Harvest Time
***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: various, see below
***** Category: Humanity
Harvest time is usually in autumn and as kigo, we have many specific words relating to the various crops.
There are also many Harvest Thanksgiving Festivals. In Japan, most of the Autumn Festivals are also a kind of Thanksgiving Ceremonies for the rice harvest.
At many large temples and shrines in Japan,
priests pray during the New Year celebrations that the four seasons will come in due time and order, without any harm to their sequence and
with the hope to give a good harvest and thus life to the people.
Let us look at some related kigo now.
Like all kigo,
they are embedded in the flow of things, the changes of the seasons ...
We remember a thing or event of the past,
honor it today with a poem and
hope for it to be "alive" in the future of mankind
... in the endless flow of time, the timeless flow of things ...
(whatever you tend to call it).
hoonen 豊年 (ほうねん) bountiful harvest
toyo no aki 豊の秋(とよのあき )bountiful autumn
deki aki 出来秋(できあき)fruits of autumn
豊作(ほうさく)abundant harvest, bumper crop
kigo for mid-autumn
kyosaku 凶作 (きょうさく) poor harvest, poor crop
. . . fusaku 不作(ふさく)
kanbatsuden 旱魃田(かんばつでん) dry fields
kigo for late autumn
Fruit Harvest (Romania)
Grapes and Grape Harvest, Vendanges Europa
Harvest Thanksgiving (Christian communities) Harvest Festival, Erntedankfest, shuukaku kanshasai 収穫感謝祭
Harvest Moon, North America
Worldwide use
kigo for autumn
Village maiden
the moon gets ready
harvest dance
Asahi Haikuist Network, October 31, 2008
Junge Dorffräulein.
Der Mond putzt sich heraus
für den Erntetanz.
Beate Conrad
Sankranti or Pongal - the harvest festival on January 14th
INDIA Saijiki : Winter
Official Harvest Festival, niiname no matsuri 新嘗祭
kigo for early winter
..... niiname sai, shinjoosai,
..... shinjoo-e 新嘗会
Great Harvest Ceremony, oonie matsuri 大嘗祭
..... daijoosai. Daijosai ritual
Celebration of the first-fruits festival.
Festival of the First Tasting of the New Rice.
This festival is preformed by the emperor if Japan every year, now on November 23, a National Holiday.
This day is also called "Labour Thanksgiving Day" kinroo kansha no hi 勤労感謝の日.
Daijoosai 大嘗祭 is the enthronement ceremony, followed by the first Thanksgiving Ceremony of the new emperor.

Click HERE to look at some photos !
A ceremony of state accompanying a new emperor's accession to the throne, the Daijō sai has been considered since ancient times one of the most important among the various rites associated with accession. Also called the Daijōe and the Senso daijō sai, the ceremony had its origin in the niinaesai harvest festivals that existed prior to the Taika reforms (i.e., prior to the mid-seventh century) and became systematically established during the process of state unification.
After the accession of a new emperor, new rice harvested from designated sacred rice fields (cultivated by local growers) lying to the "auspicious east" (yuki) and "auspicious west" (suki) of the capital (as identified through plastromantic divination) was carried to the capital on the festival day (under the old system, the second "day of the rabbit") of the eleventh lunar month. This rice was brought into the Daijō palace (a temporary structure specially built for and razed after the ceremony) where the emperor, who had undergone a period of self-purification through the practice of various abstinences (saikai), would personally make an offering (shinsen) of sacred rice to the kami and then partake of it himself. The rites would be followed by a large banquet.
Under the old system, the Daijō sai was designated the "preeminent festival" (taishi), and was accompanied by one month of purifying prohibitions. There are a number of theories as to which deity was the object of worship (saijin) in the ceremony. Many believe that originally the only deity originally worshipped was the emperor's ancestor, Amaterasu. However, it seems that later the entire pantheon of kami (tenjinchigi) were included in the worship.
The ritual content of the ceremony varies from one period to another. Although the Daijō sai died out during the warring states period, it was revived in the Edo period. Its modern form was fixed by the 1909 Tōkyoku Prescriptions. The first Daijō sai under the current constitution, performed by the Heisei Emperor in 1990, took those prescriptions as its basic referent.
source : Takamori Akinori, Kokugakuin
. WKD : saiden 斎田 ritual Shrine paddy .
shinden 神田 "divine rice field"
te o dasu to yu ga deshi kinroo kansha no hi
when I stretch out my hand
there is hot water from the faucet -
Labor Thanksgiving Day
Tooge Matoko 峠素子
Nairobi International Trade Fair
The Nairobi churches hold their annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services on the Sunday before.
Honey Harvest, honey spas
Saijiki for Europa
North America
Corn shucking, corn husking USA
at the harvest festival
Things found on the way
harvest time -
the meager meal of
a diabetic
Gabi Greve, September 2006
smiling kids
with wooden food bowls -
harvest thanksgiving !
Gabi Greve, November 2005
Look at some photos from our local school festival
harvest time -
he bends his head
in prayer
Gabi Greve, September 2009
Rice Harvest : Three one-line haiku
Quoted from the World Haiku Review
drinking in the valley air rice fields ready for harvest
maturing rice fields red tiger lilies crouch on the bank
smack dab in the field an extended family of scarecrows
carmen sterba, yokohama, jp
Ernte, Erntedank, Erntedankfest
Reich ist die Ernte.
Getreidestaub füllt die Luft.
Der Duft macht hungrig.
copyright by Gerdanken
Die Sommerhitze
Verbrennt das Korn - des Bauern
Ernte fast dahin.
Related words
***** . Autumn Festival (aki matsuri) Japan
***** Worldkigo Database: Pounding rice (mochi tsuki)
***** Thanksgiving Day, USA
Check the WKD LIST of
harvest time-
an apple in hand
she talks about sin
Ana Cadarin
apple harvest . . .
the tips of the branches
let go of the light
Francine Banwarth
Quoted from
The Shiki Monthly Kukai, September 2006
harvest time
a child gets lost
in the cornfield
harvest time
cows shuffle back
before nightfall
harvest time
his fifth trip to
the moneylender
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