Rose (bara)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Plant
The genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae.
There are various kinds of roses with kigo in all seasons.
primula, see below
kigo for early spring
rose buds, bara no me 薔薇の芽 (ばらのめ)
kigo for late spring
chooshunka 長春花 (ちょうしゅんか) China rose
Rosa chinensis
chooshunka 月季花(ちょうしゅんか)
shikisaki bara 四季咲薔薇(しきざきばら)"rose flowering in all seasons"
kooshin bara 庚申薔薇(こうしんばら)
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
rose, bara 薔薇 (ばら)
kigo for early summer
soobi 薔薇(そうび), shoobi しょうび
(when reading the kanji in Chinese reading, as in the Kokin Wakashu and other old poetry books)
rose blossoms, hanabara 花ばら(はなばら)
fragrance of roses, bara kaoru 薔薇香る(ばらかおる)
rose petals scattering, bara chiru 薔薇散る(ばらちる)
rose garden, rose park, bara en 薔薇園(ばらえん)
akibara 秋薔薇 (あきばら) rose in autumn
aki no bara 秋の薔薇(あきのばら)
..... akisoobi 秋そうび(あきそうび)
kigo for mid-autumn
fuyubara 冬薔薇 (ふゆばら) rose in winter
fuyu no bara 冬の薔薇(ふゆのばら)winter roses
..... fuyusoobi 冬薔薇(ふゆそうび)
kansoobi 寒薔薇(かんそうび) roses in the cold
kigo for all winter
Worldwide use
Rose, Roen, Gartenrose
Things found on the way
A rose is a woody perennial of the genus Rosa, within the family Rosaceae. There are over 100 species. They form a group of erect shrubs, and climbing or trailing plants, with stems that are often armed with sharp prickles.
Flowers are large and showy, in colours ranging from white through yellows and reds. Most species are native to Asia, with smaller numbers native to Europe, North America, and northwest Africa. Species, cultivars and hybrids are all widely grown for their beauty and fragrance. Rose plants range in size from compact, miniature roses, to climbers that can reach 7 meters in height. Different species hybridize easily, and this has been used in the development of the wide range of garden roses.
Roses are a favored subject in art and therefore used in various artistic disciplines.
They appear in portraits, illustrations, on stamps, as ornaments or as architectural elements.
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yuukaze ya shirobara no hana mina ugoku
wind in the evening -
all the flowers of the white roses
are moving
Written in Meiji 29 - 1896
on the 20th day of the 5th month, there is another poem by Shiki in the diary of Takahama Kyoshi
akabara ya moegi no kumo no hoote iru
a red rose -
a light-green spider
crawls on it
moegi iro 萌葱色もえぎいろ #006e54
. - Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 - .

on the rose buds -
a letter from home
Gabi Greve, 2007
winter morning -
a few dewdrops on
my last rose
Photo and Haiku, Gabi Greve 2006
watering plants ...
my frog takes his shower
on a red rose

. Gabi Greve, 2008 .
Related words
***** Cotton rose, Rose-Mallow (fuyoo, fuyo, fuyoh) Hibiscus mutabilis.
***** Wild Roses (ibara, nobara)
*****Yellow Mountain Rose (yamabuki, Japan)
***** Primula, Japanese primrose (sakura-soo 桜草)
Primula sieboldii
kigo for late spring

sakurasoo 桜草 (さくらそう) primrose
lit. "cherry blossom grass"
purimura プリムラ primula
tokiwa sakura 常盤桜(ときわざくら)
otomezakura 乙女桜(おとめざくら)young lady sakura
hinazakura 雛桜(ひなざくら) hina doll sakura
yagurazakura 楼桜(やぐらざくら)yagura tower sakura
keshoozakura 化粧桜(けしょうざくら)
ichigezakura 一花桜(いちげざくら)"one blossom sakura"
In our country
Even the weeds bear
Cherry blossoms!
By Kobayashi Issa (1763-1827)
. SakuraSo by Linda Inoki .
kigo for early spring
suhamasoo 洲浜草 (すはまそう) Primula modesta
musumi soo 三角草(みすみそう)
yukiwarisoo 雪割草(ゆきわりそう)"snow-splitting plant"
kigo for early summer
kurinsoo 九輪草 (くりんそう) "nine circles flower"
Japanese Primrose or Japanese Cowslip
Primula japonica

It comes in variuos colors. It grows wild in many parts of Japan, in the mountains and wetlands.

Rose Daruma だるま薔薇
pink roses –
are they what’s left
of the red ones?
© Sandgoddess
Int'l Rose and Gardening Show opens in Saitama
An annual gardening show featuring about 1,000 varieties of roses from around the world opened near Tokyo on Saturday.
The International Rose and Gardening Show in Tokorozawa City, Saitama Prefecture, attracts gardening enthusiasts and rose growers from France, Britain and other parts of the world.
A red rose named the Rose of Versailles made its international debut at this year's event. A French farmer produced the flower in honor of the Japanese popular manga which has the same title, based on the French Revolution in the late 18th century.
The rows of rose bushes and gardening displays now occupy a site usually reserved for baseball games.
One visitor said it is exciting to see so many different kinds of roses. Another said the large-scale gardening displays are amazing.
The event organizer is collecting donations of roses from the exhibitors. The flowers will be given to elementary schools in the areas hit by last year's March 11th disaster, at the end of the 9-day show.
Saturday, May 12, 2012 22:07
NHK news
People can learn to study their life force
in the same way that a master gardener studies a rosebush.
No gardener ever made a rose.
When its needs are met a rosebush will make roses.
Gardeners collaborate and provide conditions which favor this outcome.
And as anyone who has ever pruned a rosebush knows,
life flows through every rosebush
in a slightly different way.
Rachel Naomi Remen
bara no ame honmonji ura saka o nasu
rain on the roses -
the slope in the back
of Honmon-Ji
Fujita Sooshi 藤田湘子 Fujita Soshi (1926 - 2005)
Ikegami Honmonji 池上本門寺 Ikegami Honmon-Ji
Chooeizan 長栄山 Choeizan
東京都大田区池上1-1-1 / 1-1-1, Ikegami, Ōta-ku, Tokyo
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