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Cicada (semi)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal
Cicada are ubiquious animals during the Japanese summer and their song fills the air everywhere, especially among the cherry trees in temple and shrine compounds.
They come in many varieties with many differernt songs, so let us look at some cicada kigo. Unless mentioned below, they are all
kigo for late summer.
cicada being born, semi umaru 蝉 生まる
..... This is a kigo for early summer .
Click on photo for more detailed pictures by Gabi Greve.
kigo for late spring
shunzen 春蝉(しゅんせん)cicada in spring
..... haru no semi 春の蝉(はるのせみ)
pine-tree semi, matsusemi (matsuzemi) 松蝉
spring cicada, harusemi (haruzemi) 春蝉
kigo for summer
.. .. .. cicada, locust, semi 蝉
first cicada, hatsu-semi 初蝉
voiceless cicada, female cicada、oshizemi 唖蝉
cicada in the morning, asazemi 朝蝉
cicada in the evening, yuuzemi 夕蝉
cool cicada, semi suzushi 蝉涼しい
..... in the evening, their song provides the feeling of coolness.
oil cicada, aburasemi (aburazemi)
..... Graptopsaltria nigrofuscata 油蝉. Her song makes a sizzeling sound of frying food.
min-min cicada, minminsemi (minminzemi)
..... Oncotympana maculaticollis みんみん蝉
..... cicada in deep mountais, miyamazemi 深山蝉
nii-nii cicada, niiniisemi (niiniizemi)
..... Platypleura kaempferri にいにい蝉
bear cicada, kumazemi 熊蝉 Cryptotympana japonensis
..... a particularly large variety with a black back, see below.
Cicada from Hokkaido, Ezosemi 蝦夷蝉
.... Ezo is the old name of Hokkaidoo.
Princess Spring Cicada, hime haru zemi 姫春蝉
She is the incarnation of a princess, who fell in love with Kooboo Daishi. When he realized this unfulillable love, he carved a statue of himeself out of wood, placed it in the garden of her parents and left the village. The next morning, the poor princess climbed the statue to try and see her beloved priest, but could not. In pain, she started to cry and there she is till our day, crying and crying and crying...
Read more about Kukai, Kobo Daishi .
.. .. .. .. .. ..
cicada chorus, (lit. cicada winter sleet) semi shigure 蝉時雨
..... it does NOT mean cicadas in a real rain shower. It refers to the shrill sound many cicada make all at once.
catching cicadas, semi tori 蝉捕り (せみとり)
semi no koe 蝉の声 (せみのこえ)
lit. "voice of a cicada".
Various translations are possible, as can be seen from some haiku samples below.
READ ALSO : Voice of animals and
their translation in haiku
slough, molt, skin, empty cicada hull, utsusemi 空蝉
semi no kara, 蝉の殻
semi no monuke, 蝉の蛻
semi no nukegara, 蝉のぬけがら
"Utsusemi" is also the name of a character in the "Tales of Genji".
The first Chinese character, 空蝉, means "emptyness" or the sky. Symbolically it is used for the frail life of humans in this world and often used in Japanese waka poems.
"Bear Cicada", kumasemi, kumazemi 熊蝉
Cryptotympana facialis
© PHOTO and Haiku
Cicadas attack Japanese fiber optic cables
There is another amazing battle in Kansai this summer - NTT West Corporation VS cicadas.
"Kuma zemi (Kuma cicada)", which lives mainly in West Japan and whose body length is 6 - 7 cm, is the biggest cicada in the world. It is also said that buzzing volume of cicadas is the biggest in Osaka (as well as the people's voice volume).
In recent years, "Kuma zemi" misunderstands the optical fiber cables as dead branches and tries to lay eggs by sticking its ovipositor into the cables. A serious disconnection has been caused, and more than 1,000 damages have been reported in West Japan.
NTT West Corporation keeps developing a new type of cables, and their latest product is the cable with fiber protective barriers.
Cicada, known as the king of noise in summer, seems to be becoming the world's first IT insect pest.
Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.
Buzz buzz buzz buzz...
© Hotwire Magazine Editors
I saw a special on TV about this, it is quite amazing how the mother cicada pierces the strong cables to insert her eggs!
Gabi Greve, August 2007
kigo for mid-summer
hatsu higurashi 初蜩 (はつひぐらし) first Higurashi
higurashi hajimete naku 蜩初めて鳴く(ひぐらしはじめてなく)
higurashi is singing
Tanna japonensis
Suzuki Harunobu 鈴木晴信
catching cicadas
carrying a cicada box
. Join the Ukiyo-E friends on facebook ! .
kigo for all autumn
cicada in autumn, aki no semi 秋の蝉 (あきのせみ)
..... autumn cicadas, shuusen 秋蝉 (しゅうせん)
This kigo brings out the sadness and appreciation of the near death of this animal.
remaining cicadas, nokoru semi 残る蝉 (のこるせみ)
chitchizemi ちっち蝉 (ちっちぜみ) Chitchi cicada
fam. Tibicininae
Its sound is チッチッチッ chitchitchi
about 3 cm long, black color. Sings in autumn in the pine forests.
Also known in Hokkaido, as Ezo chitchizemi.
kigo for early autumn
"day-darkener", clear toned cicada, higurashi
蜩 (ひぐらし)
"evening cicada"
..... kanakana かなかな
Tanna japonensis
. WKD : Haiku with Higurashi .
monk-cicada, hooshisemi (hooshizemi) 法師蝉
.. .. .. tsuku-tsukuーbooshi ツクツクボウシ
tsukutsukushi, tsukutsukubooshi つくつく法師 (つくつくほうし)
kanzen 寒蝉(かんせん)semi in the cold
蛁蟟(つくつくほうし)、kutsukutsu booshi くつくつほうし
Meimuna opalifera
Its voice is especially shrill in autumn, evoking nearby death.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Worldwide use
Cvrchak "cvrchi"
In Croatian the name for semi is cvrèak (cvrchak), and for the cricket "zrikavac" or "shturak", also "crn-bel". This last specially for autumn time.
There is a very famous poem about "cvrchak" -semi of Vladimir Nazor, and about "crn-bel" (the cricket in autumn) of Fran Galovic.
Tomislav Maretic
kigo for all summer
cicadas' song
background percussion
for a crackling fire
Laura Sherman
North America
Cicada is a flying, plant sucking insect that emerges in period cycles. Nymphs suck juices from roots of plants. Egg laying females cause significant damage to trees during their brief, adult stage. They are not harmful to humans. Counter to some rumors, they do not bite, nor do they often land on a human or animal.
The adult Cicadas' entire purpose in life is to mate and produce offspring. You can hear the males' mating "song" from early morning to nightfall. In heavily infested areas, the noise can be quite disturbing. About five to ten days after mating, the female lands on twigs of deciduous trees, cuts slits in them, and lays her eggs in the slit.
Adults do not eat. Rather, damage to trees is caused by the adult female as she cuts slices in twigs to lay her eggs. Shortly after mating, the male Cicada dies.
The eggs hatch, producing tiny nymphs that fall to the ground. These nymphs burrow into the soil and feast on underground roots. They remain there for years, slowly growing, until their periodic cycle calls them to emerge again as adults.
Dogday cicada / Dog Day Cicada
large American cicada (Cicada pruinosa), which trills loudly in midsummer.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
They produce their highest pitch trills at hottest hours of the day when sun is at its highest position.
waking up
with a dogday cicada
- another hangover
Camilla Sayf, Kigo Hotline Forum 2009
Things found on the way
Musings about the coming of autumn
by susan delphine delaney, plano, texas
to me, the coming of the cicada, and its friends the crickets, who are now swarming to doors, is an infallible sign that autumn and cool are coming.
the sunsets are now tinged with the dusky purple of autumn many nights, and the geckos have started to come inside (even though it is still 100 degrees farenheit outside).
the orb weaver spiders have begun to spin their giant webs across the sidewalk where they make an audible sound when you walk into them.
and best of all, the skies are showing cirrus clouds, made of tiny particles of ice. it is 100 degrees down here, but high in the atmosphere, ice has returned.
the cloudforms are complex, with the clouds of summer (medium high, tall) and autumn (low, moisture filled, and the high cirrus) all in the same day, all at the same time.
the earth has tipped and the relief from this heat is getting closer.
statue of a Bosatsu with a cicada decoration
- source : temujincobra.blog
shizukasa ya iwa ni shimiiru semi no koe
extreme quietude -
the shrilling of cicadas
seeps into rocks
Matsuo Basho
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
See also: Haikutopics: the voice of animals
Oku no Hosomichi - - - Station 26 - Ryushakuji - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
koe ni mina nakishimaute ya semi no kara
The shell of a cicada:
It sang itself
Utterly away.
Basho, trans. Blyth
More haiku about the cicada shell ...
Compiled by Larry Bole
"monuke" in addition to meaning the shed skin of an insect, can also mean a "place left behind".
ware to waga kara ya tomurau semi no koe
Mourning over its dead body,
And over itself--
The voice of the cicada.
Yayu, trans. Blyth
utsu semi wa moto no hadaka ni modorikeri
Empty cicada shell:
as we come
we go back naked.
Fukaku (death poem), trans. Hoffmann
furuike ya sakasa ni ukabu semi no kara
an old pond-
floating upside down
a cicada's shell
Shiki, trans. Kim Komurasaki
utsu-semi ya kono mi hitotsu ni ku wo atsume
a cicada's shell -
in this single body
pains accumulate
Masajo (1955), trans. Susumu Takiguchi
Cicada shells and dewdrops, two items easily to be observed (shasei) in rural Japan and also metaphors for the Buddhist world view of change and rebirth.
Issa has more than 40 haiku about the cicada.
kiki aite hito wa saru nari eda no semi
tired of listening
the man walks away...
cicada on a branch
.. .. ..
semi shigure chô wa hiyake mo sezari keri
cicada song pouring down--
for the butterfly too
no sunburn
.. .. ..
kusa no ha ya tappuri nurete semi no naku
leaves of grass--
utterly drenched the cicada
Tr. David Lanoue
semi shigure,
The shrill sound of a thousand cicadas in a temple garden envelops us as if it was a kind of rain, as explained above in the kigo introduction. But it does not bring any wetness, although it can make us shiver indeed with its intensity. Sometimes the whole body seems to vibrate with the intense shrilling.
shigure itself, a shower or drizzlel is a kigo for early winter.
WHC World Kigo Database: Rain in various kigo ••
aki no semi taiki no shita no chikara ishi
autumn cicadas -
below the large tree
the power stones
渡辺僚子 Watanabe Ryooko
Power Stones
samurai legends -
tsukutsukubôshi cicadas
at Sumadera
Alan Summers, UK
World Haiku Review Japan Article
Vending machines and cicadas
n.b. when these cicadas sing it means a special 'inbetween season' at Suma temple of not yet Autumn.
minmin no tooge o koeshi furoshiki yo
I crossed the pass
with the minmin cicadas -
oh this furoshiki !
Kunitake Izayoi 国武十六夜
Tr. Gabi Greve
Furoshiki and Haiku
hatsu semi ya mune no oku made hibiki ori
first cicada -
deep into the heart
your reveberations
erste Zikaden -
bis tief ins Herz
vibriert alles
.. .. ..
entering life
with a shout of joy
a thousand cicadas
I woke up at sunrise, the whole valley seemed to be steeped in this shrill sound, you could almost see it.
The joy of coming out of the cocoon into life all at the same morning, that is always only one morning every year... whow !
Gabi Greve, 2004
cicada chorus -
the silence of meditating
for peace
September 11, 2011
. Japan after the BIG earthquake March 11, 2011 .
futatsu ite hitotsu wa nakazu aki no semi
There were two there;
One didn't sing.
Cicadas of autumn.
Matsumoto Koyuu-Ni 松本古友尼
Tr. Blyth
the cicada so shrill
the sky shouts loudly
(tr. Gabi Greve)
Still erklingt die Zikade
Laut schreit der Himmel
Cicada from Croatia
driving down
the mountain to the sea
first cicadas
sudden shower
the cicada's orchestra
ceases their song
mosquito's buzzing
till the first cicada's song
oh, my sleeplessness
when I approach
the cicada's song slows down
when I leave, it speeds up
soundless cicada
slowly approaching
to the singing one
through the cicada's
wings you can see
the remote islands
on the olive-tree
an ant goes round
the singing cicada
a caught cicada --
chirping can be heard
from my hand
cicada in the sea .
saved thanks to little boy
in his rubber-ring
good by cicadas !
our meeting next year
on the same place
Tomislav Maretic
dog days -
even the cicada complains
from the shade
Haiku and Photo © by Carol Raisfeld
as it’s dragged away by ants-
cicada in autumn
rota hua
cheentiom se khincha jaa raha -
pathjhad me jheengor
Masaoka Shiki, tr. into Hindi
Angelee Deodhar
Related words
***** Insects (mushi) Autumn insects, aki no mushi, Japan
Chestnut (kuri)
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Chestnut, sweet chestnut (kuri)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: Late autumn
***** Category: Plant
sweet chestnut, the eatable nut type, kuri 栗 くり
Castanea sp., especially Castanea sativa
Do not mix this tree with the horse chestnut ! See below.
Marone, maron マロン
mountain chestnuts, yamaguri 山栗
chestnut plantation, chestnut forest, kuribayashi 栗林
chestnuts from the Tanba region, tanbaguri 丹波栗
..... deochiguri 出落栗(でおちぐり)
..... ochiguri 落栗(おちぐり)
igaguri 毬栗(いがぐり)chestnut in the burr
hitotsuguri 一ツ栗(ひとつぐり)one chestnut in the burr
mitsuguri 三ツ栗(みつぐり)three chestnuts in the burr
"smiling chestnut", emiguri 笑栗 (えみぐり)
It has been roasted in a fire and the burr opened now.
minashiguri 虚栗(みなしぐり)empty chestnut
Only a burr, with no fruit.
This was also the title of a haiku magazine in the Edo period.
see below
shibaguri 芝栗 しばぐり)small kind of chestnut
lit. "lawn chestnut"
kuriyama 栗山(くりやま)mountain with chestnut trees
kuribayashi 栗林(くりばやし)grove with chestnut trees
kachiguri tsukuru 搗栗作る(かちぐりつくる)
making dried chestnuts
..... uchiguri tsukuru 打栗作る(うちぐりつくる)
making sweets from dried chestnuts
Japanese are very fond of chestnuts and have a lot of special food preparations with them. Collecting chestnuts is a pastime for the young and old in these autumn days.
We collect them and roast them in the fire outside in the evening !
rice cooked with chestnuts, kurimeshi 栗飯
chestnut paste, kuri kinton 栗きんとん
sasaguri ささ栗(ささぐり)chestnut sweet from Gifu, Nakatsugawa town
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
chestnut jelly cake, kuri yookan 栗羊羹 くりようかん
..... kurimushi yookan 栗蒸し羊羹
chestnut paste buns, kuri manjuu 栗饅頭 (くりまんじゅう)
. kuri kanoko 栗鹿の子(くりかのこ) Kanoko sweet with chestnuts .
maron gurasse マロン=グラッセ marrons glaces sweet
yakiguri 焼栗 grilled, roasted chestnut
yudeguri ゆで栗(ゆでぐり)boiled chestnut
Gabi Greve
Click HERE to see more Japanese KURI chestnuts and food!
for WALNUT, see below.
Chestnuts (Castanea), including the chinkapins, are a genus of eight or nine species of trees and shrubs in the beech family Fagaceae, native to warm temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The name also refers to the edible nuts produced by these trees. Most are large trees to 20-40 m tall, but some species (the chinkapins) are smaller, often shrubby. All are deciduous.
The leaves are simple, ovate or lanceolate, 10-30 cm long and 4-10 cm broad, with sharply pointed, widely-spaced teeth, with shallow rounded sinuses between.
The flowers are catkins, produced in mid summer; they have a heavy, unpleasant odour (Bean 1970). The fruit is a spiny cupule 5-11 cm diameter, containing one to seven nuts. Chestnut trees thrive on acidic soils, such as soils derived from granite or schist, and do not grow well on alkaline soils such as limestone. When wanting to grow chestnut trees on such soils, the practice was to graft them onto oak rootstocks.
Neither the horse chestnut (family Sapindaceae) nor the water chestnut (family Cyperaceae) is closely related to the chestnut, though both are so named for producing similar nuts.
The nuts are an important food crop in southern Europe, southwestern and eastern Asia, and also in eastern North America before the chestnut blight. In southern Europe in the Middle Ages, whole forest-dwelling communities which had scarce access to wheat flour relied on chestnuts as their main source of carbohydrates.
The nuts can be eaten candied, boiled or roasted; the former are often sold under the French name marrons glacés. One easy method for roasting is to cut a slit in the top of each nut and heat in a shallow container, tossing occasionally, at 200-220 °C for 10-15 minutes.
Another important use of chestnuts is to be ground into flour, which can then be used to prepare bread, cakes and pasta.
Chestnut-based recipes and preparations are making a comeback in Italian cuisine, as part of the trend toward rediscovery of traditional dishes.
Other products
The wood is similar to oak wood in being decorative and very durable. Due to disease, American Chestnut wood has almost disappeared from the market. It is difficult to obtain large size timber from the Sweet Chestnut, due to the high degree of splitting and warping when it dries. The wood of the Sweet Chestnut is most used in small items where durability is important, such as fencing and wooden outdoor cladding ('shingles') for buildings. In Italy, it is also used to make barrels used for aging balsamic vinegar.
© Wikipedia
Worldwide use
Esskastanie, Eßkastanien
Things found on the way
minashiguri 虚栗(みなしぐり)empty chestnut
Only a burr, with no fruit.
This was the title of a haiku book in the Edo period.
Minashiguri "Shriveled Chestnuts"
A Shriveled Chestnut. Empty Chestnuts
anthology of poems by Basho and his students, 1683
and later
Zoku Minashiguri = Sequel to "Empty Chestnuts".
17 Chestnut haiku by Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue
kuri ochite hitotsu hitotsu ni yo no fukeru
chestnuts dropping
one by one...
the night deepens
mushi kui ga ichiban kuri zo ichiban zo
the best chestnut!
the best!
yamadera ya tatami no ue no kuri hiroi
mountain temple--
on tatami mats, gathering
kasa no ochi kuri torare keri ato no hito
chestnuts bounced off
the umbrella-hat gathered...
by the person behind
shibaguri ya uma no bari shite utsukushiki
little chestnuts
pissed on by the horse...
shiny new
source : yutyan
yuku aki ya te o hirogetaru kuri no mari (iga)
autumn is leaving . . .
the sweet chestnut burr
opens its hands
Matsuo Basho
Genroku 7, Basho at age 51.
This was written on his last visit to Iga and ment as a "good bye" to his disciples in Iga.
The KIGO is used to express the feeling of leaving good friends.
- - - - - and another one from 1691 元禄4年秋
aki kaze no fukedomo aoshi kuri no iga
the autumn wind blows
and yet they are green,
these chestnut burrs
Tr. Gabi Greve
- The Later Harvest Moon -
written on the 13th day of the 9th lunar month in 1680 延宝8年9月13日. Basho age 37.
yoru hisoka ni mushi wa gekka no kuri o ugatsu
night . . . silently
in the moonlight, a worm
digs into a chestnut
Tr. Ueda
- Comments are here :
source : books.google.co.jp
Nachts ... heimlich
im Mondlicht, ein Wurm
durchbohrt eine Kastanie
Auch dieser Vers birgt Unerwartetes und kann insofern noch als typisch für den Danrin-Stil angesehen werden.
Der Wurm in der Kastanie - von Udo Wenzel
source : www.haiku-heute.de
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
chookei wa nisai no hotoke kuri gohan
my older brother
died when he was two -
rice with sweet chestnuts
Narita Senkuu 成田千空 (1921 - 2007, March 31)
Senku Narita
Related words
***** flower of the chestnut, kuri no hana 栗の花
tsuyuri 栗花落‐(つゆり) - chestnut tree flowers
(falling down to indicate the beginning of the rainy season) 梅雨入り tsuyu iri
kigo for early summer
..... hanaguri 花栗
chestnuts flowering, kuri saku 栗咲く
yo no hito no mitsukenu hana ya noki no kuri
people of the world
don't discern this blossom -
chestnut by the eaves
Tr. Barnhill
the men of this world
notice not its blossoms -
chestnut by the eaves
Tr. Carley
at the eaves—
blossoms undiscovered
by people of the world
Tr. Shirane
few in this world
notice those blossoms--
chestnut by the eaves
Tr. Ueda
The chestnut by the eaves
In magnificient bloom
Passes unnoticed
By men of the world.
Tr. Yuasa
. Oku no Hosomichi - Station 11 - Sukagawa .
Written in 1689 元禄二年, Basho age 46
Written at a kasen composition in Sukagawa 須賀川, with priest Kashin 僧侶可伸.
Basho praises the simple life of this holy man in his greeting hokku.
The Chinese character for kuri 栗 consists of the parts for West 西 above a Tree 木. It reminds us of the four Buddhist paradises in the four directions. Like Saint Gyoki Bosatsu, who used a walking stick of the wood of this tree and had the pillars of his hut made of it.
This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 2.
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. Gyoki Bosatsu (Gyooki Bosatsu) 行基菩薩 Gyogi Bosatsu.
(The CHESTNUT of this translation refers to the sweet chestnut tree, kuri.)
source : itoyo/basho
隠者可伸と栗の木 Kashin and the Chestnut Tree
Yosa Buson painted this scene.
***** Horse Chestnut (tochi) Aesculus hippocastanum
Rosskastanie. In German, the beautiful blossoms are sometimes called "Candles".
***** Water chestnut 菱 (hishi) Trapa japonica
hishi no hana 菱の花 (ひしのはな ) flowers of water chestnut
kigo for mid-summer
hishi no mi 菱の実 (ひしのみ) nuts of the water chestnut
kigo for early autumn
hishi momiji 菱紅葉(ひしもみじ) red leaves of water chestnuts
mizukusa momiji 水草紅葉 (みずくさもみじ) red leaves of water plants
..... ukikusa momiji 萍紅葉(うきくさもみじ)red leaves of floating plants
kigo for late autumn
hishi toru 菱取る (ひしとる) collecting water chestnuts
kigo for all autumn
. . . . . hishitori 菱採り(ひしとり)
. . . . . hishi no mi toru 菱の実取る(ひしのみとる)
hishibune 菱舟(ひしぶね)ship to collect water chestnuts
yudebishi 茹菱(ゆでびし) boiled water chestnuts
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Sweets from Water Chestnuts, Fukuoka ひしのお菓子 hishi no okashi
*****(Hazelnut (hashibami ハシバミ)
***** Walnut, kurumi 胡桃 くるみ
kigo for late autumn
Juglans regia
"princess walnut", hime gurumi 姫胡桃ヒメグルミ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
"demon walnut", oni gurumi 鬼胡桃 オニグルミ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
wild walnuts, no kurumi 野胡桃
cracking walnuts, kurumi waru 胡桃割る
The ingenious wild walnuts from Japan (hime and oni) are much smaller than the American varieties which have been introduced later. Nagano is now famous for these walnut plantations and walnut dishes. dumplings with walnut paste and goheimochi.
Dishes with walnuts
a sound of a walnut
rolling over the roof
falls into silence
Tomislav Maretic (HR)
Walnut Daruma (kurumi Daruma 胡桃だるま)
kigo for late summer
aokurumi, ao kurumi 青胡桃 (あおくるみ) green walnut
namakurumi 生胡桃(なまくるみ)raw walnut
kigo for early summer
kurumi no hana 胡桃の花 (くるみのはな)
walnut flowers
***** AUTUMN . . . PLANTS -
Dishes with chestnuts
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI
Chestnut, sweet chestnut (kuri)
***** Location: Japan, other areas
***** Season: Late autumn
***** Category: Plant
sweet chestnut, the eatable nut type, kuri 栗 くり
Castanea sp., especially Castanea sativa
Do not mix this tree with the horse chestnut ! See below.
Marone, maron マロン
mountain chestnuts, yamaguri 山栗
chestnut plantation, chestnut forest, kuribayashi 栗林
chestnuts from the Tanba region, tanbaguri 丹波栗
..... deochiguri 出落栗(でおちぐり)
..... ochiguri 落栗(おちぐり)
igaguri 毬栗(いがぐり)chestnut in the burr
hitotsuguri 一ツ栗(ひとつぐり)one chestnut in the burr
mitsuguri 三ツ栗(みつぐり)three chestnuts in the burr
"smiling chestnut", emiguri 笑栗 (えみぐり)
It has been roasted in a fire and the burr opened now.
minashiguri 虚栗(みなしぐり)empty chestnut
Only a burr, with no fruit.
This was also the title of a haiku magazine in the Edo period.
see below
shibaguri 芝栗 しばぐり)small kind of chestnut
lit. "lawn chestnut"
kuriyama 栗山(くりやま)mountain with chestnut trees
kuribayashi 栗林(くりばやし)grove with chestnut trees
kachiguri tsukuru 搗栗作る(かちぐりつくる)
making dried chestnuts
..... uchiguri tsukuru 打栗作る(うちぐりつくる)
making sweets from dried chestnuts
Japanese are very fond of chestnuts and have a lot of special food preparations with them. Collecting chestnuts is a pastime for the young and old in these autumn days.
We collect them and roast them in the fire outside in the evening !
rice cooked with chestnuts, kurimeshi 栗飯
chestnut paste, kuri kinton 栗きんとん
sasaguri ささ栗(ささぐり)chestnut sweet from Gifu, Nakatsugawa town
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
chestnut jelly cake, kuri yookan 栗羊羹 くりようかん
..... kurimushi yookan 栗蒸し羊羹
chestnut paste buns, kuri manjuu 栗饅頭 (くりまんじゅう)
. kuri kanoko 栗鹿の子(くりかのこ) Kanoko sweet with chestnuts .
maron gurasse マロン=グラッセ marrons glaces sweet
yakiguri 焼栗 grilled, roasted chestnut
yudeguri ゆで栗(ゆでぐり)boiled chestnut
Gabi Greve
Click HERE to see more Japanese KURI chestnuts and food!
for WALNUT, see below.
Chestnuts (Castanea), including the chinkapins, are a genus of eight or nine species of trees and shrubs in the beech family Fagaceae, native to warm temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere. The name also refers to the edible nuts produced by these trees. Most are large trees to 20-40 m tall, but some species (the chinkapins) are smaller, often shrubby. All are deciduous.
The leaves are simple, ovate or lanceolate, 10-30 cm long and 4-10 cm broad, with sharply pointed, widely-spaced teeth, with shallow rounded sinuses between.
The flowers are catkins, produced in mid summer; they have a heavy, unpleasant odour (Bean 1970). The fruit is a spiny cupule 5-11 cm diameter, containing one to seven nuts. Chestnut trees thrive on acidic soils, such as soils derived from granite or schist, and do not grow well on alkaline soils such as limestone. When wanting to grow chestnut trees on such soils, the practice was to graft them onto oak rootstocks.
Neither the horse chestnut (family Sapindaceae) nor the water chestnut (family Cyperaceae) is closely related to the chestnut, though both are so named for producing similar nuts.
The nuts are an important food crop in southern Europe, southwestern and eastern Asia, and also in eastern North America before the chestnut blight. In southern Europe in the Middle Ages, whole forest-dwelling communities which had scarce access to wheat flour relied on chestnuts as their main source of carbohydrates.
The nuts can be eaten candied, boiled or roasted; the former are often sold under the French name marrons glacés. One easy method for roasting is to cut a slit in the top of each nut and heat in a shallow container, tossing occasionally, at 200-220 °C for 10-15 minutes.
Another important use of chestnuts is to be ground into flour, which can then be used to prepare bread, cakes and pasta.
Chestnut-based recipes and preparations are making a comeback in Italian cuisine, as part of the trend toward rediscovery of traditional dishes.
Other products
The wood is similar to oak wood in being decorative and very durable. Due to disease, American Chestnut wood has almost disappeared from the market. It is difficult to obtain large size timber from the Sweet Chestnut, due to the high degree of splitting and warping when it dries. The wood of the Sweet Chestnut is most used in small items where durability is important, such as fencing and wooden outdoor cladding ('shingles') for buildings. In Italy, it is also used to make barrels used for aging balsamic vinegar.
© Wikipedia
Worldwide use
Esskastanie, Eßkastanien
Things found on the way
minashiguri 虚栗(みなしぐり)empty chestnut
Only a burr, with no fruit.
This was the title of a haiku book in the Edo period.
Minashiguri "Shriveled Chestnuts"
A Shriveled Chestnut. Empty Chestnuts
anthology of poems by Basho and his students, 1683
and later
Zoku Minashiguri = Sequel to "Empty Chestnuts".
17 Chestnut haiku by Kobayashi Issa
Tr. David Lanoue
kuri ochite hitotsu hitotsu ni yo no fukeru
chestnuts dropping
one by one...
the night deepens
mushi kui ga ichiban kuri zo ichiban zo
the best chestnut!
the best!
yamadera ya tatami no ue no kuri hiroi
mountain temple--
on tatami mats, gathering
kasa no ochi kuri torare keri ato no hito
chestnuts bounced off
the umbrella-hat gathered...
by the person behind
shibaguri ya uma no bari shite utsukushiki
little chestnuts
pissed on by the horse...
shiny new
source : yutyan
yuku aki ya te o hirogetaru kuri no mari (iga)
autumn is leaving . . .
the sweet chestnut burr
opens its hands
Matsuo Basho
Genroku 7, Basho at age 51.
This was written on his last visit to Iga and ment as a "good bye" to his disciples in Iga.
The KIGO is used to express the feeling of leaving good friends.
- - - - - and another one from 1691 元禄4年秋
aki kaze no fukedomo aoshi kuri no iga
the autumn wind blows
and yet they are green,
these chestnut burrs
Tr. Gabi Greve
- The Later Harvest Moon -
written on the 13th day of the 9th lunar month in 1680 延宝8年9月13日. Basho age 37.
yoru hisoka ni mushi wa gekka no kuri o ugatsu
night . . . silently
in the moonlight, a worm
digs into a chestnut
Tr. Ueda
- Comments are here :
source : books.google.co.jp
Nachts ... heimlich
im Mondlicht, ein Wurm
durchbohrt eine Kastanie
Auch dieser Vers birgt Unerwartetes und kann insofern noch als typisch für den Danrin-Stil angesehen werden.
Der Wurm in der Kastanie - von Udo Wenzel
source : www.haiku-heute.de
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
chookei wa nisai no hotoke kuri gohan
my older brother
died when he was two -
rice with sweet chestnuts
Narita Senkuu 成田千空 (1921 - 2007, March 31)
Senku Narita
Related words
***** flower of the chestnut, kuri no hana 栗の花
tsuyuri 栗花落‐(つゆり) - chestnut tree flowers
(falling down to indicate the beginning of the rainy season) 梅雨入り tsuyu iri
kigo for early summer
..... hanaguri 花栗
chestnuts flowering, kuri saku 栗咲く
yo no hito no mitsukenu hana ya noki no kuri
people of the world
don't discern this blossom -
chestnut by the eaves
Tr. Barnhill
the men of this world
notice not its blossoms -
chestnut by the eaves
Tr. Carley
at the eaves—
blossoms undiscovered
by people of the world
Tr. Shirane
few in this world
notice those blossoms--
chestnut by the eaves
Tr. Ueda
The chestnut by the eaves
In magnificient bloom
Passes unnoticed
By men of the world.
Tr. Yuasa
. Oku no Hosomichi - Station 11 - Sukagawa .
Written in 1689 元禄二年, Basho age 46
Written at a kasen composition in Sukagawa 須賀川, with priest Kashin 僧侶可伸.
Basho praises the simple life of this holy man in his greeting hokku.
The Chinese character for kuri 栗 consists of the parts for West 西 above a Tree 木. It reminds us of the four Buddhist paradises in the four directions. Like Saint Gyoki Bosatsu, who used a walking stick of the wood of this tree and had the pillars of his hut made of it.
This hokku has the cut marker YA at the end of line 2.
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
. Gyoki Bosatsu (Gyooki Bosatsu) 行基菩薩 Gyogi Bosatsu.
(The CHESTNUT of this translation refers to the sweet chestnut tree, kuri.)
source : itoyo/basho
隠者可伸と栗の木 Kashin and the Chestnut Tree
Yosa Buson painted this scene.
***** Horse Chestnut (tochi) Aesculus hippocastanum
Rosskastanie. In German, the beautiful blossoms are sometimes called "Candles".
***** Water chestnut 菱 (hishi) Trapa japonica
hishi no hana 菱の花 (ひしのはな ) flowers of water chestnut
kigo for mid-summer
hishi no mi 菱の実 (ひしのみ) nuts of the water chestnut
kigo for early autumn
hishi momiji 菱紅葉(ひしもみじ) red leaves of water chestnuts
mizukusa momiji 水草紅葉 (みずくさもみじ) red leaves of water plants
..... ukikusa momiji 萍紅葉(うきくさもみじ)red leaves of floating plants
kigo for late autumn
hishi toru 菱取る (ひしとる) collecting water chestnuts
kigo for all autumn
. . . . . hishitori 菱採り(ひしとり)
. . . . . hishi no mi toru 菱の実取る(ひしのみとる)
hishibune 菱舟(ひしぶね)ship to collect water chestnuts
yudebishi 茹菱(ゆでびし) boiled water chestnuts
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Sweets from Water Chestnuts, Fukuoka ひしのお菓子 hishi no okashi
*****(Hazelnut (hashibami ハシバミ)
***** Walnut, kurumi 胡桃 くるみ
kigo for late autumn
Juglans regia
"princess walnut", hime gurumi 姫胡桃ヒメグルミ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
"demon walnut", oni gurumi 鬼胡桃 オニグルミ
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
wild walnuts, no kurumi 野胡桃
cracking walnuts, kurumi waru 胡桃割る
The ingenious wild walnuts from Japan (hime and oni) are much smaller than the American varieties which have been introduced later. Nagano is now famous for these walnut plantations and walnut dishes. dumplings with walnut paste and goheimochi.
Dishes with walnuts
a sound of a walnut
rolling over the roof
falls into silence
Tomislav Maretic (HR)
Walnut Daruma (kurumi Daruma 胡桃だるま)
kigo for late summer
aokurumi, ao kurumi 青胡桃 (あおくるみ) green walnut
namakurumi 生胡桃(なまくるみ)raw walnut
kigo for early summer
kurumi no hana 胡桃の花 (くるみのはな)
walnut flowers
***** AUTUMN . . . PLANTS -
Dishes with chestnuts
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI
[ . BACK to TOP . ]
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animals
There are quite a few varieties of caterpillars on our earth.
In Japan too, we have our share of them. Basically they are divided into the hairy versions and the non-hairy ones.
hairy caterpillar, woolybear, wooly bears, kemushi 毛虫
woolybears creeping around, kemushi hau 毛虫這う(けむしはう)
kemushi can be used for any type of hairy caterpillar of any size. Woolybear refers to the tiger moth species (Arctiide).
Woolybears are also seen in autumn, when they walk along the roads. In that case, as kigo, you have to mention the season, they are "autumn woolybears".
Some of them have poison on their hairs that can lead to severe inflammation of the human skin.
Some multiply in great numbers and crawl along fields and trees, they can clear a whole chestnut tree over night, as I have seen them many times in our area. They come down our small road like an army of small tanks.
The local farmers call them "Mountain guys" (yama taroo 山太郎).
When they become too much of a plague, farmers light torches and burn them off (kemushi yaku 毛虫焼く).
What is left will be food for the crows, which descend in large numbers to feed on the hairy caterpillars.
pine caterpillar, matsu kemushi 松毛虫
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
Another group are the loopers, which move by drawing the rear part of the body to the front part, forming a loop, and then moving the front part onwards.
looper, inchworm, shakutori 尺蠖
..... shakutorimushi 尺取虫 (measuring in shaku)
..... suntori mushi 寸取虫 (measuring in sun)
..... tsuetsuki mushi 杖突虫 (walking with a stick)
..... kusshin mushi 屈伸虫 (くっしんむし)(streching-arching-insect)
..... dobin wari 土壜割(どびんわり)
..... ogimushi 招虫(おぎむし)
The body movement looks like the animal is measuring the lenght of a SHAKU or a SUN to the Japanese.
(A shaku is about one foot or 30 cm, a sun is ten shaku, 3 cm.)
Measure converter for Shaku, Sun and Bu
The caterpillar also stands for transformation and rebirth, especially in a Buddhist context. It may become a moth, a butterfly or else ...
Gabi Greve
If it's a hairy caterpillar, say "hairy caterpillar" or "woolybear". This is what the Japanese call kemushi .
If it's a non-hairy caterpillar, and is green or brownish in color, say "looper" or "inch-worm" or some such. Japanese shakutori.
In my own reading, I automatically classify the word "caterpillar" by itself as the latter type unless context suggests otherwise, but I'm sure others may think first of a woolybear. Then, there are also horned caterpillars, tent caterpillars, and other types.
In some poems, for example one involving a bird eating a caterpillar, it may not make much difference which type is mentioned. But if the caterpillar is the main star, rather than a supporting actor, it might be a good idea to say which kind, within reason.
A "green caterpillar" may be enough in some haiku (suggesting either the caterpillar of a cabbage white or an inch-worm), while in others one might need to specify "gypsy moth caterpillar".
Bill Higginson
The woolly bear caterpillar — with its 13 distinct segments of black and reddish-brown — has the reputation of being able to forecast the coming winter weather.
source : www.almanac.com
There are many tens and thousands of types of caterpillars.
certainly, as poets, we can evoke a familiar moment in our fellow haijin by saying 'caterpillar'. and maybe, unless the precise species is needed to capture the moment, caterpillar is all we need say.
to rescue the woolybear
the bald man
summer solstice
under the tent caterpillars
autumn leaves
susan delphine delaney
plano texas
..................... Some Biology
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Superclass Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Subclass Pterygota (Winged Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
No Taxon Moths
Other Common Names
larvae commonly called caterpillars (as are larvae of butterflies)
pupal case commonly called a cocoon (vs. chrysalis in butterflies)
about 13,000 described species in about 70 families in North America (plus many more undescribed species of mostly micromoths)
about 165,000 described species in the world
Larvae (caterpillars)
have a hardened head capsule and a fleshy body composed of a thorax bearing three pairs of legs, and an elongated cylindrical abdomen bearing from zero to five pairs of prolegs (short fleshy ventral projections used for clinging or walking). The body may be either uniformly colored or patterned with stripes, bands, or spots; the surface may be smooth, or may be sparsely or densely covered with short or long hairs, tufts of hair, spines, knobs, or other features.
depending on species, larvae may feed on all parts of herbaceous plants, roots/twigs/stems/leaves of trees and shrubs, fungi, lichens, dead or decaying plant material, stored food products, fabrics made of cotton or wool, or generally any organic material; many species are very host-specific, and can be identified by the plant they are feeding on; larvae of a few species are known to eat other caterpillars, and a few other species eat soft-bodied insects such as aphids
Read more and look at samples
Worldwide use
Spotted Tussock Moth (Lophocampa maculata)
The caterpillar of the Spotted Tussock Moth is often called the Yellow Woolly Bear.
Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar / PHOTO !
Royal Alberta Museum, Canada
Things found on the way
The Caterpillar Hunter
Photo by: John Serrao/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Caterpillar Hunter, common name for any of several closely related species of large, nocturnal, predatory beetles. Caterpillar hunters prey on caterpillars and earthworms. Some, such as the fiery searcher, are brilliantly colored. This species, which can grow up to 3.4 cm (1.3 in) long, is metallic blue and green. The European caterpillar hunter was imported into the United States in large numbers to combat the browntail moth.
Scientific classification:
Caterpillar hunters belong to the family Carabidae. The fiery searcher is classified as Calosoma scrutator, and the European caterpillar hunter as Calosoma sycophanta.
- - - - - Japanese still missing
Deep into autumn
and this caterpillar
still not a butterfly
aki o hete / chō mo nameru ya / kiku no tsuyu
MORE - poems about butterflies by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
ô kemushi ari no jigoku ni ochi ni keri
big caterpillar--
into the ants' hell
it has fallen
ôgiku no teppen ni neru kemushi kana
on the big mum's
peak, asleep...
Issa (Tr. David Lanoue)
mijikayo ya kemushi no ue ni tsuyu no tama
short night!
all over the wooly bear
are dew beads
Tr. Dennis Chibi - fb
. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 and his "short night" poems .
In the girl's day light hand
the caterpillar is dreaming too
to become a butterfly
Vasile Moldovan
Look at more haiku and a photo
Caterpillars crawl
Caterpillars are hairy
Caterpillars die
Emily Millar
in the weeds
one hundred and one
striped caterpillars
paul conneally
Related words
kigo for all autumn
namushi 菜虫 (なむし) "leaf worm"
leaf-eating caterpiller
na no aomushi 菜の青虫
namushi toru 菜虫とる picking leaf worms
This is the caterpillar stage of the cabbage butterfly (monchirochoo もんしろちょう 紋白蝶 .
kochoo ni mo narade aki furu namushi kana
Never becoming a butterfly
Into autumn lives
A caterpillar.
Tr. Nelson/Saito
Oku no Hosomichi - - - - Station 43 - Ogaki 大垣 - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Various translations:
still not a butterfly
as autumn deepens:
a rape-worm
trans. Barnhill
not yet a butterfly
even as autumn passes
the caterpillar
trans. Reichhold
Reichhold's comment:
Starting verse for a renga party at Jokoo's house in Oogaki.
not grown to a butterfly
this late in autumn
a caterpillar
trans. Ueda
Ueda's comment:
Written shortly after arrival in Oogaki on or around October 4.
A caterpillar,
this deep in fall--
still not a butterfly
trans. Hass
Barnhill translates namushi literally as 'rape-worm'; Ueda translates it as 'vegetable-worm'. Rehichhold translates it as 'caterpillar'
Compiled by Larry Bole
***** Butterfly
***** Crow, Raven
***** Moths
***** Location: Japan, worldwide
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animals
There are quite a few varieties of caterpillars on our earth.
In Japan too, we have our share of them. Basically they are divided into the hairy versions and the non-hairy ones.
hairy caterpillar, woolybear, wooly bears, kemushi 毛虫
woolybears creeping around, kemushi hau 毛虫這う(けむしはう)
kemushi can be used for any type of hairy caterpillar of any size. Woolybear refers to the tiger moth species (Arctiide).
Woolybears are also seen in autumn, when they walk along the roads. In that case, as kigo, you have to mention the season, they are "autumn woolybears".
Some of them have poison on their hairs that can lead to severe inflammation of the human skin.
Some multiply in great numbers and crawl along fields and trees, they can clear a whole chestnut tree over night, as I have seen them many times in our area. They come down our small road like an army of small tanks.
The local farmers call them "Mountain guys" (yama taroo 山太郎).
When they become too much of a plague, farmers light torches and burn them off (kemushi yaku 毛虫焼く).
What is left will be food for the crows, which descend in large numbers to feed on the hairy caterpillars.
pine caterpillar, matsu kemushi 松毛虫
ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo
Another group are the loopers, which move by drawing the rear part of the body to the front part, forming a loop, and then moving the front part onwards.
looper, inchworm, shakutori 尺蠖
..... shakutorimushi 尺取虫 (measuring in shaku)
..... suntori mushi 寸取虫 (measuring in sun)
..... tsuetsuki mushi 杖突虫 (walking with a stick)
..... kusshin mushi 屈伸虫 (くっしんむし)(streching-arching-insect)
..... dobin wari 土壜割(どびんわり)
..... ogimushi 招虫(おぎむし)
The body movement looks like the animal is measuring the lenght of a SHAKU or a SUN to the Japanese.
(A shaku is about one foot or 30 cm, a sun is ten shaku, 3 cm.)
Measure converter for Shaku, Sun and Bu
The caterpillar also stands for transformation and rebirth, especially in a Buddhist context. It may become a moth, a butterfly or else ...
Gabi Greve
If it's a hairy caterpillar, say "hairy caterpillar" or "woolybear". This is what the Japanese call kemushi
If it's a non-hairy caterpillar, and is green or brownish in color, say "looper" or "inch-worm" or some such. Japanese shakutori
In my own reading, I automatically classify the word "caterpillar" by itself as the latter type unless context suggests otherwise, but I'm sure others may think first of a woolybear. Then, there are also horned caterpillars, tent caterpillars, and other types.
In some poems, for example one involving a bird eating a caterpillar, it may not make much difference which type is mentioned. But if the caterpillar is the main star, rather than a supporting actor, it might be a good idea to say which kind, within reason.
A "green caterpillar" may be enough in some haiku (suggesting either the caterpillar of a cabbage white or an inch-worm), while in others one might need to specify "gypsy moth caterpillar".
Bill Higginson
The woolly bear caterpillar — with its 13 distinct segments of black and reddish-brown — has the reputation of being able to forecast the coming winter weather.
source : www.almanac.com
There are many tens and thousands of types of caterpillars.
certainly, as poets, we can evoke a familiar moment in our fellow haijin by saying 'caterpillar'. and maybe, unless the precise species is needed to capture the moment, caterpillar is all we need say.
to rescue the woolybear
the bald man
summer solstice
under the tent caterpillars
autumn leaves
susan delphine delaney
plano texas
..................... Some Biology
Kingdom Animalia (Animals)
Phylum Arthropoda (Arthropods)
Superclass Hexapoda (Hexapods)
Class Insecta (Insects)
Subclass Pterygota (Winged Insects)
Order Lepidoptera (Butterflies and Moths)
No Taxon Moths
Other Common Names
larvae commonly called caterpillars (as are larvae of butterflies)
pupal case commonly called a cocoon (vs. chrysalis in butterflies)
about 13,000 described species in about 70 families in North America (plus many more undescribed species of mostly micromoths)
about 165,000 described species in the world
Larvae (caterpillars)
have a hardened head capsule and a fleshy body composed of a thorax bearing three pairs of legs, and an elongated cylindrical abdomen bearing from zero to five pairs of prolegs (short fleshy ventral projections used for clinging or walking). The body may be either uniformly colored or patterned with stripes, bands, or spots; the surface may be smooth, or may be sparsely or densely covered with short or long hairs, tufts of hair, spines, knobs, or other features.
depending on species, larvae may feed on all parts of herbaceous plants, roots/twigs/stems/leaves of trees and shrubs, fungi, lichens, dead or decaying plant material, stored food products, fabrics made of cotton or wool, or generally any organic material; many species are very host-specific, and can be identified by the plant they are feeding on; larvae of a few species are known to eat other caterpillars, and a few other species eat soft-bodied insects such as aphids
Read more and look at samples
Worldwide use
Spotted Tussock Moth (Lophocampa maculata)
The caterpillar of the Spotted Tussock Moth is often called the Yellow Woolly Bear.
Spotted Tussock Moth Caterpillar / PHOTO !
Royal Alberta Museum, Canada
Things found on the way
The Caterpillar Hunter
Photo by: John Serrao/Photo Researchers, Inc.
Caterpillar Hunter, common name for any of several closely related species of large, nocturnal, predatory beetles. Caterpillar hunters prey on caterpillars and earthworms. Some, such as the fiery searcher, are brilliantly colored. This species, which can grow up to 3.4 cm (1.3 in) long, is metallic blue and green. The European caterpillar hunter was imported into the United States in large numbers to combat the browntail moth.
Scientific classification:
Caterpillar hunters belong to the family Carabidae. The fiery searcher is classified as Calosoma scrutator, and the European caterpillar hunter as Calosoma sycophanta.
- - - - - Japanese still missing
Deep into autumn
and this caterpillar
still not a butterfly
aki o hete / chō mo nameru ya / kiku no tsuyu
MORE - poems about butterflies by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
ô kemushi ari no jigoku ni ochi ni keri
big caterpillar--
into the ants' hell
it has fallen
ôgiku no teppen ni neru kemushi kana
on the big mum's
peak, asleep...
Issa (Tr. David Lanoue)
mijikayo ya kemushi no ue ni tsuyu no tama
short night!
all over the wooly bear
are dew beads
Tr. Dennis Chibi - fb
. WKD : Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 and his "short night" poems .
In the girl's day light hand
the caterpillar is dreaming too
to become a butterfly
Vasile Moldovan
Look at more haiku and a photo
Caterpillars crawl
Caterpillars are hairy
Caterpillars die
Emily Millar
in the weeds
one hundred and one
striped caterpillars
paul conneally
Related words
kigo for all autumn
namushi 菜虫 (なむし) "leaf worm"
leaf-eating caterpiller
na no aomushi 菜の青虫
namushi toru 菜虫とる picking leaf worms
This is the caterpillar stage of the cabbage butterfly (monchirochoo もんしろちょう 紋白蝶 .
kochoo ni mo narade aki furu namushi kana
Into autumn lives
A caterpillar.
Tr. Nelson/Saito
Oku no Hosomichi - - - - Station 43 - Ogaki 大垣 - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .
Various translations:
still not a butterfly
as autumn deepens:
a rape-worm
trans. Barnhill
not yet a butterfly
even as autumn passes
the caterpillar
trans. Reichhold
Reichhold's comment:
Starting verse for a renga party at Jokoo's house in Oogaki.
not grown to a butterfly
this late in autumn
a caterpillar
trans. Ueda
Ueda's comment:
Written shortly after arrival in Oogaki on or around October 4.
A caterpillar,
this deep in fall--
still not a butterfly
trans. Hass
Barnhill translates namushi literally as 'rape-worm'; Ueda translates it as 'vegetable-worm'. Rehichhold translates it as 'caterpillar'
Compiled by Larry Bole
***** Butterfly
***** Crow, Raven
***** Moths
Candle night (05)
nnnnnnnnnnnn TOP nnnnnnnnnnnnn
Candle night (kyandoru naito, Japan)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance
A network of Japanese grassroots groups (http://www.candle-night.org) and the Environment Ministry are jointly calling on the public to turn off the lights for two hours on the summer solstice with the dual purpose of saving energy and enjoying candlelight and darkness.
Loot at the lights vanishing
Sakamoto San, London 2004
The "Candle Night Summer Solstice 2005" will be held this year from 8 to 10 p.m. (your local time) on the evenings of June 18 through 21. Promoted under the slogan of "Turn off the lights, and take it slow," this will be the fifth such event (including winter solstices) since 2003.
The event encourages people to turn off their lights and to enjoy some quality time in candlelight for two hours on the evening of the summer solstice. Its promoters are appealing to a wide audience with a concept that goes beyond energy conservation, anti-nuclear and other political messages. More than 6,000 major buildings and structures in Japan turned off their lights during the 2004 summer event, and an estimated six million people participated.
A variety of events are being planned in many locations this year, mainly on June 18 and 19. The MOE is recommending that lights in public and private structures be turned off on Sunday, June 19. This year, Tokyo Tower, one of the top landmarks in the country, will be participating again by turning its lights off at the specified time on that night.
The Candle Night event is enjoying a wave of popularity in Japan, across all sectors of society -- the government, municipalities, business and the public. It offers an open opportunity for people to enjoy themselves in their own ways -- spending the time with the family or a loved one, enjoying quiet time or the beauty of the stars, reviewing their lifestyles, or thinking about peace, the global environment, energy saving, or global warming.
As the modern world seems to get ever smaller and to run at an increasingly faster pace, opportunities to enjoy peace and quiet to take the time to reflect on things are few and far between. These days there are few homes where it's possible to escape the constant hum of electric appliances. The prospect of a new "oil shock" is focusing the attention of many on the scarcity of the resources upon which our modern way of life depends.
Japan can probably lay claim to being the most illuminated country on the planet. The neon skyscapes of Tokyo are famous the world over, and it's not unusual to find even the most remote locations bathed in a warm glow of light from one of Japan's 5 million vending machines (one for almost every 20 people). Tourists and courting couples flock to "night view" spots where people are excited to have their pictures taken in front of illuminations. A group of Japanese organizations however, are calling for us to pull the plug and take a time out from electricity.
Meiji Gakuin University professor and author of the best seller Suro izu biutifuru (Slow Is Beautiful), Keibo Oiwa, is one of the organizers. He is also one of the founders of the Sloth Club, a Japanese non-governmental organization that advocates the conservation of environmental and cultural diversity. In an article for the Japan Times in the run up to last year's solstice event he is quoted as saying, "This kind of voluntary blackout should not be just an energy-saving initiative, it should also be a starting point for cultural resurgence, for regaining a sense of beauty, fun and peace of mind."
● Light a Peace Candle ●
Turn off the electric light and light a candle--
Let's start a "Slow Life" with a candle for peace and sustainability--
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
candle night
hand in hand up the stairs
to find the bed
As far as Kenya is concerned, we have candle nights quite often --not as kigo on a particular night of the year! Power failures can occur all year round...
Isabelle Prondzynski
candle night -
thoughts turn to things
long lost
Gabi Greve, 2005
candle night -
the beetles looking
for some fun
© Gabi Greve, 2007 with more photos HERE.
Related words
***** Light offerings afloat (tooroo nagashi) : kigo for early autumn
Buddhist Rituals in Japan.
Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
worldkigo .....
Back to the Worldkigo Index
Candle night (kyandoru naito, Japan)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance
A network of Japanese grassroots groups (http://www.candle-night.org) and the Environment Ministry are jointly calling on the public to turn off the lights for two hours on the summer solstice with the dual purpose of saving energy and enjoying candlelight and darkness.
Loot at the lights vanishing
Sakamoto San, London 2004
The "Candle Night Summer Solstice 2005" will be held this year from 8 to 10 p.m. (your local time) on the evenings of June 18 through 21. Promoted under the slogan of "Turn off the lights, and take it slow," this will be the fifth such event (including winter solstices) since 2003.
The event encourages people to turn off their lights and to enjoy some quality time in candlelight for two hours on the evening of the summer solstice. Its promoters are appealing to a wide audience with a concept that goes beyond energy conservation, anti-nuclear and other political messages. More than 6,000 major buildings and structures in Japan turned off their lights during the 2004 summer event, and an estimated six million people participated.
A variety of events are being planned in many locations this year, mainly on June 18 and 19. The MOE is recommending that lights in public and private structures be turned off on Sunday, June 19. This year, Tokyo Tower, one of the top landmarks in the country, will be participating again by turning its lights off at the specified time on that night.
The Candle Night event is enjoying a wave of popularity in Japan, across all sectors of society -- the government, municipalities, business and the public. It offers an open opportunity for people to enjoy themselves in their own ways -- spending the time with the family or a loved one, enjoying quiet time or the beauty of the stars, reviewing their lifestyles, or thinking about peace, the global environment, energy saving, or global warming.
As the modern world seems to get ever smaller and to run at an increasingly faster pace, opportunities to enjoy peace and quiet to take the time to reflect on things are few and far between. These days there are few homes where it's possible to escape the constant hum of electric appliances. The prospect of a new "oil shock" is focusing the attention of many on the scarcity of the resources upon which our modern way of life depends.
Japan can probably lay claim to being the most illuminated country on the planet. The neon skyscapes of Tokyo are famous the world over, and it's not unusual to find even the most remote locations bathed in a warm glow of light from one of Japan's 5 million vending machines (one for almost every 20 people). Tourists and courting couples flock to "night view" spots where people are excited to have their pictures taken in front of illuminations. A group of Japanese organizations however, are calling for us to pull the plug and take a time out from electricity.
Meiji Gakuin University professor and author of the best seller Suro izu biutifuru (Slow Is Beautiful), Keibo Oiwa, is one of the organizers. He is also one of the founders of the Sloth Club, a Japanese non-governmental organization that advocates the conservation of environmental and cultural diversity. In an article for the Japan Times in the run up to last year's solstice event he is quoted as saying, "This kind of voluntary blackout should not be just an energy-saving initiative, it should also be a starting point for cultural resurgence, for regaining a sense of beauty, fun and peace of mind."
● Light a Peace Candle ●
Turn off the electric light and light a candle--
Let's start a "Slow Life" with a candle for peace and sustainability--
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
candle night
hand in hand up the stairs
to find the bed
As far as Kenya is concerned, we have candle nights quite often --not as kigo on a particular night of the year! Power failures can occur all year round...
Isabelle Prondzynski
candle night -
thoughts turn to things
long lost
Gabi Greve, 2005
candle night -
the beetles looking
for some fun
© Gabi Greve, 2007 with more photos HERE.
Related words
***** Light offerings afloat (tooroo nagashi) : kigo for early autumn
Buddhist Rituals in Japan.
Please send your contributions to Gabi Greve
worldkigo .....
Back to the Worldkigo Index
Burma (Myanmar)
[ . BACK to TOP . ]
Burma (Myanmar)
Burma, officially the Union of Myanmar, is the largest country by geographical area in mainland Southeast Asia.
Burma achieved independence from the United Kingdom on 4 January 1948, as the “Union of Burma.” It became the “Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma” on 4 January 1974, before reverting to the “Union of Burma” on 23 September 1988. On 18 June 1989, the State Law and Order Restoration Council adopted the name “Union of Myanmar.” This was recognised by the United Nations, but not by the US or UK Governments.
Burma is bordered by China on the north, Laos on the east, Thailand on the southeast, Bangladesh on the west, and India on the northwest, with the Bay of Bengal to the southwest. One-third of Burma's total perimeter, 1,930 kilometres (1,199 mi), forms an uninterrupted coastline.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Myanmar Haiku Contest
© Myanmar-Chitchat.blogspot.com
Burmese Mountain Dog
Burmese Mountain Dogs are a rare dog breed that live in the mountains of Myanmar. They have been bred to hunt skunks and protect livestock. Their abilities as skunk hunters are quite remarkable. Note their skunk-like markings which can fool a skunk into believing the dog is another skunk, until too late. Despite their size, they can climb trees over 50-feet high in pursuit of the arboreal Burmese Skunk.
In the event that a skunk sprays them, they can also shed the scent with a mere rinsing. Burmese Mountain Dogs make great pets. Their major drawback is their excessive shedding. However, they should not be confused with Bernese Mountain Dogs, which are Swiss farm dogs. More information can be found at
skunk hunter of Burma
plying your trade in the night,
you need a good bath.
Posted by NNVA
Burmese mountain dog
Has no need to hunt skunks here
Besides,cats arent skunks
They fight with cats because they frequently think they are skunks.
Posted by J
© www.museumofhoaxes.com
Some say the Burmese Mountain Dog is a hoax and just a German Shepherd.
Or it is the Berner Sennenhund.
Frigid barren moon
As great Mitsubishi waxes
Life in Burma wanes
Paul Hitchfield, 1996
burmalibrary 1996
bloody aftermath
hunting their own people as
the world looks elsewhere
© Deek Deekster, October 17, 2007
of monks' robes -
leaves fall.
© Juliet Wilson, October 06, 2007
Burma (Myanmar)
Burma, officially the Union of Myanmar, is the largest country by geographical area in mainland Southeast Asia.
Burma achieved independence from the United Kingdom on 4 January 1948, as the “Union of Burma.” It became the “Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma” on 4 January 1974, before reverting to the “Union of Burma” on 23 September 1988. On 18 June 1989, the State Law and Order Restoration Council adopted the name “Union of Myanmar.” This was recognised by the United Nations, but not by the US or UK Governments.
Burma is bordered by China on the north, Laos on the east, Thailand on the southeast, Bangladesh on the west, and India on the northwest, with the Bay of Bengal to the southwest. One-third of Burma's total perimeter, 1,930 kilometres (1,199 mi), forms an uninterrupted coastline.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !
Myanmar Haiku Contest
© Myanmar-Chitchat.blogspot.com
Burmese Mountain Dog
Burmese Mountain Dogs are a rare dog breed that live in the mountains of Myanmar. They have been bred to hunt skunks and protect livestock. Their abilities as skunk hunters are quite remarkable. Note their skunk-like markings which can fool a skunk into believing the dog is another skunk, until too late. Despite their size, they can climb trees over 50-feet high in pursuit of the arboreal Burmese Skunk.
In the event that a skunk sprays them, they can also shed the scent with a mere rinsing. Burmese Mountain Dogs make great pets. Their major drawback is their excessive shedding. However, they should not be confused with Bernese Mountain Dogs, which are Swiss farm dogs. More information can be found at
skunk hunter of Burma
plying your trade in the night,
you need a good bath.
Posted by NNVA
Burmese mountain dog
Has no need to hunt skunks here
Besides,cats arent skunks
They fight with cats because they frequently think they are skunks.
Posted by J
© www.museumofhoaxes.com
Some say the Burmese Mountain Dog is a hoax and just a German Shepherd.
Or it is the Berner Sennenhund.
Frigid barren moon
As great Mitsubishi waxes
Life in Burma wanes
Paul Hitchfield, 1996
burmalibrary 1996
bloody aftermath
hunting their own people as
the world looks elsewhere
© Deek Deekster, October 17, 2007
of monks' robes -
leaves fall.
© Juliet Wilson, October 06, 2007
Butterbur (fuki no too)
Butterbur sprouts (fuki no too, fuki no tou) fukinotou
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Spring
***** Category: Plant
One of these plants, when mentioning the name, many Japanese turn the eyes to heaven and sigh ! ... and hope for spring.
It is the memorial flower of the northern province of Akita.
The first tempura or miso soup with these sprouts is a special treat in rural areas, especially in mountainous areas of the Main Island, Shikoku and Kyushu, where it shows its head below the snow. It tastes quite bitter, but never mind, this is the taste of SPRING !
This year I had to wait quite a while before being able to take this photo. Finally, quite a cold winter was over !
seeing your face
on the forest ground !
butterbur sprouts
© Photo Gabi Greve, 2006
butterbur sprouts, fuki no too 蕗の薹 ふきのとう
Petasites japonicus
spring butterbur、春の蕗 haru no fuki
butterbur sprouts, fuki no me 蕗の芽
butterbur flowers, fuki no hana 蕗の花
Another name is
"Mother in Law of the Butterbur"
fuki no shuutome, 蕗の(ふきのしゅうとめ)
Japanese Sweet Coltsfoot.
For Summer Kigo, see below.
The Greek word "petasos" means a summer head with a broad rim, like the broad leaves of the plant.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Butterbur and sweet potato mixed with bonito flakes
Historical records describe soldiers taking bonito flakes to the battlefield in the Sengoku Period (middle of the 15th century to the beginning of the 17th century). Bonito flakes were eaten as rations as can be seen in this description:
"Eating this invigorates oneself, lightens the mood and alleviates hunger."
The Japanese word for bonito flakes, "katsuo bushi", is pronounced the same as "winning samurai". Hence, bonito flakes were eaten to wish for good fortune for the samurai.
- source : facebook.com/thesamuraigourmet.jp
The scattering petals
of the wild butterbur.
The sound of a waterfall.
Matsuo Basho
蕗の薹 おもひおもひの 夕汽笛
fuki no too omoi-omoi no yuu ki bue
butterbur season -
the different sounds of
night trains
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
中村汀女 Nakamura Teijo
the butterbur leans
as I weed around it
the spring moon looms behind
Koi Nagata,
translated by Nana Naruto and Margaret Mitsutani
Related words
Kigo for Early Summer
***** Butterbur, fuki 蕗
Petasites japonica
butterbur leaves, fuki no ha
field with butterbur, fukibatake
"butterbur like aloeswood", kyarabuki 伽羅蕗
a special dish prepared from the stems, as a tsukudani boiled with soy sauce. The name KYARA comes from the color of the incence, which is the same as the fuki stems.
(Aloeswood (aloes-wood 伽羅) is a special ingredient of incense)
kyarabuki no hodoyoku teri ya San-u no ki
the shimmer of these
boiled coltsfoot stems is just right -
memorial day of Mantaroo
Karasawa Nankaishi 唐沢南海子
kyarabuki no meppoo kara ki otera kana
Boosha 茅舎
WASHOKU : Mori no Megumi
Food from the Bountiful Woods
fuki no ha ni tonde hikkurikaeru kana
onto the butterbur leaf
landing upside down...
a frog
Issa has some more haiku about the butterbur leaves.
Butterbur Haiku by Issa
awabi ama fuku no ha ni fuku iso megane
Woman diver for
abalone wipes goggles
with butterbur leaf
(Tr. Koko Kato)
Akio Ohyama
fukinotou chinoikioi o ete ideshi
butterbur sprout
comes out,
raised by Mother-earth
© Neal's Haiku
***** Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), Europa fuki tanpopo (Japan)
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI
Butterbur sprouts (fuki no too, fuki no tou) fukinotou
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Early Spring
***** Category: Plant
One of these plants, when mentioning the name, many Japanese turn the eyes to heaven and sigh ! ... and hope for spring.
It is the memorial flower of the northern province of Akita.
The first tempura or miso soup with these sprouts is a special treat in rural areas, especially in mountainous areas of the Main Island, Shikoku and Kyushu, where it shows its head below the snow. It tastes quite bitter, but never mind, this is the taste of SPRING !
This year I had to wait quite a while before being able to take this photo. Finally, quite a cold winter was over !
seeing your face
on the forest ground !
butterbur sprouts
© Photo Gabi Greve, 2006
butterbur sprouts, fuki no too 蕗の薹 ふきのとう
Petasites japonicus
spring butterbur、春の蕗 haru no fuki
butterbur sprouts, fuki no me 蕗の芽
butterbur flowers, fuki no hana 蕗の花
Another name is
"Mother in Law of the Butterbur"
fuki no shuutome, 蕗の(ふきのしゅうとめ)
Japanese Sweet Coltsfoot.
For Summer Kigo, see below.
The Greek word "petasos" means a summer head with a broad rim, like the broad leaves of the plant.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
Butterbur and sweet potato mixed with bonito flakes
Historical records describe soldiers taking bonito flakes to the battlefield in the Sengoku Period (middle of the 15th century to the beginning of the 17th century). Bonito flakes were eaten as rations as can be seen in this description:
"Eating this invigorates oneself, lightens the mood and alleviates hunger."
The Japanese word for bonito flakes, "katsuo bushi", is pronounced the same as "winning samurai". Hence, bonito flakes were eaten to wish for good fortune for the samurai.
- source : facebook.com/thesamuraigourmet.jp
The scattering petals
of the wild butterbur.
The sound of a waterfall.
Matsuo Basho
蕗の薹 おもひおもひの 夕汽笛
fuki no too omoi-omoi no yuu ki bue
butterbur season -
the different sounds of
night trains
(Tr. Gabi Greve)
中村汀女 Nakamura Teijo
the butterbur leans
as I weed around it
the spring moon looms behind
Koi Nagata,
translated by Nana Naruto and Margaret Mitsutani
Related words
Kigo for Early Summer
***** Butterbur, fuki 蕗
Petasites japonica
butterbur leaves, fuki no ha
field with butterbur, fukibatake
"butterbur like aloeswood", kyarabuki 伽羅蕗
a special dish prepared from the stems, as a tsukudani boiled with soy sauce. The name KYARA comes from the color of the incence, which is the same as the fuki stems.
(Aloeswood (aloes-wood 伽羅) is a special ingredient of incense)
kyarabuki no hodoyoku teri ya San-u no ki
the shimmer of these
boiled coltsfoot stems is just right -
memorial day of Mantaroo
Karasawa Nankaishi 唐沢南海子
kyarabuki no meppoo kara ki otera kana
Boosha 茅舎
WASHOKU : Mori no Megumi
Food from the Bountiful Woods
fuki no ha ni tonde hikkurikaeru kana
onto the butterbur leaf
landing upside down...
a frog
Issa has some more haiku about the butterbur leaves.
Butterbur Haiku by Issa
awabi ama fuku no ha ni fuku iso megane
Woman diver for
abalone wipes goggles
with butterbur leaf
(Tr. Koko Kato)
Akio Ohyama
fukinotou chinoikioi o ete ideshi
butterbur sprout
comes out,
raised by Mother-earth
© Neal's Haiku
***** Coltsfoot (Tussilago farfara), Europa fuki tanpopo (Japan)
WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI
Buddhabird (buppoosoo)
Buddhabird (buppoosoo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal
仏法僧 literally means: Buddha, Teaching and Priests, the three treasures of Buddhism, so the bird is also called: sanpoodori 三宝鳥, bird of the three treasures, another kigo.
To be correct, there are two birds, that is why I have chosen the translation of "Buddhabird". (New Kenkyusha Dictionary states only the Dollarbird.)
In Japanese we have the proverb "To use one stone to kill two birds, for short: one stone two birds" (isseki nichoo 一石二鳥), but in this context we could say with a smile "One word, two birds".
The dollarbird lives in the deep forests of remote mountain areas, where the old holy mountain retreats like Mt. Koya (Koya San in Wakayama), Nikko, Kiso and others were located. It is very shy. Its voice was heard at night in the far-away woods as the sound of: bupp poo soo, bupp poo soo, hence the name in Japanse.
Only during the beginning of the Showa period did it suddenly become clear that the voice of this bird is in fact different, like gyaa gyaa. And the originator of the sound bupp poo soo was in fact a kind of owl, see below.
To solve this mysterious mixup, the dollarbird is now called
the "form of the bird" (sugata no buppoosoo 姿の仏法僧) and
the owl the "voice of the bird" (koe no buppoosoo 声の仏法僧).
The dollarbird, Eurystomus orientalis (family Coraciidae) , is a dark roller with blue on its wings, tail and throat and a red bill. It has bluish-white windows or "dollars" on its wings which are visible in flight.
The owl, konohazuku 木の葉菟、木の葉木莵、小葉木菟 コノハズク
(Otus scops japonicus)
is believed to be the smallest of all Japanese owls. It is only as large as a pigeon. It belongs to the family of Eurasian Scops-Owls.
Also called "owl in green leaves" aobazuku 青葉木莵.
The spelling "aobaduku" is problematic.
青葉木菟 月ありといへる 声の後
青葉木菟 死者へ反目 ながかりし
Japanese list with haiku about this bird
Click HERE to see more photos of this bird.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
A souvenir toy and mascot of the town of Horai.
Made from a kind of reed.
Avibase - Bird Checklists of the World
From a long list of haiku about owls:
木葉木菟 酔ふて寐て子に いたはられ
konoha-zuku yotte nete ko ni itawarare
Hayashi Ikuroo
Buddhabird -
drunk over and slept
children care for me
.. .. ..
仏法僧 山の夜霧に 誰か咳き 福田紀伊
bupoosoo yama no yogiri ni dareka seki
Fukuda Kii
Buddhabird -
in the night mist of mountains
someone coughs
.. .. ..
仏法僧 谷うつりして 今遠し
buppoosoo tani utsuri shite ima tooshii
Asai Igai 浅井意外
Buddhabird -
flew to another valley
now the sound so far
Translations by Nakamura Sakuo
.. .. ..
More Japanese Haiku from the above link:
仏法僧 八日の月の 山に入る 箕山
仏法僧 鳴くべき月の 明るさよ 中川宋淵
仏法僧 聞え月より 巒気降る 西村公鳳
仏法僧 星の中より 雨こぼれ 白川友幸
仏法僧 鳴くと相寄る 煙草の火 滝春一
仏法僧 樹の根が作る 坂光る 加藤知世子
仏法僧 闇の唇 微光して 井口砥子
仏法僧 鳴きぬ密林の 蛾うごめき 加藤かけい
仏法僧 啼くと案内僧 耳に手を 森白象
仏法僧 聞かまく今宵 坊泊まり 楠部南崖
仏法僧 たなぐもに日の 落ちしより 木津柳芽
仏法僧 ちかき潤声 道に絶え 木津柳芽
仏法僧 近きたぎちを 夜目に越ゆ 加藤かけい
仏法僧 鳴きやまざるに 露むすぶ 加藤かけい
Paper Doll
aobazuku 青葉木菟 The Brown Hawk-Owl
Ninox scutulata
tsuma koeba ware ni shineyo to aobazuku
I long for my husband -
"You should die!"
orders the owl in the leaves
. Hashimoto Takako .
Related words
***** Saijiki for Buddhist Events
. Buddha Bird at Mount Kashozan, Gunma .
Buddhabird (buppoosoo)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal
仏法僧 literally means: Buddha, Teaching and Priests, the three treasures of Buddhism, so the bird is also called: sanpoodori 三宝鳥, bird of the three treasures, another kigo.
To be correct, there are two birds, that is why I have chosen the translation of "Buddhabird". (New Kenkyusha Dictionary states only the Dollarbird.)
In Japanese we have the proverb "To use one stone to kill two birds, for short: one stone two birds" (isseki nichoo 一石二鳥), but in this context we could say with a smile "One word, two birds".
The dollarbird lives in the deep forests of remote mountain areas, where the old holy mountain retreats like Mt. Koya (Koya San in Wakayama), Nikko, Kiso and others were located. It is very shy. Its voice was heard at night in the far-away woods as the sound of: bupp poo soo, bupp poo soo, hence the name in Japanse.
Only during the beginning of the Showa period did it suddenly become clear that the voice of this bird is in fact different, like gyaa gyaa. And the originator of the sound bupp poo soo was in fact a kind of owl, see below.
To solve this mysterious mixup, the dollarbird is now called
the "form of the bird" (sugata no buppoosoo 姿の仏法僧) and
the owl the "voice of the bird" (koe no buppoosoo 声の仏法僧).
The dollarbird, Eurystomus orientalis (family Coraciidae) , is a dark roller with blue on its wings, tail and throat and a red bill. It has bluish-white windows or "dollars" on its wings which are visible in flight.
The owl, konohazuku 木の葉菟、木の葉木莵、小葉木菟 コノハズク
(Otus scops japonicus)
is believed to be the smallest of all Japanese owls. It is only as large as a pigeon. It belongs to the family of Eurasian Scops-Owls.
Also called "owl in green leaves" aobazuku 青葉木莵.
The spelling "aobaduku" is problematic.
青葉木菟 月ありといへる 声の後
青葉木菟 死者へ反目 ながかりし
Japanese list with haiku about this bird
Click HERE to see more photos of this bird.
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
A souvenir toy and mascot of the town of Horai.
Made from a kind of reed.
Avibase - Bird Checklists of the World
From a long list of haiku about owls:
木葉木菟 酔ふて寐て子に いたはられ
konoha-zuku yotte nete ko ni itawarare
Hayashi Ikuroo
Buddhabird -
drunk over and slept
children care for me
.. .. ..
仏法僧 山の夜霧に 誰か咳き 福田紀伊
bupoosoo yama no yogiri ni dareka seki
Fukuda Kii
Buddhabird -
in the night mist of mountains
someone coughs
.. .. ..
仏法僧 谷うつりして 今遠し
buppoosoo tani utsuri shite ima tooshii
Asai Igai 浅井意外
Buddhabird -
flew to another valley
now the sound so far
Translations by Nakamura Sakuo
.. .. ..
More Japanese Haiku from the above link:
仏法僧 八日の月の 山に入る 箕山
仏法僧 鳴くべき月の 明るさよ 中川宋淵
仏法僧 聞え月より 巒気降る 西村公鳳
仏法僧 星の中より 雨こぼれ 白川友幸
仏法僧 鳴くと相寄る 煙草の火 滝春一
仏法僧 樹の根が作る 坂光る 加藤知世子
仏法僧 闇の唇 微光して 井口砥子
仏法僧 鳴きぬ密林の 蛾うごめき 加藤かけい
仏法僧 啼くと案内僧 耳に手を 森白象
仏法僧 聞かまく今宵 坊泊まり 楠部南崖
仏法僧 たなぐもに日の 落ちしより 木津柳芽
仏法僧 ちかき潤声 道に絶え 木津柳芽
仏法僧 近きたぎちを 夜目に越ゆ 加藤かけい
仏法僧 鳴きやまざるに 露むすぶ 加藤かけい
Paper Doll
aobazuku 青葉木菟 The Brown Hawk-Owl
Ninox scutulata
tsuma koeba ware ni shineyo to aobazuku
I long for my husband -
"You should die!"
orders the owl in the leaves
. Hashimoto Takako .
Related words
***** Saijiki for Buddhist Events
. Buddha Bird at Mount Kashozan, Gunma .
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