
memory loss
at the kitchen table -
who are you ?
Dandelion (tanpopo)
***** Location: Japan, other regions
***** Season: All Spring
***** Category: Plant
tanpopo 蒲公英 (たんぽぽ) dandelion
..... fujina ふじな、tana たな
shirobana tanpopo 白花たんぽぽ(しろばなたんぽぽ)
dandelion with white flowers
tanpopo no wata 蒲公英の絮(たんぽぽのわた)
dandelion fluffs
tsuzumigusa 鼓草(つづみぐさ)"tsuzumi drum flower"
seiyoo tanpopo 西洋たんぽぽ(せいようたんぽぽ)
Western dandelion
shokuyoo tanpopo 食用たんぽぽ(しょくようたんぽぽ)
edible tanpopo dandelion
. Ezo tanpopo 蝦夷たんぽぽ Ezo Dandelion
Taraxacum hondoense
Each dandelion stem has a yellow flower head containing numerous radiating petals and each petal is a separate flower. In the sun, flower heads open wide and when cloudy or dark they close tightly. Europeans brought dandelion seeds to America in the 1700s. One of the most common weeds, it may be found almost everywhere in the United States and will grow almost anywhere. Dandelions bloom from late March through early January. The dandelion's long taproot contracts each year, pulling the leaves down to the soil (away from your lawn mower). Dandelion flowers don't need pollination; they grow directly from female ovules - making every dandelion a clone of its mother!
Dandelions, also known as "lion's teeth", are good for you - they're the richest known source of beta-carotene, also high in vitamin C! Young leaves are used in salads, boiled, or scrambled with eggs, as well as for coffee and wine. Parts of the dandelion can be used in an array of treatments for illnesses; in fact, pharmacists import over 100,000 pounds of dandelion root to the U.S. each year for use in tonics and liver medications! Dandelions also yield dyes for clothing, and most importantly supply endless amounts of entertainment and fascination as they turn into little white puffs to make a wish on.
Carol Raisfeld
Worldwide use
Things found on the way

sweet called tsuzumigusa つづみぐさ
served for the tea ceremony in spring
. WAGASHI - Japanese Sweets Saijiki
niwa ni saku tampopo ni shi no omoi ari
in my garden
the flowering dandelions
have a feeling for poetry . . .
Tr. Gabi Greve
. Masaoka Shiki .
子規俳句 春 植物 蒲公英 たんぽぽ
source : www.webmtabi.jp
tanpopo no POPO no atari ga kaji desu yo
the POPO part
of a tanPOPO
is on fire !
. Tsubouchi Nenten 坪内稔典
This is a play with the sound of the word TAN POPO.
I guess Nenten sensei is aware of the meaning of POPO in German.

backyard picnic
a birthday toast with
dandelion wine
... ... ...
surprise sneeze
the dandelion blows away
without a wish

Two Photos and Haiku © by Carol Raisfeld
lone dandelion stalk
all of its seeds blown away
unsure what it is
Gabriel Rosenstock (Ireland)
Dandelion... weed?
for me a feathery
star all of gold...
Pissenlit... herbe folle?
J'y vois une étoile plumée
et tout dorée...
© by Richard Vallance 2005
dandelions -
even my weeds
turn mandala

© Gabi Greve, Spring 2005

snow fluffs
on dandelion fluffs -
winter begins
Gabi Greve, December 2011
Dandelion in Frost, 2006
Dandelions crown
grey to dandelion puffs -
Grandchildren dare flight
© Michael R. Collings, June 2007
eat the whole
together we sip
the bubbles
- the whole dandelion is edible, the flower head makes a bubbly wine, the leaves a peppery salad, and the roots a chickory drink similar to coffee Enjoy Earth Day!
- Shared by Dennis Chibi, April 22 -
Joys of Japan, 2012
Related words
. . . . SPRING
the complete SAIJIKI
Autumn Fluffy Flowers
summer is over -
memories of the fireworks
still linger
Look at the Haiga here:
November 2006, Gabi Greve
memory loss
at the kitchen table -
who are you ?
Look at the Haiga here:
Memory Loss Dandelion 2006, Gabi Greve
deep breath
for a moment of grace:
misty dawn -
dandelions lighten
the path
Thank you,
Please Save Our Dying Children
Simple Wish
Löwenzahnblüte -
beim fahrenden Volk flattert
die Wäsche im Wind
© Ingrid Kunschke
dandelions ...
the meadow covered
with wishes
a cow observes me
as I think of nothing
... dandelion breeze
:>) Ella Wagemakers
[dreaming of spring]
lazy afternoon-
I drift along with the breeze
and dandelion seeds
Alan Summers, UK
1. Haiku Friends 2 ed. Masaharu Hirata, Osaka, Japan 2007
2. Aesthetics, Bath Spa University literary journal, Summer 2007
3. Creative Writing Bath page: http://www.writingeventsbath.co.uk/11/Inspired-Writing.html
4. kuni-san see haiku here June 1st 2010 http://seehaikuhere.blogspot.com/2010/06/haiga-341.html see haiku here
"see haiku here" is where you can view my Haiga (haiku+artwork)
Kobayashi Issa
tanpopo mo atama soritaru sekku kana
the dandelions too
have shaved heads...
festival day
(Tr. David Lanoue)
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