Soap bubbles (shabondama)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: All Spring
***** Category: Humanity

Miyagawa Shuntei (1873-1914)
A word of caution:
baburu バブル bubble
Words like bubble, bubbles, bubbling
economic bubbles, housing bubbles and so on
bubbles of mineral water or champagne and Sekt
just like that, are not kigo, but topics for haiku.
Who would not fondly remember childhood with the shimmering bubbles.
soap bubbles, shabondama
... tamaya たまや
... suikengi すいけんぎ、 水圏戯

source: Cocolog
Liquid saturated with soap or dishwashing liquid is blown throuth a straw pipe, wand or other contraption to produce these fine bubbles.
Nowadays you can see them all year round, but as a kigo in Japan, they belong to spring, when you first see them again.
This is a kigo that should bring a smile to your face, remembering childhood.
TAMAYA are the old sellers of soap bubble contraptions for kids. They started walking around in spring, with the head covered by a special headgear and carrying a box with their goods.
Gabi Greve
Click HERE to look at them !
Worldwide use

in Danish
rainbows balls
a swarm of soap bubbles
followed by laughter
en sværm af sæbebobler
følges af latter
Johannes S. H. Bjerg
Things found on the way
waga fuite shabon no zendama akudama tobu
I blow soap bubbles
some good ones, some bad ones
flow along
. Takaha Shugyo 鷹羽狩行 .
zendama akudama is now used for cholesterol in the blood.
source : www.yoroiya.jp
“Sanja Matsuri”- a dance
This dance was dramatized about a hundred and thirty years ago in connection with the festival of Sanja (Three Shrine) at Asakusa in Edo. According to tradition, the two fishermen in this dance, Hamanari and Takenari, who pulled up a statue of Kannon (a goddess of mercy) while they were casting their nets in the Miyato River, now known as the Sumida River.
The two fishermen perform
the dance “Zendama” (good spirit)
the dance “Akudama” (evil spirit)
because in those days there was a popular and widely read novel called the “Good and Bad (evil) spirits”.
source : www.immortalgeisha.com
waga iki no kagayaki noboru shabondama
my breath
shimmering, ascending -
soap bubbles
mein Atem
schimmernd, aufschwebend -
Nakamura San
Haiku with Hundred
doing the dishes -
a tiny soap bubble rises
toward heaven
Geschirrspülen -
eine kleine Seifenblase schwebt
gen Himmel
Gabi Greve, August 2006
this soap bubble
I control the world
for just a second
Fay Aoyagi, Chrysanthemum Love
a soap bubble caught
in his hair
lazy afternoon
a cloud of soap bubbles
over the bluebells
autumn reflections
her face in the back
of a soap bubble
Copyright © 2000-2002 by Heather Madrone
Floating soap bubble
Rising without direction
Above giggling hands.
Gary Warner - Hoover, Alabama, 1994
this life . . .
a soap bubble beautiful
before it bursts
Kala Ramesh
First appeared in Bottle Rockets - Fall 06
smell of shampoo
departs together with
a soap bubble
- Shared by Gennady Nov
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
***** Child, Children (kodomo)
***** . go shinsui sekken 御神水せっけん soap from sacred water .
Kifune Shrine 貴船神社 Kyoto

Soap Bubbles,
Jean Siméon Chardin, probably 1733/1734
source : www.nga.gov
1 comment:
soap bubble ...
she loves me
she loves me not
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