***** Location: Japan, Germany
***** Season: Late spring
***** Category: Plant
Anemone アネモネ .
Other names in Japanese
Benibana Okinagusa 紅花翁草
Hana-ichige, botan-ichige 花一華、牡丹一華
Ichirinsoo 一輪草 (いちりんそう) "one flower plant"
ichigesoo 一花草(いちげそう)
urabni ichige 裏紅いちげ(うらべにいちげ)
Anemone nikoensis
oginagusa 翁草 (おきなぐさ) "old man plant"
hakutoo-oo 白頭翁(はくとうおう)
ubagashira うばがしら shagumasaiko しゃぐまさいこ
zeigaisoo ぜがいそう, nekogusa ねこぐさ
In English they are also called "Windflowers".
They are supposed to have morphed from the tears of the Greek godess Aphrodite and were loved by the Roman god of the winds, Jupiter.
Their land of origin is the area of the Mediterranean and they were introduced to Japan during the Meiji period.
They come in many colors and varieties.
Poppy anemone, A. coronaria.
In Haiku, they also express some kind of softness and gentleness.
Gabi Greve

nirinsoo 二輪草 (にりんそう) soft windflower
gashoosoo 鵝掌草(がしょうそう)
Anemone flaccida
Anemone (from Greek Άνεμος 'wind'),
is a genus of about 120 species of flowering plants in the buttercup family Ranunculaceae in the north and south temperate zones. They are closely related to Pasque flowers (Pulsatilla) and Hepaticas (Hepatica); some botanists include both of these genera within Anemone.
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The story behind the anemone flower's name is a sad one. The name comes from Greek and roughly translates into “windflower”. It is said in Greek Mythology that the anemone flower sprang up from the blood of Aphrodite's slain lover, Adonis. The name “windflower” signifies that the wind that blows the petal open will also, eventually, blow the dead petals away.
Despite the anemone flower's depressing background, it can be a wonderful addition to your garden and can add a cheery bit of color to low areas of your garden. The anemone's flowers come in almost all colors, so you can find any color you would like for your garden.
There are three types of anemone flowers. There is a Spring flowering type, which has either rhizomes or tubers. There is tuberous Mediterranean which flowers in spring and summer. And there is a larger Fall flowering type, which blooms in late summer to fall and tends to have fibrous roots.
Look at more Anemone pictures here
Worldwide use
Zu Thiems Todestag
offen die Anemonen.
Welch ehrliches Weiß!
Rudolf Thiem, ein wichtiger Mann in der Entwicklung der deutschen Haikukritik, verstarb am 20. April vorigen Jahres.
Horst Ludwig
MN, USA, August 2009
Reference : Rudolf Thiem
Things found on the way
side by side -
awaiting the treasures
Look at more Anemone haiku by Gabi Greve
本田 日出登
Aaa, Anemones!
Getting used to daily life
in a small village
Honda Hideto
After living in Tokyo for more than 15 years,
he finally moved to the countryside.
Related words
***** Autumn Anemone, A. hupehensis (kibunegiku 貴船菊 )
kigo for autumn
Also called "Shuumeigiku" 秋明菊.
Land of origin is China, but the flower has been introduced to Japan long ago. Also called the "Peony of Autumn" (aki botan 秋牡丹).
kigo for late summer
hakusan ichige 白山一花草 (はくさんいちげ)
"narcissus-flowered anemone"
Anemone narcissiflora. 白山一華

1 comment:
That weeps at daybreak, like a silly girl
Before her love, and hardly lets the butterflies unfurl
Their painted wings beside it — bid it pine
In pale virginity; the winter snow
Will suit it better than those lips of thine
Whose fires would but scorch it.
From "The Garden of Eros" by Oscar Wilde (1854-1900)
In Oscar Wilde's poem, the fiery "lips" refer to the Sun, and he rightly observes the delicate nature of spring-flowering anemones. Anemones belong to the large Ranunculaceae or buttercup family of plants that typically have silky or velvety petals, a distinctive circle of stamens, and divided leaves.
In Japan, the name "anemone" denotes the large red or purple flowers of Anemone coronaria, which is a popular florists' bloom. There are, hoever, many species of anemones, and the type pictured above is the wild Anemone blanda, or Mountain Anemone of Greece. The flowers are about 4 cm across and are usually blue, but they also come in pink or white. It is a popular garden plant and easy to grow. I planted a few small corms of A. blanda on a west-facing slope in my garden, and in early spring, when the ground was still dusted with frost, these brave little plants started to stir.
First a bud emerged with its head bent down. Then a pair of leaves appeared, and gradually the bud looked up and fine, silky petals flared out.
Another common name for wild anemones is "windflowers," and it is wonderful to see a mass of windflowers in the wild. In Japan you can find the pure-white nirin-sou (A. flaccida) blooming in April or May. It likes moist ground, on high plains or at the forest edge, and can colonize large areas.
Linda Inoki, Japan Times
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