Autumn equinox (aki higan)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Mid-Autumn
***** Category: Seasons
aki higan 秋彼岸 (あきひがん) autumm exuinox
fall equinox
nochi no higan 後の彼岸(のちのひがん)the "later" equinox
second equinox of the year, as opposed to the SPRING equinox
akihigan-e 秋彼岸会(あきひがんえ) ceremony for the autumn equinox
O-higan お彼岸

As spring and fall approach, people often say “Atsusa samusa mo o-higan made,” This expression refers to the favorable seasonal changes that occur at the time of the biannual equinoxes. “Heat and cold last until Higan.” So, we can all look forward to this time of change, and soon welcome spring and its bounty.
The Buddhist rituals may have their predecessors in nature cults and sun cult rituals for the sun. In some areas in Tajima, Tango area, on the day of the equinox the farmers visit three different small shrines in the morning, midday and evening to make offerings to the sun the whole day.
Food offerings for the ancestors are often eaten by the wild animals and birds after the celebrations are over.
The crows and rave are especially keen in our area in Okayama.
ohagi おはぎ wrapped rice cakes
offerings for ohigan in autumn.
Shuubun no hi 秋分の日 Day of the Autumn Equinox
September 23
Observance kigo for mid-autumn
This is an official holiday in Japan since 1948, when the constitution defined it as a day “to honor the ancestors and remember the dead . Before 1948, this day was called “Shuuki koorei-sai 秋季皇霊祭, Autumn Celebration of the Ancestors Souls”
In Buddhist communities it is celebrated as “Autumn Equinox Celebration“ shuki higan-e 秋季彼岸会, when it is customary to visit the family graves. This custom started already during the Heian period.
The seven days with this day in the center are called “autumn equinox” aki higan 秋彼岸, the equinoctial week.
Another word is “the other, later equinox, nochi no higan 後の彼岸“, with respect to the spring higan.
The vernal equinox in Spring is simply called “higan” 彼岸” in haiku manuals.
The proper visit of a family grave
1 First clean the stone.
2 Next remove the old incense sticks.
3 Offer some flowers.
4 Burn some fresh incense sticks.
5 Say your prayers with folded hands.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
The Night Sky changing within the seasons.
Most star patterns in the night sky are associated with specific seasons of the year. Evening skywatchers in the Northern Hemisphere enjoy Orion the Hunter only during the cold wintry months, for example. Spring evenings provide a view of the Sickle of Leo, the Lion. In summer, the stars of Scorpius, the Scorpion dominate the southern sky. And the Great Square of Pegasus vies for the stargazer's attention on fall evenings.
Read the details HERE
science behind the season
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Autumnal Equinox Day
This national holiday was established in 1948 as a day on which to honor one's ancestors and remember the dead.
Due to the necessity of recent astronomical measurements, the date of the holiday is not declared official until February of the previous year.
Prior to 1948, the autumnal equinox was an imperial ancestor worship festival called Shuki korei sai (秋季皇霊祭 shuuki koorei sai).
. September 23, 2011 .
In rural Japan, most of the farmhouses have their own small private graveyard with stone monuments for the ancestors. It is still quite common to visit these graves and make offerings four times a year, spring and autumn equinox, o-Bon in mid-august and during the New Year Holidays.
But this year in our area
autumn equinox -
so many gravestones
without flowers
autumn equinox -
one last flower
on her grave
Gabi Greve, September 2004
autumn equinox -
the dead old relatives
visit my dream
Read about the visit ...
Gabi Greve, September 2006
秋彼岸 香の漂う 墓となり
aki higan koo no tadayou haka to nari

higan walk -
the smell of incense
from many graves
join my walk on autumn equinox 2006
Gabi Greve
烏鳴く 彼岸の朝の 烏鳴く
karasu naku higan no asa no karasu naku
crows crowing
on the morning of higan
crows crowing
Gabi Greve, September 23, 2008
autumn equinox -
all the crows celebrating
with grave offerings
Gabi Greve, September 23, 2009
kirakira to aki no higan no tsubaki kana
shining bright
the camellias
at the autumn equinox
Kidoo 木導

- Shared by Christine L. Villa, USA -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
***** Spring equinox (haru higan) vernal equinox
***** Spider Lilies (higanbana)
. . . . AUTUMN
the complete SAIJIKI
烏鳴く 彼岸の朝の 烏鳴く
karasu naku higan no asa no karasu naku
crows crowing
on the morning of higan
crows crowing
I like this ku very much.
I couldn't explain why it is so good.
But It sound crows crowing in my mind.
autumn equinox
sunbeam divides the melon
evenly into two
Keiko Izawa
- Heron's Nest -
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