Fly, flies (hae)
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: All Summer and see below
***** Category: Animal

kigo for all summer
house flies, iebae 家蝿、家蠅、いえばえ、ハエ
may-fly, sabae 五月蝿 さばえ
meat-fly, nikubae 肉蠅
black fly, kurobae 黒蠅 くろばえ
golden fly, kinbae 金蠅
silver fly, ginbae 銀蠅
horse fly, umabae 馬蠅
cow fly, ushibae 牛蠅
paper to catch flies .. haetorigami > Fly-swatter
kigo for all spring
haru no hae 春の蠅 (はるのはえ) fly in spring
Fliege im Fruehling
kigo for late spring
hae umaru 蠅生る はえうまる flies are born
..... hae no ko 蠅の子(はえのこ) "fly children"
fly babies, young flies
kigo for all autumn
aki no hae 秋の蠅 (あきのはえ) flies in autumn
nokoru hae 残る蠅(のこるはえ)remaining flies
okure hae 後れ蠅(おくれはえ) late flies
kigo for all winter
fly in winter 冬の蠅 (ふゆのはえ) fuyu no hae
kanbae 寒蠅(かんばえ)fly in the cold
itebae 凍蠅(いてばえ) freezing fly
True flies are insects of the order Diptera
(from the Greek di = two, and ptera = wings). They possess a pair of wings on the mesothorax and a pair of halteres, derived from the hind wings, on the metathorax. Apart from secondarily flightless insects (including some flies), the only other order of insects with any form of halteres are the Strepsiptera, and theirs are on the mesothorax, with the flight wings on the metathorax.

source : Wikipedia
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
rusu ni suru zo koi shite asobe io no hae
while I'm away
enjoy the lovemaking
hut's flies
Translated by David Lanoue
Issa was off to a trip.
Did Issa suspect of Kiku's adultery during his long absence?
Larry comments on this:
Well, Issa seems to have loved Kiku, or at least was very fond of her. And since it's hard to keep secrets in small towns, I imagine the same would hold true in Kashiwabara.
According to Lewis Mackenzie, in the introduction to his book of Issa translations, "The Autumn Wind:"
"Early in 1814 he married Kiku, a farmer's daughter from the neighboring hamlet of Akagawa, whose family were distantly related to his mother's. Kiku was a rosy, good-humoured lass of twenty-eight whose like is to be seen about the countryside to this day [mid-1950's], dressed in the baggy blue and white trousers tight at the ankles (monpe), light-colored kerchief and scarlet braids that still form their daily costume.
. . .
"Whatever were Kiku's feelings about her elderly husband, it is clear from the number and nature of references to her in both journals and poems that she inspired him with deep affection. This is often expressed humorously, but as well as her own wholesome rustic charm she had the merit for him of being the first woman, since his mother, to give him the daily sympathy and steady companionship that can crown relations between the sexes after ardour has had its day.
. . .
"Some of the letters survive which Issa wrote to Kiku during his absences from home. They salute her with respect and speak of his solicitude for her health and regret for the tedium to which he had left her."
Mackenzie goes on to mention that Issa's diary entry for the day he married Kiku is disappointing to biographers and students:
"For instance, his marriage in April, 1814 is chronicled thus:
11th April--Fair--wife came, Tokuzaemon ['go-between' for the wedding] stayed"
However, Mackenzie goes on to say:
"On the other hand, a great number of verses at this time are playful conceits about the name Kiku, and even the diary records his joy and anxiety when she told him that she was with child.
[O Kiku no sandara-boshi ya kesa no yuki]
The Chrysanthemum
In her round straw hat--
This morning's snow."
. . .
"Kiku fell ill after the birth of another son. She had a long period of illness made more painful by arthritis and died in the spring of 1823. Issa had hurried to her bedside when her illness began and tended her with all his deeply bought experience of sickness. Perhaps it was because his love and sorrow were so deep that he wrote little about her death but mourned her even with a gentle smile.
[Kogoto iu aite mo araba kyo no tsuki]
The moon tonight!
If only she were here
To hear my grumbles."
Recent surveys have claimed that as many as 40% of married women admit to having had at least one affair. So it's your call. I think it would be amusing though to see a shunga haiga dealing with flies, perhaps with a lonely wife in the background watching them and yearning for her absent husband.
Larry Bole
Translating Haiku Forum
........................ Other versions
Now we are leaving,
the houseflies can make love
to their heart's content.
Sam Hamill
I'm going out now,
So enjoy yourselves making love,
Flies of my hut!
Blyth ("A History of Haiku," Vol. One, third printing 1968, p.382)
MORE : Translating Haiku Forum
I'm going out,
flies, so relax,
make love.
Tr. Hass

やれ打つな はえが手をする 足をする
yare utsu na hae ga te o suri ashi o suru
don't swat the fly!
wringing hands
wringing feet
Tr. Lanoue
. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .
Related words

***** Fly-swatter
***** Gadfly (abu)
***** Mosquitoes (ka)
katame nite/mi-sadamen to su/haru no hae
spring fly...
I make sure I'm seeing it
with one eye
Masaoka Shiki
Quoted from:
Sojo Hino (1901-1956)
Translated and commented by Susumu Takiguchi
swatting a fly
and a blooming
hae uchi ni hana saku kusa mo utare keri
by Issa, 1816
Tr. David Lanoue
Kobayashi Issa
soojoo no atama no ue ya hae tsurumu
on top of
the bishop's head
flies mating
Tr. Chris Drake
about priests . . .
高澤良一 Takazawa Ryoichi
arayotto hae no Isshin Tasuke kana
splish splash
Isshin Taske is squatting
a fly . . .
all about Isshin Tasuke, the fish monger of Edo
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