
Fine weather, fine day (hare)

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Fine weather, fine day (hare, -biyori)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Heaven


A fine day can be enjoyed in all seasons. 
There are two words used most often in Japanese.

hare, ..bare 晴れ fine weather
sunny weather, clear skies
..... sei 晴
..... hiyori, ..biyori 日和 fine day

The word hiyori/ ..biyori is often used together with other words to show a fine day suitable for an activity or situation.

hare no hi 晴れの日 is a term for a festival day or a day of celebration.

Let us look at the kigo with these words.


kigo for spring

. harubiyori 春日和 (はるびより) fine day in spring   

. konome bare 木の芽晴(このめばれ)
fine weather on tree buds

. takobiyori 凧日和(たこびより) fine day for kite flying  


kigo for summer

. tsuyu harema 梅雨晴れ間
spell of fine weather during the rainy season

..... tsuyubare 梅雨晴、tsuyu no hare 梅雨の晴
..... tsuyu haru 梅雨晴る
lull in the rain of the rainy season
break in the rainy season
. . . CLICK here for Photos !

satsukibare 五月晴 さつきばれ fine weather in the fifth lunar month
(the period of the rainy season)


. yuudachibare, yuudachi-bare 夕立晴
fine weather after a sudden shower


kigo for autumn

. akibare 秋晴 (あきばれ) fine weather in autumn
akibiyori 秋日和(あきびより)fine day in autumn
aki haruru 秋晴るる(あきはるる) weather is fine in autumn

. nowakibare, nowaki bare 野分晴(のわきばれ)
fine weather after a storm / typhoon

. haze biyori 鯊日和(はぜびより) sunny day for fishing dace  

. mozu biyori 鵙日和(もずびより) fine day for the shrike
..... mozu no hare 鵙の晴(もずのはれ)

. kikubiyori 菊日和
fine weather to enjoy chrysanthemums


kigo for winter

fuyubare 冬晴 (ふゆばれ) fine weather in winter
..... fuyubiyori 冬日和(ふゆびより)fine day in winter
fuyu haruru 冬晴るる(ふゆはるる)it is fine weather in winter

. fuyu urara 冬麗(ふゆうらら)
bright and clear winter weather
kigo related to URARA and NODOKA, also used for bright, clear and fine weather.

. yukibare 雪晴 fine weather after a snowfall
..... miyukibare 深雪晴 (みゆきばれ) 

. shimobare 霜晴 clear and frosty
..... shimobiyori 霜日和(しもびより)clear, frosty day

. itebare 凍晴 fine weather but freezing

. koharubiyori 小春日和 Indian summer
fine day in early winter

. shionbiyori, shion biyori 四温日和(しおんびより) fine day of shion four warm days  

. susubiyori, susu biyori 煤日和(すすびより)
bright day for cleaning
cleaning the homes before the New Year celebrations

Kigo for Winter


kigo for the New Year

. hatsubare 初晴 (はつばれ) first fine day  

. Hare no Gozen 晴の御膳 Official Lunch Reception
Hare no Omono 晴御膳 はれのおもの
In the Phoenix Hall of the Imperial Palace.

Worldwide use


schöner Tag; Tag mit schönem Wetter; Tag mit klarem Wetter

Things found on the way

. "one rain, one shine"
一雨一晴 (いちういっせい ) ichi-u issei

Numbers used in Haiku


The prefecture Okayama in called

Hare no kuni Okayama 晴れの国岡山

because it has the most sunshine in all of Japan, leading to a lot of good food from the fresh vegetables and fruit from the area.


CLICK for more photos

haruru no shi 晴るるの詩 ricecake "poem of a fine day"
made with special rice from Yamaguchi, koshihikari and yamatowashi
from 美東町. a kind of puffed rice sweets on senbei or white chocolate


butsumetsu no seiten o yobu mutsugoroo

bringing fine weather
for Buddha's death day -

Nagajima Tenseki 永島転石

. mud skipper (mutsugoro)
and food from Saga prefecture

butsumetsu 仏滅 Butsumetsu Day, one of the six days in the Asian calendar
Symbolizes the day Buddha died. Considered the most unlucky day. Weddings are best avoided. Some Shinto shrines close their offices on this day.

. rokuyō (六曜) the six days .


natsuyama ya yoku kumo kakari yoku haruru

summer mountains -
sometimes in the clouds
sometimes in sunshine

Takahama Kyoshi 高浜 虚子

. Mountains and Kigo  


fuyubare ya saba aoao to ita no ue    

fine winter day -
the mackerels are so blue
on the chopping board

Sotatsu 宗達 (his manga alias)

Razuweru Hosoki ラズウェル細木 Rozwell Hosoki

alias Sotatsu 宗達


sumikitte koma no mawareri fuyu biyori

such clearness
as the top spins around -
fine winter day

Tanaka Fuyuji 田中冬二 (1894 - 1980)

. Spinning topt (koma) and Haiku


urara hare hatsu Fuji chikashi Nihonbashi

such fine weather -
first view of Mount Fuji
so close to Nihonbashi bridge

Mitake Koken 三宅孤軒 (1933 - )

. Nihonbashi and Haiku  


焼きたての パンの匂いや! 梅雨晴れ間

yakitate no pan no nioi ya tsuyu harema

the smell of
freshly baked bread -
a break in the rainy season

. Smell, Fragrance and Haiku

tsuyu harema -
the flowers still sparkle
with raindrops

Gabi Greve
Rainy Season 2010

tsuyu harema, a spell of fine weather during the rainy season.

I am still looking for a sutiable translation short enough to fit in one line.
Any suggestions are welcome.

Related words

***** . SAIJIKI
HEAVEN in all seasons


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