Backup Copy January 2007
新年 SHIN-NEN Shinnen NEW YEAR The New Year is the most important time of life in Japan. Many customs and ceremonies are related to it. The season lasts from the first day of the New Year to about the 15. of January, the "Small New Year (koshoogatsu 小正月)" according to the Asian Lunar Calendar. Some saijiki list these ceremonies in the spring season. For general kigo of the new year in our database, CLICK HERE ! ![]() New Year Kigo and haiku by ISSA ! Festivals in January in Japan ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: First sunrise, first sun (hatsu hi no de) : 天照大神と大日如来 Read about Amaterasu Oomikami and Dainichi Nyorai, The Sun Deities of Japan ..... WKD : "First" ceremonies of the year : The following are explained in the above LINK: 初詣 /達磨市 Hatsumode (hatsumoode), Daruma Ichi ..... Daruma Markets and First Shrine Visit 初薬師 Hatsu Yakushi, First Ceremony for Yakushi Nyorai, Healing Buddha 初閻魔 Hatsu Emma, First Ceremony for Emma, Deity of Hell 初観音Hatsu Kannon : First Kannon Ceremony 初大師 Hatsu Daishi : First Kooboo Daishi Festival Kobo Daishi, Kukai 初地蔵 Hatsu Jizoo : First Jizoo Bosatsu Ceremony 初不動 Hatsu Fudo O-Fudo-Sama in Japan 初護摩 Hatsu-goma, First Fire Ceremony Oyama Fudo, Fire Ceremony 初勤行: Hatsu-gongyoo, First Reading of the Sutras ..... 初鐘,初読経,初燈明,初燈 初写経 : Hatsu Shakyoo, First Copying of the Sutras 弓始 : Yumi Hajime, First Drawing of the Bow ..... 初矢 hatsuya, Shooting of the year's first arrow : Japanese Archery (kyuudoo) 弓道 ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo Some more FIRST ceremonies : Hatsu Asama, hatsu sengen 初浅間 First visit to the Asama Shrine (Mt. Fuji) 初場所 Hatsu Basho, First Sumo Tournament ..... January Tournament, ichigatsu basho 一月場所, New Year Tournament, shoogatsu basho 正月場所 初弁天 Hatsu Benten, First visit to a Benten Shrine 初伊勢 Hatsu Ise, First visit to the Ise Shrine 初神楽, 神楽始 Hatsu Kagura, First Kagura Dance 初句会 Hatsu kukai, First Haiku Meeting 初比叡 Hatsu Hiei, First Visit to Temple Hiei-zan in Kyoto 初金毘羅 Hatsu Konpira, First Visit the Konpira Shrine, Shikoku 能始,初能 Noo hajime, hatsunoo, First No Theater performance 初芝居 Hatsu Shibai, First Kabuki Theater Performance ..... ni no kae 二の替 ..... First Kyogen, hatsu kyoogen 初春狂言, spring performance, haru shibai 春芝居 ..... First Soga Performance, hatsu soga 初曽我 Some Photos on the subject 初天神 First visit to a Tenjin Shrine, Hatsu Tenjin 謡初,初謡 Utaizome, hatsu uta, First reading of poetry Hatsu Warai, first laughter, smile With Ebisu, the God of Good Luck 初薬師 Hatsu Yakushi, first visit to a Yakushi Nyorai Temple , to the Buddha of Medicine If your FIRST word is not in the above list, it may not be in the category for "observances". For a list of more New Year FIRST items, CLICK HERE ! WKD : Other "First Things" (hatsumono) of Japan in other seasons ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: Binzuru Mawashi 賓頭盧廻 Ceremony for Saint Binzuru ..... びんづるまはし, ひんつるまはし, びんずるまわし Bonten 梵天, ぼんでん Indian Deity Brahman Cha no yu, 茶の湯, Tea Ceremony ..... 初釜 Hatsugama, First Tea Ceremony 初茶湯 Hatsu Cha no yu, 初点前 Hatsu temae Chooga 朝賀 Court ritual of First Morning Audience Doya Doya どやどや Festival at Shitenno-Ji in Osaka Ebisu, Ceremony for the God of Wealth and Prosperity 若夷, 夷おろし ..... Kairaishi 傀儡師, 傀儡, 夷廻し,木傀廻し ..... Visiting the Seven Gods of Good Luck, shichi fukujin mairi 七福神詣 ..... 七福詣, 福神詣, 福神巡り, 福詣 Ehoo Moode 恵方詣 Visiting a temple of the God of the coming year (Ehoo) ..... Ehoo mairi, 恵方詣, 恵方,吉方,明きの方,恵方道 Ennen no Mai 延年の舞 Dance of Ennen at various temples in Japan. January 20 ..... in honor of the Holy Ennin 円仁 ..... Performed at Temple Motsu-Ji, Hiraizumi, in honor of the deity Matarajin 平泉毛越寺 Eyoo 会陽 "Sun Ceremony", Naked Festival at Temple Saidai-Ji ..... Saidaiji Mairi 西大寺参, shingi 神木, hadaka oshi 裸押し, shuushoo-e 修正会 ..... Naked Festivals of Japan Fudakiri, o-fudakiri お札切 Opening a new talisman tablet for the new year Fuigo hajime 鞴初 、吹革初 First use of the bellows Ganjitsu no Sechi-E 元日節会 Court ritual of Reception and Audience of Politicians Ganzan Daishi-E 元三大師会 Ceremony for Ganzan at Jindai-ji Gohan Itadaki 御判戴き Ceremony of eating rice Go-Oo Kaji 牛王加持, 牛黄加持Ceremony of the Ox King Deity (Ox King Buddha), for a safe birth 東寺牛王加持 とうじごおうかじ, とうじごわうかぢ ..... Go-Oo Kaji-E 牛王加持会 at Asakusa Temple 浅草寺 ..... Funa Go-Oo 舟牛王ふなごおう,ふなごわう, Ship Go-Oo Hachi Tataki Dezome 鉢叩出初 First prayer round whilst banging gongs ..... Hachi Tataki 鉢叩 鉢敲, 鉢扣 Memorial Service for Kuuya Shoonin 空也上人 Teeth strengthening Ceremony (hagatame) ..... rice cakes for strengthening the teeth ..... hagatame no mochi 画固の餅 はがためのもち ..... Diamond Petal Rice Cakes, hishi hanabira mochi, 菱葩餅 ..... "auspicious hard things" o-iwai kachin お祝いかちん(おいわいかちん) ..... ..... o-iwai okachin お祝いおかちん Hare no Gozen 晴の御膳 Official Lunch Reception at the Imperial Court ..... Hare no Omono 晴御膳 はれのおもの ..... Gozen no gi 御膳の儀 Hino no Hadaka Odori 日野の裸踊 Naked Dance in Hino Hotoke Shoogatsu 仏正月 New Year of the Buddhas/ancestor souls In no Hairai 院の拝礼 First Court Ceremony Juuhachi Gayu 十八粥 Rice Gruel on the 18th Kagura Dance 神楽, Hatsu Kagura, First Kagura Dance Kaji hajime 鍛冶初, First use of the smithy ..... Hatsu kamado 初竃, first fire in the stove Kenpai Shiki 献盃式 Ceremony of drinking Rice wine (sake) sake in memory of Shinran Shoonin Kokuseki-Ji Hadaka Matsuri, Kuroishi Temple 黒石寺裸祭 Kokuseki Temple,Naked Festival February 11 Komatsu hiki 小松引 pulling out small pine seeldings ..... First Day of the Rat, hatsune 初子 ..... dress for the day of the rat, ne no hi goromo 子の日衣 and a few more kigo of this day Mino-o no Tomi 箕面の富 Ceremony for Good Luck, Osaka Mooja Okuri 亡者送り Seeing Off the Dead Namahage なまはげ Demons driving out bad spirits ..... Namomihagi なもみ剥ぎ, amamihagi あまみはぎ Nanakusa 七種、七草 the seven herbs of Spring Nara no Yamayaki 奈良の山焼 Burning the Mountain Slopes at Nara Oobuku 大服 Ceremony of drinking tea to keep healthy ..... New Year Tea for Good Luck, fukucha 福茶 Oobaku Hoozan 黄檗放参 Evening Zen at Oobaku Zen Temples Okera mairi 白朮詣 First Shrine Visit in Kyoto, Gion Quarters, praying for protection from fire ..... Okera Matsuri 白朮祭, Ijerabib白朮火, Okeranawa 白朮縄, hinawa uri 火縄売, Gion shookake no shinji 祇園削掛の神事 Oni Eshiki 鬼会式 Demon Festival ..... Japanese Demons Sagichoo Festival 左義長 Fire Rituals and Coming of Age Ceremonies Shari-Koo 舎利講 Group Meeting for Budhdist Reliquies Shichi Fukujin 七福神詣 Seven Gods of Good Luck Shihoo hai 四方拝, しほうはい Court ritual prayer to the four directions Shuuni-E 修正会 Ceremony at Todai-Ji ..... O-Mizutori, Omizutori お水取り Takezaki no Oni Matsuri 竹崎の鬼祭 Demon Festival at Takezaki Takisan-ji Oni Matsuri 滝山寺鬼祭 Demon Festival at Temple Takisan-Ji Toshi tokujin 歳徳神 Good of the New Year ..... toshigami 年神, wakatoshisama 若年様, shoogatsusama 正月様 Toso 屠蘇, ritual rice wine ..... toso iwau 屠蘇祝ふ, tososhuu 屠蘇酒 ..... bag with spices for the ritual rice wine, tosobukuro 屠蘇袋 mulled rice wine with spices Wakamizu 若水 "young water" First water drawn from the well on New Year's morning and related kigo ..... first water, hatsumizu 初水 ..... first well, waka-i 若井 ..... blessed water, fukumizu 福水 New Year's Tea, Good Luck Tea (fukucha) Yanagizu Hadaka Matsuri 柳津裸祭 Naked Festival at Yanagizu Yooji Joosui Kaji 楊枝浄水加持 Ceremony of water cleaning Zenbonzuki 千本搗 Ceremony of preparing 1000 rice cakes ..... at the temple Mizumadera (大阪府貝塚市水間寺) In honour of the Venerable Gyooki ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: .. .. .. Plants Buddha's Seat (hotoke no za) 仏の座 Two Flowers with the same name. |
WKD : Court Rituals of Japan. New Year Ceremonies.
WKD: Japanese Reference Material
現代俳句協会 ・現代俳句データベース
..... Religious Non-Seasonal Haiku Topics
Heavy or light Jizo, Omokaru Jizoo (Japan) おもかる地蔵尊 and other heavy-light Deities
Power Stone, Strenght Stone (chikara ishi) 力石
To learn more about Buddhism, Shintoism and the Deities mentioned in the above text, visit Mark Schumacher
List of yearly events in Buddhist sects.
俳句仏教歳時記Haiku Bukkyoo Saijiki. Saijiki of Buddhist Events
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Gabi san, 頑張れ、Go Go!
As you said it is very difficult to translate festival Kigo.
And those kigo has important meaning for season and human affaires.
Please go and go, for the sake of haiku lovers in the world.
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