
Ceremonies Autumn - BACKUP

backup copy January 2007

NEW ENTRY is here


In Autumn, the biggest event is the ceremony for the souls of the ancestors, O-Bon.
Here are first many kigo related to this event.


.. .. .. .. .. Bon Festival (o-bon) お盆

....................................... Included in this file are :
Lantern Festival, Festival of the Dead, Ancestor's Festival
..... Urabon, Ura-Bon 盂蘭盆, urabon-e 盂蘭盆会
..... Bonrei 盆礼

Bon Lantern, bon choochin 盆提灯 Bon Lanterns and other lanterns
..... Bon Dooroo 盆燈籠
Bon Dance, bon odori 盆踊り Awaodori Dance
Tower for the Bon Dance, bon yagura 盆櫓

welcoming fire at the gates, mukaebi 迎え火
Festival for the souls, tama matsuri 魂祭
sending off fire, okuribi 送り火
sending off the souls, tama okuri 霊送り

shelf for Bon offerings, bondana 盆棚
shelf for the souls, shooryoodana 精霊棚
shelf for the ancestors, sensodana 先祖棚
empty shelf, karadana 空棚
sutras on the shelf, tanagyoo 棚経

first bon, hatsubon初盆, shinbon新盆
..... for a person who died the year before

preparations for o-bon, bonjitaku 盆仕度
..... Bon yooi 盆用意
before o-bon, bon mae 盆前
holidays during o-bon, bon yasumi 盆休み
after o-bon, bon sugi 盆過ぎ


Light offerings afloat (tooroo nagashi) 燈篭流し
....................................... Included in this file are:
Daimonji 大文字、大文字焼 Great Seeing-Off Fire in Kyoto
Hyaku Hattai 百八燈 108 bonfires
Kadobi 門火/Mukaebi 迎火 Fire at the Entrance to Welcome the Souls
Mantoo-E 万燈会 Ten Thousand Lanterns Ceremony
Okuribi 送火 Fire for Seeing Off
Sentoo Kuyoo 千燈供養 Thousand Lanterns Offerings
Tooroo Nagashi 燈籠流 Light offerings afloat


Other customs and ceremonies at O-Bon

Bon no Tera 盆の寺 Temple during O-Bon

Hakamairi 墓参 Visiting the Graves of Ancestors Autumn Equinox

Nasu no Uma 茄子の馬 Horses of Eggplants ..... Bon Offerings
Bonbana 盆花 Flowers for O-Bon
Bongama 盆竈 Bon Stove for girl's cooking
Shooryoobune 精霊船 Bon Boats for the Souls, Ships for Souls

Rokudoo Mairi 六道参 Welcoming the souls at the six crossroads, Bon Ceremony

Iki Mitama 生身魂 Bon Ceremony of entertaining the elders which are still living

Kusa no ichi 草の市 Market for O-Bon

Ogara 苧穀 burned for okuribi ceremonies

Soodai 掃苔 Bon, Cleaning the moss from the graves
Sashi Saba 刺鯖 Giving Makarels to the family, night before o-Bon

Tana Gyoosoo 棚経僧 Priests reading sutras in front of the Bon Shelf

Bon Gochi 盆東風 East Wind during O-Bon > WIND in various kigo
Bon Nami 盆波 Waves during O-Bon
Bon no Tsuki 盆の月 Moon during O-Bon >
..... MOON and its LINKS

Bon Shibai 盆芝居 Theater Performance at O-Bon
Bonmichi 盆路 Road for O-Bon
Hooka ほうか Bon Dance in the Mikawa Area

Kiraigoo 鬼来迎 Welcoming of the Demons
Segaki 施餓鬼 Offering food and drink to the hungry ghosts also
Hungry Ghosts, gaki 餓鬼
..... Japanese Ghosts and Demons
by Gabi Greve

Jizoo Bon 地蔵盆 Ceremonies for Jizoo Bosatsu, August 18 - 24

Hassaku Bon 八朔盆 Ceremonies on the first of August (hassaku)
Hoojoo-E 放生会 Setting free of animals (Nara)
Kaze no Bon 風の盆 ..... Bon of the Wind


Aki Higan 秋彼岸 . Autumn Equinox

Aki Henro 秋遍路 Pilgrims in Autumn Pilgrimage (henro) Shikoku Henro
..... Settai 摂待 Giving Alms

Aki Matsuri 秋祭り Autumn Festival   and many related kigo

Chooyoo 重陽 Chrysanthemum Festival

Daikaku-Ji Dainichi-E 大覚寺大日会 Ceremony for Dainichi at Temple Daikaku-Ji

Gege 解夏 End of the summer ascetics for priests
Gejo-E 解除会 Ceremony to drive away the evil, Toodai-Ji Nara

Fudangyoo 不断経 Ceremony of reading sutras day and night, Koya san

Juzudama 数珠玉 Beads of the Rosary

Kangetsu Sanbutsu-E 観月讃仏会 Moon Viewing Ceremony, Nara
Kishibojin Matsuri 鬼子母神祭 Festival for the female deity Kishiboshin
Koomyoo Shingon-E 光明真言会 Ceremony of Koomyoo

Mushi Okuri 虫送 Driving away the bad insects

Nijuroku Yamachi 二十六夜待 Waiting for the Moon on the night of the 16th
Ningyoo Kuyoo 人形供養 Memorial Ceremony for used dolls

Rokusai Nenbutsu 六斎念仏 Ceremony of praying to Amida

Sennichi Mairi 千日参 Thousand Days of a Temple Visit
Shaka Nenbutsu-E 釈迦念仏会 Memorial Ceremony for Shakyamuni Buddha
Shoosoo-In (Shoso-In) Bokuryoo 正倉院曝涼: Airing of the treasures (hoomotsu kaze-ire)
Susuki Nenbutsu-E 薄念仏会 Ceremony in memory of Ippen Shoonin

Tanabata 七夕 Star Festival   and many related kigo

Tozu Seppoo 戸津説法 Explaining the Buddhist Law at Tozu (Lake Biwa, Toonan-Temple)
Tsuto iri 衝突入 Visiting a home to see it all / Ise area

Uzumasa no Ushi Matsuri 太秦の牛祭 Ox Festival at Uzumasa

Yuurei Matsuri 幽霊祭 Festival of the Ghosts
Yonenbutsu 夜念仏 Nenbutsu-Prayers at Night


.. .. .. Memorial Days

Doogen-Ki 道元忌 Memorial Day for Doogen (Dogen Zenji)
..... Eihei-Ji Temple and Dogen 永平寺

Musoo-Ki 夢窓忌 Musoo Memorial Day (Muso)

Nichiren Omeikoo 御命講 Memorial Ceremony for Nichiren
..... Daimoku Tate 題目立 Picture

Yugyoo-Ki 遊行忌 Memorial Day for Yugyoo


.. .. .. Plants

Bodaishi 菩提子 Fruit of the Linden tree

Kannonsoo 観音草 Kannon-Plant

Kiku Kuyoo 菊供養 Chrysanthemum Festival
Kiku no Sekku 菊の節句 Chrysanthemum Festival

Shakunage 曼珠沙華 Spider Lilies (manjushage, O-Higanbana 彼岸花)


.. .. .. Animals

Hooshizemi 法師蝉 Hooshi Cicada, tsukutsukubooshi

Tanuki Kuyoo 狸供養: 狸塚の狸を供養する。証誠寺(千葉県木更津市)August 13 at the Temple Shoojoo-Ji (Shojo-Ji) in Chiba Prefecture : Tanuki - Badger

Kane Tataki 鉦叩 Prayer Gong Cricket, Fruit Cricket (kanetataki) >
..... Kuya Shonin


To the TOP of this Saijiki of Japanese Ceremonies
