentosa


kigo for all summer

iwafuji 巖藤 (いわふじ) "rock wisteria"
..... niwafuji 庭藤(にわふじ)
..... hime iwafuji 姫岩藤(ひめいわふじ)
Indigofera decora

kinrenka 金蓮花 (きんれんか) Nasturium
..... noozenharen 凌霄葉蓮(のうぜんはれん)
Garden Nasturtium, Indian Cress, Monks Cress
凌霄葉蓮(のうぜんはれん) . Kapuzinerkresse

kinshibai 金糸梅 (きんしばい) "gold thread plum"
Hypericum patulum . キンシバイ

kinuitosoo 絹糸草 (きぬいとそう) "silk thread plant"
orchard grass
Dactylis glomerata

petchunia ペチュニア petunia
..... tsukubane asagao 衝羽根朝顔(つくばねあさがお)
Petunia hybrida. Petunie

suisennoo, suisen no o 酔仙翁草 (すいせんのう) Rose campion
Lychnis coronaria. Steinnelke

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


summer flowers -
so many new faces
on my screen

Gabi Greve

Related words

***** Summer 夏 natsu

. SUMMER - Category PLANTS


. . . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI



Higuchi Ichiyo


Higuchi Ichiyo 樋口 一葉
Higuchi Ichiyoo, Ichiyo Higuchi
May 2, 1872 - November 23, 1896

CLICK for more photos

Ichiyoo ... 一葉 Ichiyo One Leaf


一葉記念館 Ichiyo Memorial Museum
- source : taitocity.net/zaidan/ichiyo -
東京都台東区 Taito Ward, Tokyo


. Ichiyoo Ki 一葉忌 (いちようき) Memorial day of Ichiyo

kigo for early winter

ishikeri no ko ni michi kiku ya Ichiyoo ki

asking the way
from children kicking stones -
Ichiyo memorial day

Kubota Mantaro (Mantaroo) 久保田万太郎 (1889 - 1963)


Ichiyō Higuchi (樋口 一葉 )
is the pen name of Japanese author Natsu Higuchi (樋口 奈津, Higuchi Natsu),
also known as Natsuko Higuchi (樋口 夏子, Higuchi Natsuko).

Higuchi was born in Meiji era Tokyo of samurai lineage.
In the space of her short life, she moved a total of 12 times. Upon reaching the age of 14, she entered the Haginoya, a poetry school; at the age of 15, she suffered the loss of her brother, and her father's business failed. Shortly afterward, he died and at the young age of 17 she became the head of the Higuchi household. Along with her mother and younger sister, they made ends meet by doing needlework, washing, and other jobs. After seeing the success of a classmate who wrote a novel, Higuchi decided to become a writer to support her family.

At age 20, Higuchi wrote her first novel and also adopted the pen name of Ichiyō. Around this time, Higuchi turned down a marriage proposal and moved to a house near the Yoshiwara pleasure quarters.
In 1894 her first major work, Ōtsugomori (大つごもり, "The New Year's Eve") was published, and in the following year, Takekurabe, Nigorie (にごりえ, "Troubled Waters"), and Jūsan'ya (十三夜, "The Thirteenth Night") were published to critical and popular success. Higuchi's literary career was cut short in 1896, when she contracted, and soon died of, tuberculosis.

In spite of her very short career and limited output, Higuchi is remembered for the quality of her works and is considered to be the first professional female writer in modern Japanese literature.
Higuchi's likeness adorns the Japanese 5000 yen banknote as of fall, 2004, becoming the third female to appear on a Japanese banknote, after Empress Jingū in 1881, and Murasaki Shikibu in 2000. Next to Empress Jingū, she is the second woman whose face is featured prominently on a Japanese banknote.

Higuchi's major works include:

Takekurabe たけくらべ
Nigorie にごりえ

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


一葉煎餅(いちようせんべい) Senbei in honor of Ichiyo

From a store in Tokyo in the Daito area where she lived close by. They try to improve conditions and liven up the residential area with items named after the famous Ichiyo.

Senbei 煎餅 せんべい Sembei


Japanese Reference

樋口 一葉(ひぐち いちよう)

REFERENCE : Ichiyō Higuchi


***** - Introducing Japanese Haiku Poets - 





Night (yoru, yo)

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Night (yoru, yo)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Season and see below


Every day we experience the night, but some are so special they are kigo for haiku !
Let us look at them here.

The word NIGHT / YORU , just like that, is a topic for haiku.



haru no yo 春の夜 night in spring
..... yowa no haru 夜半の春(よわのはる)midnight in spring

haruzukiyo 春月夜(はるづきよ)spring night with (full) moon

oborozukiyo 朧月夜 (おぼろづきよ) spring night with a misty moon

. . . . SPRING
the complete SAIJIKI

. haru no yo ni tootoki gosho o moru mi kana .

Yosa Buson - at the Imperial Palace in Kyoto



natsu no yo 夏の夜 (なつのよ) night in summer
yowa no natsu 夜半の夏(よわのなつ)midnight in summer

nettaiya 熱帯夜 tropical night
when temperatures are above 25 degrees centigrade all night
These are the hot and humid nights of the Japanese summer.

. mijika yo 短夜 short night  

atsuki yo 暑き夜(あつきよ)hot night

evening cool, yuusuzu, yūsuzu 夕涼
night cool, cool of the night, yaryoo 夜涼, ryooya 涼夜
cool at day's end, banryoo, banryō 晩涼

"night is like autumn", autumnal night,
... yoru no aki 夜の秋 (よるのあき)

. yobanashi 夜話 "night story"  
tatebanko 立版古 (たてばんこ) diorama toys

. yosuzumi 夜涼み(よすずみ)
to enjoy a cool night breeze

sommerliche Abendkühle

. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI



. cold at night, yosamu 夜寒 (よさむ)
night chill
yo samusa 夜寒さ(よさむさ), yo o samumi 夜を寒み(よをさむみ)

aki no yo 秋の夜 (あきのよ) autumn night
..... shuuya 秋夜(しゅうや)
yowa no aki 夜半の秋(よわのあき) midnight in autumn

. yonaga 夜長、夜永 long night  


. tsukiyo 月夜(つきよ) (full) moon night

The three full moon nights in the three autumn months were especially inspiring for the haiku poets !

hatsuzukiyo 初月夜(はつづきよ) first autumn night with a full moon
kigo for early autumn

asazukuyo, asazukiyo 朝月夜(あさづくよ)morning after a moon night
yoizukiyo 宵月夜(よいづきよ) evening of a moon night
(usually the sickle moon on the 2nd or 3rd day of the moon cycle.) "moonlit night"
yuzukiyo 夕月夜(ゆうづきよ)evening of a moon night
zukiyogarasu 月夜烏(つきよがらす)crow at a full moon night

hoshizukiyo 星月夜 ほしづきよ (hoshizukuyo ひしづくよ) stars at a full moon night

tsukiyotake 月夜茸 (つきよたけ)moonlight mushroom (a type of mushroom)
Omphalotus guepiniformis

. kiku ni dete Nara to Naniwa wa yoizukiyo .
Matsuo Basho


Tanabata : Star Festival Night

. . . . AUTUMN
the complete SAIJIKI



yukizukiyo 雪月夜(ゆきづきよ)night with snow and (full) moon

. toshi no yo 年の夜 (としのよ) (last) night of the year   
joya 除夜(じょや)、toshiya 年夜(としや)、toshi no ban 年の晩(としのばん)
toshi hitoyo 年一夜(としひとよ)
joseki 除夕(じょせき)

fuyu no yo 冬の夜 (ふゆのよ) winter night
yowa no fuyu 夜半の冬(よわのふゆ)midnight in winter

shimoyo 霜夜 (しもよ) night with frost

. . . . WINTER
the complete SAIJIKI

nokogiri no oto mazushisa yo yowa no fuyu

the sound of a saw
and this poverty -
midnight in winter

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

. Saw and sickle in haiku .



. joya no kane 除夜の鐘 striking the bell
on December 31


yo mo sugara 夜もすがら ... throughout the night
all night long, all through the night

a phrase used already in the old poetry books, like the Manyo-Shu Poetry collection.


reference : The making of Shinkokinshu .

meigetsu ya ike o megurite yo mo sugara

harvest moon -
I walk around the pond
all night long

Matsuo Basho, Koshoo 孤松
at Basho-An, where he also wrote the famous "old pond" haiku.
source : www2.yamanashi-ken.ac.jp

meigetsu ya ike o megurite yo mo sugara

Ah, lua de outono —
Andando em volta do lago
Passei toda a noite.
source : infinitomutante.blogspot.com

The autumn full moon:
all night long
I placed round the lake.

(© R.H.Blyth)

Under a harvest moon
circling my pond
the night comes to an end.

(© Thomas McAuley)

. Translation into Russian .

. . . . .

hototogisu Edo sangai o yo mo sugara

the cuckoo serenades
all of Edo

Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue




source : weblio


yo mo sugara akikaze kiku ya ura no yama

all night long
we hear the autumn wind -
mountain in the back

Sora (in Oku no Hosomichi)

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


midnight . . .
the whiteness of snow
and moonlight

Gabi Greve, March 30, 2010


春の夜は 桜に明けてしまひけり
haru no yo wa sakura ni akete shimai keri

this spring night
came to an end while we enjoyed
cherry blossoms

Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉

A lovely spring night
suddenly vanished while we
viewed cherry blossoms
source : thegreenleaf.co.uk


source : blp4031

net taiya is a pun with "hot tire" 熱タイヤ~!

tabako no kemuri ga
me to kokoro ni shimiru

cigarette's smoke
irritates my eyes and nerve
tropical night

source : takkerollingstone

tropical night air
shapes coconut flavored dreams
resting on my lips

source : Mia Rose Haiku Poems


I shout
"No Nuclear Plants" -
tropical night

I participated in the demonstration in front of prime miniter's house in Tokyo last night. It was very humid and hot night. We had been shouting it for two hours, including men, women, young,old, Japanese, foreigners, Buddhists, Christians, whites, coloreds etc. This demonstration is held every Friday.
Ten thousands of people join it like a festival !

- Shared by Taro Aizu -
Joys of Japan, August 18, 2012


cold moon night ~
the teahouse’s warmth
in a winter tea bowl

Elaine Andre
facebook, December 2011

Related words

. Morning (asa) 

. Noon, daytime (hiru)  

. Evening (yuube, yoi) 

. Night (yoru) 

. . . . . . Seasons Ending


Evening (yuube, yoi, kure)

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Evening (yuube, yoi, kure)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Season and see below


Every day we experience the evening, but some are so special they are kigo for haiku !
Let us look at them here.

The word EVENING / YUUBE, YOI , just like that, is a topic for haiku.

under construction



haru no yuu 春の夕 はるのゆう spring evening
haru no yuube 春の夕(はるのゆうべ)
haru yuube 春夕(はるゆうべ), shunseki 春夕(しゅんせき)
haru hakubo 春薄暮(はるはくぼ) spring twilight, spring dusk

. haru no kure 春の暮 evening in spring
haru no yoi 春の宵 and more

yuu nagashi 夕長し(ゆうながし)long evening
chijitsu 遅日 (ちじつ) long day
osoki hi 遅き日(おそきひ)day getting longer
kure ososhi 暮遅し(くれおそし)duks coming later
..... kure kanuru 暮れかぬる(くれかぬる)
shunjitsu chichi 春日遅々(しゅんじつちち)

. . . . SPRING
the complete SAIJIKI



natsu no yuu 夏の夕 (なつのゆう) summer evening
..... natsu yuube 夏夕べ(なつゆうべ)
natsu no kure 夏の暮(なつのくれ) evening in summer, dusk in summer

natsu no yoi 夏の宵 (なつのよい) evening in summer
..... yoi no natsu 宵の夏(よいのなつ)

cool evening, yoisuzushi 宵すずし

yuudachi 夕立 evening shower

. yuugashi 夕河岸 (ゆうがし) night fish market  

. yuusuzumi 夕涼み(ゆうすずみ)enjoy a cool evening breeze
..... yoi suzumi 宵涼み(よいすずみ)

yuuniji 夕虹(ゆうにじ)evening rainbow


kigo for late summer

yuuhashii 夕端居(ゆうはしい) evening on the veranda

..... hashii, hashi-i 端居 (はしい) "living on the veranda"
In the evening, families would gather outside to enjoy a cool breeze and a chat with passers-by in the city.

. yuunagi 夕凪 ゆうなぎ no wind in the evening
yuunagu 夕凪ぐ(ゆうなぐ) calm in the evening

. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI



. yoi samu 宵寒 (よいさむ) cold in the evening (in autumn)
evening chill

aki no yoi 秋の宵 (あきのよい) autumn evening
..... shuushoo 秋宵(しゅうしょう)
yoi no aki 宵の秋(よいのあき)

. aki no kure 秋の暮 autumn dusk  

yoiyami 宵闇 (よいやみ) dark evening
without the full moon that should be visible

. matsuyoi 待宵 まつよい "waiting in the evening"
for the full moon of the

. . . . AUTUMN
the complete SAIJIKI



fuyu no kure 冬の暮 (ふゆのくれ) winter dusk

fuyu no yuube 冬の夕(ふゆのゆうべ) winter evening
fuyu no yoi 冬の宵(ふゆのよい)evening in winter
kanbo 寒暮(かんぼ)cold evening



. yoi no toshi宵の年(よいのとし)the year of tonight   

Worldwide use

Things found on the way



Related words

. Morning (asa) 

. Noon, daytime (hiru)  

. Evening (yuube, yoi) 

. Night (yoru) 

. . . . . . Seasons Ending


Noon, daytime (hiru)

[ . BACK to TOP . ]

Noon, daytime (hiru)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Season and see below


Every day we experience noon and daytime, but some are so special they are kigo for haiku !
Let us look at them here.

The word NOON, DAYTIME / HIRU , just like that, is a topic for haiku.

under construction



shunchuu 春昼 しゅんちゅう daytime in spring
haru no hiru 春の昼(はるのひる) spring noon

. . . . SPRING
the complete SAIJIKI



late summer

enchuu 炎昼 (えんちゅう) heat during daytime
natsu mahiru 夏真昼(なつまひる) daytime in summer

atsuki hi 暑き日 (あつきひ) hot day

. long day, days getting longer, daylight getting longer  
hinaga 日永

. hirune, hiru-ne 昼寝 (ひるね) nap, Mittagsschlaf  

. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI



aki no hiru 秋の昼 (あきのひる) autumn noon

. hiru no tsuki 昼の月(ひるのつき)moon at midday, daymoon

. . . . AUTUMN
the complete SAIJIKI



. short day, days getting shorter, mijika hi, tanjitsu 短日  
days getting shorter, hi tsumaru 日つまる
dusk comes early, kure hayashi 明早し


kigo for late winter

hiashi nobu 日脚伸ぶ (ひあしのぶ) days getting longer
After the winter equinox, one begins to feel a slight lenthening of the daytime light period.
This is a kigo of joy, around the middle and end of January.
It is rather new, since the Meiji period.
With the lunar calendar, this period fell in the time of the old year/new year activities and people had not much time to enjoy this leisurely.

. . . . WINTER
the complete SAIJIKI



Worldwide use

Things found on the way



Related words

. Morning (asa) 

. Noon, daytime (hiru)  

. Evening (yuube, yoi) 

. Night (yoru) 

. . . . . . Seasons Ending


Morning (asa)

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Morning (asa)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Season and see below


From morning to mid-day to evening to night . . .

Each time of the day has been associated with a season in court poetry.
For example Sei Shonagon 清少納言 wrote

haru wa akebono - in spring the daybreak, dawn
natsu wa yoru - in summer the the night
aki no yuugure - in autumn the dusk, evening
fuyu wa tsutomete - in winter the early morning


Every day we experience a morning, but some are so special they are kigo for haiku !
Let us look at them here.

The word MORNING / ASA, just like that, is a topic for haiku.

. kesa 今朝 this morning  
topic for haiku

The daybreak, dawn in all its stages of Japanese vocabulary:

akegata 明け方, ake 明け

yoake 夜明け night breaks into day

akatsuki 暁

shinonome 東雲

akebono 曙

reimei 黎明

kawataredoki 彼誰時

hinode 日の出 sun comes out

akemitsu doki 明け三つ時
the time from 5 to 7 in the morning in Edo



haru no asa 春の朝 (はるのあさ) morning in spring
..... shunchoo 春朝(しゅんちょう)spring morning
..... haru ashita 春あした(はるあした)

. haru no asahi 春の朝日(はるのあさひ)
morning sun in spring

. spring morning light, spring dawn, shungyoo
春暁 (しゅんぎょう)

..... haru no akatsuki 春の暁(はるのあかつき)
spring dawn, haru no akebono 春の曙(はるのあけぼの)
..... shunsho 春曙(しゅんしょ)

daybreak in spring, haru no yoake
.... haru no asake 春の朝明(はるのあさけ)

. . . . SPRING
the complete SAIJIKI



summer of this morning, kesa no natsu

natsu no asa 夏の朝 (なつのあさ) summer morning

natsu no akatsuki 夏の暁 (なつのあかつき) dawn in summer
..... natsu ake 夏暁(なつあけ)
natsu no yoake (yo-ake)夏の夜明(なつのよあけ)daybreak in summer
natsu mimei 夏未明(なつみめい) early morning in summer

. natsu asahi 夏朝日(なつあさひ)
morning sun in summer

asasuzu 朝涼 coolness in the morning, morning cool

. asanagi 朝凪 (あさなぎ) no wind in the morning
..... asa nagu 朝凪ぐ(あさなぐ) calm in the morning

asaniji 朝虹 (あさにじ) morning rainbow

. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI



autumn of this morning, kesa no aki

aki no asa 秋の朝 (あきのあさ) autumn morning
..... shunchoo 秋朝(しゅうちょう)
shungyoo 秋暁(しゅうぎょう) autumn daybreak

. asazukuyo 朝月夜(あさづくよ)moon at dawn
ariakezuki 有明月(ありあけづき)dawn moon in autumn


kigo for late autumn

asa samu 朝寒 (あささむ) cold morning
asa samushi 朝寒し(あささむし), asa samumi 朝寒み(あささむみ)

. . . . AUTUMN
the complete SAIJIKI



winter of this morning, kesa no fuyu

early winter

spring of tomorrow, asu no haru 明日の春(あすのはる)
late winter


kigo for all winter

fuyu no asa 冬の朝 (ふゆのあさ) morning in winter
fuyu akebono 冬曙(ふゆあけぼの)sunrise in winter
kangyo 寒暁(かんぎょう)cold sunrise
fuyu akatsuki 冬暁(ふゆあかつき)daybreak in winter



kesa no haru 今朝の春(けさのはる)spring of this morning
ganchoo 元朝 がんちょう New Year Morning



akemutsu, 明け六つ the sixth double-hour of the morning

In the Edo Period, the dawn (Akemutsu) and the dusk (Kuremutsu) were set as reference points that divided the day into day and night. Day and night were then each divided into six equal intervals. The length of each interval differed for days and nights and varied with the seasons.
source : www.seiko.co.jp/en

source : itoyo/basho
memorial stone at the bridge Akemutsubashi in Fukui

asamutsu ya tsukimi no tabi no ake-banare

six in the morning -
my trip for moon-viewing
ends at dawn

Written on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month (full moon day)
in the year 1689 元禄2年
It is said Basho wrote 15 haiku wandering around in this night, which were recorded by Miyazaki Keikoo 宮崎荊口 (? - 1725), a haiku poet in Mino (Gifu), a samurai from Ogaki 大垣藩士.
This was the last one when it became light.
It is also a kind of pun of ake-mutsu and akarui, to become light in the morning.
Asamutsu 朝六つ橋 is also the name of a bridge he crossed in Fukui.

Around six in the morning
my moon viewing journey
breaks off at break of dawn

Tr. Liza Dalby

Oku no Hosomichi in Tsuruga
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

bridge of morning
a journey of moon-viewing
at dawn

With this haiku came a preface:
"When we crossed the bridge of Asamutsu, which is popularly known as 'Asazu', I recall a passage in 'The Pillow Book of Sei Shanagan (a female poet) who wrote:
"The most interesting bridges are the bridge of Asamutsu, (and of Nagara and of Amabiko)". This is the very bridge.
According to Jane Reichhold the third sentence 'ake banare' in a longer translation would be to say 'to leave the darkness of night into the light of morning'. The bridge of Asamutsu is about 8 km soutj of Fukui, in Asuwa.
source : Kristjaan Panneman

When the famous poet Saigyo crossed this bringe, he wrote


Saigyoo 西行

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - and Saigyo .

. kuremutsu 暮れ六つ; 暮六つ six o'clock at night .

. toki no kane 時の鐘 The Bell to Tell the Time .

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Asagohan あさめし (朝飯) breakfast

"morning meal" asagohan


winter morning
a child carrying a flower
for the teacher

nk singh, India



Misaki School Haiku Club, 2006
Teaching Haiku by Gabi Greve

Related words

***** Morning-Glory (asagao) Japan

. Today (kyoo) , tomorrow (asu)  

. Morning (asa) 

. Noon, daytime (hiru)  

. Evening (yuube, yoi) 

. Night (yoru) 

. . . . . . Seasons Ending





Hole (ana) and hibernating animals

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Hole (ana) and hibernating animals

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal


Many animals hibernate in winter, which means they go into a hole before it gets too cold and come out again when it gets warmer.

CLICK for more photos

There are other expressions for hibernating (toomin 冬眠), here we are only concerned with the
hole (ana 穴). 

Let us look at some kigo in this context.


kigo for mid-autumn

. ari ana ni iru 蟻穴に入る(ありあなにいる)
ants going into their holes

. kawazu ana ni iru 蛙穴に入る(かわずあなにいる)
frogs going into their holes
frogs start to hibernate

. tokage ana ni iru 蜥蜴穴に入る(とかげあなにいる)
lizard going into his hole
lizard begins to hibernate


kigo for early winter

. kuma ana ni iru 熊穴に入る / くまあなにいる
bear entering the den to hibernate


When the animals come out again, the kigo reflect that it is now getting warm and there is the joy of springtime.

kigo for mid-spring

. ari ana o izu 蟻穴を出づ (ありあなをいづ)
ants coming out of their hole
.... ari ana o deru 蟻穴を出る(ありあなをでる)
ari izu 蟻出づ(ありいづ) ants coming out (again), ants emerge

. hiki ana o izu 蟇穴を出づ (ひきあなをいづ)
toad coming out of its hole

..... hiki ana o deru 蟇穴を出る(ひきあなをでる)
hiki izu 蟇出づ(ひきいづ)toad coming out

. kuma ana o izu 熊穴を出づ くまあなをいづ
bear coming out of the den
..... kuma ana o deru 熊穴を出る(くまあなをでる)

. tokage ana o izu 蜥蜴穴を出づ (とかげあなをいづ )
lizard coming out of his hole
..... togake ana o deru 蜥蜴穴を出る(とかげあなをでる)
tokage izu 蜥蜴出づ(とかげいづ) lizard coming out

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Bungo and Koogo 文語 と 口語

With verbs, we have the problem of
"written literary, classical language" (bungo 文語) 
spoken colloquial kogo language (koogo 口語).

To bring this over in a translation is quite difficult.

To express the fact that an animal is coming out of its hole/den ... we have two expressions

izu 出づ the literary form
deru 出る the colloquial form

Tradtitioal haiku were mostly written in bungo, but nowadays, especially withe the Gendai movement, there are quite a few using colloquialisms or local dialects of Japan.


ants out of a hole —
when did I stop playing
the red toy piano?

Fay Aoyagi, 2006

. Discussion at THF, January 2011

Related words

***** . WKD : Animals in Winter  

***** . Verbs used in Haiku



Yew tree (ichi-i)


Yew Tree (ichi i, ichii, ichi-i)

***** Location: Japan, other regions
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant


kigo for late spring

flower of the yew tree, ichi-i no hana 
一位の花 いちいのはな
..... araragi あららぎ
..... onko おんこ

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

kigo for late autumn

red fruit of the yew tree, ichi-i no mi
一位の実 いちいのみ
..... araragi no mi あららぎの実
..... onko no mi おんこの実
..... kyaraboku no mi 伽羅木の実
..... ichi-i no mi 水松の実

Ichi-i いちい written in hiragana is also another name for the acorn, donguri.


Ichii (Yew)


And thou from earth art gone
Long since and in some quiet churchyard laid;
Some country nook, where o'er thy unknown grave
Tall grasses and white flowering nettles wave --
Under a dark red-fruited yew-tree's shade.

From "The Scholar Gypsy" by Mathew Arnold (1822-88)

In autumn, the feathery branches of yew trees are dripping with lovely, translucent red berries. But beware -- they contain a poisonous seed. As for the shiny leaves, they are even more dangerous than the berries. Nevertheless, yews are handsome, highly regarded trees.

In Japan the name means "tree of the first rank 一位." In ancient Britain, yew trees were planted on holy sites to ward off evil spirits, and in parts of Germany, Scandinavia and Russia, the yew is the origin of the mythical "tree of life." Today, Britain has the largest number of ancient yews; over 400 trees, each more than 1,000 years old.

They are often seen, dark and mysterious, in old churchyards, and have survived the woodman's ax because of their sacred nature. In addition, yews have few natural enemies, and some excellent strategies for survival. If a tree is blown down in a storm, it will stay alive as long as a small piece of root remains to connect it to earth. As a tree matures, it sends out shoots that flank the main trunk. As the old center slowly dies away, the new trunks take over and support the spreading tree.

The Japanese yew (Taxus cuspida) is faster-growing than the English yew (T. baccata), but both are slow-growing evergreens that are popular with gardeners. Yew wood has a beautiful grain, and in Japan it was used to make the ceremonial batons held by the Emperor and members of his court.

© The Japan Times, Nov. 1, 2006


Worldwide use


The European yew tree is taxus baccata :

The Irish yew (taxus baccata fastigiata) differs from the European yew in having several trunks, all growing upwards together, as well as leaves spread all around the branches.

These are ancient and sacred trees, often growing around churches and in their graveyards and outlasting the churches even when these are closed for worship.

If the yew is kigo in Ireland, it would be winter, when the red berries look very attractive and provide food for the birds. They are associated with Christmas, though more loosely than the holly and the ivy.

In my rural Irish home, we have two short yew walks, one Irish yew, one European yew -- the European one provides wonderful shelter in the rain, as its branches grow outwards.

Isabelle Prondzynski

Things found on the way

. Temple 小谷山医座寺 Iza-Ji, Matsuyama .

Once upon a time in a village of the 医座山(白山) "White Mountain" there was 一位木(あららぎ) a sacred Araragi tree. The tree was so huge it made a large shadow on the nearby fields and the farmers asked Gyoki for help. So he felled the tree. To appease the spirit of the tree he then carved seven statues of Yakushi Nyorai and placed them in seven temples, which he founded in Iyo.
伊予七薬師霊場 The Seven Yakushi Temples of Iyo.


Daruma and netsuke are carved from this tree too.
Here is my favorite, the yawning Daruma. Carved in Hida/Takayama.

Read more about it here: Daruma Yawning


一位の 実含みて吐きて 旅遠し

富安風生 Tomiyasu Fuusei

Related words



