Night (yoru, yo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Season and see below
Every day we experience the night, but some are so special they are kigo for haiku !
Let us look at them here.
The word NIGHT / YORU , just like that, is a topic for haiku.
haru no yo 春の夜 night in spring
..... yowa no haru 夜半の春(よわのはる)midnight in spring
haruzukiyo 春月夜(はるづきよ)spring night with (full) moon
oborozukiyo 朧月夜 (おぼろづきよ) spring night with a misty moon
. . . . SPRING
the complete SAIJIKI
. haru no yo ni tootoki gosho o moru mi kana .
Yosa Buson - at the Imperial Palace in Kyoto
natsu no yo 夏の夜 (なつのよ) night in summer
yowa no natsu 夜半の夏(よわのなつ)midnight in summer
nettaiya 熱帯夜 tropical night
when temperatures are above 25 degrees centigrade all night
These are the hot and humid nights of the Japanese summer.
. mijika yo 短夜 short night
atsuki yo 暑き夜(あつきよ)hot night
evening cool, yuusuzu, yūsuzu 夕涼
night cool, cool of the night, yaryoo 夜涼, ryooya 涼夜
cool at day's end, banryoo, banryō 晩涼
"night is like autumn", autumnal night,
... yoru no aki 夜の秋 (よるのあき)
. yobanashi 夜話 "night story"
tatebanko 立版古 (たてばんこ) diorama toys
. yosuzumi 夜涼み(よすずみ)
to enjoy a cool night breeze
sommerliche Abendkühle
. . . . SUMMER
the complete SAIJIKI
. cold at night, yosamu 夜寒 (よさむ)
night chill
yo samusa 夜寒さ(よさむさ), yo o samumi 夜を寒み(よをさむみ)
aki no yo 秋の夜 (あきのよ) autumn night
..... shuuya 秋夜(しゅうや)
yowa no aki 夜半の秋(よわのあき) midnight in autumn
. yonaga 夜長、夜永 long night
. tsukiyo 月夜(つきよ) (full) moon night
The three full moon nights in the three autumn months were especially inspiring for the haiku poets !
hatsuzukiyo 初月夜(はつづきよ) first autumn night with a full moon
kigo for early autumn
asazukuyo, asazukiyo 朝月夜(あさづくよ)morning after a moon night
yoizukiyo 宵月夜(よいづきよ) evening of a moon night
(usually the sickle moon on the 2nd or 3rd day of the moon cycle.) "moonlit night"
yuzukiyo 夕月夜(ゆうづきよ)evening of a moon night
zukiyogarasu 月夜烏(つきよがらす)crow at a full moon night
hoshizukiyo 星月夜 ほしづきよ (hoshizukuyo ひしづくよ) stars at a full moon night
tsukiyotake 月夜茸 (つきよたけ)moonlight mushroom (a type of mushroom)
Omphalotus guepiniformis
. kiku ni dete Nara to Naniwa wa yoizukiyo .
Matsuo Basho
Tanabata : Star Festival Night
. . . . AUTUMN
the complete SAIJIKI
yukizukiyo 雪月夜(ゆきづきよ)night with snow and (full) moon
. toshi no yo 年の夜 (としのよ) (last) night of the year
joya 除夜(じょや)、toshiya 年夜(としや)、toshi no ban 年の晩(としのばん)
toshi hitoyo 年一夜(としひとよ)
joseki 除夕(じょせき)
fuyu no yo 冬の夜 (ふゆのよ) winter night
yowa no fuyu 夜半の冬(よわのふゆ)midnight in winter
shimoyo 霜夜 (しもよ) night with frost
. . . . WINTER
the complete SAIJIKI
nokogiri no oto mazushisa yo yowa no fuyu
the sound of a saw
and this poverty -
midnight in winter
. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .
. Saw and sickle in haiku .
. joya no kane 除夜の鐘 striking the bell
on December 31
yo mo sugara 夜もすがら ... throughout the night
all night long, all through the night
a phrase used already in the old poetry books, like the Manyo-Shu Poetry collection.
reference : The making of Shinkokinshu .
meigetsu ya ike o megurite yo mo sugara
harvest moon -
I walk around the pond
all night long
Matsuo Basho, Koshoo 孤松
at Basho-An, where he also wrote the famous "old pond" haiku.
source : www2.yamanashi-ken.ac.jp
meigetsu ya ike o megurite yo mo sugara
Ah, lua de outono —
Andando em volta do lago
Passei toda a noite.
source : infinitomutante.blogspot.com
The autumn full moon:
all night long
I placed round the lake.
(© R.H.Blyth)
Under a harvest moon
circling my pond
the night comes to an end.
(© Thomas McAuley)
. Translation into Russian .
. . . . .
hototogisu Edo sangai o yo mo sugara
the cuckoo serenades
all of Edo
Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue
source : weblio
yo mo sugara akikaze kiku ya ura no yama
all night long
we hear the autumn wind -
mountain in the back
Sora (in Oku no Hosomichi)
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
midnight . . .
the whiteness of snow
and moonlight
Gabi Greve, March 30, 2010

春の夜は 桜に明けてしまひけり
haru no yo wa sakura ni akete shimai keri
this spring night
came to an end while we enjoyed
cherry blossoms
Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉
A lovely spring night
suddenly vanished while we
viewed cherry blossoms
source : thegreenleaf.co.uk

source : blp4031
net taiya is a pun with "hot tire" 熱タイヤ~!
tabako no kemuri ga
me to kokoro ni shimiru
cigarette's smoke
irritates my eyes and nerve
tropical night
source : takkerollingstone
tropical night air
shapes coconut flavored dreams
resting on my lips
source : Mia Rose Haiku Poems

I shout
"No Nuclear Plants" -
tropical night
I participated in the demonstration in front of prime miniter's house in Tokyo last night. It was very humid and hot night. We had been shouting it for two hours, including men, women, young,old, Japanese, foreigners, Buddhists, Christians, whites, coloreds etc. This demonstration is held every Friday.
Ten thousands of people join it like a festival !
- Shared by Taro Aizu -
Joys of Japan, August 18, 2012

cold moon night ~
the teahouse’s warmth
in a winter tea bowl
Elaine Andre
facebook, December 2011
Related words
. Morning (asa)
. Noon, daytime (hiru)
. Evening (yuube, yoi)
. Night (yoru)
. . . . . . Seasons Ending
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