Corpus Christi Procession
***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Summer, The Thursday after Trinity Sunday
Beginning of the Rainy Season in Trinidad and Tobago
***** Category: Observance
Corpus Christi
(translated from the Latin means Body of Christ)
Procession in Memory of Jesus Christ
'Now in order that we might always keep the memory of this great act of love, he left his body as food and his blood as drink, to be received by the faithful under the appearances of bread and wine.'
St Thomas Aquinas Opusc 57,1
Corpus Christi Processions are held in all Catholic Communities around the world.
In Germany they are called “Fronleichnam Prozession”.
It is a public holiday in Trinidad and Tobago and on this day the more religious minded may take part in street processions praying and singing. Most others will plant (home gardening). The more common crops are pigeon peas and corn (maize).
Gillena Cox
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
From a Polish Homepage:
The most important ritual of Corpus Christi is that of the Procession.
For this event, the entire village, parish or town assembles in finest dress. The Procession is comprised of clergy, special guilds or groups, and families. Often children in First Communion dress precede the Blessed Sacrament dropping rose or other flower petals to create a carpet for the approaching Eucharist. Altar boys, clergy, prominent citizens with guild and society banners of silk, and others process. The Holy Eucharist is itself transported in a processional Monstrance, carried by the priest or bishop. The Monstrance is further protected by an embroidered silk canopy held by four posts, borne by parishioners or altar servers.
Publicly proclaiming and reaffirming their devotion to the Holy Eucharist, the entire congregation walks around the church and its grounds to the sound of bells and voices singing sacred hymns. The procession then walks and sings its way to the first of the altars. There the Blessed Sacrament rests while the assembled faithful kneel to pray and sing in adoration of the Holy Eucharist. The procession then continues on in the same manner to the other altars until finished.
Worldwide use
Fronleichnam "Hochfest des Leibes und Blutes Christi" .
It is celebrated on the second thursday after Pentecoste, and if this is not an official holiday, the celebrations may occur on the following sunday.

Flower Carpets for Fronleichnam

Eins ums andere
hebt das Blümchenstreukind auf
beim Fronleichnamszug
source : © Beate M. Conrad
21. 06. 2009
Things found on the way
Margret Buerschaper
a German haijin, places the Fronleichnam procession as a kigo for spring.
I would suggest to keep it as a kigo for mid-summer in Germany too, since June is a month in summer.
Gabi Greve
corpus Christi
planting the seed of love
once again
gillena 2003
corpus Christi
the opposition walks
out of Parliament
gillena cox 2004
> Corpus Christi -
> over the highway
> with hymns
Fronleichnam -
über die Schnellstraße
mit Kirchenliedern
Angelika Wienert
Related words
***** . Christian Celebrations in Japanese Kigo .