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April (shigatsu 四月)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Late Spring
***** Category:
Haiku shigatsu in the Edo period relates to the climate of present-day May,
but some festivals are dated in our present-day April.
. . Names of Japanese months and their meanings . .
April―The Relation with Composing a Haiku on Nature
by Inahata Teiko
April is the most glorious month in spring. Cherry blossoms and many kinds of flowers are at their best, and also we feel joy of life at this time. Therefore it is good for us to make a haiku on nature or our feelings and deep emotion through the seasonal words. Let's go outside and make haiku freely, you will find much pleasure of composing haiku on nature.
I always suggest that a haiku is ruled by a seasonal word and the fixed form (5・7・5). What is more, haiku is Kacho Fuei Shi, a poem composing on the subject of Kacho. Kacho means not only the birds or flowers but also the phenomena of natural world and human affairs caused by the change of seasons. I believe that behind this idea there is an Oriental world view, "Human beings are a part of nature".
As I have already mentioned, a haiku can be composed with any subject; society or the self which is the important theme of modern literature. But when a haiku is composed on the above subject, it should be equipped with a specific character of Kacho Fuei Shi. The senses of season should be expressed in it and in particular the haiku should be composed in a poetic style. One's ideology or thought should not be directly composed in a haiku, but it must be metaphorically described in the form of the object in front of the individual or through seasonal words. As a result, if the haiku is successful in describing the society or human beings, it attains good achievement.
That is characteristic of the composition of haiku.
© Inahata Teiko
Quote: Japan in April
April 5-7: Hikawa-jinja Hanashizume-no-Mai
At the Hikawa-jinja Shrine, Omiya-shi, Saitama. A cherry-blossom dance in which children wear cherry blossoms in their hair and hold branches of blossoms.
April 7,8: The Saturday and Sunday closest; Inuyama Matsuri
Harizuna-jinja Shrine, Inuyama-shi, Aichi. Thirteen parade floats are used in the festival. At night they are decorated with paper lanterns.
April 8: Kombutsu-e: Buddha's Birthday
This is also called the Hana Matsuri or Flower Festival. A small hall called the hanamido is set up at the Buddhist temples and decorated with colorful flowers. Small statues of the child Buddha are decorated with flowers and hydrangea tea is poured over the statue by worshippers.
The tea is prepared in considerable quantity and distributed to festival visitors.
April 7-14: Tsurugaoka Hachiman Shrine Spring Festival Kamakura
The ancient shrine has an 800-year-old Ginkgo tree by its steps. There are various processions in the costume of the Kamakura Period.
April 12, nearest Sunday to: Shingenko Matsuri
Kofu-shi, Yamanshi. Takeda Shingen was a famous warrior and is honored by this festival. In one highlight of the festival more than 1000 men dressed as warriors stage a mock battle in the city.
April 13: Otaue Shinji
Kumata-jinja Shrine, Osake-shi, Osaka's rice planting festival known for its dance, a puppet play and noh.
April 14,15: Sanno Festival in Takayama
This festival is based on the Gion Festival of Kyoto. It features large floats decorated with rugs and tapestries and featuring various mechanical figures.
April 14-16: Hikiyama Matsuri
Nagahama-hachimangu Shrine, Nagahama-shi, Shiga. Floats are used in this festival and local children aged 5 to 12 will be on them performing kabuki and kyogen.
April 15, 16: Tama-no-Kagura
Chigata-jinja Shrine, Oyama-shi, Tochigi. Children's festival ceremony performed by a group of ten young girls.
April 18: Akadomari Matsuri
Wakamiya Hachiiman-jinja Shrine, Adadomari-mura, Nigata. Children's festival with dances.
April 22: Hidaka Hibuse Matsuri
Hidaka-jinja Shrine, Mizusawa-shi, Iwate
This festival's purpose is to ward off outbreaks of fire. Before WWII almost all Japanese homes were built of paper and wood. Whenever a fire would break out it could spread quickly, a fact demonstrated by the American fire-bombing of Japanese cities which actually did more damage than the atomic bombs.
In this festival musical floats are paraded around the town, some of the floats carrying young girls sitting and playing small drums.
April 25: Magomi Matsuri
Children's festival, Kawaguchi Sengen-jinja Shrine, Kawaguchiko-machi, Yamanashi. This particular ceremony is held in order to keep Mt. Fuji from erupting.
April 29: Greenery Day Midori no Hi
This was originally a national holiday that celebrated the birth of the Emperor Showa but now is a day for nature appreciation. Commemorative planting of trees is done across Japan. It was named Greenery Day because the late Emperor Showa had a great love of nature.
April 29: Kyokusui-no-En
This is held at Jonangu Shrine, Kyoto-shi, Kyoto. Kyokusi was a pastime followed by the nobility in ancient times. A lacquer sake cup was set adrift in a stream and the participants, watching on a downstream bank, had to compose a short poem and then drink the sake in the cup when it reached them.
April 29-May3: Uesugi Matsuri
Useugi-jinja Shrine, Yonezawa-shi, Yamagata. Useugi Kenshin was a warrior lord in feudal Japan and this particular festival comemorates him and his followers. This is a parade of people dressed as warriors in costumes of the time along with mock battles being taken place.
First Saturday and Sunday of the month
Tori-jingu Otauesai festival, Katori-jingu Shrine, Sawara-shi, Chiba. Women perform the rice-planting ceremony to music.
Japanese school year starts
The Japanese school year is divided into three terms. The first runs under about July 20 when summer vacation starts. Students come back to school in early September and the second term runs untill about December 25. The final term starts in early January and lasts until late March.
There are various school entrance ceremonies held at this time, again having the principal make opening remarks to be followed by an introduction of the homeroom teachers who then take the students to their room. Unlike American schools, where students change room from one bell to another Japanese students usually stay in the same room all day.
Hanami (Cherry Blossom Viewing)
This is a rather variable dated activity since the Japanese islands are so long going North to South that the exact time of blossoming of the cherry trees depends on just how far north one lives. They start appearing in Kyushu around the end of March, get to Tokyo in early April and reach Hokkaido in mid-May.
People go outdoors and hold picnics under the trees to admire the beauty of the blossoms. This is yet another Japanese activity that has ancient roots. Various literary works, dances and paintings have all been inspired by cherry blossoms.
Golden Week
This starts on April 29 and runs about a week, ending during the first week in May. Many workers get a short vacation during this time due to the number of festivals held during that week.
Ombashira Matsuri
Suwa-taisha Shrine, Suwa-shi, Nagano. Large fir trees are cut down and erected on the grounds of the shrine. The ceremony apparently is to represent the rebuilding of the shrine.
Participants include people who help to cut down the tree, people carrying a box containing their "lords" clothes and other possessions, people dressed up as feudal lords and a group of people who sit on the log while another group uses ropes to raise the log to a vertical position.
Japanese Festivals of all months
January .. .. February .. .. March .. .. April .. .. May .. .. June .. .. July .. .. August .. .. September .. .. October .. .. November .. .. December
Worldwide use
Southern Hemisphere, Tropics ...
Adjustments for each region must be made.
Calendar reference kigo
Things found on the way
Related words
***** April Fool .. (shigatsu baka, Japan) Worldwide
***** Calendar reference kigo
Apple (ringo)
Apple (ringo)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: Late Autumn, others see below
***** Category: Plant
Delicious apples, who would not have fond memories of mother's apple pie or apple jam or apple jelly.
The largest apple-growing regions in Japan are in Tsugaru and Aomori in Northern Japan. The orchards are often visited by a typhoon just before the harvest and many fruit fall on the ground.
fallen leaves
fallen fruit and
fallen hopes
Gabi Greve, September 2005
aoringo, ao-ringo, ao ringo 青林檎 green apple
(ao can mean green or blue or all shades inbetween in Japanese)
(sometimes placed in late summer as kigo)
. green apple, blue apple - ao-ringo .
discussion in my garden
blue apple
haiku by Scott Metz
source : www.thehaikufoundation.or
Apple trees grow in most parts of the world. " Malus domestica" is his latin name.

Other Japanese kigo for the apple
Red Treasure, koogyoku 紅玉
Sparkling Land, kookoo 国光
Indian apple, indo ringo インド林檎
Delicious, dirishasu ヂリシャス
Star King, sutaakingu スターキング

green apples --
delicious on photos
but unripe
© Isabelle Prondzynski
kigo for all winter
fuyu ringo 冬林檎 (ふゆりんご) winter apples
.... kan ringo 寒林檎(かんりんご)apples in the cold
Worldwide use
Den letzten Apfel...
Haiku und Kohlezeichnungen
Hermann J. Mürmann
In den Haiku leuchtet uns das wahre Wesen der Natur entgegen.Es offenbart sich als Einswerden im gegenwärtigen Augenblick mit der begegnenden Naturerscheinung.
Im Loslassen aller Sorgen und Gedanken ereignet sich das Freiwerden für die tiefe Begegnung mit der Natur.
Umhüllt steht der Mensch
von der ihn liebenden Welt
Kann er es fühlen?
Die Kohlezeichnungen sind reduziert auf das Wesentliche und führen uns auf ihre Weise in die Wirklichkeit des Seins ohne etwas hinzuzufügen.
Das Schwarz der Kohle enthält alle Farben ist zugleich die höchste Stufe der Farbvereinfachung und erzeugt im Kontrast mit den weißen Flächen eine ihm eigene Lebendigkeit und Tiefe.

... Den letzten Apfel ....
North America
Crabapples, Pyrus sp.
A member of the Rose family these occur in both wild and cultivated forms. This is a cultivar which is fairly true to the wild species, Pyrus coronaria. Frequently used in landscapes these trees provide a beautiful color, and aroma to spring. The bitter fruit of the wild species can be made into a wonderfully tart jelly.

Malus domestica (Domestic Apple)
The Domestic Apple is a hybrid mixture of at least four different wild species including Malus sylvestris, M. pumila, M. dasyphylla and M. sieversii. These species occur in the cool temperate regions of Europe, the Near East and central Asia. It is difficult to ascertain when domestication of apples began but apple remains in archaeological sites dating back to the Neolithic suggest that from the earliest times, apples were being harvested from the wild and eaten.
Presumably apple trees started growing round habitations from discarded apple pips. However, the earliest evidence of apple domestication dates back to only the 10th Century BC from a site in Israel between Sinai and the Negev. This site is well outside the range of the wild apple species yet apple cores occur in large numbers suggesting apple trees were cultivated and probably irrigated as this region is so dry.
The first record of grafting of apple cultivars is from Greece in about 300 BC. The development of grafting techniques was important as apple plants do not root readily from cuttings. Grafting permitted favourable varieties to be propagated clonally which was important because the favourable characters would have been diluted by outcrossing if seeds were used. The rootstocks for grafts were usually seedlings of wild species.
During the Middle Ages, peasants and monasteries produced many apple varieties and in the 1500's and 1600's rich people with large gardens cultivated numerous varieties. Many apple cultivars were developed in eastern North America, arising from different varieties of seed brought over by immigrants from various parts of Europe.
For instance, the Golden Delicious arose from a chance seedling in 1900 in West Virginia. Apples are grown in temperate regions all over the World and some of the varieties were developed in Australia and New Zealand, the most conspicuous example being the Granny Smith apple that originated from a seedling in New South Wales (Australia) in 1868.
Copyright 2004, Iziko Museums of Cape Town
. Johnny Appleseed .
John Chapman (September 26, 1774 – March 18, 1845),
often called Johnny Appleseed,
was an American pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, including the northern counties of present day West Virginia . . .
Things found on the way
. Daruma as an apple 林檎達磨
Ringo Daruma
just one apple
eaten in paradise -
and all these consequences
. Hatoyama Apples 鳩山リンゴ .
. WASHOKU - Apples from Aomori .
akaki ringo aoki ringo ya taku no ue
a red apple
a green apple !
on the table
red apples
green apples !
on the table
. - Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 - .
(Maybe he got them as a present, while he was laying on his sickbed.)
green apples -
a man finds back
to his childhood
Read more about my
Green Apples fallen by the typhoon 青林檎
Gabi Greve, September 2005
From a link with many haiku about trees
濃き紅は 林檎の肩を あふれ越ゆ
... ... ...
空は太初の 青さ妻より 林檎受く
she walked on
the woman with the apple,
but her smile...
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
die Frau mit dem Apfel,
aber ihr Lächeln...
© Alle Rechte bei Udo Wenzel
morning light
more apples than leaves
hang from the tree
john crook
Read more haiku and poems about the apple tree !
Ray Rasmussen and his haiku friends
last apples
deep red hanging from
bare branches
Happy Haiku Forum, November 2011
Related words
***** Apple blossoms
ringo no hana, hana-ringo 林檎の花
kigo for late spring
Seen f rom far, the fowers seem all white, but at a closer look they are slightly pink and make a fine contrast with the shiny green leaves.
Hana Ringo 花林檎 is also the name of a Haiku Magazine in Japan.

coolness …
apple tree blooms more
after the "saw ceremony"
Saw ceremony :
when a tree is lazy to bloom and results in small fruits, farmers invited by its owner gather to drink a cup of tea and local cake under its shadow; then the owner pretends he/she is very angry and wanna cut this tree, and the other farmers pretend to stop him/her. Then the other farmers promise the owner this spring this tree will bloom more and more and -- as i see this will work !
- Shared by Reza Aarabi
Joys of Japan, March 2012

Haiga about a Princess Apple, Malus pumila,
Hime Ringo 姫林檎 from Aomori
Ise Atsuji
... ...
From a link with many haiku about trees
林檎散る 昼かみなりの 鳴るなべに
ringo chiru hiru kaminari no naru nabe ni
高浜虚子 Takahama Kyoshi
... ... ...
みちのくの 山たゝなはる 花林檎
michinoku no yama tatanaharu hana ringo
ringo o tsumami ii-tsukushite mo kurikaesaneba naranu
munching apples ....
even after all is said,
it needs to be repeated
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
Read a discussion about this haiku by
Hugh Bygott, Translating Haiku Forum
apple blossoms
crowding the river---
a pinwheel comes to life
Andrew Riutta (USA)
***** Candy Apple
kigo for autumn in North America
A candy apple is an apple covered with candy. Sometimes, caramel or some other candy substance. Sometimes they're chocolate.
Even though candy apples are available year round, when I think of a candy apple I think of Autumn. I think of Halloween, fall festivals, and the candy apple displays in my grocery store. I think of candy apple kits at apple stands and farmer's markets.
Deborah P Kolodji
A basic recipe:
A wikipedia article:
Here's another link which really shows what they look like:
candy apples
at the county fair,
candy apples
lined up on a tray --
the doorbell
candy apple --
she saves the tooth
for her pillow
- Deborah P Kolodji
candy apple --
he tells me "hands off
the Mustang"
where, of course, a Mustang is an automobile.
Rich Magahiz
***** Apple Jam, Apple pie, Apfelstrudel
***** Fresh Apple Cider, frischer Apfelmost
kigo for autumn
Cider, apple cider (saidaa) in various seasons
Japan, Europe, Australia
Apple (ringo)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: Late Autumn, others see below
***** Category: Plant
Delicious apples, who would not have fond memories of mother's apple pie or apple jam or apple jelly.
The largest apple-growing regions in Japan are in Tsugaru and Aomori in Northern Japan. The orchards are often visited by a typhoon just before the harvest and many fruit fall on the ground.
fallen leaves
fallen fruit and
fallen hopes
Gabi Greve, September 2005
aoringo, ao-ringo, ao ringo 青林檎 green apple
(ao can mean green or blue or all shades inbetween in Japanese)
(sometimes placed in late summer as kigo)
. green apple, blue apple - ao-ringo .
discussion in my garden
blue apple
haiku by Scott Metz
source : www.thehaikufoundation.or
Apple trees grow in most parts of the world. " Malus domestica" is his latin name.

Other Japanese kigo for the apple
Red Treasure, koogyoku 紅玉
Sparkling Land, kookoo 国光
Indian apple, indo ringo インド林檎
Delicious, dirishasu ヂリシャス
Star King, sutaakingu スターキング

green apples --
delicious on photos
but unripe
© Isabelle Prondzynski
kigo for all winter
fuyu ringo 冬林檎 (ふゆりんご) winter apples
.... kan ringo 寒林檎(かんりんご)apples in the cold
Worldwide use
Den letzten Apfel...
Haiku und Kohlezeichnungen
Hermann J. Mürmann
In den Haiku leuchtet uns das wahre Wesen der Natur entgegen.Es offenbart sich als Einswerden im gegenwärtigen Augenblick mit der begegnenden Naturerscheinung.
Im Loslassen aller Sorgen und Gedanken ereignet sich das Freiwerden für die tiefe Begegnung mit der Natur.
Umhüllt steht der Mensch
von der ihn liebenden Welt
Kann er es fühlen?
Die Kohlezeichnungen sind reduziert auf das Wesentliche und führen uns auf ihre Weise in die Wirklichkeit des Seins ohne etwas hinzuzufügen.
Das Schwarz der Kohle enthält alle Farben ist zugleich die höchste Stufe der Farbvereinfachung und erzeugt im Kontrast mit den weißen Flächen eine ihm eigene Lebendigkeit und Tiefe.

... Den letzten Apfel ....
North America
Crabapples, Pyrus sp.
A member of the Rose family these occur in both wild and cultivated forms. This is a cultivar which is fairly true to the wild species, Pyrus coronaria. Frequently used in landscapes these trees provide a beautiful color, and aroma to spring. The bitter fruit of the wild species can be made into a wonderfully tart jelly.

Malus domestica (Domestic Apple)
The Domestic Apple is a hybrid mixture of at least four different wild species including Malus sylvestris, M. pumila, M. dasyphylla and M. sieversii. These species occur in the cool temperate regions of Europe, the Near East and central Asia. It is difficult to ascertain when domestication of apples began but apple remains in archaeological sites dating back to the Neolithic suggest that from the earliest times, apples were being harvested from the wild and eaten.
Presumably apple trees started growing round habitations from discarded apple pips. However, the earliest evidence of apple domestication dates back to only the 10th Century BC from a site in Israel between Sinai and the Negev. This site is well outside the range of the wild apple species yet apple cores occur in large numbers suggesting apple trees were cultivated and probably irrigated as this region is so dry.
The first record of grafting of apple cultivars is from Greece in about 300 BC. The development of grafting techniques was important as apple plants do not root readily from cuttings. Grafting permitted favourable varieties to be propagated clonally which was important because the favourable characters would have been diluted by outcrossing if seeds were used. The rootstocks for grafts were usually seedlings of wild species.
During the Middle Ages, peasants and monasteries produced many apple varieties and in the 1500's and 1600's rich people with large gardens cultivated numerous varieties. Many apple cultivars were developed in eastern North America, arising from different varieties of seed brought over by immigrants from various parts of Europe.
For instance, the Golden Delicious arose from a chance seedling in 1900 in West Virginia. Apples are grown in temperate regions all over the World and some of the varieties were developed in Australia and New Zealand, the most conspicuous example being the Granny Smith apple that originated from a seedling in New South Wales (Australia) in 1868.
Copyright 2004, Iziko Museums of Cape Town
. Johnny Appleseed .
John Chapman (September 26, 1774 – March 18, 1845),
often called Johnny Appleseed,
was an American pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, including the northern counties of present day West Virginia . . .
Things found on the way
. Daruma as an apple 林檎達磨
Ringo Daruma
just one apple
eaten in paradise -
and all these consequences
. Hatoyama Apples 鳩山リンゴ .
. WASHOKU - Apples from Aomori .
akaki ringo aoki ringo ya taku no ue
a red apple
a green apple !
on the table
red apples
green apples !
on the table
. - Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 - .
(Maybe he got them as a present, while he was laying on his sickbed.)
green apples -
a man finds back
to his childhood
Read more about my
Green Apples fallen by the typhoon 青林檎
Gabi Greve, September 2005
From a link with many haiku about trees
濃き紅は 林檎の肩を あふれ越ゆ
... ... ...
空は太初の 青さ妻より 林檎受く
she walked on
the woman with the apple,
but her smile...
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
die Frau mit dem Apfel,
aber ihr Lächeln...
© Alle Rechte bei Udo Wenzel
morning light
more apples than leaves
hang from the tree
john crook
Read more haiku and poems about the apple tree !
Ray Rasmussen and his haiku friends
last apples
deep red hanging from
bare branches
Happy Haiku Forum, November 2011
Related words
***** Apple blossoms
ringo no hana, hana-ringo 林檎の花
kigo for late spring
Seen f rom far, the fowers seem all white, but at a closer look they are slightly pink and make a fine contrast with the shiny green leaves.
Hana Ringo 花林檎 is also the name of a Haiku Magazine in Japan.

coolness …
apple tree blooms more
after the "saw ceremony"
Saw ceremony :
when a tree is lazy to bloom and results in small fruits, farmers invited by its owner gather to drink a cup of tea and local cake under its shadow; then the owner pretends he/she is very angry and wanna cut this tree, and the other farmers pretend to stop him/her. Then the other farmers promise the owner this spring this tree will bloom more and more and -- as i see this will work !
- Shared by Reza Aarabi
Joys of Japan, March 2012

Haiga about a Princess Apple, Malus pumila,
Hime Ringo 姫林檎 from Aomori
Ise Atsuji
... ...
From a link with many haiku about trees
林檎散る 昼かみなりの 鳴るなべに
ringo chiru hiru kaminari no naru nabe ni
高浜虚子 Takahama Kyoshi
... ... ...
みちのくの 山たゝなはる 花林檎
michinoku no yama tatanaharu hana ringo
ringo o tsumami ii-tsukushite mo kurikaesaneba naranu
munching apples ....
even after all is said,
it needs to be repeated
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
Read a discussion about this haiku by
Hugh Bygott, Translating Haiku Forum
apple blossoms
crowding the river---
a pinwheel comes to life
Andrew Riutta (USA)
***** Candy Apple
kigo for autumn in North America
A candy apple is an apple covered with candy. Sometimes, caramel or some other candy substance. Sometimes they're chocolate.
Even though candy apples are available year round, when I think of a candy apple I think of Autumn. I think of Halloween, fall festivals, and the candy apple displays in my grocery store. I think of candy apple kits at apple stands and farmer's markets.
Deborah P Kolodji
A basic recipe:
A wikipedia article:
Here's another link which really shows what they look like:
candy apples
at the county fair,
candy apples
lined up on a tray --
the doorbell
candy apple --
she saves the tooth
for her pillow
- Deborah P Kolodji
candy apple --
he tells me "hands off
the Mustang"
where, of course, a Mustang is an automobile.
Rich Magahiz
***** Apple Jam, Apple pie, Apfelstrudel
***** Fresh Apple Cider, frischer Apfelmost
kigo for autumn
Cider, apple cider (saidaa) in various seasons
Japan, Europe, Australia
Ant, ants (ari)
[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]
. ari 蟻と伝説 Legends about ants .
Ant (ari)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal
Although ants are with us most of the year, in summer they are at their best and therefore mostly a kigo for all summer.

Let us look at some ant-related
ari 蟻 (あり) ant, Ameise
big ant, oo-ari 大蟻
small ant, ko-ari 小蟻
mountain ants, yama-ari 山蟻
large black ant, dai kuro-ari 大黒蟻
red ant, aka-ari 赤蟻
yellow ant, ki-ari 黄蟻
anthill, arizuka, 蟻塚
ant tower, ari no too 蟻の塔
ant queen, joo-oo ari 女王蟻
male ant, osu ari 雄蟻
worker ant, 働蟻
ant trail, ant procession, ant column、line of ants
.. .. ari no michi 蟻の道
.. .. ari no retsu 蟻の列
flying ants, ants with wings, ha-ari, haari, 羽蟻、higi 飛蟻
.. .. hari はり
arimaki 蟻巻 (ありまき) aphid, plant louse
. . . arimaki 蚜虫(ありまき)、aburamushi あぶらむし
white ants, shiro-ari シロアリ白蟻
..... They are quite a pest and can destroy the wood of a house. So they are destroyed by the pest control squads regularly. One of these companies has erected a "grave for the white ants", in order to pray for the souls of the dead animals. The inscription reads:
"White ants, rest in peace" shiro-ari, yasuraka ni nemure.

Gabi Greve
kigo for mid-spring
ari ana o izu 蟻穴を出づ (ありあなをいづ)
ants coming out of their hole
.... ari ana o deru 蟻穴を出る(ありあなをでる)
ari izu 蟻出づ(ありいづ) ants coming out (again), ants emerge
Finally it gets warmer and the ants come out looking for food. This kigo shows the joy of springtime.
ants out of a hole —
when did I stop playing
the red toy piano?
Fay Aoyagi, 2006
. Discussion at THF, January 2011
kigo for mid-autumn
ari ana ni iru 蟻穴に入る(ありあなにいる)
ants going into their holes
Ant Nests: Ants Love City Living
Ant Nests Read about ants and how they build their nests.
More links about the Ants:
Worldwide use
Ameisen, Ameisenhaufen, Ameisenhuegel, Ameisenstrasse. Waldameisen.
North America
There is a well-known professor named Deborah Gordon whose a specialist in ants. Here are
urls for her book, 'Ants at Work', and a page about her research on harvester ants in Arizona.
What we have here in my are of California are Argentinian sugar ants, a highly successful invasive specis that has liminated the native species.
Their hills have multiple queens, and are all apparently genetically identical so they behave as one colony, from one end of California to the other. They are therefore very, very difficult to control and impossible to eradicate. I used to think ants were cute. Not anymore.

Linda Papanicolaou
.. .. ..
Here is the full url for the second image:
Linda Papanicolaou
doodle bug, also known as an ant lion
doodle bug!
the end of the grass stem
drips with spit
(a trick to capturing a doodle bug was to pluck a slim grass stem and wet the pale end with spit and poke it in the center of the doodle bugs funnel shaped nest to trick the hidden bug out of its home... I guess this equivalent in entertainment value back then as the Nintendo"wii" is now?)
Things found on the way
An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox.
Lao Tzu
Sitting outside the first night after a long winter.
All is so quiet.. the stars amazingly near...
quietude -
an ant is sneezing
in a far galaxy
Gabi Greve, 2005
.. .. ..
unknown voices
whispering in the valley -
an ants procession
unbekannte Stimmen
fluestern im Tal -
shiranu koe
tani ni sasayaku
ari no michi
(Japanese by Nakamura Sakuo)
© Haiku by Gabi Greve, 2005
.. .. ..
news alive -
the ants took over
the mail box
lebende Nachrichten -
Ameisen uebernehmen
den Briefkasten
Sticking my hand in the box to get the newspaper as usual, yelling with surprise!
These are the tinywiny ants who make up for their body size in sheer numbers.
With so much rain around, I guess they deserve some shelter.
So, see you tomorrow morning, my million little friends.
Gabi Greve, June 10, 2004
.. .. .. Some Ant-Haiku by Issa
yûzakura ari mo nedoko wa mochi ni keri
evening cherry blossoms--
the ants also
have a place to sleep
.. .. ..

ari no michi kumo no mine yori tsuzuki keri
the ants' road
from peaks of clouds
to here
.. .. ..

deru ya ina mimizu wa ari ni hikarekeri
just coming out
the earthworm dragged off
by ants
Tr. David Lanoue
Haiga by Nakamura Sakuo
ari o korosu korosu tsugi kara dete kuru
I kill an ant
kill the next and the next
as they come out
. Ozaki Hoosai, Ozaki Hosai 尾崎 放哉
Dort die Frau am Fluss,
die wackelt mit dem Hintern.
the woman at the river there
waggles her behind -
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
Jens O. Hoffmann
Related words
***** Termites
Wood inhabiting termites
Soil tunnelling termites
The wood-inhabiting termites are the more primitive type. Their colonies consist of excavated galleries inside dead branches or logs. Once the dead wood is consumed the colony dies. Since single pieces of dead wood can not sustain a very large family, their colonies rarely ever number more than a few thousand termites.
These wood inhabiting termites have a primitive type of caste system. Instead of having true workers they have false workers which are older nymphs who have undergone a regressive molt and that temporarily stay in the nest galleries and help their parents to raise more brothers and sisters. The soldiers have enlarged orange heads and long toothed jaws.
The soldier's main purpose is to defend the colony from termite's mortal enemies, the ants. Most nymphs gradually grow wing pads and then transform into winged termites called alates. The alates fly from the colony at a certain time of the year to start new colonies.
Read a lot more about the termites here:
.. .. .. .. ..
cowless barn
termites, new tenants
......milkweed is dying
Look at a photo of the old barn here:
.. .. ..
housing termites
the dying tree stands
Look at a photo of the old tree here:
. flying termites (kumbi kumbi) Kenya
***** Fire Ants
Solenopsis invicta

アカカミアリ .. akakami ari
火の蟻 .. hi no ari (a more poetic version)
火蟻 .. hi ari
針蟻 .. hari ari (needle ants)
red fire ants, 紅火蟻
A variety of ants living in the tropics.
The follwing link has a rather graphic picture of a fire ant attack, so be warned!
Hawaiian fire ants
hot sting
born of Pele
M. Shanna Moore, Hawaii
fire ant mounds -
cattle grazing
on crooked paths
- Paul (MacNeil)
walk in park
... fire ant hills
....... sidestepping
peigi. Florida, US
my bathroom blind
red hot ants crawling
all over
kenneth daniels (GY)
Kigo Hotline, June 2009
kigo for the wet season
ANT haiku from Ireland
climbing a rocky ridge
in the sun,
two winged ants
by Anatoly Kudryavitsky
(from 'Morning at Mount Ring', DOGHOUSE Books, 2007)
June afternoon
ants searching for food
on the tiled bathroom wall
by Tasha Smith
***** arijigoku, ari jigoku 蟻地獄 (ありじごく)
doodlebug, ant lion, antlion
lit. "hell for the ants"
kigo for all summer
suribachi mushi 擂鉢虫(すりばちむし)"mortar insect"
arozusari あとずさり、atosari mushi あとさり虫(あとさりむし)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
This is the larvae of the
usuba kageroo 薄翅蜉蝣(うすばかげろう), the weak-winged ephemera
Hagenomyia micans
kigo for late summer
. ari 蟻と伝説 Legends about ants .
- #ari #ant #ameise
. ari 蟻と伝説 Legends about ants .
Ant (ari)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal
Although ants are with us most of the year, in summer they are at their best and therefore mostly a kigo for all summer.

Let us look at some ant-related
ari 蟻 (あり) ant, Ameise
big ant, oo-ari 大蟻
small ant, ko-ari 小蟻
mountain ants, yama-ari 山蟻
large black ant, dai kuro-ari 大黒蟻
red ant, aka-ari 赤蟻
yellow ant, ki-ari 黄蟻
anthill, arizuka, 蟻塚
ant tower, ari no too 蟻の塔
ant queen, joo-oo ari 女王蟻
male ant, osu ari 雄蟻
worker ant, 働蟻
ant trail, ant procession, ant column、line of ants
.. .. ari no michi 蟻の道
.. .. ari no retsu 蟻の列
flying ants, ants with wings, ha-ari, haari, 羽蟻、higi 飛蟻
.. .. hari はり
arimaki 蟻巻 (ありまき) aphid, plant louse
. . . arimaki 蚜虫(ありまき)、aburamushi あぶらむし
white ants, shiro-ari シロアリ白蟻
..... They are quite a pest and can destroy the wood of a house. So they are destroyed by the pest control squads regularly. One of these companies has erected a "grave for the white ants", in order to pray for the souls of the dead animals. The inscription reads:
"White ants, rest in peace" shiro-ari, yasuraka ni nemure.

Gabi Greve
kigo for mid-spring
ari ana o izu 蟻穴を出づ (ありあなをいづ)
ants coming out of their hole
.... ari ana o deru 蟻穴を出る(ありあなをでる)
ari izu 蟻出づ(ありいづ) ants coming out (again), ants emerge
Finally it gets warmer and the ants come out looking for food. This kigo shows the joy of springtime.
ants out of a hole —
when did I stop playing
the red toy piano?
Fay Aoyagi, 2006
. Discussion at THF, January 2011
kigo for mid-autumn
ari ana ni iru 蟻穴に入る(ありあなにいる)
ants going into their holes
Ant Nests: Ants Love City Living
Ant Nests Read about ants and how they build their nests.
More links about the Ants:
Worldwide use
Ameisen, Ameisenhaufen, Ameisenhuegel, Ameisenstrasse. Waldameisen.
North America
There is a well-known professor named Deborah Gordon whose a specialist in ants. Here are
urls for her book, 'Ants at Work', and a page about her research on harvester ants in Arizona.
What we have here in my are of California are Argentinian sugar ants, a highly successful invasive specis that has liminated the native species.
Their hills have multiple queens, and are all apparently genetically identical so they behave as one colony, from one end of California to the other. They are therefore very, very difficult to control and impossible to eradicate. I used to think ants were cute. Not anymore.

Linda Papanicolaou
.. .. ..
Here is the full url for the second image:
Linda Papanicolaou
doodle bug, also known as an ant lion
doodle bug!
the end of the grass stem
drips with spit
(a trick to capturing a doodle bug was to pluck a slim grass stem and wet the pale end with spit and poke it in the center of the doodle bugs funnel shaped nest to trick the hidden bug out of its home... I guess this equivalent in entertainment value back then as the Nintendo"wii" is now?)
Things found on the way
An ant on the move does more than a dozing ox.
Lao Tzu
Sitting outside the first night after a long winter.
All is so quiet.. the stars amazingly near...
quietude -
an ant is sneezing
in a far galaxy
Gabi Greve, 2005
.. .. ..
unknown voices
whispering in the valley -
an ants procession
unbekannte Stimmen
fluestern im Tal -
shiranu koe
tani ni sasayaku
ari no michi
(Japanese by Nakamura Sakuo)
© Haiku by Gabi Greve, 2005
.. .. ..
news alive -
the ants took over
the mail box
lebende Nachrichten -
Ameisen uebernehmen
den Briefkasten
Sticking my hand in the box to get the newspaper as usual, yelling with surprise!
These are the tinywiny ants who make up for their body size in sheer numbers.
With so much rain around, I guess they deserve some shelter.
So, see you tomorrow morning, my million little friends.
Gabi Greve, June 10, 2004
.. .. .. Some Ant-Haiku by Issa
yûzakura ari mo nedoko wa mochi ni keri
evening cherry blossoms--
the ants also
have a place to sleep
.. .. ..

ari no michi kumo no mine yori tsuzuki keri
the ants' road
from peaks of clouds
to here
.. .. ..

deru ya ina mimizu wa ari ni hikarekeri
just coming out
the earthworm dragged off
by ants
Tr. David Lanoue
Haiga by Nakamura Sakuo
ari o korosu korosu tsugi kara dete kuru
I kill an ant
kill the next and the next
as they come out
. Ozaki Hoosai, Ozaki Hosai 尾崎 放哉
Dort die Frau am Fluss,
die wackelt mit dem Hintern.
the woman at the river there
waggles her behind -
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
Jens O. Hoffmann
Related words
***** Termites
Wood inhabiting termites
Soil tunnelling termites
The wood-inhabiting termites are the more primitive type. Their colonies consist of excavated galleries inside dead branches or logs. Once the dead wood is consumed the colony dies. Since single pieces of dead wood can not sustain a very large family, their colonies rarely ever number more than a few thousand termites.
These wood inhabiting termites have a primitive type of caste system. Instead of having true workers they have false workers which are older nymphs who have undergone a regressive molt and that temporarily stay in the nest galleries and help their parents to raise more brothers and sisters. The soldiers have enlarged orange heads and long toothed jaws.
The soldier's main purpose is to defend the colony from termite's mortal enemies, the ants. Most nymphs gradually grow wing pads and then transform into winged termites called alates. The alates fly from the colony at a certain time of the year to start new colonies.
Read a lot more about the termites here:
.. .. .. .. ..
cowless barn
termites, new tenants
......milkweed is dying
Look at a photo of the old barn here:
.. .. ..
housing termites
the dying tree stands
Look at a photo of the old tree here:
. flying termites (kumbi kumbi) Kenya
***** Fire Ants
Solenopsis invicta

アカカミアリ .. akakami ari
火の蟻 .. hi no ari (a more poetic version)
火蟻 .. hi ari
針蟻 .. hari ari (needle ants)
red fire ants, 紅火蟻
A variety of ants living in the tropics.
The follwing link has a rather graphic picture of a fire ant attack, so be warned!
Hawaiian fire ants
hot sting
born of Pele
M. Shanna Moore, Hawaii
fire ant mounds -
cattle grazing
on crooked paths
- Paul (MacNeil)
walk in park
... fire ant hills
....... sidestepping
peigi. Florida, US
my bathroom blind
red hot ants crawling
all over
kenneth daniels (GY)
Kigo Hotline, June 2009
kigo for the wet season
ANT haiku from Ireland
climbing a rocky ridge
in the sun,
two winged ants
by Anatoly Kudryavitsky
(from 'Morning at Mount Ring', DOGHOUSE Books, 2007)
June afternoon
ants searching for food
on the tiled bathroom wall
by Tasha Smith
***** arijigoku, ari jigoku 蟻地獄 (ありじごく)
doodlebug, ant lion, antlion
lit. "hell for the ants"
kigo for all summer
suribachi mushi 擂鉢虫(すりばちむし)"mortar insect"
arozusari あとずさり、atosari mushi あとさり虫(あとさりむし)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
This is the larvae of the
usuba kageroo 薄翅蜉蝣(うすばかげろう), the weak-winged ephemera
Hagenomyia micans
kigo for late summer
. ari 蟻と伝説 Legends about ants .
- #ari #ant #ameise
***** Location: Japan, Germany
***** Season: Late spring
***** Category: Plant
Anemone アネモネ .
Other names in Japanese
Benibana Okinagusa 紅花翁草
Hana-ichige, botan-ichige 花一華、牡丹一華
Ichirinsoo 一輪草 (いちりんそう) "one flower plant"
ichigesoo 一花草(いちげそう)
urabni ichige 裏紅いちげ(うらべにいちげ)
Anemone nikoensis
oginagusa 翁草 (おきなぐさ) "old man plant"
hakutoo-oo 白頭翁(はくとうおう)
ubagashira うばがしら shagumasaiko しゃぐまさいこ
zeigaisoo ぜがいそう, nekogusa ねこぐさ
In English they are also called "Windflowers".
They are supposed to have morphed from the tears of the Greek godess Aphrodite and were loved by the Roman god of the winds, Jupiter.
Their land of origin is the area of the Mediterranean and they were introduced to Japan during the Meiji period.
They come in many colors and varieties.
Poppy anemone, A. coronaria.
In Haiku, they also express some kind of softness and gentleness.
Gabi Greve

nirinsoo 二輪草 (にりんそう) soft windflower
gashoosoo 鵝掌草(がしょうそう)
Anemone flaccida
Anemone (from Greek Άνεμος 'wind'),
is a genus of about 120 species of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae in the north and south temperate zones. They are closely related to Pasque flowers (Pulsatilla) and Hepaticas (Hepatica); some botanists include both of these genera within Anemone.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
The story behind the anemone flower's name is a sad one. The name comes from Greek and roughly translates into “windflower”. It is said in Greek Mythology that the anemone flower sprang up from the blood of Aphrodite's slain lover, Adonis. The name “windflower” signifies that the wind that blows the petal open will also, eventually, blow the dead petals away.
Despite the anemone flower's depressing background, it can be a wonderful addition to your garden and can add a cheery bit of color to low areas of your garden. The anemone's flowers come in almost all colors, so you can find any color you would like for your garden.
There are three types of anemone flowers. There is a Spring flowering type, which has either rhizomes or tubers. There is tuberous Mediterranean which flowers in spring and summer. And there is a larger Fall flowering type, which blooms in late summer to fall and tends to have fibrous roots.

Look at more Anemone pictures here
Worldwide use
Zu Thiems Todestag
offen die Anemonen.
Welch ehrliches Weiß!
Rudolf Thiem, ein wichtiger Mann in der Entwicklung der deutschen Haikukritik, verstarb am 20. April vorigen Jahres.
Horst Ludwig
MN, USA, August 2009
Reference : Rudolf Thiem
Things found on the way

side by side -
awaiting the treasures
Look at more Anemone haiku by Gabi Greve
本田 日出登
Aaa, Anemones!
Getting used to daily life
in a small village
Honda Hideto
After living in Tokyo for more than 15 years,
he finally moved to the countryside.
Related words
***** Autumn Anemone, A. hupehensis (kibunegiku 貴船菊 )
kigo for autumn
Also called "Shuumeigiku" 秋明菊.
Land of origin is China, but the flower has been introduced to Japan long ago. Also called the "Peony of Autumn" (aki botan 秋牡丹).

kigo for late summer
hakusan ichige 白山一花草 (はくさんいちげ)
"narcissus-flowered anemone"
Anemone narcissiflora. 白山一華

***** Location: Japan, Germany
***** Season: Late spring
***** Category: Plant
Anemone アネモネ .
Other names in Japanese
Benibana Okinagusa 紅花翁草
Hana-ichige, botan-ichige 花一華、牡丹一華
Ichirinsoo 一輪草 (いちりんそう) "one flower plant"
ichigesoo 一花草(いちげそう)
urabni ichige 裏紅いちげ(うらべにいちげ)
Anemone nikoensis
oginagusa 翁草 (おきなぐさ) "old man plant"
hakutoo-oo 白頭翁(はくとうおう)
ubagashira うばがしら shagumasaiko しゃぐまさいこ
zeigaisoo ぜがいそう, nekogusa ねこぐさ
In English they are also called "Windflowers".
They are supposed to have morphed from the tears of the Greek godess Aphrodite and were loved by the Roman god of the winds, Jupiter.
Their land of origin is the area of the Mediterranean and they were introduced to Japan during the Meiji period.
They come in many colors and varieties.
Poppy anemone, A. coronaria.
In Haiku, they also express some kind of softness and gentleness.
Gabi Greve

nirinsoo 二輪草 (にりんそう) soft windflower
gashoosoo 鵝掌草(がしょうそう)
Anemone flaccida
Anemone (from Greek Άνεμος 'wind'),
is a genus of about 120 species of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae in the north and south temperate zones. They are closely related to Pasque flowers (Pulsatilla) and Hepaticas (Hepatica); some botanists include both of these genera within Anemone.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
The story behind the anemone flower's name is a sad one. The name comes from Greek and roughly translates into “windflower”. It is said in Greek Mythology that the anemone flower sprang up from the blood of Aphrodite's slain lover, Adonis. The name “windflower” signifies that the wind that blows the petal open will also, eventually, blow the dead petals away.
Despite the anemone flower's depressing background, it can be a wonderful addition to your garden and can add a cheery bit of color to low areas of your garden. The anemone's flowers come in almost all colors, so you can find any color you would like for your garden.
There are three types of anemone flowers. There is a Spring flowering type, which has either rhizomes or tubers. There is tuberous Mediterranean which flowers in spring and summer. And there is a larger Fall flowering type, which blooms in late summer to fall and tends to have fibrous roots.
Look at more Anemone pictures here
Worldwide use
Zu Thiems Todestag
offen die Anemonen.
Welch ehrliches Weiß!
Rudolf Thiem, ein wichtiger Mann in der Entwicklung der deutschen Haikukritik, verstarb am 20. April vorigen Jahres.
Horst Ludwig
MN, USA, August 2009
Reference : Rudolf Thiem
Things found on the way
side by side -
awaiting the treasures
Look at more Anemone haiku by Gabi Greve
本田 日出登
Aaa, Anemones!
Getting used to daily life
in a small village
Honda Hideto
After living in Tokyo for more than 15 years,
he finally moved to the countryside.
Related words
***** Autumn Anemone, A. hupehensis (kibunegiku 貴船菊 )
kigo for autumn
Also called "Shuumeigiku" 秋明菊.
Land of origin is China, but the flower has been introduced to Japan long ago. Also called the "Peony of Autumn" (aki botan 秋牡丹).
kigo for late summer
hakusan ichige 白山一花草 (はくさんいちげ)
"narcissus-flowered anemone"
Anemone narcissiflora. 白山一華

Angelus prayer
***** Location: Catholic Communities
***** Season: Mid-spring
***** Category: Humanity
o-tsugesai 御告祭 (おつげさい) Annunciation
kami no o-tsuge 神のお告げ(かみのおつげ), gokuchisai 告知祭(こくちさい)、o-tsuge no shukujitsu お告げの祝日(おつげのしゅくじつ), jutai kokuchibi 受胎告知日(じゅたいこくちび)、seitai gokuchibi 聖胎告知日(せいたいこくちび)
Maria Verkündigung

Madonna and Child - Watercolor by Alice Mankowski
The Angelus Domini is the traditional form used by the faithful to commemorate the holy annunciation of the angel Gabriel to Mary. It is used three times daily: at dawn, mid-day and at dusk. It is a recollection of the salvific event in which the Word became flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, through the power of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the salvific plan of the Father.
The recitation of the Angelus is deeply rooted in the piety of the Christian faithful, and strengthened by the example of the Roman Pontiffs. In some places changed social conditions hinder its recitation, but in many other parts every effort should be made to maintain and promote this pious custom and at least the recitation of three Aves.
It is therefore "desirable that on some occasions, especially in religious communities, in shrines dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, and at meetings or conventions, the Angelus be solemnly recited by singing the Ave Maria, proclaiming the Gospel of the Annunciation" and by the ringing of bells.
Read more about it here:
Worldwide use
Name day of everyone named Blagovest, Blagoy, Blaga, Vangel, Evangelina, Bonka.
Ritual table: fish (baked or boiled), flat cake, onion pastry.
The feast is also known under the name of Blagovshtene, Blagovets, Blagoets - in English: ANNUNCIATION, or LADY DAY.

In the traditional conceptions this day is associated with the arrival of the migratory birds and with the final springtime awakening of Nature. After Blagoveshtenie, everyone takes care to come out of one's house well-fed and with some money in his/her pocket, so that should a cuckoo sing a song to him, he will be well-fed and have money throughout the year.
It is believed that if someone should first see a stork that is not flying but is lying or walking, some ill will befall him. When a maiden or an unmarried young man first sees a cuckoo, she/he ties three times an empty cloth, places it on the roof and three days later makes prophesies about the spouse she or he is to get.
source : www.plovdivguide.com
helping my daughter
to choose her first earrings-
- Shared by Tzetzka Ilieva -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
Things found on the way
the silence of
cash registers
Most Filipinos are Catholics. Especially in the rural areas, the recitation of the Angelus is seriously being observed not only at homes but also in public places. In one supermarket I visited, everyone -- including, of course, the cashiers -- had to stop at the start of the Angelus. You don't hear any sound, especially the sound of cash registers. The Angelus moment therefore serves as a break from our daily struggle in the material world, and a reminder of the spirituality of our existence.
roh mih, Philippines
This haiku would read as follows in Ireland :
the silence of the
radio presenters
The Angelus bells are broadcast on the main radio station in Ireland (RTE 1) at noon every day, and many of those listening (even if not Roman Catholics) stop for a moment of prayer.
In Kenya :
muezzin chant --
deepening the silence
of the wee hours
The nearest mosque is many kilometres away from my house. Yet, between 5 and 6 in the morning, when Nairobi is still still, the singer can be heard here. If ever I am half-awake at that time, the chant is reassuring and peaceful.
Isabelle Prondzynski
I am a Catholic, living in a predominantly Orthodox, but a very multi-denominational environment.
Here are 2 haiku and their background stories.
First about the Angelus. One of the Catholic churches in my town is just a couple of metres away from my house, across the railway. Bells used to toll for Angelus 3 times a day:at 8 AM, 12.00 noon and 6 PM. In addition they made themselves heard for Masses or when somebody important died, as well as to dispell hail (it works!). This until the '80-s when the Communists decided they were disturbed by that and forbade the use of churchbells. Later the bells were also removed altogether. They were re-installed in 1993 (the parrish had no money before that). It was for the Noon Angelus on a July day that we heard them again for the 1-st time:
in the scorching heat
bodies doze off, but my heart
beats with the church bells
Incidentally, Isabelle, did you know that there is a direct link between the Angelus and the Ezzan (muezzin's call)? When St. Francis of Assisi came back from the Middle East, he wrote a "Letter to all the faithful" in which he suggested that Christians say a prayer in memory of the Incarnation, 5 times a day, just like Islamic prayer times, and that bells or horns be used to call people to such prayers. However, the practice was not institutionalised (with just 3 times a day) until later, when a Pope made vows to that effect if the Christians were able to thwart an attempt by the Turks to penetrate the Italian peninsula, which actually happened at the battle of Otranto.
About silence and radio stations:
Also in the Communist times, we were not allowed to say some words in public:"Christmas", "Easter", "Good Friday" and almost any words having to do with religion could mean one's suspension from school-with the impossibility to go to University afterwards, one's being sacked from any position one held etc. Needless to say, these were not public holidays, either. Not all Communist states were that harsh. Some-including our neighbouring Hungary- held them as public holidays and Radio Budapest -which broadcast the Angelus bells each day-on Good Friday when, throughout the Catholic world, NO bells are supposed to toll, actually explained that on the air.
Hungarian or not, Catholic or not, elderly people in our town all understood some Hungarian and tuned in to Radio Budapest to hear the magic words:"Today being Good Friday, we shall have no bells". Just to hear that it was possible to say "Good Friday" on the air, in a Communist country.
In 1987 or 1988 I wrote a haiku in English, hoping that if "they" find it, "they" will have trouble understanding it.I have lost it since, but I think it went something like this:
"Twelve noon, Good Friday:
airwaves keep the souls alive
with the bells'silence".
Cristian Mocanu
Actually the Angelus bells are broadcast on RTE1 twice a day, at noon and 6 pm.
I have to say I never saw anyone (except a few old ladies) stop for a moment of prayer when they are broadcast.
amid the news
on clerical abuse a pause
Angelus bells
Sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests is seldom out of the news these days in Ireland. A poignant juxtaposition is caught in the verse.
Norman Darlington
Tractors tearing
rows into the fat earth.
Evening Angelus.
Times are changing. The bells still ring, but the machines keep running. In the near future actually, tractors might be running computer-directed, without even a person directing them.
Horst Ludwig, USA
Related words
***** Silence (maun) in India
. Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo
***** Location: Catholic Communities
***** Season: Mid-spring
***** Category: Humanity
o-tsugesai 御告祭 (おつげさい) Annunciation
kami no o-tsuge 神のお告げ(かみのおつげ), gokuchisai 告知祭(こくちさい)、o-tsuge no shukujitsu お告げの祝日(おつげのしゅくじつ), jutai kokuchibi 受胎告知日(じゅたいこくちび)、seitai gokuchibi 聖胎告知日(せいたいこくちび)
Maria Verkündigung

Madonna and Child - Watercolor by Alice Mankowski
The Angelus Domini is the traditional form used by the faithful to commemorate the holy annunciation of the angel Gabriel to Mary. It is used three times daily: at dawn, mid-day and at dusk. It is a recollection of the salvific event in which the Word became flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary, through the power of the Holy Spirit in accordance with the salvific plan of the Father.
The recitation of the Angelus is deeply rooted in the piety of the Christian faithful, and strengthened by the example of the Roman Pontiffs. In some places changed social conditions hinder its recitation, but in many other parts every effort should be made to maintain and promote this pious custom and at least the recitation of three Aves.
It is therefore "desirable that on some occasions, especially in religious communities, in shrines dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, and at meetings or conventions, the Angelus be solemnly recited by singing the Ave Maria, proclaiming the Gospel of the Annunciation" and by the ringing of bells.
Read more about it here:
Worldwide use
Name day of everyone named Blagovest, Blagoy, Blaga, Vangel, Evangelina, Bonka.
Ritual table: fish (baked or boiled), flat cake, onion pastry.
The feast is also known under the name of Blagovshtene, Blagovets, Blagoets - in English: ANNUNCIATION, or LADY DAY.

In the traditional conceptions this day is associated with the arrival of the migratory birds and with the final springtime awakening of Nature. After Blagoveshtenie, everyone takes care to come out of one's house well-fed and with some money in his/her pocket, so that should a cuckoo sing a song to him, he will be well-fed and have money throughout the year.
It is believed that if someone should first see a stork that is not flying but is lying or walking, some ill will befall him. When a maiden or an unmarried young man first sees a cuckoo, she/he ties three times an empty cloth, places it on the roof and three days later makes prophesies about the spouse she or he is to get.
source : www.plovdivguide.com
helping my daughter
to choose her first earrings-
- Shared by Tzetzka Ilieva -
Haiku Culture Magazine, 2013
Things found on the way
the silence of
cash registers
Most Filipinos are Catholics. Especially in the rural areas, the recitation of the Angelus is seriously being observed not only at homes but also in public places. In one supermarket I visited, everyone -- including, of course, the cashiers -- had to stop at the start of the Angelus. You don't hear any sound, especially the sound of cash registers. The Angelus moment therefore serves as a break from our daily struggle in the material world, and a reminder of the spirituality of our existence.
roh mih, Philippines
This haiku would read as follows in Ireland :
the silence of the
radio presenters
The Angelus bells are broadcast on the main radio station in Ireland (RTE 1) at noon every day, and many of those listening (even if not Roman Catholics) stop for a moment of prayer.
In Kenya :
muezzin chant --
deepening the silence
of the wee hours
The nearest mosque is many kilometres away from my house. Yet, between 5 and 6 in the morning, when Nairobi is still still, the singer can be heard here. If ever I am half-awake at that time, the chant is reassuring and peaceful.
Isabelle Prondzynski
I am a Catholic, living in a predominantly Orthodox, but a very multi-denominational environment.
Here are 2 haiku and their background stories.
First about the Angelus. One of the Catholic churches in my town is just a couple of metres away from my house, across the railway. Bells used to toll for Angelus 3 times a day:at 8 AM, 12.00 noon and 6 PM. In addition they made themselves heard for Masses or when somebody important died, as well as to dispell hail (it works!). This until the '80-s when the Communists decided they were disturbed by that and forbade the use of churchbells. Later the bells were also removed altogether. They were re-installed in 1993 (the parrish had no money before that). It was for the Noon Angelus on a July day that we heard them again for the 1-st time:
in the scorching heat
bodies doze off, but my heart
beats with the church bells
Incidentally, Isabelle, did you know that there is a direct link between the Angelus and the Ezzan (muezzin's call)? When St. Francis of Assisi came back from the Middle East, he wrote a "Letter to all the faithful" in which he suggested that Christians say a prayer in memory of the Incarnation, 5 times a day, just like Islamic prayer times, and that bells or horns be used to call people to such prayers. However, the practice was not institutionalised (with just 3 times a day) until later, when a Pope made vows to that effect if the Christians were able to thwart an attempt by the Turks to penetrate the Italian peninsula, which actually happened at the battle of Otranto.
About silence and radio stations:
Also in the Communist times, we were not allowed to say some words in public:"Christmas", "Easter", "Good Friday" and almost any words having to do with religion could mean one's suspension from school-with the impossibility to go to University afterwards, one's being sacked from any position one held etc. Needless to say, these were not public holidays, either. Not all Communist states were that harsh. Some-including our neighbouring Hungary- held them as public holidays and Radio Budapest -which broadcast the Angelus bells each day-on Good Friday when, throughout the Catholic world, NO bells are supposed to toll, actually explained that on the air.
Hungarian or not, Catholic or not, elderly people in our town all understood some Hungarian and tuned in to Radio Budapest to hear the magic words:"Today being Good Friday, we shall have no bells". Just to hear that it was possible to say "Good Friday" on the air, in a Communist country.
In 1987 or 1988 I wrote a haiku in English, hoping that if "they" find it, "they" will have trouble understanding it.I have lost it since, but I think it went something like this:
"Twelve noon, Good Friday:
airwaves keep the souls alive
with the bells'silence".
Cristian Mocanu
Actually the Angelus bells are broadcast on RTE1 twice a day, at noon and 6 pm.
I have to say I never saw anyone (except a few old ladies) stop for a moment of prayer when they are broadcast.
amid the news
on clerical abuse a pause
Angelus bells
Sexual abuse of children by Catholic priests is seldom out of the news these days in Ireland. A poignant juxtaposition is caught in the verse.
Norman Darlington
Tractors tearing
rows into the fat earth.
Evening Angelus.
Times are changing. The bells still ring, but the machines keep running. In the near future actually, tractors might be running computer-directed, without even a person directing them.
Horst Ludwig, USA
Related words
***** Silence (maun) in India
. Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo
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Amaryllis (amaririsu)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-summer
***** Category: Plant
amaririsu アマリリス Amaryllis
Amaryllis belladonna

is a monotypic genus of plant also known as the Belladonna Lily or naked ladies. The single species, Amaryllis belladonna, is a native of South Africa, particularly the rocky southwest region near the Cape. It is often confused with Hippeastrum, a flowering bulb commonly sold in the winter months for its ability to bloom indoors.
The botanic name Amaryllis is taken from a shepherdess in Virgil's pastoral "Eclogues," from the Greek (Latin amarysso) meaning "to sparkle."
As a flower symbol it has come to mean "Dramatic".
The plant is also known as the "Jersey Lily" after Lily Langtry.
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Worldwide use
Things found on the way
tototototo tototototo myaku amaririsu
tototototo my pulse
中岡敏雄 Nakaoka Toshio
The latin name means shining, sparkling, and it can represent health and well-being. Nakaoka was ill at the time when he wrote this haiku and had to take his pulse regularly. totototo is quite a fast pulse for him, tokutoku would be a normal, slow pulse. And when he looked up, his eyes fell on the strong, energetic, healthy flower.
WKD : Gendai ... Modern Haiku
Related words
***** Calla lily (karaa) Japan. Zantedeschia family
***** Daylily, daylilies (kanzoo)
***** Lily, Lilies (yuri) Japan. Many types of lilies.
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Amaryllis (amaririsu)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-summer
***** Category: Plant
amaririsu アマリリス Amaryllis
Amaryllis belladonna

is a monotypic genus of plant also known as the Belladonna Lily or naked ladies. The single species, Amaryllis belladonna, is a native of South Africa, particularly the rocky southwest region near the Cape. It is often confused with Hippeastrum, a flowering bulb commonly sold in the winter months for its ability to bloom indoors.
The botanic name Amaryllis is taken from a shepherdess in Virgil's pastoral "Eclogues," from the Greek (Latin amarysso) meaning "to sparkle."
As a flower symbol it has come to mean "Dramatic".
The plant is also known as the "Jersey Lily" after Lily Langtry.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
tototototo tototototo myaku amaririsu
tototototo my pulse
中岡敏雄 Nakaoka Toshio
The latin name means shining, sparkling, and it can represent health and well-being. Nakaoka was ill at the time when he wrote this haiku and had to take his pulse regularly. totototo is quite a fast pulse for him, tokutoku would be a normal, slow pulse. And when he looked up, his eyes fell on the strong, energetic, healthy flower.
WKD : Gendai ... Modern Haiku
Related words
***** Calla lily (karaa) Japan. Zantedeschia family
***** Daylily, daylilies (kanzoo)
***** Lily, Lilies (yuri) Japan. Many types of lilies.
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BACKUP September 2007
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BACKUP ONLY september 2007
Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892 - 1927). Kappa, GakiBasho, Matsuo Basho (1644 - 1694) Buson, Yosa Buson (1715-1783)... Painter and PoetDen Sutejo (1633-1698)Enomoto Seifu-Jo (1731 - 1814) 榎本星布尼Hino Sojo (1901-1956) Hosomi Ayako (1907~1997)Ichihara Tayo-Jo (1772 - 1865) Imaizumi Sogetsu-ni and her husband, Tsunemaru (Tsunemaru 1750 - 1810)Kato, Shuson Kato (1905-1993) Katsura Nobuko (1914 - 2004)Kawabata Bosha (Kawabata Boosha, Bousha) (1897-1941)Kawahigashi Hekigoto (Hekigodo) (1873-1937)Kikaku, Enomoto Kikaku (1661-1707) Takarai KikakuKobayashi Issa (June 15, 1763 - January 5, 1828)Kubota Seifu (1783 - 1848) 久保田成布..... Kubota Shunkoo 久保田春耕, her husbandMasaoka Shiki and Matsuyama(Shiki : 17 September 1867 –19 September 1902)Matsumoto Koyuu-Ni (18th c.) / Matsumoto Koyu-ni..... Baba Songi 馬場存義Miwa Suiu-Jo (1766 - 1846)Mizuhara Shūōshi (Shuuooshi, Shuuoushi)(1892-1981) Ozaki Hōsai 尾崎 放哉 Ozaki Hosai, Ozaki Hoosai (1885 - 1926)Ransetsu, Hattori Ransetsu (1654-1707) Suzuki Masajo (1906-2003) Tagami Kikusha (1753-1826) Takahama Kyoshi (1874 - 1959)Takako Hashimoto (1899-1963)..... Takako Hashimoto, Death Poems Taneda Santoka Santooka and SakeUeda Akinari (1734 - 1809)Uejima Onitsura (1660-1738) Ueshima OnitsuraYamaguchi Seishi (1901 - 1994) Yasuhara Teishitsu (1610-73)
BACKUP ONLY september 2007
Akutagawa Ryunosuke (1892 - 1927). Kappa, GakiBasho, Matsuo Basho (1644 - 1694) Buson, Yosa Buson (1715-1783)... Painter and PoetDen Sutejo (1633-1698)Enomoto Seifu-Jo (1731 - 1814) 榎本星布尼Hino Sojo (1901-1956) Hosomi Ayako (1907~1997)Ichihara Tayo-Jo (1772 - 1865) Imaizumi Sogetsu-ni and her husband, Tsunemaru (Tsunemaru 1750 - 1810)Kato, Shuson Kato (1905-1993) Katsura Nobuko (1914 - 2004)Kawabata Bosha (Kawabata Boosha, Bousha) (1897-1941)Kawahigashi Hekigoto (Hekigodo) (1873-1937)Kikaku, Enomoto Kikaku (1661-1707) Takarai KikakuKobayashi Issa (June 15, 1763 - January 5, 1828)Kubota Seifu (1783 - 1848) 久保田成布..... Kubota Shunkoo 久保田春耕, her husbandMasaoka Shiki and Matsuyama(Shiki : 17 September 1867 –19 September 1902)Matsumoto Koyuu-Ni (18th c.) / Matsumoto Koyu-ni..... Baba Songi 馬場存義Miwa Suiu-Jo (1766 - 1846)Mizuhara Shūōshi (Shuuooshi, Shuuoushi)(1892-1981) Ozaki Hōsai 尾崎 放哉 Ozaki Hosai, Ozaki Hoosai (1885 - 1926)Ransetsu, Hattori Ransetsu (1654-1707) Suzuki Masajo (1906-2003) Tagami Kikusha (1753-1826) Takahama Kyoshi (1874 - 1959)Takako Hashimoto (1899-1963)..... Takako Hashimoto, Death Poems Taneda Santoka Santooka and SakeUeda Akinari (1734 - 1809)Uejima Onitsura (1660-1738) Ueshima OnitsuraYamaguchi Seishi (1901 - 1994) Yasuhara Teishitsu (1610-73)
Saijiki of Buddhist Events
Saijiki of Buddhist Events, Bukkyoo Saijiki
This SAIJIKI has moved!
Please click HERE
for the main list of Japanese ceremonies and festivals
of the World Kigo Database.
There are four yolumes in Japanese on this subject.

These four volumes explain Buddhist events during the year, giving many examples.
Saijiki of Buddhist Events, Bukkyoo Saijiki
This SAIJIKI has moved!
Please click HERE
for the main list of Japanese ceremonies and festivals
of the World Kigo Database.
There are four yolumes in Japanese on this subject.
These four volumes explain Buddhist events during the year, giving many examples.
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