
Daruma Index

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……………………………………………………………………………AAA Aizu Daruma 会津だるま Papermachee DollsAkubi あくび <> Akubi ― Daruma Yawning..... http://www.amie.or.jp/daruma/akubi-mini.html..... http://www.amie.or.jp/daruma/FUDE-ARAI-mini.html..... http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Darumasan-Japan/message/460..... http://darumasan.blogspot.com/2004/11/akubi-daruma-yawning.html..... Yawning and your HealthAME, DAGASHI Sweets 飴、駄菓子Aoi Me no Daruma 青い目の達磨 <> ME - Blue Eyes of Daruma..... Eye-opening Ceremonies for BuddhastatuesAsakusa Kannon 。。。浅草観音、東京Asti, Sergio and his Daruma Design (Sergio Asti)Atsugi Daruma 厚木だるまAyame あやめ 菖蒲 <> Iris Dolls and Daruma……………………………………………………………………………BBBBasho and Haiku 松尾芭蕉の俳句 Matsuo Basho (Matsuo Bashoo)Bentoobako 弁当箱 <> Bentoobako ― Lunchbox with Daruma へのへの HE NO HE NO.....http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Darumasan-Japan/message/449..... ..... Photos Bicycle called Daruma  だるま自転車Books about Daruma..... ABC Introduction to Daruma San..... More Books about DarumaBuddhist Protective Deities for the Individual (ichidai mamori honzon)..... Buddhism and ShintoismBUSEN sensei Photo GalleryBushuu Daruma Koshigaya Daruma, 武州だるま、越谷だるま 張子……………………………………………………………………………CCCCHA 茶 <> The world of Tea..... Photo Gallery, Teapots, Teacups..... Kyusu 急須..... History of Drinking Tea..... SenchaChichibu Daruma 。秩父だるまChina, Korea and Bodhidharma (01) 中国、韓国のだるま..... China, Korea and Bodhidharma (02)..... Chinese PoetryChokinbako 貯金箱 <> Piggybank with Daruma..... More Pictures CHOOCHIN, lanterns 提灯とだるまClivia クリビア <> A Flower named DarumaCoconut Daruma .. ココナツだるま、自然のだるまColours Traditional Japanese Colors 日本の伝統的色、色彩……………………………………………………………………………DDDDarumabune, a Boat だるま舟Daruma-dera > Daruma TemplesDaruma-enaga だるま柄長 <> A Bird named DarumaDaruma Geisha in Postwar JapanDaruma Ichi Markets to Sell Daruma / 達磨市Daruma Magazine of Japanese AntiquesDaruma Memorial Day .. Daruma-ki, Japan 達磨忌Daruma Temples  達磨寺 Daruma-dera, Daruma-ji..... Photo Gallery..... Overview..... Hoorin-ji Kyoto..... Nishi-Izu 西伊豆 <> West-IzuDivali Festival, Lakshmi and the Ramayana in IndiaDorei  土鈴 <> Clay BellsClay Bells..... Photo Gallery..... With Winter MotivesDoosojin, the Wayside Gods 道祖神……………………………………………………………………………EEEEihei-Ji 永平寺 .. A Visit to a COLD Zen-templeEisei Bunko MuseumEma 絵馬 <> Votive Plaques, Prayer Boards..... Photo Gallery..... Ema Message 548..... EMA <> Votive Tablets with Fudo Myo-OEngimono for good luck  A Summary 縁起物のまとめ..... Darumasan-Japan/message/467 (maneki neko)Enku 円空 <> Master Carver Enku sanEscher and Daruma <> The illusions of M.C.EscherE-Tegami 絵手紙 <> Handpainted Letters and Postcards (like Haiga)……………………………………………………………………………FFFFeng Shui 風水 <> Chinese PhilosophyFishhook Daruma Fishlure 魚のルーアーFriendship Dolls from 1927Fude 筆 <> Daruma holding a PenFude-arai 筆洗い <> Brush-washerFudo Myoo 不動明王 <> The Unmovable Wisdom God (Fudoo Myoo-oo)..... His own Blog with many related topics  ..... Oyama Fudo, Feb. 28 FestivalFukuda Kodoojin 福田古道人 <> Painter, ArtistFundoshi 褌 <> Fundoshi (loincloth) 褌 Fudo Myo-O and Daruma on Loincloth !Furoshiki 風呂敷 <> Cotton Wrapper ClothFuurin 風鈴 <> Wind ChimesFushimi Clay Dolls / 伏見土人形……………………………………………………………………………GGGGakki, Musical Instruments (01) Big Drum Daiko 大鼓 and TsuzumiGangu 玩具 <> Toys with Daruma..... Photo Gallery..... Darumasan-Japan/message/452 A Whistle..... Mini Gallery Gangu ..... Dice Holder, an antique..... Hagoita, battledore racket 羽子板..... Tools for Gambling <> Bakuchi doogu 博打道具GERMAN..... ..... Daruma-Museum, Okayama Auf Deutsch !Geta Sandals 下駄Glass Plate ガラス <> Glass Plate (Nr. 27)Gyoki Bosatsu Gyooki 行基菩薩Gyuumei san 牛鳴さんのだるま <> Paintings of Mr. Gyuumei ……………………………………………………………………………HHHHachimaki 鉢巻 はちまき <> Papermachee Dolls with a HeadbandHagaki はがき <> Postcards..... Photo Gallery..... Album picture ..... Hagaki by David Bull H A I K U 俳句  ..... ..... My Haiku Gallery..... ..... My Haiku Topics ..... Frogs farting and some Zen :o)..... My HAIKU FORUM.....  KOAN and Haiku (01) ::公案と俳句Hakata Dolls / 博多人形 more Hakata Clay DollsHako 箱 <> Hako / BoxesHamada Shooji 浜田庄司 <> Mashiko Potter and Mingei..... More Darumasan-Japan/message/126Hanabi 花火 <> Fireworks in Summer in JapanHanga 版画 <> Woodblockprints of Daruma..... Photo Gallery.....Darumasan-Japan/message/250..... Darumasan-Japan/message/397..... Daruma market in Odawara by Sekino Jun-ichiroo 関野潤一郎..... Darumasan-Japan/message/461..... Helen Hyde and Daruma Prints..... Darumasan-Japan/message/562..... Darumasan-Japan/message/563..... Jim Breen and an Ukiyo-e Gallery..... Darumasan-Japan/message/566..... Japanese Prints and the World of Go / William PinckardHanuman, the Indian Monkey GodHariko 張子 <> Papermachee Dolls..... The Papermachee Doll Museum..... Darumasan-Japan/message/70..... Mizuho Hariko Store..... Mihara Daruma and the Aoyama Collection..... Chichibu Daruma and Gingko Trees 秩父だるま..... Mu-Jiko, Roadsafety Daruma..... Kintaroo, the Golden Boy 金太郎..... ..... Photo Gallery..... Making your own Daruma Papermachee DollPopeye Doll Museum, Japan ..HEALTH - Some Taoist Lore .. .. DaMo QuigongHENRO Daruma Pilgrims in Japan, a new Gallery..... Pilgrimages to Fudoo Temples.....Henro, Junpai 遍路、巡拝 <> Pilgrims in Japan..... Pilgrim Resouces Pages, including most of the below..... Circle of Life, Shikoku Pilgrimage..... Shikoku Henro 四国遍路 <> Shikoku Pilgrimage to 88 Temples..... Darumasan-Japan/message/352..... Shuin-choo, Nookyoo-Choo, Stamp Books (shuuinchoo)..... Darumasan-Japan/message/398..... Senja-Fuda, Name Stickers (senjafuda 千社札)..... Walking as Healing ExerciseHige 髭 ひげ <> Daruma and his BeardHime 姫だるま <> Princess Daruma from Matsuyama 松山..... Matsuyama Hime Daruma..... Hime 姫だるま <> A Group of all Kinds of Princess Dolls..... Groups of Hime DarumaHimeji Daruma / 姫路張子Honen Shoonin and Pure Land Buddhism法然上人Hoo-oo 鳳凰 <> The Phoenix in Asian Art, Special FeatureHoosoo 疱瘡 <> Smallpox, Red and Daruma (by Bernard Faure) EssayHossu 払子 <> Daruma holding a Flywhisk..... Jimotsu - What is Daruma holding?.....Darumasan-Japan/message/89Hotaru 蛍 <> Fireflies and DarumaHOTEI and the seven gods of good luck 布袋と七福神Hyakunin Isshu 百人一首 <> 100 Poems by 100 Poets..... Darumasan-Japan/message/362..... Darumasan-Japan/message/428..... ..... Woodblock Prints by David Bull..... Woodblock Prints from a German Collection……………………………………………………………………………III Ichidai 一代守り本尊 <> Personal Protector / Ichidai Mamori HonzonInari 稲荷 <> The Fox CultInkan, Hanko 印鑑、判子 <> Stamps and SealsInoue Hisashi and Japanese HumanismIppitsu 一筆 <> Daruma painted in One-Stroke (ensoo円相)Irezumi 刺青 <> TatooIshi 石 <> Daruma from StoneIssa and Daruma Haiku 小林一茶とだるまの俳画……………………………………………………………………………JJJ Jizo Bosatsu 地蔵菩薩 <> Jizoo..... Asekaki Jizo, Sweating Jizo..... Darumasan-Japan/message/364Juusanbutsu .. 13 Protector Deities 十三仏 (Jusanbutsu)……………………………………………………………………………KKK Kagami 鏡 <> Mirrors and Buddhist Rituals..... Darumasan-Japan/message/139..... Darumasan-Japan/message/161Kagamibuta 鏡蓋 <> A kind of > Netsuke with DarumaKakebotoke 掛仏 <> Votive Plaque to hang on a WallKakejiku 掛け軸 <> Scrolls and Paintings (see also Zenga)..... Photo GalleryText..... Darumasan-Japan/message/115..... Scroll by Gozan..... Shikishi by Inagaki sensei 稲垣伯堂..... Daruma with a bee by 馬堀喜孝Kamakurabori 鎌倉彫り <> Kamakurabori - Daruma and Laquerware.....Darumasan-Japan/message/65Kamibukuro 紙袋 <> Paper Bags (#13)Kanamono, Metal Figures  金物Kanban 看板 <> Shop SignKanda Myoojin 神田明神と銭型 <> and Zenigata ItemsKanzan and Jittoku 寒山と拾得 <> Two Zen Friends (Han Shan and Ji-De).....Darumasan-Japan/message/11..... Darumasan-Japan/message/306..... Happy Haiku/message/271Kappa 河童 <> The Water GoblinKashigata 菓子型 <> Cake MoldsKashiwa Daruma / 柏だるまKasugabe Dolls / 春日部張子Katsugen undo 活元運動 <> Healthy Asian ExercisesKimono 着物 <> Old Dresses with Daruma Patterns..... .....Kimono, Yukata, Nagajuban 着物、浴衣、長じゅばん..... ..... Photo Gallery..... Kimono PatternsKiri-e, cut-out pictures 切絵Kobijutsu 古美術 <> Antiques with Daruma..... ..... Photo GalleryStatues are also in the album for OKIMONO..... Album ..... Antiques Magazines 古美術雑誌Darumasan-Japan/message/81..... ..... Antique Fairs and Daruma Fairs in January..... Granite Statue..... Small Statue, Daruma holding Daruma..... Coral Statue, very special..... Painting on Glass, two superb pieces..... Bronze Statue..... Ivory Statue, China..... Mask from Okinawa   .....   Hirado-Plate, small..... Snuff Bottle, very special piece..... Serving Bowl with Daruma , antique..... ANTIQUES <> Incense Container, Kutani..... ANTIQUES <> Pipe with Daruma Face..... ANTIQUES <> Tobacco PouchKobori Enshuu Garden Designer, 小堀遠州Koinobori 鯉幟 <> Carp StreamersKokeshi こけし <> Wooden DollsKokeshi (1) こけし ..... Kokeshi (2) こけし ..... Kokeshi (3) こけしKoo お香 <> Incense and DarumaKoshigaya Daruma 越谷張子 Hariko DollsKooshuu Takeda Shingen 甲州 武田信玄 <> Daruma from YamanashiKoya-San and Kobo Daishi 高野山と弘法大師..... Koyasan in Wakayama .....Koya-san A Haiku Walk and Light Offerings to the BuddhasKutani-yaki 九谷焼 <> Kutani Pottery..... ..... Photo Gallery of Kutani Daruma ..... Darumasan-Japan/message/239..... Darumasan-Japan/message/483..... Darumasan-Japan/message/577Kuya Shonin Kuuya Shoonin, Saint Kuya 空也上人Kyoiku 教育 <> Education with Daruma, Educational Material..... Education with Daruma ..... Teaching Material about Japan

……………………………………………………… LLLLabyrinth .. Ariadne and the Honey PotLafcardio Hearn, Koizumi Yakumo (Yagumo) Lafcadio Hearn 小泉八雲とだるまLittle Daruma and his Friends, Childrens Books with Daruma-chan だるまちゃん……………………………………………………… MMMMagaibutsu 磨崖仏 <> Buddha Statues in Cliffs and RocksIshi (2) - Stones and Daruma..... Buddha Statues in Cliffs and RocksO-Mamori, Amulettes and Talismans お守りMandala Therapy .. .. .. .. Mandala for Life .. A Haiku and Picture SelectionManekineko 招き猫 <> Cats and Daruma 猫と達磨 Beckoning Cats..... Photo GalleryManholes with Daruma マンホールにも達磨Mantra of Fudoo Myoo-Oo (Fudo Myo-O)Ma-Ru-Da-Ru-Ma まーるーだーるーまー <> Backward, forwardMatsushima、Fuku-ura 松島、福浦 <> Matsushima near Sendai..... Part II Matsukawa Daruma 松川張子Matsuyama Princess Daruma / 松山姫だるまMenpeki Kunen, Wallgazing for nine years Daruma and MeditationMenuki 目抜き <> Sword DecorationMihara Daruma / 三原だるまMiharu Daruma 三春だるま Papermachee DollsMikawa Dolls / 三河だるまMikaeri Amida at Temple Eikan-DooMIMIKAKI Earcleaner 耳掻きにだるまの話. Earpicks..... Figurine of Kutani  FigurineMingei Shiryookan 民芸資料館 <> Folk Craft Museum, TokyoMitsumine Shrine 三峰神社Miyamoto Musashi 宮本武蔵 <> Miyamoto Musashi and DarumaMoskitoes and Daruma, Kutani Pottery (mosquitoes) 蚊とだるまMousepad, made as Nishijin orimono 西陣織のマウスパッドMusubi-Daruma 結びだるま <> Daruma bound by a Rope……………………………………………………… NNNNagarjuna 龍樹 Ryuuju and the Middle WayNagoya Dolls / 名古屋張子中村コレクション <> Nakamura Collection of Papermachee DollsNantenboo 南天坊 Zen Priest and his PaintingsNETSUKE Corner.....Netsuke Photo Gallery..... NETSUKE of TSUGE WOOD  根付-柘..... Netsuke of Ivory (zooge) with Daruma..... NETSUKE - Daruma Face with Wrinkles.....  根付 だるまの顔..... Netsuke, Daruma with Onyx Eyes..... ..... See here for regular updates of my Netsuke collectionNewsweek Daruma 9月の選挙とだるまNew Year Cards nengajoo年賀状Nihon Shoki 日本書記 <> Old Legends of Japan..... Prince Shootoku Taishi meets Daruma san 聖徳太子とだるまNirvana Ceremony 涅槃会、常楽会Nishijin Weaving 西陣織のMousepadNogata Dolls / 直方張子だるまNOREN Door Curtains 暖簾 のれん……………………………………………………… OOOO-Bake Daruma and the Japanese Ghosts お化け達磨!お化けだるまOdoru 踊るだるま <> Daruma Dancing !Oiran to Daruma 花魁と達磨 <> Daruma and the Courtesans (geisha)Okimono 置物 <> Seated and Standing DarumaOkinawa Dolls / 沖縄民芸とだるまOoasahiko and Hakuchoo Daruma also : Naruto, the German HouseOomi Daruma Papermachee Dolls 近江だるまDemons ONI 鬼 <> .. Oni, Namahage and moreOnomichi 尾道 <> A Temple Town.....PhotoalbumOume Aome Sumiyoshi Jinja  青梅 住吉神社Otoshidama お年玉 noshibukuro 熨斗袋<> Envelopes for the New Year and moreOxherding Pictures, Searching for the Ox..... Part II ……………………………………………………… PPPPutter Cover .. a MUST for the Golf Fan ! ゴルフに最高……………………………………………………… RRRRingo Apple 林檎だるま 林檎Rikyu Gray Sen no Rikyu and the Color GRAY 利休と鼠色Ritual Decorations (shoogongu) 荘厳具 including:... Banner (ban) 幡... Canopy (tengai) 天蓋... Flower Garlands (keman) 華鬘Rush-Leaf Daruma (royoo) 芦葉達磨 Daruma on a reed……………………………………………………… SSSSagawa Art MuseumSaigyo Hooshi (西行法師) and the Cherry Blossoms Saijiki for Buddhist Events 俳句仏教歳時記Sai no Kawara 賽の河原 <> The Limbo World for Dead Children..... Part II Sake 酒 <> Ricewine..... Part I ..... Part II ..... Part III ..... Tokkuri 徳利, Sake Pourers..... Part IVSankaku 三角だるま 三角ダルマ <> Triangular Daruma Dolls..... Mini Gallery Santooka 種田山頭火 <> A Wandering Haiku Master, Taneda Santoka..... Santoka, Shinjin Datsuraku and the Begging BowlSaru - Monkey 猿とだるまSatsuma-Yaki 薩摩焼 <> Satsuma WareSCROLLS with Daruma 掛け軸 と達磨Sencha 煎茶 <> Tea with Daruma see > CHASengai Gibon せんがい 仙厓義梵 <> Sengai and Zen and a FrogSengaku-ji Temple and the 48 Ronin StorySensu 扇子 <> Hand Fans, Uchiwa 団扇 Setsubun Festival .. Throwing Beans for Good Luck 節分Shakuhachi  尺八 <> Bamboo FluteShamoji しゃもじ <> Rice Spoon, LadleShichifuku-jin 七福神 <> Seven Gods of Good LuckShikoku Henro 四国遍路 <> Shikoku Pilgrimage to 88 Temples see also > HENROShimenawa 注連縄Shino-Yaki 志野焼 <> Shino-PotteryShirakawa Daruma Papermachee Dolls 白川だるま張子Shiroi Hotoke 白仏 <> White Buddha DarumaShishi-odoshiししおどし <> Deer Scarer in the garden Shishuu 刺繍 <> Stiching Paintings, Embroidery, Nishijin Shizen 自然 <> Photoalbum with natural Daruma forms..... Shizen . Natural Daruma Shapes .. Stalagmites, Ikura-Cave 井倉洞Sekiri セキリ <>Sekiri Daruma carrying one sandal..... Sekiri Daruma II Soba 蕎麦 そば <> Daruma Eating Buckwheat NoodlesSokrates meets DarumaSokushinbutsu 即身仏 <> Living Mummies, Buddhist Mummies in Japan,Haguro san, Dewa Sanzan, Northern Japan..... Haguro San 羽黒出羽三山Soroban, Abacus ..そろばん 算盤 AbakusSpecial Purpose Daruma, an online store オンラインのお店Spoon <> Silver Spoon with Daruma Handle (07/08)Star Shrines .. Hoshi Jinja, Myooken Bosatsu (Myoken Bosatsu)Suijinsama 水神様 <> The Gods of the Four Elements, the Water God..... SUIJIN God of WaterSuika スイカ <> Daruma as a WatermelonSumi 墨 <> Charcoal DarumaSumida Pottery <>Vase with DarumaSunafumi 砂踏み <> O-Sunafumi, Stepping on Sacred Sand..... More about Sunafumi ..... Sunafumi <> Walking on Holy Sand (2)……………………………………………………… TTTTabako-ire タバコ入物 <> Tobacco ContainerTabako-ire タバコ入物 <> Tobacco Container, a .DOC file ..... Mini Gallery ..... Tabako Ire IITabi socks 足袋にだるまTakahata Fudo and a Daruma MarketTake 竹 <> BAMBOO..... Photo Gallery of Bamboo Art in Asia.....Take - Bamboo Art 竹とだるま..... Darumasan-Japan/message/249..... Darumasan-Japan/message/233..... My Bamboo Photos and HaikuTakeda Princess Daruma / 竹田の姫達磨Taki 滝 <> Waterfalls named DarumaTaki 滝 <> Waterfalls named DarumaTakiguchi Susumu Ryuuseki滝口ススム <> World Haiku Club ChairmanTako 蛸 <> Octopus, Mr. Takao-san and the Tako-sugi Cedar TreeTamashima Dolls / 玉島張子と良寛さんTanabata 七夕 <> Star Festival on July 7..... Tanabata II TANCHU TERAYAMA and Zen Calligraphy: HitsuzendoTanuki 狸 <> Tanuk i ― A Badger posing as Daruma..... Darumasan-Japan/message/129Taoism (Daoism) and Chinese Lore..... Shuilu Liberation Ceremony / CHINA..... Things Chinese with Nature / PenjingTAXI,Daruma on a Taxi roof タクシの屋根にもだるまTelephone Cards with DarumaTENGU and DARUMA Tengu 天狗の面 <> Long-Nosed Goblins.....At Mt. Takao..... Picture with Tengu and O-Kame (Kokeshi)Tengu Festival in Sakaide..... Tengu Festival in SakaideTengu Kokeshi.....Tengu KokeshiTenugui 手ぬぐい <> Small Hand TowelsTibet チベット <> Padama Sangye: The Daruma ConnectionTokusa Fudo Temple, KanagawaTooshoo-Gu 東照宮 <> Tosho-Gu Tokugawa Ieyasu 東照宮と徳川家康Tora Tiger Kokeshi トラだるま Hanshin TigersTorii 鳥居 <> Gate of a Shinto ShrineTsuba 鍔 <> Sword Guard, sword fittings Tsuchi ningyoo <> Clay Dolls..... The Museum for Clay Dolls..... Photo Gallery..... Mini Gallery ..... Ebisu with Daruma, Clay Doll..... Clay Dolls for all seasons .. Daruma on Clay DollsTsuchiya Koitsu 土屋こういつ <> Woodblock PrintsTsumayooji (tsumajoji) 爪楊枝 つまようじ <> Toothpicks-holder (#29)Tsuyama Dolls / 津山の姫達磨、奴だるま……………………………………………………… UUUUdon Noodles with Daruma 達磨にうどん ウドンUrushi 漆 ウルシ <> Lacquer Ware and DarumaUsami Kannon Temple, IzuUto Princess Daruma / 宇土姫達磨……………………………………………………… VVVVinegar Tasters, The three Vinegar Tasters of Chinese Art……………………………………………………… WWWWabi and Sabi  Wabi-Sabi 侘び寂び わびさびWaraji 草鞋 わらじ <> Straw Sandals Modoroki Shrine, KyotoWashi, Japanese Paper 和紙WHO is Daruma? WHAT is Daruma? A good question...... Part I ..... Part II

……………………………………………………… YYYYakimono 焼物 <> Daruma in and on potteryGeneral Overview..... General Overview..... Darumasan-Japan/message/126..... Darumasan-Japan/message/209..... Darumasan-Japan/message/404..... Bizen Pottery..... Bizen in Mini Gallery ..... Satsuma Ware..... Sumida Pottery <>Vase with DarumaYakko Daruma / 奴だるま Papermachee DollsYakuri Daruma / 八栗だるま張子 Papermachee DollsYamabuki-Iro, Yellow Daruma 山吹色の黄色だるま、千両箱にだるまYamanashi 山梨親子だるま Papermachee Dolls from YamanashiYamashina-e 山科絵 <> Pictures from Yamashina TownYatate 矢立 <> writing utensilsYoshino 吉野と桜 <> Yoshino Mountains and Cherry TreesYoyogi Hachimangu, Tokyo 代々木 八幡宮Yukidaruma 雪だるま <> Snowman DarumaYuuhi, Asahi 夕日,朝日 <> Sunset, Sunrise with Daruma

……………………………………………………… ZZZZEN 禅 ..... Opening the Hand of Thought / Kosho Uchiyama..... Zenga 禅画 <> Paintings in the Zen Spirit > see Kakejiku


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April Fool

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April Fool

***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: Mid-Spring
***** Category: Observance


四月馬鹿 (しがつばか) shigatsu baka,
April fool / April Fool's Day

eipuriru fuuru エイプリルフール
"all fools season", bangu setsu 万愚節(ばんぐせつ)

April Fool's Day or All Fools' Day
is a notable day, though not of its own right a holiday, celebrated in many countries on April 1. The day is celebrated by the execution of hoaxes and practical jokes of varying sophistication with the goal of publicly embarrassing the gullible.

Traditionally, pranks are supposed to end by noon. Those done afterwards are supposed to bring bad luck to the perpetrator. However, this is not universally adhered to, and many of the hoaxes listed below appeared after noon....

The custom of playing practical jokes on April Fool's Day is also very widespread and of uncertain origins. The victim of a joke is known in English as an April Fool; in Scots as a gowk (cuckoo or fool); and
in French as a poisson d'avril (April fish).
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There are many explanations for the origin of this day.

April Fool's Day is one of the most light hearted days of the year, yet it stems from a serious subject—the adoption of a new calendar.

A Traditional New Year's
Ancient cultures, including those as varied as the Romans and the Hindus, celebrated New Year's Day on April 1. It closely follows the vernal equinox (March 20th or March 21st.) In medieval times, much of Europe celebrated March 25, the Feast of Annunciation, as the beginning of the new year.

In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calendar) to replace the old Julian Calendar. The new calendar called for New Year's Day to be celebrated Jan. 1. Many countries, however, resisted the change. In fact, some European countries held out for centuries (Scotland until 1660; Germany, Denmark, and Norway until 1700; and England until 1752).

Many French Refuse
In 1564 France adopted the reformed calendar and shifted New Year's day to Jan. 1. However, many people either refused to accept the new date, or did not learn about it, and continued to celebrate New Year's Day April 1.
Other people began to make fun of these traditionalists, sending them on "fool's errands" or trying to trick them into believing something false.

April Fish
The French came to call April 1 Poisson d'Avril, or "April Fish." French children sometimes tape a picture of a fish on the back of their schoolmates, crying "Poisson d'Avril" when the prank is discovered.

Great Britain Accepts the Calendar
In 1752, Great Britain finally changed over to the Gregorian Calendar, and April Fool's Day began to be celebrated in England and in the American colonies.
Pranks and jokes are of course still popular on this day—not to mention the rest of the year.

source : www.infoplease.com


Jim Hunt Illustration | Facebook

Worldwide use


Aprilscherze sind in den meisten europäischen Ländern üblich.
Am ersten April werden die Leute in den April geschickt.

- Reference : Aprilscherze -


Trinidad and Tobago

the Catholic church observes the soleminty of The Holy Innocents and children bring their toys to church with them and they are blessed by the priest in the presence of the congregation.
However April is the day on which we celebrate april's fool and on that day one must be wary of tricks and pranks played by mischevious person

gillena cox


New Zealand
A New Zealand tradition is the capping stunt, wherein university students perpetrate a hoax upon an unsuspecting population. They are traditionally executed near autumn graduation (the "capping").
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from the WKD policy

Calendar reference kigo
are for example the names of each month and then the many festivals of a specific date and the memorial days of people or things.
Japanese haiku poets up from the North of Hokkaido down to the South of Okinawa have no problem when using DECEMBER as a kigo within the convention of writing haiku, for example. Neither do the Japanese haiku poets who live in Brazil complain about the saijiki.

Northern and Southern Hemisphere

If there is not specific mention in the WKD, a calendar reference kigo refers to the Northern Hemisphere as its place of origin, since haiku and the saijiki concept originates in Japan.
For the Southern Hemisphere, add six months.
For a calendar reference kigo originating in the Southern Hemisphere, add six months to get to its Northern counterpart.
These adjustments will not be mentioned specifically for each kigo.

. Seasons and Calendar reference kigo .

Things found on the way

April as a cruel month?

T.S. Eliot (1888-1965). The Waste Land. 1922.

I. The Burial of the Dead

APRIL is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain....

Eliot, Thomas Stearns.
The Waste Land. New York: Boni and Liveright, 1922
source : www.bartleby.com


April fool's day
I water the sweet peas
and then it rains

Giselle Maya
St. Martin de Castillon, France
(Mainichi Haiku)


>... April fool
> ... the dog chases its memory
> ... of a tail

© Juanito 2005


April fool's day --
the mannequin
blinked at me

© JJ March 21, 2005


CLICK for more photos CLICK for more ENGLISH photos


so many roads
for haiku and senryu --
April Fool

Gabi Greve, April 1, 2009

by Susumu Takiguchi

source : World Haiku Review, March 2009

The 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth is being celebrated across the world.

The interesting thing about Darwin is that the evolution of living things does not occur because they want it to happen. On the contrary, living things are in fact ultra-conservative and do not like evolution.
I am in an evolutionary mood today and am thinking of the history of haiku in terms of evolution. It is 365 years since Basho’s birth and 400 to 500 years since the births of such fathers, or shall we say grandfathers, of haiku as Sokan Yamazaki, Moritake Arakida, Teitoku Matsunaga or Soin Nishiyama who all contributed to the development of Haikai-no-Renga which later begat haiku.
The haiku evolution is still with us.
Haiku now has so many different variants. However, almost all the origins of the modern haiku species outside Japan can be found in America. They experienced explosive evolution through the most unnatural selection ...
There have been no survival of the fittest (haiku) because there just has not been any need for these species to try to survive; they have thrived.


don't tell me
you still live in March -
April Fool's Day

Gabi Greve, 2012
. Joys of Japan .


once the first of the year
and then it changed...
April fools still celebrate

Pat Geyer ‎


April Fools' Day -
heavy snow upon
the blooming trees

Zornitza Harizanova


April Fools' Day--
I may tell you
it is a working day for toilers

Manu Kant


April Fools' Day---
a street preacher says
the end of the World is coming

Fred Masarani


To be, or not to be a joke:
that is not a question on April Fools' Day.:D

April Fools' Day:
I sext with my wife
for the first time

Chen-ou Liu


Premier avril –
les chalutiers restent à quai
trop de concurrence !

April first -
the trawlers are docked
too much competition !

Patrick Fetu


April Fool's Day
green pussy willows
getting whiter

- Shared by Irena Iris Szewczyk, 2013 -


a siren
outside my door ---
April Fool

Bee Jay


April fool's day
I wear my jacket
inside out

Angelee Deodhar


the politician
fulfils his promise -
april fool

Sunil Uniyal


April Fool's Day--
the stern teacher marks a pause
for dirty jokes

Brinda Buljore


April's fool -
Cardinal Dolan says
he now supports gay marriage

Fred Masarani


April fools day
the stomach smaller
than my eyes

Angelika Kolompar

Related words

***** . April (shigatsu 四月) .




Cuckoo (kankodori)

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Cuckoo (kankodori) - little cuckoo (hototogisu)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All summer
***** Category: Animal


We have two different birds.

Cuckoo, Cuculus canorus, kankodori 閑古鳥
..... kakkoo カッコウ
cockoo, cockuu

Little Cuckoo, Cuculus poliocephalis,
hototogisu ホトトギス, 時鳥
Click HERE to look at some photos !

Sometimes, the bush warbler (uguisu) and the little cuckoo (hototogisu) get mixed up.

Listen to the voice of the hototogisu here:
source : www.youtube.com

More names for this bird:

CLICK for more photos !

first cuckoo, hatsu hototogisu 初時鳥(はつほととぎす)
mountain cuckoo, yama hototogisu山時鳥(やまほととぎす)
"calling his name" nanoru hototogisu

waiting hototogisu, matsu hototogisu

taosadori 田長鳥(たおさどり)
kutsutedori 沓手鳥(くつてどり)
imosedori 妹背鳥(いもせどり)

uzukidori 卯月鳥(うづきどり)
uzuki is the name for april in the lunar calendar

token 杜鵑(とけん), too 杜宇(とう)、
hototogisu 杜魂(ほととぎす)

hototogisu 子規(ほととぎす)
The inside of the mouth of the cuckoo is so red that it looks like blood when the bird is singing.

Masaoka Shiki took the Chinese characters for his name、 because of tuberculosis, he would spit blood.
. WKD : Masaoka Shiki 正岡子規 .

hototogisu 蜀魂(ほととぎす), hototogisu 不如帰(ほととぎす)


© http://www.hana300.com/aafuda.html

..... Flower Trump (hanafuda) and haiku


“Demon cockoo, oni kakkoo 鬼カッコウ 
Eudynamys scolopacea


Iwakura no kyoojo koi seyo hototogisu

A little cuckoo across a hydrangea - Yosa Buson

cause the madwoman at Iwakura
to fall more deeply in love
o hototogisu

source : Cheryl A. Crowley

Discussion of this haiku
. Iwakura waterfall and
temple Daiun-Ji 岩倉大雲寺 .

Worldwide use


Kuckuck - Cuculus canorus

Gackelkuckuck - Cuculus poliocephalus
Kleiner Kuckuck



There is a bird associated with the Monsoon in India:
CLICK for more photos
the Pied Crested Cuckoo; may be called the Rain bird.
It is called 'Erattatthalachi Kuyil' in Malayalam and 'Kondai Kuyil' in Tamil. It Hindi, it is 'Chatak.' It's observed that this Cuckoo appears in South India and in North India just before the Monsoon to herald the arrival of rain.
It is believed, for instance, its arrival in Mumbai indicates that the first rains will fall within three days! Its call is wailing.

Very noisy when breeding. Calls also during moonlit nights. Its call is loud, rather plaintive, metallic piu-piu-pee-pee-piu… pee-pee-piu, or just a tinkling piu.. piu…
© indulekha.com/rainraga


a cuckoo's silence -
leaves on a mango tree rustle
in the breeze

- Shared by Surmeet Maavi -
Joys of Japan, 2012


. Asian Koel (Eudynamys scolopaceus) .
Asian Koel, Koil, Kuil, Koyal
a member of the cuckoo order of birds
oni kakkoo オニカッコウ "demon cuckoo"

Things found on the way

The famous comparison of three famous warlords

鳴かぬなら 殺してしまえ ホトトギス
鳴かぬなら 鳴かせてみせよう ホトトギス
鳴かぬなら 鳴くまで待とう ホトトギス

Here is the famous story to shed light on the temperament of the three most famous warlords in Japanese history:
When confronted with a nightingale in a cage, which would not sing, each had his own approach to this situation.

If the bird does not sing, kill it!

If the bird does not sing, I will make it sing!

If the bird does not sing, I will wait until it sings!

Read my details here


Azumabashi in Edo

Ando Utagawa Hiroshige 歌川広重
One hototogisu in the clouds of the rainy season.


The Haiku Magazin "Hototogisu"

"Hototogisu" was first published on 15th, Jan. of 1897 (Meiji 30). This Haiku magazine had about thirty pages and it was 0.06yen (6-sen) a copy. This magazine had 300 circulations and edited by Kyokudo Yanagihara.

The number twenty of "Hototogisu", published on 31st, Aug. of 1898 (Meiji 31), was the last number published by the publishing office of "Hototogisu" in Tachibana-cho, Matsuyama, which had been based on "Shofu-kai in Matsuyama".

Shiki composed the following Haiku celebrating the first issue of "Hototogisu".

" Greeting a Happy New Year
A bush warbler just starts to chirp
The Hototogisu was first published "


Read more HERE !
© "Hototogisu" - Kyokudo,Hekigotou,Kyoshi

Nightingale, bush warbler (uguisu) Japan


hot tub steam stirs
as does the grass

hototogisu yukeburi soyogu kusa soyogu

by Issa, 1813
Tr. David Lanoue


Compiled by Larry Bold
Translating Haiku Forum

Matsuo Basho haiku with various translations :

hototogisu ootakeyabu o moru tsukiyo

Henderson's word-for-word translation is:
Cuckoo large-bamboo thicket's seep-in moon-evening

And Barnhill's word-for-word translaton is:
cuckoo large-bamboo grove leak moonlight

.................................................... Further translations:

Moonlight slants through
The vast bamboo grove:
A cuckoo cries

trans. Blyth

Moonlight slanting through
all this long bamboo grove
and nightingale song.

trans. Bellenson

From moon wreathed
bamboo grove,
cuckoo song.

trans. Stryk

Song of the cuckoo:
in the grove of great bamboos,
moonlight seeping through.

trans. Harold Henderson

through immense bamboo groves
the moonlight

trans. Stephen Addiss

through a vast bamboo forest
moonlight seeping

trans. Makoto Ueda

a cuckoo's cry--
moonlight seeping through
a large bamboo grove

trans. Haruo Shirane

filtering through the vast bamboo grove
the moon's light

trans. David Barnhill

Moonlight slanting
through the bamboo grove;
a cuckoo crying.

trans. Robert Hass

A cuckoo cries,
and through a thicket of bamboo
the late moon shines

trans. Sam Hamill

So, we have for what the bamboo is in: grove, thicket, and forest.

For what the moonlight does we have: shines, slants/slanting, filtering, seeps/seeping, "through" with no verb (Addiss), and wreathed.

For what the cuckoo is called, we have: cuckoo, nightingale, hototogisu.

For what the cuckoo does, we have: cry/cries/crying, song, and no verb (just the bird's presence itself implying its sound).

little cuckoo -
moonlight filters through
the vast bamboo grove

Tr. Gabi Greve


. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
"Oku no Hosomichi" Station 9 - Sesshooseki Hot Spring 殺生石
"the murder stone", "Slaughter Stone" , "Killing Stone"
The hot spring has poisonous yellow water and bees and butterflies can not live there.

no o yoko ni uma hikimuke yo hototogisu

road across a plain --
turn my horse sideways
toward that hototogisu!

Tr. Makoto Ueda

Across the field, turn
The direction of the horse
Towards the cuckoo!

Tr. Oseko Toshiharu

turn the horse’s head
towards that moor;

Tr. Michael Haldane

Lead the horse
Across the moor
To where the hototogisu is singing!

Tr. Blyth

across the plain,
turn my horse over there!

Tr. Barnhill

across the field
the horse pulls toward
the cuckoo

Tr. Jane Reichhold

- More translations -

- Reference : Sessho Seki

hototogisu hokku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


toribeno ya shiko hototogisu shiko karasu

Toribe Field--
ugly cuckoo!
ugly crow!

by Issa, 1824
Tr. David Lanoue

Read our discussion here:
Toribeno Cemetery
Cuckoo and Death in Japanese literature


あるけばかっこう いそげばかっこう
arukeba kakkoo
isogeba kakkoo

if I walk ... cuckoo
if I hurry ... cuckoo

Taneda Santoka
Tr. Gabi Greve


channel-billed cuckoo
from beneath the dying fruit tree
I hear its storm cry

Alan Summers, UK
1. Snapshots three July 1998
2. Blithe Spirit Call of the Crow haibun Volume 14 Number 2 (June 2004)

Related words

***** Toadlily, Tricyrtis hirta (hototogisu)

***** Nightingale, bush warbler (uguisu 鶯)


The name is written with the Chinese character for 魂 "soul" :
hototogisu 杜魂(ほととぎす)
hototogisu 蜀魂(ほととぎす)

hototogisu 不如帰(ほととぎす)

Hototogisu with his blood-red throat is known as the bird of hell.
Some folks say it begins to sing for someone who is about to die.

hototogisu hitsugi o tsukamu kumoma yori

this little cuckoo
comes through a break in the clouds
to snatch a coffin

With its song the bird seems to tell the world he got another soul to bring to 閻魔 Enma, the King of Hell.

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .

- quote -
The Enigmatic Japanese Cuckoo
..... The cuckoo (Cuculus poliocephalus) – or hototogisu has several meanings in Japanese folklore but its use in these prints appears to be transient or elusive – much like the bird itself. .....

- Hokusai, A Cuckoo and Rainbow

The cuckoo has long been popular as a subject in Japanese literature and Haiku, possibly to do with the word having five syllables; and in literature and myth it is associated with the longing of the spirits of the dead to return to their loved ones. Mourning, longing, melancholy; these are suggested maybe by its song and perhaps signals its persistent use in woodblock prints.

..... Kunisada, Soga Brothers (print)
The cuckoo here is pictured as a portent of tragedy (as is the rain) and of the echo of the dead and unquiet father.
..... Hiroshige, 100 Views of Edo (print)
Here the falling cuckoo is also used to imagine the oncoming storm and the melancholy of the windy night.
- source : toshidama.wordpress.com -


. Japanese Legends - 伝説 民話 昔話 – ABC-List .

- reference : Nichibun Yokai Database -
時鳥 04 / ホトトギス 15 / ほととぎす 07 / 杜鵑 06





Crappie fish (Pomoxis) (05)

nnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnn

Crappie (Pomoxis family)

***** Location: North America
***** Season: Late Spring
***** Category: Animal


It is a fish and in late spring early summer (April - May) Crappie-Thons are held across Texas. Like Bass Tournaments but for Crappie. Big thing here Radio and TV ads sponsors for prizes the whole shebang!

Don Haney, US


Say hello to spring. It's the smell of flowers, a landscape of blooming dogwoods and spawning time at hand when hefty slabs put a bend in your pole.

There are several reasons why spring is the most popular season among crappie fishermen, but the main one is the movement of fish up into shallow water making them somewhat easier to find and catch. Spring is the season that brings the fish and the fishermen closer together than at any other time of the year.


Black Crappie (Pomoxis nigromaculatus)
Other names:
speckled perch, specks, papermouth, bachelor perch, calico bass, strawberry bass, or white perch



White Crappie (Pomoxis annularis)
Other names:
speckled perch, papermouth, silver bass, bachelor perch


Worldwide use



Things found on the way

In many cases, kids don't get the opportunity to go fishing. Some don't have a dad or mom, uncle or aunt, grandparents or guardian that has taken the time to introduce them to this great sport which has brought so much enjoyment to so many.

That's the other side of the coin we saw. Kids that wanted to yet seldom got the chance. For several, it was their first fishing trip. We pray it wasn't their last.

At many CRAPPIE USA 1-day events, we devoted a portion of our time and provided opportunities at the rodeos where, for a few short hours, a kid could go fishing, earn some degree of self esteem and go home a winner.

Excerpt from


late spring -
bridge piling serves
as a crappie bed

A piling of course is the columns supporting bridges and they make an awesome fishing hole for crappie, as well as sunken Christmas trees.

Christmas tree
in early summer

... crappie bed

After Christmas we round up Christmas trees that people are disposing of tie them together and weight them down and sink them in January and by April the crappie have made a home there - thus a fishing hole for the crappie-thon. We (myself and two friends) have been known to catch over a hundred in one day.

Don Haney


the Daruma bobber dunks deep: a slab!

"slab" is a local slang for a large crappie

Daruma is a folkfigure in Japan sort of the same shape and colors of those ubiquious round plastic fishing bobbers.

"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)

Fishhook Daruma !!!


cool morning
long line at ramp
crappie biting

Frank Brannock
©2003 Randy Brooks, Millikin University, Decatur, Illinois


Related words

***** crappie-thon

Come have a great time and win some prizes, fishing in the "Quiet Lakes" Crappiethon - Thousands of Dollars worth of tagged crappies are swimming in Ghost Lake waiting for some lucky anglers to catch them. Catch one and you win! Great cash prizes up to $xxx per tagged fish.

sun burned anglers
weigh in

Don Haney

Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve

WHC Worldkigo Discussion Group

Back to the WHC Worldkigo Index

Crape myrtle (sarusuberi)


Crape myrtle (sarusuberi)

***** Location: Japan, North America
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Plant


This is one of my favorite trees, not only for its beautiful flowers, but for its name in Japanese, which means:
Even monkeys fall from trees! sarusuberi.

crape myrthle, crepe myrthle, pride of India. Lagerstroemia indica.
It has various names in Japanese

sarusuberi, hyakujikkoo 百日紅
shibi 紫薇
hakuyooju 怕痒樹
kusuguri no ki くすぐりの木
white for hundred days, hyakujitsu haku 百日白

Some saijiki place this plant in the late summer.

The origin of this plant is China. It flowers in pink and white, with single or double flowers (yae 八重). It was already known in the Kamakura period in Japan, where it was called
"Monkeys sliding" saru nameri 猿滑り

Since it flowers from summer to autumn for more than 100 days, one of the names is "flowering a hundred days" in pink or white.

Gabi Greve


Some plant facts from FLORIDATA:

The deciduous crape myrtle is among the longest blooming trees in existence with flowering periods lasting from 60-120 days. Crapes come in heights as short as 18 in (46 cm) and as tall as 40 ft (12 m). Leaves are alternate and smooth, but leaf size depends on variety. Flowers are borne in summer in big showy clusters and come in white and many shades of pink, purple, lavender and red. The fruits that follow are brown or black.

When mature they dry and split releasing disk shaped seeds. Depending on variety, crapes grow as large shrubs or as trees that may be either upright or spreading. Large varieties are very fast growing and can put on several feet in a single growing season. Many types have interesting bark that exfoliates in thin flakes exposing lovely cinnamon or gray inner bark. Crapes tend to produce many suckers that should be removed as they appear if you want to maintain them as trees with distinct trunks. They are enthusiastic reseeders so you may find yourself pulling up baby crapes throughout the summer.

The common name of this plant is crape myrtle not crepe myrtle.
It is called this because the flowers have crinkly petals that resemble the material called crepe (which according to Webster is a "light crinkled fabric woven of any of various fibers") but many references tell us that you're supposed to spell it crape when it's in front of myrtle. Confused? I think somebody was full of crape when they came up with this name!
At any rate, it's a common name and since there's no authority that manages common names for plants you can spell (or call it) whatever you like!



About the spelling of the word
W. J. Higginson

"Crape myrtle" is the correct, original, and in pre-1950s dictionaries the ONLY English spelling, on any side of whatever pond an English-speaker may sit. Nowdays, American dictionaries seem to be accepting "crepe myrtle" as an alternate, but still not the main, "correct" spelling. (OED and Websters also checked...)

Current garden books also list the plant under "crape myrtle" -- those from both America and Australia that I checked. "Crepe myrtle", though sometimes acknowledged as an alternate spelling, does not appear in their indices. The smaller plant dictionaries I have do not to list "crepe myrtle" at all.

I suspect that someone misspelled it "crepe myrtle", thinking of "crepe paper", and that this apparent Frenchism was taken up by others -- but that would be very strange, since the plant comes from East Asia. The OED says, definitively, that "crepe" is the French word equivalent to "crape" in English.


Worldwide use


Here, in New Zealand and also in England the spelling is 'crepe myrtle'. The E should have the French accent.
The tree was named, I believe, because of the crepe-like texture of its 'petals' (crepe being the name of a type of fabric, presumably originating in France).
One of the crepe myrtles is a native of Queensland, Australia...Lagerstromia archeriana.

Lorin Ford

... ... ...

The Crepe Myrtles Webiste


Southern USA

in the souther usa, just when the landscape dries up under the brutal heat, the crape myrtle, a woody shrub, bursts into enthusiastic bloom.

the crape myrtle, introduced the the us in 1795 by seagoing french botanist andre michaux. he settled in charleston south carolina and grew crape myrtles from seed.

the woody shrubs were a welcome addition to the southern landscape. the plant spread throughout the south in the 1800s. in the 1960s and 1970s, hybridizers worked their magic, and now the shrub is available in heights of 3 feet to 30 feet and in many colors. its white, pale to deepest pink and shades of light to dark lavendar grace the southern landscape. most are 15 feet tall.

the palest pink flowers seem to glow in shadow or low light. the pinks shout joyfully to passers-by. the lavendars evoke the lilacs so beloved in the northern regions, at least until fall when they clash with newly turning leaves!

just as they bloom, the crape myrtles shed their thin bark, which peels away in curls, revealing cinnamon colored stems. the spent blossoms fall to the ground to make way for more new blossoms.

the southern usa would be a much sadder sight if the crape myrtle were not working its magic.

susan delphine delaney

Crape myrtle, like dogwood, has become a widely spread decorative tree in Georgia. More and more roads are lined with this beautiful tree that blooms all summer with white, red, pink, and other shades of red.

air-conditioned car -
crape-myrtles divide the highway
all the way home

Zhanna P. Rader

Things found on the way


in the lee
of the crape myrtle
a magneta whirlwind

susan delphine delaney md, plano, texas


shi ni mirai areba koso shinu sarusuberi

because there is a future
in death, I will die -
crape myrtle

Uda Kiyoko 宇多喜代子


sarusuberi gokugoku mizu o nomu bakari

The red crepe myrtles -
I only gulp down
glasses of water

. Ishida Hakyo 石田波郷 .

(tr. Noriko)


炎天の 地上花あり 百日紅
enten no chijoo hana ari sarusuberi

unter the scorching sky
on the ground these flowers -
crape myrtle

Takahama Kyoshi
(Tr. Gabi Greve)

Look at this page for more photos of the tree.

百日紅 写真集 1(写真7枚)
百日紅 写真集 2(写真6枚)
百日紅 写真集 3(写真5枚)


in the temple garden -
no monkeys in sight

© All photos on this page by Gabi Greve, 2005.

Related words

***** . PLANTS - - - the Complete SAIJIKI .
