Autumn flowers
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Autumn
***** Category: Plant
and other plants of autumn . MAIN LIST
This is a list of more autumn flowers, which do not have an entry of their own yet.
kigo for early autumn
hoosenka 鳳仙花 (ほうせんか) touch-me-not / impatiens
..... hoosenkuwa ほうせんくわ
..... tsumakurenai 爪紅 (つまくれない) "fingernail red"
..... tsumabeni 爪紅 (つまべに)
..... senshisoo 染指草 【(せんしそう) "dye finger plant"
Impatiens species
. . . . . also
tsurifunesoo 釣船草 (つりふねそう) jewelweed
Impatiens textorii
..... tsurifunesoo 吊船草(つりふねそう)
. horagaisoo, horagai soo 法螺貝草(ほらがいそう)
"conch trumpet plant"
murasaki tsurifune 紫つりふね(むらさきつりふね)violet
ki tsurifune 黄つりふね(きつりふね)yellow
yubihamegusa ゆびはめぐさ Fingerhut plant
no hoosenka 野鳳仙花(のほうせんか)wild hoosenka
yama hoosenka 山鳳仙花(やまほうせんか)mountain hoosenka
kaware hoosenka 河原鳳仙花(かわらほうせんか)hoosenka near a brook
misohagi 千屈菜 (みそはぎ) Lythrum anceps
shooryoobana 聖霊花(しょうりょうばな)
mizohagi 溝萩(みぞはぎ)、misohagi 鼠尾萩(みそはぎ)、千屈萩(みそはぎ)
mizukakegusa 水懸草(みずかけぐさ)
mizuhagi 水萩(みずはぎ)、soohagi 草萩(そうはぎ)
. mizuhiki no hana 水引の花 (みずひきのはな) .
Antenoron flower
Antenoron filiforme, Polygonum filiforme
moyoobyu 模様莧 (もようびゆ / モヨウビユ)
Joseph's Coat Rose (rosa)
senkyuu no hana 川芎の花 (せんきゅうのはな) Cnidium officinale
..... senkyuu 芎藭(せんきゅう)
..... onnakazura, onna kazura おんなかずら
The roots and rhizome are used for Chinese medicine.
Also called "kyuukyuu" きゅうきゅう in some regions.
sennoo 仙翁花 せんのう Senno
sennooge 仙翁花(せんのうげ)
koobaigusa 紅梅草(こうばいぐさ)"red plum plant"
senshuura 剪秋羅(せんしゅうら)
senshuusa 剪秋紗(せんしゅうさ)
senkooka 剪紅花(せんこうか)
furannerusoo フランネル草(ふらんねるそう)"flannel plant"
Lychnis senno, of the carnation family
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
tsurigane ninjin 釣鐘人参 (つりがねにんじん)
Adenophora triphylla var. japonica
totoki ととき、shajin 沙参(しゃじん)
A perennial herb of the bellflower family.

tsuyukusa 露草 (つゆくさ)
common commelina, Asian dayflower
"dew plant"
Commelina communis
Commeline, Tagblume
. . . . . also called
aobana 青花(あおばな)"blue flower"
hotarugusa 螢草 "firefly plant"
oosenkisoo 鴨跖草(おうせきそう)
tsukikusa 月草(つきくさ)"moon plant"
utushibana うつし花(うつしばな)
booshibana 帽子花(ぼうしばな)"hat plant"
kamatsuka かまつか
. aobana and Yuzen 友禅 dyeing .
kigo for mid-autumn
sanshichi no hana 三七の花 (さんしちのはな) flower of Porophyllum
..... sanshichisoo 三七草(さんしちそう)
Porophyllum japonicum. of the chrysanthemum family.
It has been introduced from China and used as a medicine since the Edo period.
kigo for late autumn
waremokoo 吾亦紅 (われもこう) great burnet
..... waremokoo 吾木香(われもこう)/ 我毛香
Sanguisorba officinalis. Wiesenkopf
This is a very simple flower and many haiku express a kind of solitude and down-to-earth living.
- 俳句 - - 吾亦紅 - samples -
kigo for all autumn
. kusa no hana 草の花 (くさのはな) wildflowers, wild flowers
akikusa 秋草 (あきくさ) autumn plants
inokozuchi 牛膝 (いのこずち) "ox knees"
Achyranthes bidentata var. japonica. Inokozuchi
Its root is used as a Chinese medicine for snake bites.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
oshiroibana 白粉花 (おしろいばな) marvel-of-Peru
four o'clock flower. lit. "white face-powder flower"
Mirabilis jalapa. Wunderblume
..... oshiroi おしろい Oshiroi
..... yuugeshoo 夕化粧 (ゆうげしょう). lit. "evening make-up"
kingeshoo 金化粧(きんげしょう)"gold make-up"
gingeshoo 銀化粧(ぎんげしょう)"silver make-up"
nomatsuri 野茉莉(のまつり)wild marvel-of-Peru
murasaki matsuri 紫茉莉(むらさきまつり) purple marvel-of-Peru
oshiroi is also the name of a white make-up, often used by Geisha.
neri-oshiroi 練白粉 / 練りおしろい kneaded white powder

Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Related words
***** Autumn (aki) 秋
. AUTUMN - Category PLANTS
. . . . . AUTUMN
the complete SAIJIKI
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