
Heron (aosagi) Egret (shirasagi)

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Heron (aosagi)

***** Location: Japan, India ...
***** Season: Various, see below
***** Category: Animal


歌川広重 - 逆井のわたし Sakai ferry (in Edo)
Hiroshige - Sakai no watashi



"blue heron", aosagi 青鷺
Ardea herodias, Ardea cinerea

Click HERE to see some photos !

There are many species in the heron family. This kigo refers to the grey heron. He is visible in my parts of Western Japan all year round. Some families breed just around the corner in a small pond. The wet rice paddies with the many frogs make for good hunting grounds of these lovely birds.

We also have the

"white heron", egret, shirasagi 白鷺

Click HERE to see some photos !

Gabi Greve



egret in winter, fuyu sagi 冬鷺 (ふゆさぎ)
nokorisagi 残り鷺(のこりさぎ)
egret left behind. egret staying behind

"Herons in the snow"
Koson Ohara (1877-1945)

koe nakuba sagi ushinawan kesa no yuki

but for their voices
the herons would disappear--
this morning's snow

Tr. Donegan

. Chiyo-ni 千代尼 .
and Ichihara Tayo-Jo 市原多代女


The Heron Maiden - Sagi Musume

Once upon a time a young man rescued a wounded heron, cared for it, and set it free. Soon after, he met a beautiful girl. She was not from his neighborhood, indeed no one knew where she came from and she was herself vague on the subject. However, she was charming, and he quickly fell in love with her.

They married and lived blissfully together for several months. She turned out to be a skillful maker of silk brocade, which he sold to support them. The only condition she asked as she gave him the brocade was that he not look at her while she was working. One day, unable to resist his curiosity, he looked into her room: of course she was the heron he had saved, and he saw her weaving at the loom in her heron form.

Sorrowfully she turned into a beautiful young woman for the last time. She told him that she had been happy as a human being but could only live with him as long as he was unaware of her nonhuman nature. Although she meant him nothing but good, she was now bound to fly away and leave him forever.
Look at the woodblock print here:
source : www.tumblr.com

The famous Kabuki actor Tamasaburo performs a dance about the "Heron's Maiden", sagi musume 鷺娘 , an old folktale of Japan.

The set is a frozen pond in the middle of Winter. The music from the geza is the classic sound effect for falling snow. The spirit of the heron appears on a platform, dressed in white, solitary and silent. This dance is a series of transformations, done through costum changes using either the bukkaeri or the hikinuki techniques to switch the roles.

The first change turns the dancer into a young maiden in love, dressed in a beautiful red kimono, who dances the joy of love in a lively atmosphere. Her love is a short one and the next section of the dance is no more about happiness but sadness and jealousy.

The dance is getting darker and the final change brings back the spirit of the heron, who frantically dances, depicting the torments of hell and pleading for pity. The highlight of this section is an ebizori pose. Then the heron maiden collapses on stage, bringing the dance to a close.

Video with Tamasaburo:

July 22, 2012
Bando nominated for treasure title
Tamasaburo Bando V, a veteran kabuki actor known for his "onnagata" female roles, has been nominated as a living national treasure by the Council for Cultural Affairs.
source : Japan Times

Worldwide use

Chesapeake Bay, USA
Chesapeake Saijiki



flight of egrets
a boy with his ear
to a telephone pole

grey sky
the cluster of white breaks up
into egrets

still morning
a cattle egret
spears a grasshopper

the egret whiter
than the clouds

Johannes Manjrekar, India

The leisurely flapping whiteness climbing higher and higher in the sky is an egret. The sunset moon is bright even though it is a long way from fullness. Crows share the sky with moon and egret, playing flighty games with the wind.

A car backfires and pigeons erupt into the sky. They circle long enough to demonstrate that they too have the gift of flight, before settling back on their perches.

evening breeze
sharp leaf shadows
on the white wall

Johannes Manjrekar
March 2012


White feathers of dead egrets
beautify the rear of the dhaki
joyous, he jumps with others.

Dhaki is the hired drummer who dances and drums during the Puja days, recently with huge white feathers decorating his back, so it looks good and people also like it but all this over the dead bodies of the poor birds.

Aju Mukhopadhyay, India


a lonely egret
past the dark clouds
hurrying home

Vidur Jyoti, India


Southern California, USA
We see them all year in the wetlands of Southern California.
Billie Dee






Western Reef Heron (Egretta gularis)
The Western Reef Heron, Egretta gularis, also known as the Western Reef Egret, is a medium-sized heron. It occurs mainly on the coasts in tropical west Africa, the Red Sea, the Persian Gulf and east to India.
It has been recorded as a vagrant in the Cocos (Keeling) Islands, an Australian territory in the eastern Indian Ocean
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

breeding time: April- July
Nesting or building a nest is starting now
The Western Reef Heron's breeding habitat is coastal wetlands.

above the mangrove
a landing call – little heron bills

after the feeding
'at ease' posture –
reef heron

preening finished-
clock hands and reef heron
bolt upright

Heike Gewi, March 2012


Things found on the way


fuyukusa mo mienu yukino no shirasagi wa
ono ga sugata ni mi o kakushikeri

No winter-grass being seen,
A white heron in a snow-field
Hides itself in
Its own form.

. Doogen Zenji 道元禅師 .

source : 冨士 翠康 先生 筆

not even winter grass
to be seen
in this snow field
a white heron hides his body
in its own form

Tr. Gabi Greve


The Heron as Divine Animal 霊獣 reijuu

. Kehi Jinguu 氣比神宮 ー 気比神宮 Tsuruga .


source : story.turuta.jp
Koimari plate with sagi heron


The Heron's Nest, a Haiku site
Managing Editor: Christopher Herold


father heron
cruising home -
sunset in the valley

He always leaves his home, the West Pond, in the morning, crossing the valley to the east.

I guess he is working the terraced rice fields over there …

High in the sky, majestic wings flapping gently, enjoying the updrift, greeting us with a friendly word (heron language, which we learned over the years)

June 22, 2004

Today, July 1, three of them where cruising the sky.

Father heron
taking the kids
for the first ride

Riding the evening up-current over the valley, showing them here and there, slowly and majestically, the bigger bird leading the two smaller ones in circles....

Gabi Greve, Okayama, Japan, 2004

morning mist --
an egret hunts
in the lotus pond

Gabi Greve, April 2010


寺の冬 鷺も餌に つかぬもの
tera no fuyu sagi mo esa ni tsukanu mono

winter in the temple -
even the heron can get
no food

I dedicate this haiku to all the water birds who lost their natural habitat thanks to the activities of the human race.

gabi Greve, January 2007
Look at the Photo HERE !


foggy slough
the invisible heron
stands on one leg

setting moon
the heron’s head snakes
beneath a wing

croaking pond
among the reeds
a heron’s deadly silence

in the shallows
a heron’s feathers blend
with the ripples

stifling heat
the only thing moving
a heron’s eye

Billie Dee


breakfast buffet
a walk in the marsh
at dawn

- Shared by Jimmy ThePeach -
Joys of Japan, 2012

photo : tri-colored heron photo - ken thomas, public domain


pink sunshine
on the evening clouds -
herons gliding home

Gabi Greve
August 2012

Related words

"Heron Plant / Egret Plant",
fringed orchid, sagisoo 鷺草
Habenaria radiata, a kind of orchid
kigo for late summer

..... tsure sagisoo 連鷺草
..... gamoo kyokuhooka 鵞毛玉鳳花

Originally a plant of the wetlands in Japan. The white flower on the straight long stalk looks like a white heron in flight, hence the name.
Birthday flower for people born on August 21.

As legend tells us, during the Period of warring states, a fair maiden from the castle of Setagaya (now in Tokyo) sent a letter for help to her dearest in the war, giving it to a white heron to carry it on. The heron was shot down, however, but where it fell to the ground, this beautiful flower started to grow. Now this flower is the mascot flower of Setagaya ward, Tokyo.

© Photo http://www.hana300.com/sagiso.html

Click HERE to see more photos !


sagisoo wa chuu mau gotoku hachi no ue

fringed orchid -
like dancing in the universe
in its flower pot

(Tr. Gabi Greve)

© BLOG: hanayomi


***** Migrating Birds (wataridori) (Japan)

***** Winter Birds, Water Birds


. Tsuwano no sagimai 津和野の鷺舞 (つわののさぎまい)
heron dance of Tsuwano .


"Crested Ibis Plant",
tokisoo   鴇草 (ときそう)
Pogonia japonica
kigo for mid-summer

Japanese Crested Ibis

is bred on Sado Island, Japan






Hammock (hanmokku)

***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Humanity


hanmokku ハンモック hammock
..... tsuridoko 吊床(つりどこ)
neami, ne-ami 寝網(ねあみ)"net to sleep"

CLICK for more photos


"hammock" is a native American word meaning "shady place".

Wekiva Springs State Park in Florida has a natural artesian spring (one of many) close to where I live. It has a very long nature trail for walking, jogging or riding bicycles through the hammocks:

... but hammock can also refer to a kind of "swing" or "sling," usually made of knotted or netted rope or cloth, which is strung between two trees to take advantage of the cool shade. It is a nice place to take a nap on a hot, summer day.

Debi Bender

. WKD : Hammock Park, Florida  

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

source : ferret-marin.com

Snowman Daruma as a hammock ゆきだるまのハンモック


watering flowers -
the spider's hammock
filled with diamonds


Gabi Greve


> > up and down, up
> > and down with the cedar swing,
> > a little spider

Debi Bender


the fly waves to the spider
-- such a nice hammock you've hung!

"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)


skirting the hammock
a boardwalk zigzags
around the tidepools

Doris Kasson


island hammock
my eyes drift from the novel
to flamingos

- Shared by Laura Becker Sherman - 2012-

beach hammock
between coconut trees
waiting for the tide

- Shared by Ella Wagemakers -

Related words

***** . Home in Summer  

Kigo for Summer



Hazel (hashibami)

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Hazel, hazelnut (hashibami)

***** Location: Japan, other regions
***** Season: Late autumn
***** Category: Plant


hashibami no mi 榛の実 (はしばみのみ) hazelnut


© Japan Times, Oct. 18, 2006

Hashibami (Hazel)

A broken nutshell
and a twisted root remain
where the hazel grew.

By Lesley Lendrum, from Scotland; published by the Haiku International Association, Tokyo

At this time of year, hazel trees are dropping their ripe brown nuts. Many will be eaten by small mammals such as squirrels and mice, and the kernels, which are packed with protein, will help them to survive the winter.

Almost every cool zone has a hazel to call its own: there is the Siberian hazel, the Himalayan hazel, the American hazel and the Turkish hazel -- which has very fancy "turbans" on its nuts, and grows up to 20 meters tall, making it a giant among the species.

Japan has several types of hazels, including the tsuno hashibami, meaning "horned hazel," which completely wraps its small nuts in long husks shaped like a horn. However, the parent of many farmed nut trees is the common wild hazel of Britain, Corylus avellana, a sprig of which is pictured above. This modest shrub has long been credited with magical powers.

Hazel twigs are both strong and pliable, and as well as being used for making baskets and fences, they were used as magical wands by druids and witches. "Dousers" -- those people with a gift for finding hidden springs -- still use hazel twigs to detect the presence of water underground. As for the nuts, the Celts believed they were a source of great wisdom, and they are probably the origin of the English phrase "in a nutshell," meaning a brief explanation that is packed with knowledge.

Worldwide use


Haselnuss, Haselnuß



(an Irish kigo for spring)

The Hazel used to be the only proper edible Nut tree on the British Isles, and this gave it a special place in folklore and tradition. The hazel might be regarded as the quintessential Celtic tree because of its legendary position at the heart of the Otherworld, where nine magic hazel-trees hang over the well of Wisdom and drop their purple nuts into the water. Hazel represented the letter 'Coll', which was the ninth letter of the Irish Bardic Ogham alphabet.

It gave its name to a God named Mac Coll (son of Hazel), who according to Keating's history of Ireland was one of the earliest rulers of Ireland. Hazel was also used widely throughout the centuries for protection against evil. Until quite recently young lovers roasted hazel-nuts over fires at Halloween, which was also known as "Nut-crack Night." In Celtic myphology, those that eat the nuts (or the salmon) gain poetic and mantic powers. Many early Irish tales describe poets and seers as "gaining nuts of Wisdom".

Before the second World War, it was still quite common for the Irish to harvest the nuts. Timing was very important. Too early and the nuts will lack taste and will not store long. Too late and the jays and squirrels will have all. People would take picnics and a drink of ale or cider.

The long male Hazel Catkins are sometimes called 'lambs tails' The female catkins are small and reddish on the same branch.

Anatoly Kudryavitsky

hazel catkins
in the mizzling rain -
a long, long dream

by Anatoly Kudryavitsky
(from 'Morning at Mount Ring', DOGHOUSE Books, 2007)

Things found on the way

Hazel Witherspoon
Hazel is an accomplished writer of haiku.


Autumn haze
mourning veil circling
the hazel tree

Published in Sea Shell Game #55, October 27, 2002
- www.ahapoetry.com/Ssgam55.htm


pearl grey skies
squirrels and i meet
under the hazelnut

- Shared by Sandi Pray -
Joys of Japan, 2012

Related words

***** Walnut (kurumi)

***** Chestnut (kuri)



Harvest and its Kigo


Harvest Time

***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: various, see below
***** Category: Humanity


Harvest time is usually in autumn and as kigo, we have many specific words relating to the various crops.

There are also many Harvest Thanksgiving Festivals. In Japan, most of the Autumn Festivals are also a kind of Thanksgiving Ceremonies for the rice harvest.

At many large temples and shrines in Japan,
priests pray during the New Year celebrations that the four seasons will come in due time and order, without any harm to their sequence and
with the hope to give a good harvest and thus life to the people.

Let us look at some related kigo now.

Like all kigo,
they are embedded in the flow of things, the changes of the seasons ...

We remember a thing or event of the past,
honor it today with a poem and
hope for it to be "alive" in the future of mankind

... in the endless flow of time, the timeless flow of things ...
(whatever you tend to call it).


hoonen 豊年 (ほうねん) bountiful harvest
toyo no aki 豊の秋(とよのあき )bountiful autumn
deki aki 出来秋(できあき)fruits of autumn
豊作(ほうさく)abundant harvest, bumper crop
kigo for mid-autumn

kyosaku 凶作 (きょうさく) poor harvest, poor crop
. . . fusaku 不作(ふさく)
kanbatsuden 旱魃田(かんばつでん) dry fields
kigo for late autumn

Fruit Harvest (Romania)

Grapes and Grape Harvest, Vendanges Europa

Harvest Thanksgiving (Christian communities) Harvest Festival, Erntedankfest, shuukaku kanshasai 収穫感謝祭

Harvest Moon, North America

Worldwide use


kigo for autumn

Village maiden
the moon gets ready
harvest dance

Asahi Haikuist Network, October 31, 2008

Junge Dorffräulein.
Der Mond putzt sich heraus
für den Erntetanz.

Beate Conrad



Sankranti or Pongal - the harvest festival on January 14th

INDIA Saijiki : Winter



Official Harvest Festival, niiname no matsuri 新嘗祭
kigo for early winter

..... niiname sai, shinjoosai,
..... shinjoo-e 新嘗会

Great Harvest Ceremony, oonie matsuri 大嘗祭
..... daijoosai. Daijosai ritual

Celebration of the first-fruits festival.
Festival of the First Tasting of the New Rice.

This festival is preformed by the emperor if Japan every year, now on November 23, a National Holiday.
This day is also called "Labour Thanksgiving Day" kinroo kansha no hi 勤労感謝の日.

Daijoosai 大嘗祭 is the enthronement ceremony, followed by the first Thanksgiving Ceremony of the new emperor.

Click HERE to look at some photos !

A ceremony of state accompanying a new emperor's accession to the throne, the Daijō sai has been considered since ancient times one of the most important among the various rites associated with accession. Also called the Daijōe and the Senso daijō sai, the ceremony had its origin in the niinaesai harvest festivals that existed prior to the Taika reforms (i.e., prior to the mid-seventh century) and became systematically established during the process of state unification.

After the accession of a new emperor, new rice harvested from designated sacred rice fields (cultivated by local growers) lying to the "auspicious east" (yuki) and "auspicious west" (suki) of the capital (as identified through plastromantic divination) was carried to the capital on the festival day (under the old system, the second "day of the rabbit") of the eleventh lunar month. This rice was brought into the Daijō palace (a temporary structure specially built for and razed after the ceremony) where the emperor, who had undergone a period of self-purification through the practice of various abstinences (saikai), would personally make an offering (shinsen) of sacred rice to the kami and then partake of it himself. The rites would be followed by a large banquet.

Under the old system, the Daijō sai was designated the "preeminent festival" (taishi), and was accompanied by one month of purifying prohibitions. There are a number of theories as to which deity was the object of worship (saijin) in the ceremony. Many believe that originally the only deity originally worshipped was the emperor's ancestor, Amaterasu. However, it seems that later the entire pantheon of kami (tenjinchigi) were included in the worship.

The ritual content of the ceremony varies from one period to another. Although the Daijō sai died out during the warring states period, it was revived in the Edo period. Its modern form was fixed by the 1909 Tōkyoku Prescriptions. The first Daijō sai under the current constitution, performed by the Heisei Emperor in 1990, took those prescriptions as its basic referent.
source : Takamori Akinori, Kokugakuin

. WKD : saiden 斎田 ritual Shrine paddy .
shinden 神田 "divine rice field"

te o dasu to yu ga deshi kinroo kansha no hi

when I stretch out my hand
there is hot water from the faucet -
Labor Thanksgiving Day

Tooge Matoko 峠素子



Nairobi International Trade Fair
The Nairobi churches hold their annual Harvest Thanksgiving Services on the Sunday before.



Honey Harvest, honey spas

Saijiki for Europa


North America

Corn shucking, corn husking USA
at the harvest festival

Things found on the way


harvest time -
the meager meal of
a diabetic

Gabi Greve, September 2006

smiling kids
with wooden food bowls -
harvest thanksgiving !

Gabi Greve, November 2005
Look at some photos from our local school festival

harvest time -
he bends his head
in prayer

Click for more information !

Gabi Greve, September 2009


Rice Harvest : Three one-line haiku
Quoted from the World Haiku Review  

drinking in the valley air rice fields ready for harvest

maturing rice fields red tiger lilies crouch on the bank

smack dab in the field an extended family of scarecrows

carmen sterba, yokohama, jp


Ernte, Erntedank, Erntedankfest

Reich ist die Ernte.
Getreidestaub füllt die Luft.
Der Duft macht hungrig.

copyright by Gerdanken


Die Sommerhitze
Verbrennt das Korn - des Bauern
Ernte fast dahin.


Related words

***** . Autumn Festival (aki matsuri) Japan

***** Worldkigo Database: Pounding rice (mochi tsuki)

***** Thanksgiving Day, USA


Check the WKD LIST of


Ama no Hashidate Festival Oeyama


Hashidate Festival (Hashidate matsuri)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Mid-Summer
***** Category: Observance


July 24

Ama no Hashidate Festival, Ama no Hashidate Matsuri
Monju Bosatsu Ceremony, Monju-E 文殊会

. Monju Bosatsu 文殊菩薩 Manjushri  

CLICK for more photos


Ama no Hashidate 天橋立 Amanohashidate
Located in Wakasa National Park
This area features one of Japan's three most scenic places.

This park spreads across Wakasa Bay and includes Ama-no-hashidate, traditionally regarded as one of the three most famous views in Japan. Its appeal lies in the ever-changing beauty of the seashore and the abundant riches of the sea itself.

Located in Miyazu City, Kyoto Prefecture, Ama-no-hashidate is a sandbar that protrudes out into Miyazu Bay from Fuchu-Ichi-no-Miya, separating the bay and the Aso Sea. It is an exceptionally scenic location that links Monju with Fuchu across the bay. Some 8,000 specimens of Japanese black pine grow on this 3.6km stretch of sand, and in the summer it becomes a popular swimming area. In the pine forest one can find Iso spring water, designated one of Japan's 100 best spring waters, Hashidate Myojin shrine, and stone tablets inscribed with
haiku by MATSUO Basho and YOSA Buson.
Also of sightseeing interest are the man-powered wheeled taxis.

Ama-no-hashidate, seen from Monjuyama Park.
This view is called the flying dragon view because the row of pine trees looks like a dragon flying into the sky.
All images Copyright. 1997 Kansai International Public Relations Promotion Office.

Kehi-no-Matsubara (Tsuruga City, Fukui Prefecture) is regarded as one of Japan's three great pine forests, along with Miho-no-Matsubara (Shizuoka Prefecture) and Niji-no-Matsubara (Saga Prefecture). Around 17,000 specimens of 200-year-old red and black pine stand in this broad forest park that runs for 1.5km along a seaside beach of white sand. It offers a splendid stroll along a specially constructed footpath. The five lakes of Mikata that run from the town of Mihama to Mikata include Hiruga and Kugushi, saltwater lakes connected to the sea, and Mikata, Suigetsu, and Suga, steaming lakes where salt water and fresh water mix.

Each lake offers scenery that differs delicately from the others'. Approximately 60 species of fish are said to live in the five lakes, and such unique and simple fishing methods as tataki-ami ("beating net") and mondori ("somersault") fishing are practiced. Takahama Town is noted for Shiroyama Park, which protrudes into the bay. Because Wakasa Bay looks like a mirror when seen from the caves there, the so-called Myokyodo, or clear mirror cave, is regarded as a place of scenic beauty along Wakasa Bay.

歌川広重 Utagawa Hiroshige II (1826-1869)


The main festival is held on July 24 at the temple Chion-Ji in Kyoto, to celebrate the statue of Monju Bosatsu.
The temple is at the entrance road toward Ama no Hashidate, and the shrine in honor of the Hashidate Deity (橋立明神) can be seen from there too.
はしだてまつり: 智恩寺

Monju Bosatsu
Wisest of the Bodhisattva. In Japan, students pay homage to Monju in the hopes of passing school examinations and becoming gifted calligraphers.

Monju Bosatsu
by Mark Schumacher

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

. Wakasa Daruma ― 若狭 だるま
Laquer and achate stone


More external LINKS

Take a wonderful photo tour :
source : uemura_usisi



Thousands times of autumn
Colored wind passes the temple
Enchantment of Wakasa Buddhas

Etsuko Yanagibori


大江山 いく野の道のとほければ
まだふみも見ず 天の橋立

Ooeyama Ikuno no michi no To kereba
Mada fumi mo mizu Ama no Hashidate

By Oe Mountain
The road to Ikuno
Is far away,
And neither have I beheld
Nor crossed its bridge of heaven.

60 - Koshikibu no Naishi 小式部内侍

. Ogura Hyakunin Isshu Poems 小倉百人一首 .

Her mother was the famous Izumi Shikibu and her father Tachibana no Michisada.

Izumi Shikibu (和泉式部, b. 976?)
was a mid Heian period Japanese poet. She is a member of the Thirty-six Medieval Poetry Immortals (中古三十六歌仙, chūko sanjurokkasen). She was the contemporary of Murasaki Shikibu, and Akazome Emon at the court of Joto Mon'in.
Izumi Shikibu was the daughter of Oe no Masamune, governor of Echizen.
... While at the court, she married Fujiwara no Yasumasa, a military commander under Michinaga famous for his bravery, and left the court to accompany him to his charge in Tango Province. She is said to have lived long, outliving her daughter Koshikibu no Naishi, but the year of her death is unknown. The last Imperial correspondence from her was in 1033.
Her tomb is at the Monju temple, now Chionji.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Koshikibu uses three place names of the Tanba and Tango 丹後 region in her poem.

Ooeyama Oni Densestu 大江山鬼伝説
Demon Legend of Mount Oeyama

in the Tanba disctrict of Kyoto. There is also a famous Noh-Play about the legend.

A fair maiden is kidnapped by a demon and carried away to Mount Oeyama. Minamoto no Yorimitsu (948 - 1021) has a famous sword, Yasutsuna, which he has blessed for this occasion and then goes for the demon ... the rest is happy history.

. Oni Manju cake from Oeyama 鬼饅頭 .

. Saka Doji 酒呑童子 a Sake Yokai Monster .
Shuten-dōji 酒呑童子 Shuten Doji 酒顛童子, 酒天童子, or 朱点童子
- Introduction of the Oeyama Legend -


Ikuno 生野 the Ikuno plain

In the Tamba region (Tanba 丹波), with the river Yuragawa 由良川 and Hajigawa 土師川

These two places are on the way to
Amanohashidate, the "bridge of heaven".

Ama no Hashidate, by Hokusai 葛飾北斎


Ooeyama aki nanakusa no kago ni afure

Mount Oeyama -
the seven herbs of autumn
overflow in the basket

Nukina Eiko 貫名英子
source : kigo_aki.html

Related words

Kigo for Summer

- #amanohashidate -

Hail (hyoo)

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Hail (hyoo)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Summer.
...........Hail in other seasons see below
***** Category: Heavens


Hail usually comes with the summer storms and is known to destroy the rice harvest in just one go. The grains range from rather small to big as an apple or a man's fist.
I remember well some hail stones banging on my body before I could find safety and later see blue spots on my arms.

hail, hyoo, hyô 雹 (ひよう)
ice rain, hisame 氷雨 ヒサメ, (ひさめ)

hailstorm, hyoo no ooburi 雹の大降り

Gabi Greve


© Jim Bishop and Simon Brewer (Stormgasm)

More of his HAIL photos are here


Question raised by Bill Higginson, 2001 :

While we're wrestling with various semantic issues, let me add one that puzzles me.

Virtually every J-E dictionary I know of makes no distinction between _arare_ [Nelson 5066] and _hyou_ [Nelson 5047], except perhaps to note that the former serves in a number of somewhat metaphorical expressions.

arare: (New Nelson 6546), hyoo: (New Nelson 6523)

Yet, every haikai/haiku saijiki that I pick up makes clear that these are somewhat different phenomena, over and above the fact that they occur at different times of the year (_arare_ in winter, _hyou_ in summer).

Collating the descriptions in the saijiki with North American weather guides has led me to believe that "hail" is a bad translation of _arare_, which makes much better sense as "graupel" (technical meteorological name) or "snow pellets" (common name). _Hyou_, on the other hand, does seem to pair well with "hail".

Since I have not lived in Japan year-round since the 1960s, and have no access to mainstream Japanese media, I have not been able to note current popular usage. I wonder if any list members can tell me if the distinction between _arare_ and _hyou_ found in modern haiku saijiki (both as to season and nature of phenomena) is maintained in the popular media? (I realize that these are murky waters when dealing with classical texts, as these and other words, such as _mizore_ today relegated to "sleet" or sometimes confusingly used for mixed rain and snow, for example, are often conflated in earlier times.)

Read the rest of this most interesting discussion here.
Arare versus Hyoo, Discussion, 2001

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

Water kettle with "arare" pattern

arare moyo 霰模様, referring to a dotted pattern.

source : kunzan-kobo 薫山工房


kaiun arare Daruma 開運あられだるま
arare crackers for good luck

source : www.hozugawaarare.com


達磨茶屋 Daruma Tea House, selling all kinds of arare and other sweets
谷汲あられ”の里 - Tanigumi Arare no Sato、Gifu
source : www.tanigumi-arare.com


Ishiyama no ishi ni tabashiru arare kana

splashing on the stones
of Mount Ishiyama -
these hailstones

Matsuo Basho
Tr. Gabi Greve

Read the discussion of
translating this haiku !

and look at a sweet !


hailstones, too,
enter my begging bowl

An Introduction to the Haiku of Taneda Santoka. Simply Haiku


Hawaii, March 2006

hailstorm in Hawaii
someone shook
the snow globe

uprooting a pathway
fallen trees

under the palmtree
now in my freezer

hailstones in my freezer
evening margaritas
connected to the universe

Shanna Moore

Related words

Kigo for All Winter

***** Hail in winter, snow pellets, graupel,

jewel-like pellets, tama arare 玉霰

snow and hail, yuki arare 雪あられ(ゆきあられ)
first winter hail, hatsu arare 初霰(はつあられ
ice and hail, koori arare 氷あられ(こおりあられ)
..... hisame 氷雨(ひさめ)

hail stones, "Hail balls", tama arare 玉霰(たまあられ
hailstorm in the evening, yuu arare 夕霰(ゆうあられ)
sudden hailstorm, kyuusan 急霰(きゅうさん)

sleet, mizore 霙 (みぞれ)
yukimajiri 雪雑り(ゆきまじり)"mixed with snow
..... yukimaze 雪交ぜ(ゆきまぜ)

In that winter, when the homeless Basho returned from a stay in Kai Province, his friends and disciples again gathered together and presented him with a new Basho Hut. He was pleased, but it was not enough to do away with his melancholy.
His poem on entering the new hut was:

arare kiku ya kono mi wa moto no furugashiwa

The sound of hail -
I am the same as before
Like that aging oak.

. Makoto Ueda -
The master haiku Poet Matsuo Basho .

Written in 天和3年, Basho age 40.
This hokku counts 6 in the first line.

MORE - hokku about arare by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


Kigo for all Spring

***** haru no mizore 春の霙 (はるのみぞれ) sleet in spring
..... harumizore 春みぞれ(はるみぞれ

***** Hail in spring, haru no hyoo
春の雹 はるのひょう

***** snow pellets in spring, haru no arare
春の霰 はるのあられ

is also the name of a sweet, kind of rice puffs, especially during the Doll festival (hina arare 雛あられ).



.. .. .. .. Rain (ame)

.. .. .. .. Snow (yuki)

... .. .. .. Doll Festival (hina matsuri)





Gutsy Radish


Gutsy Radish (Dokonjo Daikon, dokkonjo daikon)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: All Winter
***** Category: Plant


For the main entry about the radish, click here.

gutsy radish, dokonjoo daikon ど根性大根

Radishes that make it after a disaster, earthquake or other, show us an example of the resilience of nature and a strong will to survive (konjoo).


Latest 'gutsy radish' surfaces through quake crack

The "gutsy" radish found in Genkaijima. March 2006

A radish has grown up in a crack formed by an earthquake on an island off the coast here, evoking memories of the renowned "gutsy radish" that has become known around the world.

A police officer found the radish Tuesday sprouting up through a crack in the earth apparently caused by the temblor in 2005 on Genkaijima, an island off Fukuoka.

"We hope the radish will give island residents the guts they need to keep on battling," the officer said.

Genkaijima's gutsy radish has brought back memories of Dokonjo Daikon, literally the gutsy radish, a vegetable that earned praise when it grew up and forced its way through asphalt in the Hyogo Prefecture city of Aioi last year.

Dokonjo Daikon -- and reaction to its appearance -- has attracted international coverage. It has been hailed for providing an example of resilience through adversity.

Aioi Municipal Government officials are currently trying to extract the original Dokonjo Daikon's DNA to try and grow similarly durable radishes.

© Mainichi Daily News


New 'gutsy radish' sprouts up in Tokyo

Higashikurume, Tokyo

A Japanese radish that has pushed its way up between the asphalt on a road and a roadside ditch has gained attention as Tokyo's version of the "dokonjo daikon," or "gutsy radish."

The radish appeared in a residential area of the Tokyo city of Higashikurume, surprising residents and local government officials.

"I have no idea how the seed got here," a puzzled Higashikurume Municipal Government worker said.

Radishes sprouting up in unusual places have been reported all over Japan, but the area in Higashikurume where the radish was found is lined with supermarkets and apartment blocks, and there are no fields nearby.

The radish, which measures about 4 centimeters in diameter, apparently started growing under the asphalt and pushed up the wooden lid of a ditch as it got bigger. Its leaves span the width of a human hand and the radish can been seen from the road.

The first radish to receive nationwide attention was a one growing through asphalt on a sidewalk in Aioi, Hyogo Prefecture.

Impressed with its strength, Residents named it "Dokonjo Daikon" (gutsy radish). However its top was later lopped off by a vandal, causing it to wither. The radish was taken to an agricultural research center after the attack, and officials are waiting to see if it can be grown again.

© Mainichi Daily News


'Gutsy radish' story turned into picture book

Ganbare Daichan !

AIOI, Hyogo
The story of Dokonjo Daikon, a Japanese radish that gained nationwide attention when it was found poking up through asphalt on a road here, has been turned into a picture book.

The 48-page book, "Ganbare Dai-chan" (Hang in there, Dai-chan), went on sale in bookstores across Japan on Friday. (2006)

"We want to reproduce the radish and add a new page to its history," an Aioi Municipal Government official said.

The author, Ayumi Miyazaki, 33, took two months to complete the book, which she hopes will leave impressions of the vitality of the radish as it grew through the asphalt, and of the people who kept watch over it.

Residents nicknamed the radish "Dokonjo Daikon" (gutsy radish), being impressed with its strength. Unfortunately, however, its life was cut short when a vandal decided to lop its top off.

Dai-chan, as the radish is also affectionately referred to, was later separated into its leaves and stem, and efforts are being made to grow a copy of it.

© Mainichi Daily News

Worldwide use

Things found on the way

the radish story reminded me of a haiku moment from 1996.

i was spending the day driving from plano texas to pecos new mexico to finish the last two weeks of a six week course in spritual direction at a benedictine monastery.

the sun was playing peek-a-boo with the clouds.

the grass was covered in pink and white tiny, native morning glories. they crept into the cracks in the asphalt at the edge of the road.

shoulder cracks
caulked by morning glories

and it also put me in memory of the sidewalk cracks outside every indian restaurant. the restaurants put out big bowl of fennel seeds. patrons who like fennel take a big pinch of the seeds on leaving and chew them.
always, if you look down, outside the restaurant, the feathery leaves of baby fennel plants fill the cracks in the pavement.

susan delphine delaney
plano, texas


dokonjo daikon "gutsy radish"

dokonjo daruma "gutsy Dharma"

Dharma's sandal trips -- gutsy radish

"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)


survival of the fittest
the mighty daikon
mother of all radishes

they are very big and strong smelling here in Hawaii we cook with them that have been pickled and brined ...
end up looking and tasting like pinapple

shanna moore, hawaii

Related words

***** Radish (daikon)


WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI

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Grapefruit League


Grapefruit League (USA)

***** Location: USA
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Humanity


The USA baseball teams
who come to Florida for Spring Training are known as the "Grapefruit League"...Florida is where the "boys of summer" get their first workouts and play the first exhibition games of the year.
There is also the "Cactus League" teams that begin Spring Training in Arizona.

1.(n) grapefruit league
the major league teams that conduct their spring training in Florida.
SYNONYMS: grapefruit circuit, grapefruit loop

Spring training is almost as old as baseball itself. The best evidence points to spring training first taking place in 1870, when the Cincinnati Red Stockings and the Chicago White Stockings held organized baseball camps in New Orleans. Other baseball historians argue that the Washington Capitals of the National League pioneered spring training in 1888, holding a four-day camp in Jacksonville.

Spring Training 2004: Spring Training History

Grapefruit League - Baseball's Spring Training in Florida

2004 Spring Training Online: Master Schedule: Grapefruit League

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


grapefruit league
the hitter and his shadow
run for home

Carol Raisfeld


cactus league
rookies picking stickers
after the loss

Darrell Byrd
(with permission 041029)

Related words

***** Baseball Playoff USA (05)

***** . Gureepufuruutsu グレープフルーツ Grapefruit .
Citrus sinensis or Citrus paradisi
