Apple (ringo)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: Late Autumn, others see below
***** Category: Plant
Delicious apples, who would not have fond memories of mother's apple pie or apple jam or apple jelly.
The largest apple-growing regions in Japan are in Tsugaru and Aomori in Northern Japan. The orchards are often visited by a typhoon just before the harvest and many fruit fall on the ground.
fallen leaves
fallen fruit and
fallen hopes
Gabi Greve, September 2005
aoringo, ao-ringo, ao ringo 青林檎 green apple
(ao can mean green or blue or all shades inbetween in Japanese)
(sometimes placed in late summer as kigo)
. green apple, blue apple - ao-ringo .
discussion in my garden
blue apple
haiku by Scott Metz
source : www.thehaikufoundation.or
Apple trees grow in most parts of the world. " Malus domestica" is his latin name.

Other Japanese kigo for the apple
Red Treasure, koogyoku 紅玉
Sparkling Land, kookoo 国光
Indian apple, indo ringo インド林檎
Delicious, dirishasu ヂリシャス
Star King, sutaakingu スターキング

green apples --
delicious on photos
but unripe
© Isabelle Prondzynski
kigo for all winter
fuyu ringo 冬林檎 (ふゆりんご) winter apples
.... kan ringo 寒林檎(かんりんご)apples in the cold
Worldwide use
Den letzten Apfel...
Haiku und Kohlezeichnungen
Hermann J. Mürmann
In den Haiku leuchtet uns das wahre Wesen der Natur entgegen.Es offenbart sich als Einswerden im gegenwärtigen Augenblick mit der begegnenden Naturerscheinung.
Im Loslassen aller Sorgen und Gedanken ereignet sich das Freiwerden für die tiefe Begegnung mit der Natur.
Umhüllt steht der Mensch
von der ihn liebenden Welt
Kann er es fühlen?
Die Kohlezeichnungen sind reduziert auf das Wesentliche und führen uns auf ihre Weise in die Wirklichkeit des Seins ohne etwas hinzuzufügen.
Das Schwarz der Kohle enthält alle Farben ist zugleich die höchste Stufe der Farbvereinfachung und erzeugt im Kontrast mit den weißen Flächen eine ihm eigene Lebendigkeit und Tiefe.

... Den letzten Apfel ....
North America
Crabapples, Pyrus sp.
A member of the Rose family these occur in both wild and cultivated forms. This is a cultivar which is fairly true to the wild species, Pyrus coronaria. Frequently used in landscapes these trees provide a beautiful color, and aroma to spring. The bitter fruit of the wild species can be made into a wonderfully tart jelly.

Malus domestica (Domestic Apple)
The Domestic Apple is a hybrid mixture of at least four different wild species including Malus sylvestris, M. pumila, M. dasyphylla and M. sieversii. These species occur in the cool temperate regions of Europe, the Near East and central Asia. It is difficult to ascertain when domestication of apples began but apple remains in archaeological sites dating back to the Neolithic suggest that from the earliest times, apples were being harvested from the wild and eaten.
Presumably apple trees started growing round habitations from discarded apple pips. However, the earliest evidence of apple domestication dates back to only the 10th Century BC from a site in Israel between Sinai and the Negev. This site is well outside the range of the wild apple species yet apple cores occur in large numbers suggesting apple trees were cultivated and probably irrigated as this region is so dry.
The first record of grafting of apple cultivars is from Greece in about 300 BC. The development of grafting techniques was important as apple plants do not root readily from cuttings. Grafting permitted favourable varieties to be propagated clonally which was important because the favourable characters would have been diluted by outcrossing if seeds were used. The rootstocks for grafts were usually seedlings of wild species.
During the Middle Ages, peasants and monasteries produced many apple varieties and in the 1500's and 1600's rich people with large gardens cultivated numerous varieties. Many apple cultivars were developed in eastern North America, arising from different varieties of seed brought over by immigrants from various parts of Europe.
For instance, the Golden Delicious arose from a chance seedling in 1900 in West Virginia. Apples are grown in temperate regions all over the World and some of the varieties were developed in Australia and New Zealand, the most conspicuous example being the Granny Smith apple that originated from a seedling in New South Wales (Australia) in 1868.
Copyright 2004, Iziko Museums of Cape Town
. Johnny Appleseed .
John Chapman (September 26, 1774 – March 18, 1845),
often called Johnny Appleseed,
was an American pioneer nurseryman who introduced apple trees to large parts of Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, including the northern counties of present day West Virginia . . .
Things found on the way
. Daruma as an apple 林檎達磨
Ringo Daruma
just one apple
eaten in paradise -
and all these consequences
. Hatoyama Apples 鳩山リンゴ .
. WASHOKU - Apples from Aomori .
akaki ringo aoki ringo ya taku no ue
a red apple
a green apple !
on the table
red apples
green apples !
on the table
. - Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 - .
(Maybe he got them as a present, while he was laying on his sickbed.)
green apples -
a man finds back
to his childhood
Read more about my
Green Apples fallen by the typhoon 青林檎
Gabi Greve, September 2005
From a link with many haiku about trees
濃き紅は 林檎の肩を あふれ越ゆ
... ... ...
空は太初の 青さ妻より 林檎受く
she walked on
the woman with the apple,
but her smile...
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
die Frau mit dem Apfel,
aber ihr Lächeln...
© Alle Rechte bei Udo Wenzel
morning light
more apples than leaves
hang from the tree
john crook
Read more haiku and poems about the apple tree !
Ray Rasmussen and his haiku friends
last apples
deep red hanging from
bare branches
Happy Haiku Forum, November 2011
Related words
***** Apple blossoms
ringo no hana, hana-ringo 林檎の花
kigo for late spring
Seen f rom far, the fowers seem all white, but at a closer look they are slightly pink and make a fine contrast with the shiny green leaves.
Hana Ringo 花林檎 is also the name of a Haiku Magazine in Japan.

coolness …
apple tree blooms more
after the "saw ceremony"
Saw ceremony :
when a tree is lazy to bloom and results in small fruits, farmers invited by its owner gather to drink a cup of tea and local cake under its shadow; then the owner pretends he/she is very angry and wanna cut this tree, and the other farmers pretend to stop him/her. Then the other farmers promise the owner this spring this tree will bloom more and more and -- as i see this will work !
- Shared by Reza Aarabi
Joys of Japan, March 2012

Haiga about a Princess Apple, Malus pumila,
Hime Ringo 姫林檎 from Aomori
Ise Atsuji
... ...
From a link with many haiku about trees
林檎散る 昼かみなりの 鳴るなべに
ringo chiru hiru kaminari no naru nabe ni
高浜虚子 Takahama Kyoshi
... ... ...
みちのくの 山たゝなはる 花林檎
michinoku no yama tatanaharu hana ringo
ringo o tsumami ii-tsukushite mo kurikaesaneba naranu
munching apples ....
even after all is said,
it needs to be repeated
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
Read a discussion about this haiku by
Hugh Bygott, Translating Haiku Forum
apple blossoms
crowding the river---
a pinwheel comes to life
Andrew Riutta (USA)
***** Candy Apple
kigo for autumn in North America
A candy apple is an apple covered with candy. Sometimes, caramel or some other candy substance. Sometimes they're chocolate.
Even though candy apples are available year round, when I think of a candy apple I think of Autumn. I think of Halloween, fall festivals, and the candy apple displays in my grocery store. I think of candy apple kits at apple stands and farmer's markets.
Deborah P Kolodji
A basic recipe:
A wikipedia article:
Here's another link which really shows what they look like:
candy apples
at the county fair,
candy apples
lined up on a tray --
the doorbell
candy apple --
she saves the tooth
for her pillow
- Deborah P Kolodji
candy apple --
he tells me "hands off
the Mustang"
where, of course, a Mustang is an automobile.
Rich Magahiz
***** Apple Jam, Apple pie, Apfelstrudel
***** Fresh Apple Cider, frischer Apfelmost
kigo for autumn
Cider, apple cider (saidaa) in various seasons
Japan, Europe, Australia
apple orchard's
fecund trees hang rotting
- orchardist dead
The solemness of this haiku is quite literal. A local orchard hangs rotting with the original owners death for some years. A new owner is needed.
the pleasant smell
of ripe apples
© Ramona Linke, Germany
a polished apple
appears from behind -
grandma's gift
shane gilreath
the first apple -
Eve smiles
at her lover
Gabi Greve from
Paradise Hermitage, GokuRakuAn
Une pomme, une seule,
au verger abandonne
rogit pour l'hiver
One apple, just one,
in the abandoned orchard
reddens for winter.
Mr. Patrick Blanche, France
(tr. by the poet's friend
and James Kirkup)
Green cheeks fade to red
beneath dust-not-dust—Apples
ripen ...they smell sweet.
Michael R. Collings, USA
dry apples
hanging on bare limbs-
happy haiku forum
red apples ...
I think of when
we were penniless
:>) Ella Wagemakers
apple blossoms -
my friends play
with brush and paper
For Ponte Ryuurui
Look at the kanji here
Fred Masarani wrote
New York State green apples
flood the market
- Joys of Japan -
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