Sparrow (suzume)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: various, see below.
***** Category: animal
sparrow, suzume 雀 (すずめ)
"voice of the sparrow", sparrows chirping, suzume no koe 雀の声
The word sparrow, if not specified further, refers to the common bird which is with us all year round and is thus not a kigo but a non-seasonal topic.
There are however some kigo related to the sparrow, which we will explore below.
House sparrow, Passer domesticus
Male House Sparrows are easily recognised by their grey crowns and variably-sized black bibs but females might be more difficult. However, nearly all the other dull brown birds with thick, conical bills have streaked rather than plain underparts. Even the otherwise similar Spanish Sparrow is faintly streaked below. Pale Rock Sparrows and Yellow-throated Sparrows are unstreaked below but they also have plain upperparts, quite unlike a House Sparrow.
The only remaining problem species is the Dead Sea Sparrow which looks very similar but is smaller and neater.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
kigo for mid-spring
harami suzume 孕み雀 (はらみすずめ) pregnant sparrow
..... komochi suzume 子持雀(こもちすずめ)
haramidori 孕鳥(はらみどり)pregnant bird
..... komochidori 子持鳥(こもちどり)
. はらみ餅 harami Mochi rice cake amulets .
kigo for late spring
baby sparrows, little sparrows, suzume no ko 雀の子
suzumeko 雀子(すずめこ)
kosuzume 、小雀(こすずめ)
suzume no hina 雀の雛(すずめのひな)

kisuzume, ki suzume 黄雀(きすずめ)"yellow sparrow"
koojaku こうじゃく【黄雀】, oojaku
The beak of the small bird is still yellow inside.
oya suzume 親雀(おやすずめ)sparrow parents
haru no suzume春の雀(はるのすずめ)sparrow in spring
nest of a sparrow, suzume no su 雀の巣
kigo for all spring
reed warbler : yoshi suzume 葭雀
reed-plain warbler : yoshihara suzume 葭原雀
bull-rush-plain warbler : ashihara suzume 葦原雀
The above three are variations of the "reed cutter warbler", yoshikiri 葭切, Acrocephalus species.
More kigo about the reed warbler !
suzume no tago 雀の担桶 (すずめのたご) sparrow eggs
..... suzume no shooben tago 雀の小便担桶(すずめのしょうべんたご)
suzume no tango 雀のたんご(すずめのたんご)
suzume no tamago 雀の卵(すずめのたまご)
suzume no tago 雀の田子
sparrows in the rice fields,
"rice sparrows" inasuzume 稲雀
Refers to sparrows who have come to autumn rice-fields to glean loose grains from the ground, or pluck them from the plants before harvest.
kansuzume, kan suzume 寒雀 (かんすずめ)
sparrow in the cold
kogoesuzume 晩冬 凍雀(こごえすずめ)freezing sparrow
fukurasuzume ふくら雀(ふくらすずめ) "inflated" sparrow, plump sparrwo
puffed up the feathers to keep warm
. Plump sparrow and Daruma .
Folk Toys of Japan
first sparrow : hatsu suzume 初雀
To see a sparrow on the first day of the New Year is quite auspicious. It makes you feel cheerful and happy.
hatsu suzume hane o hirogete ori ni keri
first sparrow -
he opens his wings
and comes down
Kijoo 鬼城 (Tr. Gabi Greve)
Have a look here !
A Problem
In the "Haiku Handbook" by Higginson, sparrow is listed as a spring kigo.
But that seems a misunderstanding.
The haiku in question quoted on page 29 reads in the last line
sparrows' voices (susume no koe), which is most probably a mistaken translation or misprint for the kigo "baby sparrows (susume no ko)", a spring kigo indeed.
"susume no koe", with six beats, is not suitable for the last line of a haiku, which has 5 beats in Japanese.
In the haiku quoted on page 108, the kigo is
atatakasa, warmness, for spring,
and suzume, the sparrow is not the kigo here at all, but a non-seasonal topic.
In the "Haiku World", Higginson quotes the sparrow as an all year non-seasonal topic.
Voices of Animals -
With the full quote of the haiku in question
Read a comment by Bill Higginson about the SPARROW as kigo, with resprect to the above problem.
September 2006
Worldwide use
Sparrows in New Zealand
They seem to prefer the company of Homo sapiens and have moved along with us as we have developed, built shelters and cultivated crops, something which their scientific name, Passer domesticus, reveals. Sparrow, their common name, is much the same in every European language, being variations of the old Teutonic sparwa, from sper … to quiver.
Read a lot more information:
Some links in Spanish about GORRIÓN
© Juan Pedro Paz-Soldán
Things found on the way
. March 20th - World Sparrow Day .
Mobile phones blamed for sparrow deaths
So this day is also NO CELLPHONE DAY
Some sparrow haiku from Issa
suzumego ga naka de naku nari kome fukube
the baby sparrow
chirps inside
the rice gourd
Issa is quite famous for his many haiku about Sparrows.
David Lanoue lists 127 in his Issa Archives.
Basho-ki ya hato mo suzume mo kyaku mekasu
Basho's Death-Day--
pigeons and sparrows
in their Sunday best
Haiga by Sakuo Nakamura
viento estival
los pequeños gorriones
luchan y luchan
summer wind -
the little sparrows
struggle on
Russian translation:
летний ветер --
борются с ним
Haiga by Origa (Olga Hooper)
Carlos' Haiku won the first prize of the Second Calico Cat bilingual haiku contest of Origa.
.. .. ..
duro papeleo
afuera persiguiendose
> > > hard paperwork -
> > > outside chasing one another
> > > sparrows
dark clouds --
the little sparrow
urges his flight
Carlos Fleitas from Uruguay tells us this:
Sparrows are very common here. You can find them everywhere. Some people dislike them, and find them annoying. Sometimes if you have a window opened they may even enter your house! It has never happened to me, although i can see them everyday...
park bench
an old man shares his lunch
with some sparrows
Max Verhart
How soon they're gone -
the bread crumbs and the sparrows
that I began to sketch
(Cicada, v.3, #4)
Hard frost -
a sparrow in my son's
cupped hands
(World Haiku Review, October, 2003)
Frosty day -
finches at the feeder
let a sparrow in
Zhanna P. Rader
Read more of Zhanna's Sparrow Haiku here:
young camel foot tree --
first sparrow has found
its nesting site
This bauhinia grows in my pocket-handkerchief-sized front garden, where I planted the seed from a neighbour's garden some years back.
This morning, looking out of my window with pleasure, I found a sparrow sitting on one of its branches, nest-building material in beak, checking the place out. Surely, it must be the coming-of-age of a tree if it is big enough to be considered by a bird for a nest!
Isabelle Prondzynski, Kenya
Camel's foot tree, Bauhinia purpurea

beside the sparrow
only the fragrance
of a lilac blossom
- Shared by Sandi Pray -
Joys of Japan, 2012
On the thorny branch
A sparrow sits ~ not thinking
Of migration

- Shared by Res John Burman -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
***** Reed warbler (yoshi suzume, gyoogyooshi)
The BIRD Saijiki with all kigo !
suzumegakure 雀隠れ (すずめがくれ) "enough to hide a sparrow"
when plants are just beginning to grow
muresuzume 群雀 (むれすずめ) Caragana sinica
lit. "a flock of sparrows"
. Plants in Spring .
on the roof
a playful clickety-click
the sparrows
on the scrapheap
the chirp of sparrows
seeking for forage
You know the French singer Edith Piaf?
Piaf means: moineau = sparrow.
Geert Verbeke
irozato no/asane no noki no/kan-suzume
the gay quarters...
sleeping in the morning,
winter sparrows at the eaves
Sojo Hino (1901-56), by Susumu Takiguchi
angry cat –
November frost drive away
sparrows from the fence
hopping sparrows –
pieces of bread
in the frozen pond
quarrel of sparrows –
one cone falls into the moss
completely quiet
noon heat –
all holes in the fence
filled with sparrows
winter morning noise -
a long line of sparrows
on the wire
Jasminka Nadaskic Diordievic
Matsuo Basho
inasuzume cha no kibatake ya nigedokoro
sparrows in the rice paddies
the field of tea trees
is your place to flee
Tr. Gabi Greve
Written in the autumn of 1691 元禄4年秋
at 義仲寺 temple Gichu-Ji
This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 2,
but in fact line 1 is separate and lines 2 and 3 belong together.
sparrows in the rice paddies
this field of tea trees -
yes, your place to flee
Tr. Gabi Greve
murasuzume 群雀 - 群れをなしているスズメ
a flock of sparrows
Yosa Buson
yuudachi ya kusaba o tsukamu murasuzume
sudden shower -
clinging to blades of grass,
the village-sparrows
Tr. Haldane
An evening shower--
Clutching unto the blades of grass
Village sparrows.
Tr. Nelson/Saito
An evening shower!
Holding onto the bushes,
a flock of sparrows.
Tr. Sawa/ Shiffert
Shita-kiri Suzume (舌切り雀 shita-kiri suzume)
"Tongue-Cut Sparrow"
is a traditional Japanese fable telling of a kind old man, his avaricious wife and an injured sparrow. The story explores the effects of greed, friendship and jealousy on the characters.
Legend from Tokyo
. Rinshōin 湯島麟祥院 Temple Yushima Rinsho-In .
suzume ikusa 雀戦 fight of the sparrows
In 1832 onf the 6th to 10th day of the 8th lunar month, in the nearby forest of the forest, there lived more than 4000 sparrows.
They started to get in a fierce fight and even eat each other.
more legends to explore !
Legend from Wakayama
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