
Home town (furusato)

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Home village, home town, home land
(furusato ふるさと 故郷、古里)


***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Non-seasonal Topic
***** Category: Humanity


The mention of the word FURUSATO in Japan will bring a lot of emotions to the heart, it is very very dear to the Japanese!
The German HEIMAT seems a bit similar in emotional potential.

Let us look at some expressions with this word, as they are are used in Japanese haiku.

There are many clichees with the Japanese "hometown" feeling, for example the red dragonfly, the graves of the ancestors, the Autumn festival at the local shrine and the food flavor of home (furusato no aji), expecially the miso soup made by mother (o-fukuro no aji).

CLICK for more PHOTOS !CLICK for more photos !


Heimatland, homeland,
another possibility to translate FURUSATO, has various other nuances in other languages.
What Does "Homeland" Mean to You?


hometown, home village, my native place, furusato
..... ふるさと 故郷、古里 故里 郷土 郷里
"my old village", "my home village", "my native village"

place where I was born, umare kokyoo 生まれ故郷
home country, kyookoku 郷国、郷関

mura 村 village

The place where one was born is usually called "my home town", furusato. The place where one has lived a long time during his life is the "second home" (dai-ni no furusato). In my case, the mountains of Ohaga in Okayama are my second home.

Some people have to live away from their native place and can not return for various reasons, but they will always remember it.

Even if we travel back to the hometown, we might find our old parent's house gone.

The Japanese word KOKYOO sounds rather stiff, whereas FURUSATO is pleasing to the ear. Therefore FURUSATO is used mostly in haiku. Ever since Matsuo Basho used it in his famous haiku, it has been used again and again. Some haiku may sound sentimental just because the use of this word. Yet, since we all can resonate with the feeling of belonging there, most haiku are well liked.


home of my family, kakyoo 家郷
home of my mother, bokyoo 母郷
my homeland, the country where I come from, kunimoto 国許

The place where I was born and raised. My mother's house is most often used in haiku. But this word is not shown in many big dictionaries. It has been derived for poetry from Japanese words like "my motherland" bokoku, "my mothertongue" bokoku.
I remember, in German, we rather say "My father's house, Vaterhaus", "Father's country, Vaterland".



my home mountains, kozan 故山
.............     yamazato 山里

Japan is a very mountainous country, so many villages are sourrounded by high and low mountains. It sounds a bit like a word of old Chinese poetry.

My home here in Okayama has a sort of kozan feeling to it. Most villagers are just like a large family, with all its twists of community life.

Whereas yamazato refers to the village itself, the reverse, satoyama 里山, refers to the mountains around a village, especially the part that is used by all for common purposes and in, or rather was, an important part of the rural ecology.

The Traditional Rural Landscape of Japan
. Satoyama 里山 さとやま


land where I was born, shoogoku shookoku 生国 
place of birth, shusshin chi 出身地
the honorable land of your birth, o-kuni お国

One of these questinos you hear as a foreigner: o-kuni wa dochire desu ka? Where have you been born? Even amongst Japanese, it matters whether you are born in Hokkaido or Okinawa or on the Mainland.

The Japanese reading of SHOKOKU is rather oldfashioned and not mentioned in many dictionaries. SHOOGOKU sounds more pleasant in haiku.


longing for the homeland, bookyoo 望郷
。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。 kaikyoo 懐郷
thinking of the homeland, shikyoo 思郷

These words have already been used in Chinese poetry of old, during the period of the six dynasties 220 AD - 589 AD.
Some of the Japanese Envoys to China (kentooshi) , especially Abe no Nakamaro, have used these expressions to make poems about their longing for Japan.


. furusato haiga ふるさと俳画
haiga from the homeland / heartland .


................................... kigo for summer:

to return home, kisei 帰省
..... ................... kikyoo 帰郷
person returning home, kiseishi 帰省子
to return to Kyoto, kikyoo 帰京
returning home, kichoo 帰朝
........................ sato-gaeri 里帰り

The season for returning to one's hometown and family is during the O-Bon Festival in August and the New Year . Students and workers return home to pray at the family graves.
But even this custom, which leads to a country-wide traffic congestion, the kisei rasshu 帰省ラッシュ, is getting less every year. People rather take a normal holiday during this time and visit leisure lands or go abroad. Since the rush is greatest during the summer holiday time, it is a kigo for summer.

Sato-gaeri, to return home to mother, was also a custom for pregnant women just before giving birth.


one's house of birth, home of birth
.................... seika 生家
..................... jikka 実家

Jikka is used more casually, but seika means business, family business and a lot of traditions related to one's position in the family and the local neighbourhood. It does not only mean the building of the home itself.

kyaku to shite seika ni arinu kiku-makura

only a guest
in the house I was born -
chrysanthemum pillow

Ichiba Motomi 市場基巳


home country, kyookoku 郷国
mother country, bokoku 母国
ancestor's country, sokoku 祖国

This is expecially important for Japanese, who have emigrated to a foreign country for some reason, to a place with strange food and a strange language. They feel very emotional using these words.


foreign land, takyoo 他郷
.....。。。。。 takoku 他国
strange land, ikoku 異国
................. ikyoo 異郷
..... ......... ikyoo 異境

takyoo, takoku or ikyoo can be used for an area or country in Japan or ourside of Japan. ikoku is always a land that is NOT one's motherland. This is also called "foreign land", gaikoku、外国. A person like myself, German living in Japan, is always a foreigner, gaikoku-jin 外国人、called gaijin 外人 for short.


place where I was born, ubusuna 産土
.......................... seichi 生地
......................... jimoto 地元

The place where a baby is born and gets its first clothes (ubugi). There the local gods live (ubusunagami 産土神), who protect the baby. In haiku, it can therefore carry a lot of meaning.

. ubugami 産神 "deity of birth" .
Visit to a temple of the God of one's birthplace (ubusunagami - 産土神)
. ubusuna mairi 産土神参 .
kigo for the New Year

Locally grown vegetables and other food are also jimoto vegetables.


dialect, local speach, namari なまり、訛
dialect of the country, kuninamari 国訛
language of the region, hoogen 方言
language of the land, okuni kotoba お国言葉

Although Japanese are proud of their unity, there are a lot of local differences. A person from the North will hardly understand someone from the southern island of Kyushu. You learn the local language from your parents, siblings and people around you. Just by the way people talk you can get a hint of where they were born.

During the Edo period, when travelling for leisure purposes was not very frequent, peopel from outside were soon recognized by the way they talked. One of the trainings for a good spy (ninja) was the ability to imitate many dialects from Japan, so they would not be found out when talking in the market place of a village.


................................... kigo for late autumn:

. mura kabuki 村歌舞伎(むらかぶき)village kabuki
... jikyooten, ji kyoogen 地狂言(じきょうげん) village kyogen
... ji shibai, jishibai 地芝居 (じしばい) local performance
... mura shibai 村芝居(むらしばい)performance in the village


This concludes the tour of words around the home towns and home villages in Japan.
The difference between the concept of Motherland and Fatherland is striking.

What is the usage in your country?

Worldwide use


Heimat. Heimatland (home land), Vaterland (fatherland)

Things found on the way

The famous Japanese song "My Homeland"
Orinally composed by Teiichi Okano (1878-1941)

Usagi oishi kano yama
Kobuna tsurishi ka no kawa
Yume wa ima mo megurite
Wasuregataki furusato

Ika ni imasu? chichi haha
tsutsuganashi ya? tomogaki
Ame ni kaze ni tsuketemo
Omoi izuru furusato

Kokorozashi wo hatashite
Itsu no hi ni ka kaeran
Yama wa aoki furusato
Mizu wa kiyoki furusato



Yamazato wa. Fuyu zo sabishisa masarikeru.
Hitome mo kusa mo. Karenu to omoeba.

Winter loneliness
In a mountain village grows
Only deeper, when
Guests are gone, and leaves and grass
Are withered: troubling thoughts.

28 - Minamoto no Muneyuki 源宗于朝臣

. Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Poems 小倉百人一首 .


Matsuo Basho
ふるさとや ほぞのおになく としのくれ
furusato ya hozo no o ni naku toshi no kure

town where I was born -
as I weep over my umbilical cord
the year comes to a close

Tr. Ueda

Written in 1687 貞享4年, Oi no Kobumi

This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 1.
Japanese mothers keep the umbilical cord as a memento of the birth of their babies.
heso no o, hozo no o 臍の緒 umbilical cord
When Basho has the chance to hold it in his hands again in Iga Ueno, he is overwhelmed with the memories of his late mother and father.

Photo: ©(牛久市森田武さん撮影)

Haiku Stone Monument in Iga Ueno

my home town -
I weep over my navel string
at the end of the year

Tr. Gabi Greve

umbilical cord box へその緒寿箱
The box is called Kotobuki-bako 寿箱 "Long Life Box", and sold at many shrines in Japan. There are many variations, with a small baby doll clad in kimono above the navel string.

. heso no o へその緒と伝説 the umbilical cord .

sato furite kaki no ki motanu ie mo nashi

- furusato ふるさと 故郷、古里 home village, home town, Heimat -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .

sato no hi no furumekashitaru tsukiyo kana

in a village
with old lamps

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the intercalary 8th month (Sept.) of 1805.
Issa was then living mostly in Edo, which had many forms of illumination at all hours of the night. A visit to a small village that uses mostly weak, old-style lamps and torches seems to have reacquainted Issa with the primordial power of autumn moonlight.

Chris Drake

kobisashi ni maki narabe oku yukige kana

inside the house
on rows of firewood
melting snow

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the second month (March) of 1818, when Issa was visiting students in the area around his hometown. The cutting word is at the end, and the first two lines modify the third, so the snow melt is the main focus. The hokku seems to be both about the hard work that has to be done in early spring and about the disappearing border between inside and outside. Snow is rapidly turning into wet, glistening traces of snow on the bark of the logs of firewood that have been brought indoors and placed in the area just inside the walls of the house to dry. Spring and the environment have both been brought inside the house, but the wet snow is disappearing, and although the border between inside and outside remains, it is weaker than before, as if it, too, were melting.
Moreover, the reason the firewood was brought inside seems to be because the snow outside has also begun to melt and soak into the wood, so logs both outside and inside are glistening or at least wet with snowmelt, and the inside of the house becomes a kind of modified outside. Spring literally seems to permeate or soak into the inside of the house and the people living in it -- people who have until recently been cooped up inside during a long, snowy winter.

In modern Japanese hisashi means eaves or a canopy, but in Issa's time it meant the narrow space between the main pillars supporting the roof and the outer walls. On the sides of ordinary houses, the pillars were commonly flush with the outer walls, but the front and back of the house often extended outward beyond the pillars, creating a bit of extra space just inside the front and back doors and porches. Issa says it is a "small hisashi," so it's probably only a few feet wide.
In Buddhist temples, Shinto shrines, and large houses, this space was wider and usually ran around the inside of all four walls, but farmhouses were more cramped.

Chris Drake

- quote
hisashi 廂 - Also written 庇.
The area surrounding the moya 母屋 or core of a temple building.
A narrow aisle-like area, usually only one bay wide. It can extend entirely around the moya or on one, two or three sides. The floor of the moya and the hisashi is the same level throughout. Hisashi may also refer to an unenclosed veranda or corridor protected by either additional eaves underneath those of the main roof or by the extension of the eaves of the main roof over the open hisashi. Although the architecture of Shinto shrines was affected to some extent by the importation of Buddhism, the interior floor plan remained relatively simple, with the exception of that of Kibitsu Jinja Honden 吉備津神社本殿 and Haiden 拝殿, in Okayama prefecture (1390-1425).
Both the worship hall and the inner sanctuaries are surrounded by narrow corridors like enclosed hisashi. The rooms of palaces and mansions of the mid-Heian period were surrounded by corridors. Example: the residence of Fujiwara Teika 藤原定家 (13c) in Kyoto. The plans include core areas surrounded by corridors which resemble the moya and hisashi of temple buildings.
- source : JAANUS


furusato ya yoru mo sawaru mo bara no hana

My native village
on approach and to the touch
a bramble rose.


xxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

give me a homeland,
and a passionate woman,
and a winter alone



kunigara ya ta ni mo saki suru soba no hana

such is my homeland!
blooming in rice fields

Issa, tr. David Lanoue


露の玉 ひとつひとつに 故郷あり
tsuyu no tama hitotsu hitotsu ni kokyoo ari

dewdrops ...
in this one, in this one too
my dear homeland

Tautropfen -
in diesem, in diesem auch
meine Heimat

Tr. Gabi Greve

in beads of dew
one by one my home

Tr. David Lanoue
More of Issa's FURUSATO haiku !

waga mura ya haru furu yuki mo ni san shaku

my home village -
even the spring snow falls
two or three shaku

Tr. Gabi Greve

one shaku is about 30 cm or 1 foot.

hitotsu hitotsu ni
. Numbers used in Haiku .

yuu shigure uma mo furusato e muite naku

rainy winter night--
the horse neighs too
toward his home village



Masaoka Shiki and his hometown, Matsuyama

furusato ya dochira o mite mo yama warau

my hometown -
wherever I look
mountains are smiling

. mountains smiling, yama warau 山笑う .

furusato wa itoko no ooshi momo no hana

in my hometown
there are so many cousins -
peach blossoms

furusato ya oya sukoyaka ni sushi no aji

my dear hometown -
my mother is well and
the taste of sushi

. Shiki and the sushi of his hometown .

furusato ya matsuri mo sugite kaki no aji

my hometown -
after the festival
the taste of persimmons

Matsuyama no shiro o miorosu samusa kana

this coldness
looking down from the castle
of Matsuyama

. Matsuyama 松山 and Masaoka Shiki .

Reference : www.cc.matsuyama-u.ac.jp


kaisan no aida ni furusato ya yomogi-mochi

between sea and mountains
there is my homeland !
rural ricecakes

Matsumoto Yachiyo

yomogi-mochi are special rice cakes made from mugwort and provoke a feeling of homeland and mother's cooking.


aka tonbo kaeru furusato to ari ni keri

red dragonfly -
at least I have a home town
to come back to

Satoo Fumiko


kiriboshi ya kakyoo sutetaru ni wa arazu

dried long radish -
I just could not leave behind
my family home

Kojima Ken


daikon hosu tsuma koozen to kuni namari

drying large radishes -
my wife proudly talks
in local dialect

Furutachi Soojin


See original LINK .. syoyo.jugem.jp

mijika yo ya murasame wataru itabisashi

this short night -
a shower passes over the planks
of the eaves

Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村

. murasame 村雨 (むらさめ) "rain on the village"
a passing shower, a kind of "evening shower" (yuudachi 夕立) after a hot summer day.
This is a welcome shower that brings a special sound to a village with thatched-roofed homes.
The eaves were covered with wooden planks, sometimes fortified with stones as in the photo above, to prevent them flying off in a typhoon. Below the eaves was the place to enjoy in summer, meet the neighbours, chat and have a drink.

. mura shigure, murashigure 村時雨 "village shower"
passing winter shower
kigo for early winter


iro fukaki furusatobito no higasa kana

the strong colors
of summer umbrellas from folks
in my hometown

Nakamura Teijo 中村汀女 (1900 - 1988)


yamazato ni kodomo no egao aki matsuri

.. .. .. in the mountain village
.. .. .. all children laughing -
.. .. .. autumn festival

Photo and Haiku by Gabi Greve, Autumn Festival


home at last
our valley yet more lovely
through tears

ancient forest
every green leaf
born this year

the stream
of my childhood
new water

old farmer's
hard hands are gentle
planting seedlings

© Sequence by Denis Garrison, USA, July 2006



oak trees
my twenty-two years
as an immigrant

Ella Wagemakers, Philippines - Holland

o o o o o

snow deepening...
I've forgotten my Chinese

Chen-ou Liu, Taiwan - Canada

o o o o o

Christmas eve -
I dream about Germany
in Japanese

Gabi Greve, Germany - Japan

o o o o o

"Are there oaks in Yemen?"...
roots fed by tears
in Germany

Heike Gewi, Germany - Yemen
Kigo Hotline, December 2010

Related words

***** My country, my province (waga kuni)




Hiroshima Nagasaki Day


Hiroshima Memorial Day (Hiroshima-ki)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Summer, August 6
***** Category: Observance


On August 6, 1945, the United States used its massive, secret weapon against Hiroshima, Japan. This atomic bomb, the equivalent of 20,000 tons of TNT, flattened the city, killing tens of thousands of civilians. While Japan was still trying to comprehend this devastation three days later, the United States struck again, this time, on Nagasaki on August 9.

At 2:45 a.m. on Monday, August 6, 1945, a B-29 bomber, the Enola Gay, took off from Tinian, a North Pacific island in the Marianas, 1,500 miles south of Japan.

Text with pictures is here:


Hiroshima Day has different readings in Japanese

genbaku no hi, Hiroshima-ki, genbaku-ki

heiwa sai 平和祭(へいわさい) peace festival

KI means Memorial Day. GENBAKU means atom bomb.



Yasuhiko Shigemoto

The number of survivors of the atomic bomb at Hiroshima is dwindling.
What have we all learned from this experience?
Yasuhiko Shigemoto was born in Hiroshima in 1930. He was fifteen when he suffered from A-bomb attack on the City in 1945. Having survived it, he later taught English at a senior high school in Osaka, which became his long career of forty-five years.

Meanwhile, he has been engaged in the struggle for peace both at home and abroad. His anthology, My Haiku of Hiroshima, was published in 1995. He has been giving public lectures and speeches on the theme of peace, including the speech he delivered at London University on Hiroshima Haiku also in 1995. He is one of the judges of the annual A-Bomb Memorial Day Haiku Contest* in English. The meeting of this contest is held every year at the Peace Museum of Ritsumeikan University in Kyoto.

The A-bomb at Hiroshima is not a past event for Shigemoto but very much of the present and will continue to be so unless and until all the nuclear weapons are eradicated from the face of the earth. His haiku poems are a testimony to it.

Yasuhiko Shigemoto, Osaka, Japan


The speech of the mayor of Hiroshima on August 6, 2004


Ground Zero 1945:
Pictures by Atomic Bomb Survivors
source : artslab13/horrorshima

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


Hiroshima o shirazaru ko-ra yo ryuutoo-e

Children --
floating lit paper lanterns
not knowing Hiroshima

Yasuhiko Shigemoto (Japan - Hiroshima)

More Haiku on this page:

“this is our cry
this is our prayer
Peace in the world”

Sadako Sasaki, Hiroshima 1945
World Children Haiku



coming again and flying
not forgetting Hiroshima

nowhere are they to be found
in the A-bomb park

A column of ants
reminding me of the scene
after the A-bomb dropping

The sunset glow―
as if still burning

The thunderhead
looking like
an atomic cloud !

All alone
in silence at the dome,
Hiroshima Day

A-bomb blast center
no human shadows at all
the winter full moon

In the window
of the A-bomb Dome
full moon

Hiroshima Day―
I believe there must be bones
under the paved street

O cherry views !
never forget where you are
A-bomb blast center


Hiroshima Day ~
in my heart, I release
a thousand cranes

Karma Tenzing Wangchuk
Bodhisattva Institute
Tucson, Arizona USA

How to Fold an Origami Crane:
Folding a paper crane is like making peace -- some of the steps are awkward. At first it may seem impossible. There is definitely more than one route.Patience and consultation are helpful. And the result, big or small, is a thing of beauty.
Send your crane to Hiroshima !

CLICK for more photos

Gary Gach

CLICK for more photos from Hiroshima cranes

senbazuru 千羽鶴 1000 folded cranes
in memory of the Hiroshima bomb


Hiroshima Gedenktag
Der Klang der Glocke
ueber der Stadt

Hiroshima Day -
the sound of the bell
over the town

Udo Wenzel


feeding chickens
59 years later

Clifford “Kawazu”

(quoted with permission from WHCworkshop)

This Hiroshima ku is even more thought-provoking if you know that in Japan lately we get frequent warnings and threats about Chicken being raised in Thailand and other Asian countries, sold as food in Japan, but whith the strong doubt of having the bird flu to spread around with them!

Gabi Greve, 2004.


CLICK for more photos
Bell of Peace at Hiroshima

kane ga naru wa
naru wa naru wa

Hiroshima Memorial Day -
the bell tolls and tolls
and tolls

Hiroshima Gedenktag -
die Glocke laeutet und laeutet
und laeutet

Gabi Greve, 2004


Hiroshima Fragments

mushroom clouds -
little sister tries to carry
limp young brother

river bank -
where bodies landed
eerie silence

streetcars melted -
journey back to
primal man

young students -
their skeletal remains,
final lesson

summer rain,
a stray dog searching
for his master

radiant sky,
where was the Buddha
when it happened?

over 1000 cranes
enfold the memory of
Sadako's short life*

her golden crane*
polished by children
each year

leaving Hiroshima -
Iost my way, endlessly
ask for direction

finding refuge -
lotus blossoms arising
out of mud

* Sadako Sasaki
was only two years old and lived near Misasa Bridge in Hiroshima lived near Misasa Bridge in Hiroshima when the atomic bomb was dropped. At the age of eleven she became very ill and thereafter died from radiation illness (leukemia). While in the hospital, she folded 1300 origami cranes, hoping that the gods would grant not only her wish to get well but to end all such suffering, to bring peace and healing to all victims of war. -- In 1958, a statue of Sadako holding a golden crane was unveiled in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial.

Joachim Seckel, August 2006

See also the LINK given above about Sadako.


August Six -
can we ever stop
the forces of war ?

Gabi Greve
Introducing Okamoto Taro and his "Myth of Tomorrow"

Related words

***** Nagasaki-ki, Nagasaki no hi,
Nagasaki Memorial Day, August 9

Nagasaki Oshima Junior High 3rd year Students

Peace & Anti-Nuclear Haiku Poems in 1998

Destroy or dissapear
Everything, in an instant
Give me back my father and mother !

Hisako Nakagama

Cherry blossoms fall
Autumn breezes WHAT'S THAT LIGHT?


The Nagasaki atom bomb 7 high war damage student mourning tombstone 

There is this tombstone in the swan park which neighbors about 1.5 kilo meters of the northwest, a western city small school and a Nagasaki incarceration branch office from the atom bomb fall spot.


Contribution from Chen-ou Liu, August 2011

Disease X...
Nagasaki smoldering
here and there

"Disease X" refers to the "illness" suffered by burn victims of the atomic blast, a phrase first used by the Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist George Weller who was the first reporter to enter Nagasaki, defying a U.S. media ban in Japan.

Memorial Day --
Hiroshima mon amour

Hiroshima mon amour (English: Hiroshima, My Love) is Alain Resnais’ first feature film, unanimously viewed as the cornerstone film of the Nouvelle Vague (French New Wave). His innovative use of miniature flashbacks successfully creates a nonlinear plot line that weaves past and present, personal pain and public anguish.

tears streaking
down an American face...
Imamura’s Black Rain

Shohei Imamura’s award-winning film, Black Rain (kuroi ame 黒い雨), is adapted from the novel of the same name by Ibuse Masuji. Its narrative focus centers on the aftermath of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, especially on the socio-psychological impact suffered by hibakusha (Japanese: the surviving victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki), who have been in the "black rain" fallout.


. Nagasaki Bombed Maria 破壊 のマリア .
浦上天主堂のマリア像 - hibaku Maria


August 8, 2015 - The Japan Times

“Nagasaki had a church destroyed,” Baba said.
“The United States, the country of Christianity, destroyed a symbol of their faith with a B-29 bomber. If the gutted cathedral had been preserved the way it was, its impact would have been enormous.
It would have forever demonstrated and condemned the U.S. government’s responsibility for the atomic bombing.”

- quote -
Nagasaki’s ‘providential’ nightmare
shaped by religious, ethnic undercurrents

by Tomoko Otake

August is high season for tourism in Nagasaki. One morning last week at the Nagasaki Peace Park, the venue for an annual televised ceremony to commemorate the Aug. 9, 1945, atomic bombing of the city, throngs of tourists wearing name tags hanging from their necks were shuffling in and out of buses, snapping pictures in front of the iconic Peace Statue.

Shigeyuki Anan, a 61-year-old local historian, walked past the 10-meter bronze statue of a male deity built after World War II to wish for eternal peace. “It cost ¥40 million to build, at a time when there was no legal protection at all yet for hibakusha (atomic bombing survivors),” he said coolly.

Then he stopped at the remains of old, nondescript stone walls on the park’s edge. “This is part of the wall of a prison that used to be here,” he said, adding that 32 Chinese and Korean wartime laborers, who had been incarcerated there, perished in the bombing. “Not many people, even residents of Nagasaki, know this.”

Seventy years after a U.S. B-29 bomber dropped the plutonium bomb code-named “Fat Man,” wiping out a third of the city, killing 74,000 people and leaving hundreds of thousands more injured and suffering from lifelong effects of radiation, Nagasaki — long overshadowed by Hiroshima as the second city in the world to suffer an atomic bombing — still has many little-known stories to tell.

One longtime taboo is that the A-bomb hit the city’s underprivileged people hardest. Due to a series of mishaps and the day’s weather, the U.S. bomber changed its target at the last minute from downtown Nagasaki to an area known as Urakami, some 3 km north of the city center. Urakami — which was integrated into Nagasaki in 1920 and no longer exists as an official place name — happened to be where descendants of kakure kirishitan (Catholics who went underground in the early 17th century, when Japan closed its doors to the outside world and banned Christianity) and the burakumin social outcasts lived.

The burakumin people in Nagasaki — who made a living from leather-tanning — were relocated to Urakami in the 18th century to live closer to the underground Catholics and were forced to serve as low-level guards to keep the Christians in check.

The plutonium bomb killed 8,500 of the 12,000 Christians and 300 of the 900 burakumin in Urakami, according to the city’s records and other writings from that time.

Anan, who has viewed the atomic bombing of Nagasaki as a lens through which to look at wider issues of human rights and discrimination against religious and ethnic minorities, says some Nagasaki residents — who were faithful to the local Suwa Shrine — took the bombing of Urakami as a sign that non-Shinto believers were “punished.”

“They said the bomb fell in Urakami, not Nagasaki,” Anan said.

Such a sentiment among locals polarized Nagasaki, keeping them from uniting in an appeal for peace, experts say.

Nagasaki’s postwar peace activism has also suffered because there is no monument that can immediately call up people’s memories or spark their imagination on the magnitude of the indiscriminate killing.

Nagasaki has no structure like Hiroshima’s Atomic Bomb Dome, a building used before the blast to exhibit prefectural products, whose skeletal remains have been preserved. The structure was registered as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1996.

In Nagasaki, less than a kilometer away from Ground Zero was Urakami Cathedral, which had provided spiritual relief to Nagasaki’s Christian community since its completion in 1925. The bombing turned the church, which was called the largest Catholic church in the East at the time, into rubble in a matter of seconds, leaving behind saint statues whose heads were blown off or whose faces were smeared with charcoal.

Despite a campaign by citizens and municipal assembly members after the war to preserve what’s left of the church as proof of the war’s ravages, then-Mayor Tsutomu Tagawa and church leaders decided to demolish the cathedral and build a new one from scratch. Only a fraction of the brick wall damaged by the bomb has been preserved. It now stands close to the Ground Zero site.

The rebuilding of the cathedral and construction of the Peace Statue mark a huge defeat for Nagasaki’s postwar peace movement, argues Shuichiro Baba, a retired journalist for the Fukuoka-based regional daily Nishinippon Shimbun who has written extensively on Nagasaki’s reaction to the A-bombing.

“Nagasaki had a church destroyed,” Baba said. “The United States, the country of Christianity, destroyed a symbol of their faith with a B-29 bomber. If the gutted cathedral had been preserved the way it was, its impact would have been enormous. It would have forever demonstrated and condemned the U.S. government’s responsibility for the atomic bombing.”

Instead, the city commissioned local sculptor Seibo Kitamura to create the Peace Statue. According to Baba, who examined interview and lecture transcripts of the artist from the 1950s, Kitamura “embodied no wish for peace.” The statue was built in the late 1950s, when hibakusha were still struggling to meet their daily needs with no medical or financial assistance from the government.

The semi-nude male deity points to the heavens with his right hand, which is meant to symbolize the horror of atomic bombs, with his left hand stretched to the side to express a wish for eternal peace.

“Kitamura said that the peace statue had to be a male deity, not a female, and that it had to be huge,” Baba said. “After the statue was completed, he laughed off a question from a reporter who asked whether peace can really be achieved in this world, saying humankind can never overcome their desires.”

Nagasaki also remains divided over another local figure: Takashi Nagai (1908-1951), a medical doctor, Catholic convert and best-selling writer, who played a significant role in shaping the postwar image of Nagasaki as “a city of prayers.”

The response to the A-bombing from survivors in Nagasaki is known to be somewhat muted compared to that of hibakusha in Hiroshima, as in the popular expression: “Ikari no Hiroshima, Inori no Nagasaki” (“Hiroshima rages, Nagasaki prays”).

A radiologist married to a woman from a longtime underground Christian family, Nagai quickly rose to fame after the war with essays based on his vivid account of caring for A-bomb victims as a physician despite suffering serious injuries, becoming ill, and losing his wife in the catastrophe.

In particular, “The Bells of Nagasaki,” published in 1949, became such a big seller it spawned a popular song under the same name and a movie based on Nagai’s life. Nagai, who suffered from leukemia, received visitors at his bedside from famous American educator Hellen Keller and even Emperor Hirohito.

Nagai’s remarks and writings, however, have been a source of fierce debate to this day. He suggested in “The Bells of Nagasaki” that the bombing of Urakami was a “providence of God,” and that Urakami was chosen to be a “sacrificial lamb” — views that some observers say were used to buttress the U.S. position that the bombing of Nagasaki helped put a swift end to the war and liberated the rest of Asia from Japan’s aggression. The observers say the comments also silenced other A-bomb victims in Nagasaki with different views on the bombing.

“It has long been extremely difficult to publicly criticize Nagai, as he was lionized by both the Occupation forces and Japan’s ruling class. And because some Nagasaki citizens viewed him as a figure that would boost the standing of hibakusha,” said Shinji Takahashi, a visiting professor of philosophy at Nagasaki University.

Takahashi is one of the first academics to criticize Nagai, writing in his 1994 book “Nagasaki ni Atte Tetsugakusuru” (“Philosophizing in Nagasaki”) that Nagai’s words “left hibakusha in Nagasaki with no choice but to keep quiet.”

“It became taboo to discuss Nagai and his views of the A-bomb, and deprived Nagasaki victims of the option to rage, pursue accountability and seek compensation,” Takahashi wrote.

Anan, before wrapping up a daylong tour of A-bomb-related sites in Urakami, stopped at Nyokodo, a two-tatami-mat wooden studio from where the bedridden Nagai penned his books in his last years. Next to the studio is a monument that says the property in Urakami used to be the house of a chokata — referring to one kakure kirishitan family in each community that was assigned the duty of orally passing on the Christian teachings and ceremonies.

Nagasaki was once home to 50,000 underground Christians, who organized a secret network of believers and passed on their faith over many generations until they were finally liberated in the Meiji Era (1868-1912), when Japan ended 250 years of seclusion and opened itself to Western powers.

Anan said he’s neutral on Nagai, noting that his “God’s providence” comments were meant to encourage Christian followers in Urakami, who, after being devastated by the A-bombing, faced further discrimination.

And while the debate over Nagai is far from over, 70 years on, it’s probably better that way so the war will stay in people’s minds, he said.

“The debate isn’t over, of course,” Anan said. “Sure, he was probably used by the Occupation. But we need to look at his words in the context of Christian persecution in Japan. I think that, through the controversy, we can keep reflecting on what the atomic bombing has meant.”
- source : Japan Times 2015 - (fb) -


***** Peace and War as Haiku Topics


No flash, no sound
how can we know it?
these days of peace

Fusayo Kawano
(Fukuoka Prefecture)

Radiation, War and Peace 2012
source : www.asahi.com - August 2012


notes that today, Aug. 6, is the Feast of the transfiguration of Our Lord.

"As they looked on, a change came over Him:
His face became as bright as the sun,
and His clothes as white as light."

(Matthew 17: 2) A sign of hope.
Unfortunately for the people of Hiroshima Japan and the world at large the transfiguration undergone on this day in 1945, when the sky became as bright as the sun with the first dropping of the Atomic Bomb, was not hopeful at all.
Let it never happen again.

paper lanterns
do you know how many died
at Hiroshima

- Shared by Johnny Baranski -
Joys of Japan, August 2012



a minute hand
the whole nation watches without a word
genbaku no hi

- Shared by Chie Chilli Umebayashi -
Joys of Japan, August 2012


- - - - - - Hiroshima 2013 - - - - -

this white light . . .
more than ten thousand cranes
in its shadow

Elaine Andre

with no plans
for Hiroshima
my origami crane
and this child's shadow
are taken by the wind

Louis Osofsky

lingering heat
etched in stone
atomic shadows

Fat Man
sat upon

Johnny Baranski


hibaku Jizoo 被爆地蔵 bombed Jizo statues

- quote
“Jizo” is the Japanese name of one of bodhisattva. Jizo is a beloved figure of Japanese Buddhism. Stone figures of Jizo populate cemeteries, temple grounds, and country roads. Often several Jizo stand together, dressed in bids or children’s clothes.

Photo documentary book “Silent Witness: Hiroshima’s Hibaku Jizo” is published by Hiroshima photographer Ken Shimizu in May 2013 after four years he discovered a Jizo stature which survived A-bomb in 1945 near the A-bomb epicenter.

- source : www.culturalnews.com - 2013

Silent Witnesses: Hiroshima's Hibaku Jizo - A Photo Exhibition
Jizo statues are sometimes accompanied by a little pile of stones and pebbles, put there by people in the hope that it would shorten the time children have to suffer in the underworld.
Ken Shimizu exhibits his photos of Jizo which survived the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.
- reference : Hibaku Jizo

CLICK for more images.

. Jizo Bosatsu (Kshitigarbha) 地蔵菩薩 .


Kigo for Summer



Heron (aosagi) Egret (shirasagi)

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Heron (aosagi)

***** Location: Japan, India ...
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal


歌川広重 - 逆井のわたし Sakai ferry (in Edo)
Hiroshige - Sakai no watashi



"blue heron", aosagi 青鷺
Ardea herodias, Ardea cinerea

Click HERE to see some photos !

There are many species in the heron family. This kigo refers to the grey heron. He is visible in my parts of Western Japan all year round. Some families breed just around the corner in a small pond. The wet rice paddies with the many frogs make for good hunting grounds of these lovely birds.

We also have the

"white heron", egret, shirasagi 白鷺

Click HERE to see some photos !

Gabi Greve



egret in winter, fuyu sagi 冬鷺 (ふゆさぎ)
nokorisagi 残り鷺(のこりさぎ)
egret left behind. egret staying behind

"Herons in the snow"
Koson Ohara (1877-1945)

koe nakuba sagi ushinawan kesa no yuki

but for their voices
the herons would disappear--
this morning's snow

Tr. Donegan

. Chiyo-ni 千代尼 .
and Ichihara Tayo-Jo 市原多代女


The Heron Maiden - Sagi Musume

Once upon a time a young man rescued a wounded heron, cared for it, and set it free. Soon after, he met a beautiful girl. She was not from his neighborhood, indeed no one knew where she came from and she was herself vague on the subject. However, she was charming, and he quickly fell in love with her.

They married and lived blissfully together for several months. She turned out to be a skillful maker of silk brocade, which he sold to support them. The only condition she asked as she gave him the brocade was that he not look at her while she was working. One day, unable to resist his curiosity, he looked into her room: of course she was the heron he had saved, and he saw her weaving at the loom in her heron form.

Sorrowfully she turned into a beautiful young woman for the last time. She told him that she had been happy as a human being but could only live with him as long as he was unaware of her nonhuman nature. Although she meant him nothing but good, she was now bound to fly away and leave him forever.
Look at the woodblock print here:
source : www.tumblr.com

The famous Kabuki actor Tamasaburo performs a dance about the "Heron's Maiden", sagi musume 鷺娘 , an old folktale of Japan.

The set is a frozen pond in the middle of Winter. The music from the geza is the classic sound effect for falling snow. The spirit of the heron appears on a platform, dressed in white, solitary and silent. This dance is a series of transformations, done through costum changes using either the bukkaeri or the hikinuki techniques to switch the roles.

The first change turns the dancer into a young maiden in love, dressed in a beautiful red kimono, who dances the joy of love in a lively atmosphere. Her love is a short one and the next section of the dance is no more about happiness but sadness and jealousy.

The dance is getting darker and the final change brings back the spirit of the heron, who frantically dances, depicting the torments of hell and pleading for pity. The highlight of this section is an ebizori pose. Then the heron maiden collapses on stage, bringing the dance to a close.

Video with Tamasaburo:

July 22, 2012
Bando nominated for treasure title
Tamasaburo Bando V, a veteran kabuki actor known for his "onnagata" female roles, has been nominated as a living national treasure by the Council for Cultural Affairs.
source : Japan Times

Worldwide use

Chesapeake Bay, USA
Chesapeake Saijiki



flight of egrets
a boy with his ear
to a telephone pole

grey sky
the cluster of white breaks up
into egrets

still morning
a cattle egret
spears a grasshopper

the egret whiter
than the clouds

Johannes Manjrekar, India

The leisurely flapping whiteness climbing higher and higher in the sky is an egret. The sunset moon is bright even though it is a long way from fullness. Crows share the sky with moon and egret, playing flighty games with the wind.

A car backfires and pigeons erupt into the sky. They circle long enough to demonstrate that they too have the gift of flight, before settling back on their perches.

evening breeze
sharp leaf shadows
on the white wall

Johannes Manjrekar
March 2012


White feathers of dead egrets
beautify the rear of the dhaki
joyous, he jumps with others.

Dhaki is the hired drummer who dances and drums during the Puja days, recently with huge white feathers decorating his back, so it looks good and people also like it but all this over the dead bodies of the poor birds.

Aju Mukhopadhyay, India


a lonely egret
past the dark clouds
hurrying home

Vidur Jyoti, India


Southern California, USA
We see them all year in the wetlands of Southern California.
Billie Dee






Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis)
The Western Reef Heron, Egretta gularis, also known as the Western Reef Egret, is a medium-sized heron. It occurs mainly on the coasts in tropical west Africa, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and east to India.
It has been recorded as a vagrant in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory in the eastern Indian Ocean
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

breeding time: April- July
Nesting or building a nest is starting now
The Western Reef Heron's breeding habitat is coastal wetlands.

above the mangrove
a landing call – little heron bills

after the feeding
'at ease' posture –
reef heron

preening finished-
clock hands and reef heron
bolt upright

Heike Gewi, March 2012


Things found on the way


fuyukusa mo mienu yukino no shirasagi wa
ono ga sugata ni mi o kakushikeri

No winter-grass being seen,
A white heron in a snow-field
Hides itself in
Its own form.

. Doogen Zenji 道元禅師 .

source : 冨士 翠康 先生 筆

not even winter grass
to be seen
in this snow field
a white heron hides his body
in its own form

Tr. Gabi Greve


The Heron as Divine Animal 霊獣 reijuu

. Kehi Jinguu 氣比神宮 ー 気比神宮 Tsuruga .


source : story.turuta.jp
Koimari plate with sagi heron


The Heron's Nest, a Haiku site
Managing Editor: Christopher Herold


father heron
cruising home -
sunset in the valley

He always leaves his home, the West Pond, in the morning, crossing the valley to the east.

I guess he is working the terraced rice fields over there …

High in the sky, majestic wings flapping gently, enjoying the updrift, greeting us with a friendly word (heron language, which we learned over the years)

June 22, 2004

Today, July 1, three of them where cruising the sky.

Father heron
taking the kids
for the first ride

Riding the evening up-current over the valley, showing them here and there, slowly and majestically, the bigger bird leading the two smaller ones in circles....

Gabi Greve, Okayama, Japan, 2004

morning mist --
an egret hunts
in the lotus pond

Gabi Greve, April 2010


寺の冬 鷺も餌に つかぬもの
tera no fuyu sagi mo esa ni tsukanu mono

winter in the temple -
even the heron can get
no food

I dedicate this haiku to all the water birds who lost their natural habitat thanks to the activities of the human race.

gabi Greve, January 2007
Look at the Photo HERE !


foggy slough
the invisible heron
stands on one leg

setting moon
the heron’s head snakes
beneath a wing

croaking pond
among the reeds
a heron’s deadly silence

in the shallows
a heron’s feathers blend
with the ripples

stifling heat
the only thing moving
a heron’s eye

Billie Dee


breakfast buffet
a walk in the marsh
at dawn

- Shared by Jimmy ThePeach -
Joys of Japan, 2012

photo : tri-colored heron photo - ken thomas, public domain


pink sunshine
on the evening clouds -
herons gliding home

Gabi Greve
August 2012

Related words

"Heron Plant / Egret Plant",
fringed orchid, sagisoo 鷺草
Habenaria radiata, a kind of orchid
kigo for late summer

..... tsure sagisoo 連鷺草
..... gamoo kyokuhooka 鵞毛玉鳳花

Originally a plant of the wetlands in Japan. The white flower on the straight long stalk looks like a white heron in flight, hence the name.
Birthday flower for people born on August 21.

As legend tells us, during the Period of warring states, a fair maiden from the castle of Setagaya (now in Tokyo) sent a letter for help to her dearest in the war, giving it to a white heron to carry it on. The heron was shot down, however, but where it fell to the ground, this beautiful flower started to grow. Now this flower is the mascot flower of Setagaya ward, Tokyo.

© Photo http://www.hana300.com/sagiso.html

Click HERE to see more photos !


sagisoo wa chuu mau gotoku hachi no ue

fringed orchid -
like dancing in the universe
in its flower pot

(Tr. Gabi Greve)

© BLOG: hanayomi


***** Migrating Birds (wataridori) (Japan)

***** Winter Birds, Water Birds


. Tsuwano no sagimai 津和野の鷺舞 (つわののさぎまい)
heron dance of Tsuwano .


"Crested Ibis Plant",
tokisoo   鴇草 (ときそう)
Pogonia japonica
kigo for mid-summer

Japanese Crested Ibis

is bred on Sado Island, Japan






Hammock (hanmokku)

***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Humanity


hanmokku ハンモック hammock
..... tsuridoko 吊床(つりどこ)
neami, ne-ami 寝網(ねあみ)"net to sleep"

CLICK for more photos


"hammock" is a native American word meaning "shady place".

Wekiva Springs State Park in Florida has a natural artesian spring (one of many) close to where I live. It has a very long nature trail for walking, jogging or riding bicycles through the hammocks:

... but hammock can also refer to a kind of "swing" or "sling," usually made of knotted or netted rope or cloth, which is strung between two trees to take advantage of the cool shade. It is a nice place to take a nap on a hot, summer day.

Debi Bender

. WKD : Hammock Park, Florida  

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

source : ferret-marin.com

Snowman Daruma as a hammock ゆきだるまのハンモック


watering flowers -
the spider's hammock
filled with diamonds


Gabi Greve


> > up and down, up
> > and down with the cedar swing,
> > a little spider

Debi Bender


the fly waves to the spider
-- such a nice hammock you've hung!

"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)


skirting the hammock
a boardwalk zigzags
around the tidepools

Doris Kasson


island hammock
my eyes drift from the novel
to flamingos

- Shared by Laura Becker Sherman - 2012-

beach hammock
between coconut trees
waiting for the tide

- Shared by Ella Wagemakers -

Related words

***** . Home in Summer  

Kigo for Summer



Hazel (hashibami)

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Hazel, hazelnut (hashibami)

***** Location: Japan, other regions
***** Season: Late autumn
***** Category: Plant


hashibami no mi 榛の実 (はしばみのみ) hazelnut


© Japan Times, Oct. 18, 2006

Hashibami (Hazel)

A broken nutshell
and a twisted root remain
where the hazel grew.

By Lesley Lendrum, from Scotland; published by the Haiku International Association, Tokyo

At this time of year, hazel trees are dropping their ripe brown nuts. Many will be eaten by small mammals such as squirrels and mice, and the kernels, which are packed with protein, will help them to survive the winter.

Almost every cool zone has a hazel to call its own: there is the Siberian hazel, the Himalayan hazel, the American hazel and the Turkish hazel -- which has very fancy "turbans" on its nuts, and grows up to 20 meters tall, making it a giant among the species.

Japan has several types of hazels, including the tsuno hashibami, meaning "horned hazel," which completely wraps its small nuts in long husks shaped like a horn. However, the parent of many farmed nut trees is the common wild hazel of Britain, Corylus avellana, a sprig of which is pictured above. This modest shrub has long been credited with magical powers.

Hazel twigs are both strong and pliable, and as well as being used for making baskets and fences, they were used as magical wands by druids and witches. "Dousers" -- those people with a gift for finding hidden springs -- still use hazel twigs to detect the presence of water underground. As for the nuts, the Celts believed they were a source of great wisdom, and they are probably the origin of the English phrase "in a nutshell," meaning a brief explanation that is packed with knowledge.

Worldwide use


Haselnuss, Haselnuß



(an Irish kigo for spring)

The Hazel used to be the only proper edible Nut tree on the British Isles, and this gave it a special place in folklore and tradition. The hazel might be regarded as the quintessential Celtic tree because of its legendary position at the heart of the Otherworld, where nine magic hazel-trees hang over the well of Wisdom and drop their purple nuts into the water. Hazel represented the letter 'Coll', which was the ninth letter of the Irish Bardic Ogham alphabet.

It gave its name to a God named Mac Coll (son of Hazel), who according to Keating's history of Ireland was one of the earliest rulers of Ireland. Hazel was also used widely throughout the centuries for protection against evil. Until quite recently young lovers roasted hazel-nuts over fires at Halloween, which was also known as "Nut-crack Night." In Celtic myphology, those that eat the nuts (or the salmon) gain poetic and mantic powers. Many early Irish tales describe poets and seers as "gaining nuts of Wisdom".

Before the second World War, it was still quite common for the Irish to harvest the nuts. Timing was very important. Too early and the nuts will lack taste and will not store long. Too late and the jays and squirrels will have all. People would take picnics and a drink of ale or cider.

The long male Hazel Catkins are sometimes called 'lambs tails' The female catkins are small and reddish on the same branch.

Anatoly Kudryavitsky

hazel catkins
in the mizzling rain -
a long, long dream

by Anatoly Kudryavitsky
(from 'Morning at Mount Ring', DOGHOUSE Books, 2007)

Things found on the way

Hazel Witherspoon
Hazel is an accomplished writer of haiku.


Autumn haze
mourning veil circling
the hazel tree

Published in Sea Shell Game #55, October 27, 2002
- www.ahapoetry.com/Ssgam55.htm


pearl grey skies
squirrels and i meet
under the hazelnut

- Shared by Sandi Pray -
Joys of Japan, 2012

Related words

***** Walnut (kurumi)

***** Chestnut (kuri)



Harvest and its Kigo


Harvest Time

***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: various, see below
***** Category: Humanity


Harvest time is usually in autumn and as kigo, we have many specific words relating to the various crops.

There are also many Harvest Thanksgiving Festivals. In Japan, most of the Autumn Festivals are also a kind of Thanksgiving Ceremonies for the rice harvest.

At many large temples and shrines in Japan,
priests pray during the New Year celebrations that the four seasons will come in due time and order, without any harm to their sequence and
with the hope to give a good harvest and thus life to the people.

Let us look at some related kigo now.

Like all kigo,
they are embedded in the flow of things, the changes of the seasons ...

We remember a thing or event of the past,
honor it today with a poem and
hope for it to be "alive" in the future of mankind

... in the endless flow of time, the timeless flow of things ...
(whatever you tend to call it).


hoonen 豊年 (ほうねん) bountiful harvest
toyo no aki 豊の秋(とよのあき )bountiful autumn
deki aki 出来秋(できあき)fruits of autumn
豊作(ほうさく)abundant harvest, bumper crop
kigo for mid-autumn

kyosaku 凶作 (きょうさく) poor harvest, poor crop
. . . fusaku 不作(ふさく)
kanbatsuden 旱魃田(かんばつでん) dry fields
kigo for late autumn

Fruit Harvest (Romania)

Grapes and Grape Harvest, Vendanges Europa

Harvest Thanksgiving (Christian communities) Harvest Festival, Erntedankfest, shuukaku kanshasai 収穫感謝祭

Harvest Moon, North America

Worldwide use


kigo for autumn

Village maiden
the moon gets ready
harvest dance

Asahi Haikuist Network, October 31, 2008

Junge Dorffräulein.
Der Mond putzt sich heraus
für den Erntetanz.

Beate Conrad



Sankranti or Pongal - the harvest festival on January 14th

INDIA Saijiki : Winter



Official Harvest Festival, niiname no matsuri 新嘗祭
kigo for early winter

..... niiname sai, shinjoosai,
..... shinjoo-e 新嘗会

Great Harvest Ceremony, oonie matsuri 大嘗祭
..... daijoosai. Daijosai ritual

Celebration of the first-fruits festival.
Festival of the First Tasting of the New Rice.

This festival is preformed by the emperor if Japan every year, now on November 23, a National Holiday.
This day is also called "Labour Thanksgiving Day" kinroo kansha no hi 勤労感謝の日.

Daijoosai 大嘗祭 is the enthronement ceremony, followed by the first Thanksgiving Ceremony of the new emperor.

Click HERE to look at some photos !

A ceremony of state accompanying a new emperor's accession to the throne, the Daijō sai has been considered since ancient times one of the most important among the various rites associated with accession. Also called the Daijōe and the Senso daijō sai, the ceremony had its origin in the niinaesai harvest festivals that existed prior to the Taika reforms (i.e., prior to the mid-seventh century) and became systematically established during the process of state unification.

After the accession of a new emperor, new rice harvested from designated sacred rice fields (cultivated by local growers) lying to the "auspicious east" (yuki) and "auspicious west" (suki) of the capital (as identified through plastromantic divination) was carried to the capital on the festival day (under the old system, the second "day of the rabbit") of the eleventh lunar month. This rice was brought into the Daijō palace (a temporary structure specially built for and razed after the ceremony) where the emperor, who had undergone a period of self-purification through the practice of various abstinences (saikai), would personally make an offering (shinsen) of sacred rice to the kami and then partake of it himself. The rites would be followed by a large banquet.

Under the old system, the Daijō sai was designated the "preeminent festival" (taishi), and was accompanied by one month of purifying prohibitions. There are a number of theories as to which deity was the object of worship (saijin) in the ceremony. Many believe that originally the only deity originally worshipped was the emperor's ancestor, Amaterasu. However, it seems that later the entire pantheon of kami (tenjinchigi) were included in the worship.

The ritual content of the ceremony varies from one period to another. Although the Daijō sai died out during the warring states period, it was revived in the Edo period. Its modern form was fixed by the 1909 Tōkyoku Prescriptions. The first Daijō sai under the current constitution, performed by the Heisei Emperor in 1990, took those prescriptions as its basic referent.
source : Takamori Akinori, Kokugakuin

. WKD : saiden 斎田 ritual Shrine paddy .
shinden 神田 "divine rice field"

te o dasu to yu ga deshi kinroo kansha no hi

when I stretch out my hand
there is hot water from the faucet -
Labor Thanksgiving Day

Tooge Matoko 峠素子



Nairobi International Trade Fair
The Nairobi churches hold their annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services on the Sunday before.



Honey Harvest, honey spas

Saijiki for Europa


North America

Corn shucking, corn husking USA
at the harvest festival

Things found on the way


harvest time -
the meager meal of
a diabetic

Gabi Greve, September 2006

smiling kids
with wooden food bowls -
harvest thanksgiving !

Gabi Greve, November 2005
Look at some photos from our local school festival

harvest time -
he bends his head
in prayer

Click for more information !

Gabi Greve, September 2009


Rice Harvest : Three one-line haiku
Quoted from the World Haiku Review  

drinking in the valley air rice fields ready for harvest

maturing rice fields red tiger lilies crouch on the bank

smack dab in the field an extended family of scarecrows

carmen sterba, yokohama, jp


Ernte, Erntedank, Erntedankfest

Reich ist die Ernte.
Getreidestaub füllt die Luft.
Der Duft macht hungrig.

copyright by Gerdanken


Die Sommerhitze
Verbrennt das Korn - des Bauern
Ernte fast dahin.


Related words

***** . Autumn Festival (aki matsuri) Japan

***** Worldkigo Database: Pounding rice (mochi tsuki)

***** Thanksgiving Day, USA


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