
Misaki School 0611


美咲中央小学校 俳句 活動
Misaki School Haiku Club

まずは 簡単な英語を覚えてください。芭蕉の有名な俳句です。

  old pond    
  a frog jumps in  


。。。。。。。。。。。 世界の子供の俳句

Here Issa and I present you a greeting Haiku for opening the new project.

ware to kite asobe ya sekai no haiku no ko

come then, come hither
play your games and bide with me
world haiku children

Nakamura Sakuo なかむらさくお




冬うらら 笑顔あふれる 美咲小

bright winter day -
all the smiling faces of
Misaki School

ガビ Gabi


22日の句会のあと 。。。 お楽しみに。


..................... 句会は体育館で


天たかし ゆうきちゃんと おにごっこ  

bright autumn sky -
I played hide and seek
with my friend Yuki

一年 First Grade

ふゆうらら ずっとまってた たんじょう日  

bright winter day -
I waited so long for
my birthday

二年 Second Grade




天たかし さんぱつしたよ すっきりだ  

high autumn sky -
I cut my hair!
aaa, this feels so good!

三年 Third Grade

屋根がわら いたちが走る 小春風  

roof tiles
a ferret is running there -
light winter breeze

四年 Fourth Grade





秋うらら 世界一周 一しゅんで 
bright autumn day -
around the world
in just one moment

五年 5th Grade

柿落葉 地球がどんどん よごれてる  

fallen leaves of the persimmon tree -
our globe gets dirtier
and dirtier

六年 Six Grade

ライブ句会、 5-6年生 のインタビュー


Read all the haiku here !


関連の情報 Related words 

***** 大垪和小学校から美咲中央小学校へ

***** 大垪和 道の駅
Okayama Prefecture, Misaki Choo (Misaki Town)

***** 世界季語データベース World Kigo Database ってなに?
ここにクリック: ... ... The World Kigo Database : 世界季語データベース


Comments from Worldwide Haiku Friends

I greatly enoyed reading about the method of teaching haiku to childern in grammar school. Even adults need to emulate the same in the begininig.

winter morning
a child carrying a flower
for the teacher

nk singh, India





All the very best from India.
Warmly, K.



World Kigo Database


Missing Children's Day


Missing Children's Day (international)

***** Location: Worldwide
***** Season: Early Summer (May 25)
***** Category: Observance


Since 1983, families and child advocates nationwide have observed National Missing Children’s Day on May 25.
Proclaimed first by President Ronald Reagan and honored by every administration since, May 25 is the day 6-year-old Etan Patz disappeared from a New York City street corner on his way to school in 1979. His case remains unsolved and is an annual reminder to the nation to renew efforts to reunite missing children with their families and make child protection a national priority.

One reason Etan Patz’s case quickly received the attention of local and national news media -- even before cases of missing children routinely garnered such attention -- is that his father is a professional photographer, and Etan’s black-and-white portraits were quickly disseminated in an effort to find him. His case is a reminder to all parents of the need for high-quality pictures of their children, for use in case of an emergency, and for the need for everyone to pay close attention to the posters and pictures of missing children that in the 1990s have become a commonplace tool to help in the search for missing children.

... make sure that you keep current, high-quality pictures of your own children, regardless of their ages, and update them at least annually. A recent poll of law enforcement found that they consider pictures to be the single most important tool in the search for missing children.

Read the full text here please:


Mr Franco Frattini, Vice-President of the European Commission, today sent each member of the Commission staff a letter, together with a small cloth forget-me-not flower, which we shall be wearing tomorrow (25 May 2005), in memory of the world's missing children.

I was not previously aware of International Missing Children's Day, but the letter explains it well :

25 May -- forget-me-nots to commemorate missing children

> -------------------------------------------------------

Dear colleagues,
> You have all been sent a small artificial flower -- a forget-me-not -- through the post.
> On 25 May, 14 European countries will mark International Missing Children's Day. The date has been commemorated in the United States since 1983, when a six-year-old boy disappeared without trace. It has also been marked in Canada since 1986. The commemoration in Europe
was organised for the first time in 2002 on the initiative of Child Focus, the European Centre for Missing and Sexually Exploited Children. The forget-me-not has been chosen as a symbol for this event because of its name and because it flowers abundantly at this time of year.
> The main aim of International Missing Children's Day is to encourage people to remember all the children who have disappeared in Europe and the rest of the world and to send an international message of hope and solidarity to parents who have no information about the fate and whereabouts of their children.
> All over Belgium numerous volunteers will be distributing small pin-on forget-me-nots free to the public in supermarkets and shopping centres and to staff in private companies, hospitals, police stations and so on. This year International Missing Children's Day will be organised in Germany, Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, the Czech Republic, Romania and the United Kingdom.
> As a token of solidarity, may I suggest that Commission staff wear this symbol on 25 May 2005.
> The idea is also to think about the prevention strategies we can promote and adopt in close co-operation with the public authorities responsible for education, social policy and law and order.
> Thank you for your solidarity.
> (Signed) Franco Frattini

> -------

Belgium, host country to the European Commission, has some particularly horrific stories to remember... and brave children who only a few months back testified in court to the dreadful deeds which they suffered at cruel hands...

... but we also remember all other parents worldwide, searching for their children, and remember children far from their parents against their will, as well as parents and children who will never see each other again...

Web sites with more information, including that of Child Focus itself :




Forget them not, forget not the children, their parents and families,

Isabelle Prondzynski.

Worldwide use


Tag der vermissten Kinder.

Gesuchte Kinder in Deutschland

Die Kinderkommission des Bundestages erklärt zum Tag der vermissten Kinder am 25. Mai 2003
Immer wieder verschwinden in Deutschland Kinder. Ihr Aufenthaltsort ist z. T. über Jahre unbekannt. Hierzu gehören nicht nur Jugendliche, die von zu Hause „ausreißen“ und deren Verbleib nicht mehr festgestellt werden kann, sondern auch Kinder, die von einem Elternteil entzogen und z. T. ins Ausland verbracht werden, ohne dass der Aufenthalt bekannt wird. Schließlich gibt es Kinder, die verschwinden, ohne dass es Hinweise auf mögliche Ursachen und Aufenthaltsorte gibt.

Das plötzliche Verschwinden bedeutet nicht nur für Eltern, deren Kinder von jetzt auf gleich nicht mehr da sind, eine schwere Belastung. Auch für Kinder, die gewaltsam aus ihrem Umfeld entfernt werden, ist der plötzliche Entzug der gewohnten Umgebung und der Abbruch der Beziehungen zu beiden Elternoder einem Elternteil ein gravierender Einschnitt in ihrem Leben.

Die Kinderkommission begrüßt, dass es Initiativen gibt, die diese Kinder suchen und nicht aufgeben, ihren Aufenthaltsort zu ermitteln. So stellt z. B. die Internetseite www.vermisste-kinder.de Informationen über vermisste Kinder, Anlaufstellen, die beim Suchen helfen und auch über wieder aufgetauchte Kinder zur Verfügung.

„Wir dürfen die vermissten Kinder nicht aufgeben“, erklärt die Vorsitzende der Kinderkommission, Marlene Rupprecht

Verzeichnis der vermissten Kinder



the story of Anju and Zushi Oomaru 安寿と厨子王
Anju and Zusio

Once upon a time,
Anju and Zusio were sent to Tango (Kyoto), and their mother to Sado by swindler. On their way, Anju and Zusio managed to escape from him, but their mother was forced to work all days and finally she lost her eye sight.
Read the story here:
. Anju and Zushi Oomaru 安寿と厨子王 .

Things found on the way

On 21 May 1997, the statue named "Messenger to the Missing Children" by the Belgian artist Jean Pierre Folon, was inaugurated in the Royal Park of Brussels in the presence of the Belgian sovereigns.
Belgium has had its own problems with abducted, violated and murdered children, and the statue gives encouragement to all who have suffered. It is a favourite place for those who want to remember lost children, and is itself often surrounded by children, as a puppet
theatres play in this part of the park during summer months.

© Photo and Text : Isabelle Prondzynski


cruel deeds --
forget-me-not day...
bring peace... oh child...

Isabelle Prondzynski


carrying her placard
she leaves her children alone

Brenda Roberts


falling star
a mother's emptiness

Laryalee Fraser


missing children -
toys they used to play with
hang on

Carlos Fleitas


Missing Children's Day
even I haven't found
myself yet

Ella Wagemakers
WKD on facebook, 2013

Related words

. . Kigo Calendar - the 12 Months - MAY . .



Memorial Days (ki)


Memorial Days (ki 忌)

. Memorial Days - SAIJIKI .


Melon (uri)

[ . BACK to Worldkigo TOP . ]

Oriental Melon , gourd (uri)

***** Location: Japan, other regions
***** Season: See below
***** Category: Plant


Oriental melon, Cucumis melo var. makuwa
makuwa uri 真桑瓜

CLICK for more CUCUMIS photos

hisago 瓠 Hisago gourd, bottle gourd
Lagenaria siceraria

kigo for late summer

Melon is a term used for various members of the Cucurbitaceae family with fleshy fruit. Melon can refer to either the plant or the fruit, which is a false berry. Many different cultivars have been produced, particularly of muskmelons. The plant grows as a vine.

Genus Momordica Bitter melon
Genus Benincasa Winter melon
Genus Citrullus - Watermelon
Genus Cucumis
.... C. metuliferus - Horned melon
.... C. melo : Muskmelon (Cucumis melo)
..... Makuwa Group is the "Japanese cantaloupe".
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


kigo for late summer

melon, meron メロン
musk melon マスクメロン
western melon, seiyoo meron 西洋メロン

oriental melon, gourd, Japanese cantaloupe, gourd 瓜 uri

hisago no hana 瓢の花 (ひさごのはな) gourd flowers
..... fukube no hana ふくべの花(ふくべのはな)
hyootan no hana 瓢箪の花(ひょうたんのはな)hyotan flowers
hana hisago 花瓢(はなひさご)

humanity kigo

melon thief, uri nusutto 瓜盗人 (うりぬすっと)
uriban 瓜番 (うりばん) guardian of gourds / melons
..... urimori 瓜守(うりもり)
urigoya 瓜小屋(うりごや)hut for the gourd guardian
..... uribangoya 瓜番小屋(うりばんごや)

When the melons get ripe in the fields, small huts are set up for the guardians, who have to watch out day and night for thieves.


gourd flowers, uri no hana 瓜の花
hisago nae 瓢苗 (ひさごなえ) gourd seedlings
kigo for early summer

watermelon, suika スイカ 西瓜
kigo for early autumn

スイカだるま Watermelon-Daruma

hayatouri, hayato uri 隼人瓜 (はやとうり)
Sechium edule
kigo for late autumn
. . . CLICK here for Photos !


. hechima, ito-uri 糸瓜, 蛮瓜,布瓜 Sponge gourd

. hyootan, fukube 瓢箪 gourd, calabash

. kabocha 南瓜 (かぼちゃ) pumpkin, squash

. toogan とうがん(冬瓜) white gourd-melon; a wax gourd  


Snake and Two Melons
魚屋北渓 Hokkei (1780 - 1850)

- quote -
Hokkei was one of the best students of Hokusai, and his pieces were of a very high quality of craftsmanship.
The snake is symbolic of great cunning at a supernatural level. Having it amongst the melons makes it auspicious for family unity.
- source : paradisebound.ca/product/totoya-hokkei -


Some FOOD related kigo for all summer

rubbing gourds uri momi 瓜揉 (うりもみ)
..... uri momu 瓜揉む(うりもむ)
rubbed gourd, momi uri 揉瓜(もみうり)
cutting gourds, uri kizamu 瓜きざむ(うりきざむ)
rubbing cucumbers, kyuuri momi 胡瓜揉(きゅうりもみ)
gourd with namasu dressing, uri namasu 瓜膾(うりなます)
The vegetables are cut in small pieces and a dressing of vinegar and soy sauce is poured over them.

pickled gourd, urizuke 瓜漬 (うりづけ)
..... tsuke-uri, tsuke uri 漬瓜(つけうり)
pickled cucumbers, kyuurizuke 胡瓜漬(きゅうりづけ)
pickled Shiro-uri, shiro urizuke 越瓜漬(しろうりづけ)

Various types of uri are pickled in . nukamiso . or prepared as Narazuke.
These pickles bring appetite back during the hot summer months.

drying gourds, hoshi-uri 乾瓜 (ほしうり)
..... 干瓜(ほしうり)
"drying before a thunderstorm",
kaminariboshi 雷干(かみなりぼし)

After cutting the vegetable and salting them for one night, they are dried in the sun. For eating, they are again put in water to remove the salt and a dressing of vinegar is used.
For kaminari, the gourd is cut in a spiral and hung to dry, but usually in the evening there is a summer thunderstorm (yuudachi), so when the farmers hear the thunder they have to run and bring the spirals under a roof.

Japanese Rerefence: How to make summer vegetable pickles


A Japanese saying for two people who resemble each other without being twins is

like two melon-halves, uri futatsu 瓜二つ

There is a difference between the watermelon, suika, and
a sweet melon, meron, and an uri-type of the Oriental melon, a type of gourd.


Matsuo Basho liked makuwa uri very much and wrote quite a few haiku about them.

He wrote this haiku for his student Shidoo :

. Enomoto Shidoo 槐本之道 Shido .
Tookoo - 東湖 - Toko "East Lake"
(with a discussion of the haiku)

ware ni niru na futatsu ni wareshi makuwa uri

Don't be like me
even if we resemble
two halves of a melon

Tr. Stephen Addiss

koi futatsu remon wa umaku kiremasen

I have two loves -
it is difficult to cut a lemon

Matsumoto Kyoko 松本恭子

. Honkadori in Haiku .

More of Basho's haiku about melons, see below.

Worldwide use


The Bitter Gourd, called 'Karela' in Hindi, is eaten as a vegetable in many parts of India. The fruit is boiled or fried and cooked with salt and spices to eliminate its bitter taste. Its juice taken raw is considered helpful in diabetes.
. . . CLICK here for Photos !
Momordica charantia

bitter gourd -
even when cooked
the kids make faces

Sunil Uniyal, New Delhi, India.
May 2009, Kigo Hotline

The bitter gourd GOYA (gooya ゴーヤ) is a speciality of Okinawa in Japan.


"melon/cool melon/watermelon"
kigo for summer

my kids from the balcony happy:

seeds everywhere
spitting against no wind ...
cool melon

Heike Gewi, Yemen
YEMEN Saijiki


smell of watermelon ...
the high sun factor face block
just purchased

Alan Summers

Things found on the way

. Legends about Plants 植物と伝説 shokubutsu to densetsu .
Urikohime 瓜子姫 The princess born from a gourd
and many more


Matsuo Basho

uri tsukuru kimi ga are na to yuusuzumi

You, who raised melons--
if only you were here too,
taking the night air

Written in 1687 貞亨4年

Tr. Steven D. Carter
"Traditional Japanese Poetry: An Anthology"

One of his dear friends had gone into seclusion and there where no more melons in his garden.

you who raised melons:
"would that you were here"
in the evening coolness

Tr. Barnhill

This maybe written with respect to the following waka
from the collection Sankashuu 山家集 Sanka Shu by Saigyo:


matsu no ne no Iwata no kishi no yuusuzumi
kimi ga are nato omouhoyuru kana

In the evening coolness
on the bank of Iwata
by the roots of a pine
I think
"I wish you were here" .

Tr. Barnhill

Saigyo and
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .

. . . . .

asatsuyu ya nadete suzushiki uri no tsuchi

morning dew -
the cool earth on the melon
when I pat it

Tr. Gabi Greve

Basho talks about the makuwa uri, an Oriental melon 真桑瓜. He liked to pat them to feel the coolness. This haiku was written in 1694.
CLICK for more photos
CLICK for more photos.

The following are different versions of this one.


asa-tsuyu ni yogorete suzushi uri no doro

In the morning dew
Dirty, but fresh,
The muddy melon.

Basho, tr. Blyth

In monring dew,
dirty, but oh so very cool--
mud on the melon.

tr. Carter

Wet with morning dew
and splotched with mud, the melon
looks especially cool

Tr. alan chng

Ueda gives a version of the haiku as:

asatsuyu ni yogorete suzushi uri no tsuchi

in the morning dew
spotted with mud, and how cool--
melons on the soil

ware ni niru na futatsu ni wareshi makuwauri

don't rsemble me--
cut in half
a musk melon

tr. Ueda, who gives the following note:
"Basho gave this hokku to Emoto Tooko (also known as Shido, 1659-1712), a young merchant in Naniwa who wanted to become his student in haikai. 'A melon cut in half ' is an idiomatic phrase in Japanese describing two persons who look almost identical."

mi hitotsu o moteatsukaeru suika kana

Able to look after
Its own self,--
The melon.

tr. Blyth

and translated by Sam Hamill:

All by itself,
that beautiful melon,
entirely self-sufficient

(suika is a watermelon)

Contributions by Larry Bole:


kodomora yo hiragao sakinu uri mukan

bindweed is blooming
let's peel a melon

Tr. Reichhold

bindweed flowers have opened,
I'll peel a melon

Tr. Ueda

noonflowers have bloomed,
and I'll peel a melon

Tr. Barnhill

Barnhill mentions two earlier versions:
'iza kodomo hirugao sakinu uri mukan'

"hey children!
the noonflowers have bloomed ,
and I'll peel a melon"
'iza kodomo hirugao sakaba uri mukan'

"hey children!
if the noonflowers have bloomed
I'll peel a melon".


hatsu makuwa yotsu ni ya tatan wa ni kiran
(はつまくわ よつにやきらん わにきらん)
hatsu makuwa yotsu no ya kiran wa ni kiran

the first Makuwa melon -
shall we cut it - say - in quarters
or in round slices ?

Written in 元禄2年6月23日, in Sakata, Oku no Hosomichi.
He stayed at the home of 近江屋三郎兵衛 / Abumiya Gyokushi 近江屋玉志, where they enjoyed the fruit in the cool evening.

This hokku has the cut marker YA in the middle of line 2.

Oku no Hosomichi - - - - Station 31 - Sakata 酒田 - - -
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


utsukushiki sono hime uri ya kisaki zane

Written in 寛文12年, Basho age 29
He had left his homeland, Iga Ueno, and decided to take permanent residence in Edo.

how beautiful
is this princess melon !
an oval queen's face

himeuri 姫瓜 princess melon is a kind of
. WKD : makuwa uri 真桑瓜 .
Oriental melon, Cucumis melo var. makuwa
and toogan 冬瓜 white gourd-melon; a wax gourd .
- - - - - More hokku by Basho on this link.

During the sixth lunar month, girls played with these melons.
With writing ink (sumi) and white for make-up (o-shiroi) they painted a face and bound the plant with stems of the auspicious mizuhiki plant (Antenoron filiforme) to make a band they could hang around the neck.

urizanegao, urizane-gao 瓜実顔 is an oval face, like this melon.

There is a waka in the Makura Zooshi 枕草子 Makura Zoshi
by Sei Shoonagon 清少納言:

utsukushiki mono
uri ni egakitaru chigo no kao

Beautiful things!
The face of a child has been painted on a melon.

source : www.konishidc.com
peeling melons


yanagigoori katani wa suzushi hatsu makuwa

his wicker boxes
carry the coolness
of the first Makuwa melon


from a haibun called "Gourd of the Four Mountains" :

mono hitotsu waga yo wa karoki hisago kana

just one possession,
my world light
as a gourd

Tr. Barnhill

one thing
that lights my world
a rice gourd

Tr. Reichhold

Basho's disciples Sanpuu (1647-1732), a wealthy fishmonger, and Bunrin were responsible for supplying Basho's needs. Rice was stored in a dried gourd hung from the rafters. The light color of the gourd made it look like a lantern, but it also contained the energy that
kept Basho alive and glowing.
There is also the idea that due to Basho's poverty he had no lantern other than the rice gourd.
Comment by Reichhold

Discussing this translation
Translating Haiku Forum, December 2008

karoki, karui ... light, easygoing

. mono hitotsu
hisago wa karuki
waga yo kana .

Hokku by Basho about FOOD .

. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 in Edo .

hito kitara kawazu to nare yo hiyashi uri

melons in cold water,
listen, if someone comes,
turn into frogs

Tr. Chris Drake

This summer hokku is from Issa's diary in the 6th month (July) of 1813, the year Issa received his inheritance. In the 6th month his diary shows he was mostly traveling around near his hometown. He was probably in the area near Zenkoji Temple visiting fellow poets and students when he wrote this. In another work Issa quotes this hokku and indicates that 蛙, the character for frog, is to be pronounced kaeru.

Issa seems to have placed a few mottled green melons about the size of honeydew melons in a cold-running stream or possibly the neighborhood well to cool for several hours, since water in ordinary tubs is warmed by the high temperatures during the "dog days" of summer. Perhaps Issa wants to treat another haikai poet who is letting him stay at his house. Issa worries, however, since the melons are delicious and he's leaving them where anyone could take them. And most people felt they had the right to take melons left in public places, as Issa ironically suggests in an earlier hokku from 1804:

hiyashi-uri futsuka tatedomo dare mo konu

melons in cold water
for two whole days
and no one's come

Surprisingly, no one has come and taken the cooling melons, though they've been left in a stream for a long time. Usually, it seems, melons left to cool in a stream didn't stay there for two days. And yet the skin of a melon does look a bit like that of a big frog....

As Japanese scholars have pointed out, Issa gives another hint about the melons by making an allusion in the hokku. Issa's contemporaries enjoyed reading a classic 10th-century book of short tales and waka entitled Ise Tales (or Tales of Ise; Ise monogatari) that claimed to be about the famous waka poet and lover Ariwara no Narihira. Issa alludes to episode 6 of this famous book, in which the protagonist runs off from Kyoto with a high-ranking young woman on his back. Encountering a thunderstorm, he puts her in an old, crumbling storehouse near the road and then leaves her, standing guard outside beside the door. When dawn comes, the man goes back inside and finds that the woman has disappeared -- eaten up by a demon "in a single bite" during a peal of thunder that hid her cries. Later it's revealed that the woman's brothers secretly came and took her back home.

By alluding to this episode, Issa seems to be suggesting that if you leave something precious or valuable unattended or lying around, it will naturally disappear. He realizes he's giving up his right to the melons by leaving them in a public place, so all he can rely on is make-believe and fantasy to give him courage. I suppose this is a kind of black humor, since Issa knows there's a good chance the melons will be gone when he comes back, but the thought of possibly being able to eat a chilled melon or two in the heat of summer is too powerful to resist. Still, Issa's "and yet" here, as in other hokku, can be a powerful form of resistance to prosaic resignation.

Chris Drake

kawahori ga naka de naki keri kome fukube / kome-hisago*

a bat
inside it crying --
the rice gourd

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku is from the beginning of the 4th month (May) of 1816, a few days before Issa's first son Sentaro will be born (on 4/14) at the house of his wife's parents, a common practice. Issa went with her there and later left to visit some of his students, since he had to make his living as a haikai master. (In 1816 Issa was at home 154 days and away 228 days.) The hokku was presumably written at the home of one of his students, and Issa's headnote seems to indicate he's a bit travel-weary and is anxiously hoping his wife will give birth safely. The headnote says Issa's been away from his home village for a hundred days, an expression that also means "for many days." The high, piercing cries of bats can be quite plaintive and even moving, and Issa hears one inside a large round or oval gourd with an opening at the top that serves as a small rice bin holding rice to be cooked. The image suggests Issa may be wondering about the child that's about to be born and whether it is safe and well. Perhaps the bat also sounds somewhat lost and half-homeless, a bit like Issa at the moment.

Basho also kept his rice in a gourd, and he said it was his only substantial possession:

mono hitotsu waga-yo wa karoki hisago kana

all I own --
my life as light
as this gourd

* For the reading kome-hisago I follow Issa's collected works 3.419 and Maruyama Kazuhiko's edition of Issa's Seventh Diary 2.222.

Chris Drake

. Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 Issa in Edo .


- - - - - Yosa Buson - - - - -

adabana wa ame ni utarete uribatake

fruitless blossoms
are beaten by the rain -
melon fields

Tr. Gabi Greve

雷に 小家は焼かれて 瓜のはな
kaminari ni koya wa yakarete uri no hana

the thunderstorm
burned down the hut -
gourd blossoms

Tr. Gabi Greve

- - - - - and this is the next scene

uri koya no tsuki ni ya owasu inkunshi

this watchman
now without the pepo hut
under the moon

Tr. Hideo Suzuki

uri family - 瓜果 pepo, Cucurbitaceae (gourd family)

- - - - -

wagasono no makuwa mo nusumu kokoro kana

Even in my own field,
I pick a melon
As if stealing.

Tr. Shoji Kumano

. Yosa Buson 与謝蕪村 in Edo .



yoshizu shite kakou nagare ya hiyashi-uri

In the creek,
reed blinds shielding it--
a melon we're chilling

Masaoka Shiki
tr. Watson


sun sets on the trees...
while drums beat gourd rattles shake
and the spirits dance

- Shared by Pat Geyer ‎
Joys of Japan, March 2012

the tip of the blade
in the heart of the melon
~ summer love

- Shared by Bret Mars ‎
Joys of Japan, March 2012

Related words

***** Snake gourd, lit: Crow melon, crow gourd,
karasu uri, karasuuri 烏瓜
Fruit of Trichosanthes cucumeroides.
kigo for late autumn

***** wild boar baby, young wild boar,
uriboo 瓜坊

kigo for late autumn

***** Snake Gourd (karasu-uri, Japan)

***** Cucumber (kyuuri) Japan
aki kyuuri 秋胡瓜(あききゅうり)autumn cucumber
yomaki kyuuri 夜蒔胡瓜 (よまききゅうり) "cucumbers sown at night"
yomaki uri よまき瓜(よまきうり)"gourd sown at night"
yomaki ingen よまき隠元豆(よまきいんげん)ingen beans sown at night

***** . yuugao 夕顔 (ゆうがお) bottle gourd
Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida


photo : Linda Wishon, facebook

no better way
to show happiness -
watermelon fun

WASHOKU ... Japanese Food SAIJIKI





Morning-Glory (asagao)

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Morning-Glory (asagao)

***** Location: Japan
***** Season: various, see below
***** Category: Plant


Finch and Morning Glory - Ohara Koson (1877-1945)

These simple beautiful flowers capture the mind of any poet !
In poetry, they remind us of the brevity and transience of life.
Convolvulaceae family. Morning glories

The plant was introduced into Japan 1200 years ago by embassies to Tang China which brought back seeds for medicinal use. Crushed, the seeds were used as a powerful laxative and diuretic. From the Edo period the plant was widely cultivated for decorative purposes, and towards the end of the 19th century was introduced to Europe, where it was referred to as
"Japanese Morning-Glory".

There are famous markets in Edo, and even now in Tokyo, where these flowers are sold.

CLICK for more photos !CLICK for more photos !
Pharbitis nil Chois

Asagao, the Japanese means "Morning Face".
Let us look at some kigo with them.


................... Kigo for Summer

Market selling Morning-Glories, asagao ichi 朝顔市
Market at Iriya in Edo, Iriya asagao ichi 入谷朝顔市

Click HERE to see the Market !

This was the most famous market for these flowers in Edo and is still held in our day at the Temple of Kishimo-Jin in Iriya.
There are about 120 stalls selling all kinds of Asagao plants and amulets.


. Iriya 入谷 and Taitō 台東区 Taito Ward .

ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo ooo

seedlings of the morning-glory, asagao no nae 朝顔の苗
kigo for early summer

Click HERE to look at them !

kazaguruma no hana 風車の花 (かざぐるまのはな)
"windwheel flower"
tenshiren 転子蓮(てんしれん)
tenshi botan 纏糸牡丹(てんしぼたん)
kazagurumasoo 風車草(かざぐるまそう)"windwheel plant"
Calystegia pubescens, a kind of morning glory

. Windwheel 風車 kazaguruma .


................... Kigo for Autumn

Early Autumn

morning-glory, asagao 朝顔
..... kenngyuuka 牽牛花
..... 蕣 (this kanji is also used for the Rose of Sharon, mukuge)

Western Morning-Glory, seiyoo asagao 西洋朝顔
Morning-Glory with a heavenyl color,
sora-iro asagao 空色朝顔

Click HERE to look at them !


Late Autumn

Seed of the Morning-Glory, asagao no mi 朝顔の実
..... tane asagao 種朝顔

Click HERE to look at them !

朝顔 Kawarazaki Shoodoo 河原崎奨堂 (1889-1973)

Worldwide use

Winde, Trichterwinde
Pharbitis nil



kigo for the cold and dry season

. morning glory - Kenya .

is the largest genus in the flowering plant family Convolvulaceae, with over 500 species. Most of these are called morning glories, but this can also refer to related genera.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !


Sometimes the asagao is quoted as one of the

. Seven Flowers / Herbs of Autumn 秋の七草 aki no nanakusa.

Things found on the way

Lady Asagao to Prince Genji
(Genji Monogatari)


aki hatete kiri no magaki ni musubore aru
ka naki ka ni utsuru asagao

Autumn is ending,
And the mist along the fence
Thickens into gloom
For a faded morning glory
Now withered almost away.

Tr. Edwin A. Cranston


A sweet called "Morning Glory",
in memory of Chiyo-Ni, the famous poet
A sweet for July

CLICK for enlargement !

© Seasonal Sweets of Japan


asagao mamori 朝顔守 morning glory amulet

a talisman to keep you healthy.
It is sold at the Market in Iriya to our day, on July 6 to 8.
They come in various colors made from strong washi paper and are just as pretty as the real plants.

. Amulets and Talismans from Japan - Edo . 

. tsurushibina, tsurushi bina つるし雛 / 吊るし雛 hanging hina dolls .


朝顔に 釣瓶とられて 貰い水
asagao ni tsurube torarete morai mizu

the morning glory
took the well-bucket away from me -
I go to the neighbour for water

Tr. Gabi Greve


asagao ni ware wa meshi kuu otoko kana

by the morning-glories
I am this rice-eating

Tr. Gabi Greve

Discussion and further translations :
. Matsuo Basho - Food Haiku .

My gate is bolted, my garden overgrown.
With morning glories. I sit alone.

Matsuo Basho


asagao ya hiru wa joo orosu mon no kaki

asagao ya kore mo mata waga tomo narazu

Matsuo Basho closing down in 1693 :
. heikan no setsu 閉関の説 .

More haiku about asagao and yugao by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


asagao no koku saki ni keri yoso no ie

blooming thick...
someone else's house

asagao ya gesui no doro mo asa no sama

even in sewer mud
a morning scene


Read more of Issa's Haiku.
Translated by David Lanoue


a morning glory pot
cool breeze
before the rain

Etsuko Yanagibori

bindweed --
along the dirt road side

"chibi" (pen-name for Dennis M. Holmes)


today again
I choose the longer way –
morning glories

Tomislav Maretic, Croatia, 2007


photo credit : Andrea Klein, Hamburg, Germany

morning glory
even the petals sit still
seeking color

- Shared by - Louis Osofsky -
Joys of Japan, 2012


Hi! My little hut
Is newly thatched I see . . .
Blue morning-glories”

― Issa,
source : Japanese Haiku:

morning glories
already tired at the noon,
my friend Kikaku

- Shared by Tomislav Maretic -
Joys of Japan, 2012

Related words

***** "Night Face", yorugao 夜顔
moonflower, giant moonflower
..... "Night-meeting flower" 夜会草
Kigo for early autumn
Calonyction aculeatum, Ipomea alba

Click HERE to look at it !

often also identified as
yuugao 夕顔 "evening face" bottel gourd
see below

Noh Play - Hashitomi / Hajitomi 半蔀 

Near the end of the period of summer ascetic training, called Ango or Geango (cloistering himself for seated meditation for ninety days), a Buddhist monk living in Unrin-in Temple in Kitayama, Kyoto, prays to console the spirits of flowers offered to Buddha every day. At dusk a woman appears and offers a white flower. When the monk asks the name of the exceptionally beautiful flower, the woman answers that it is a moonflower. Pressing on, he asks the woman’s name, she says that her identity will soon be revealed even she does not give her name. Further, the woman says she came from the shadow of this flower and lives somewhere near Gojō in Kyoto.
Leaving these words, she disappears in the moonflower.

After listening to the tale of the love affair between Hikaru Genji and Lady Yūgao (Moonflower) from a villager, the monk visits the Gojō area, following the woman’s story. When the monk visits this place, there is a lonely-looking house just as in the past, with hinged half wall grilles entangled with blooming moonflowers.
When the monk tries to console Lady Yūgao’s soul, the one who appears by opening up the hinged half wall grille is the ghost of Lady Yūgao. She narrates the memory of her love for Hikaru Genji and dances. Lady Yūgao repeatedly begs the monk to console her soul and returns inside the hinged half wall grille before the break of day.
It was all a dream the monk had. Everything happens in the monk’s dream.
source : www.the-noh.com/en/plays


bottle gourd, Flaschenkürbis
Lagenaria siceraria var. hispida

yuugao maku 夕顔蒔く(ゆうがおまく)sowing bottle gourds (seeds)
kigo for mid-spring


yuugao 夕顔 (ゆうがお) bottle gourd (plant)

CLICK for more photos
yuugaodana 夕顔棚(ゆうがおだな) shelf for bottle gourds, Flaschenkürbisspalier
kigo for late summer


yuugao no mi 夕顔の実 (ゆうがおのみ)
bottle gourd (fruit)

"fruit of the evening face"
kigo for early autumn


. WKD : Kobayashi Issa 小林一茶 .

yuugao ya matsuri no kyaku mo hitomushiro

evening faces open --
the festival guest, too
on a straw mat

Tr. Chris Drake

This hokku was written early in the 5th month (June) in 1814. This was a very important period for Issa, since, at 52, he'd just gotten married on 4/11 to a woman named Kiku, the 28-year-old daughter of a farmer and grain dealer in a town a couple of miles away from his hometown. Later Kiku returned to her parents' house for a while, and on 5/5 Issa went to her parents house, apparently for the first time. In his diary he writes "Issa became an adopted son," humorously suggesting that by entering his wife's natal home he was also entering her family register as the adopted son and changing his family name to his wife's surname.

This matrilocal form of marriage was still fairly popular among farmers and merchants in Issa's time, though the samurai class was patriarchal and patrilocal. Actually, Issa's marriage was patrilocal -- probably because his own father's marriage was -- and he is just joking about entering his wife's family, but his humor surely contains some emotional truth, since he lost his mother and was separated from his father when he was young, and his mother-in-law now treats him like an outsider. No doubt Issa hoped he would able to have close relations with Kiku's parents and gradually become closer to the people living in his village and in Kiku's village. After staying the night at his wife's natal house, Issa returned the next day to his hometown, and his wife, her mother, and two other people followed him on the 5/8.

It happens that 5/5 (in 1814 it was on June 22) is the date of one of the largest festivals of the year in Japan, the Tango Festival, so it seems likely that the festival mentioned in the hokku is this festival. On 5/5 people took baths in warm water with wild flag leaves floating in them to purify themselves and protect themselves from diseases during the hot summer ahead, when epidemics were common. In many rural areas in Issa's time 5/5 was also known as "woman's house," and women -- legally unable to own property -- were allowed to own half of one tatami floor mat, which was symbolic of owning the whole house.

In some areas men were supposed to stay outside all day, while village women chanted shamanic songs and carried out coming-of-age ceremonies for teenage girls inside. This custom is thought to have developed out of shamanic ceremonies performed by women at rice-planting designed to ensure a good crop. (In 1814, Issa says that rice-planting began on 4/24.) At the same time, under the influence of the ruling samurai class, more and more commoners were placing displays of samurai dolls and small swords and spears in their houses on 5/5. Many houses also raised pennants, the most common of which were shaped like carp vigorously swimming upstream. Special food was also served, especially rice cakes wrapped in an oak leaf.

Moonflowers (morning glories, often white, that open at night) were not a usual part of the 5/5 festival. If this hokku was written at Kiku's home, perhaps the "evening faces," as the flowers are called in Japanese, blooming on a fence at the house. Luckily for Issa, men are allowed to enter the house during the festival, and his parents-in-law are no doubt serving sake and special food. Issa uses the image of a woven straw mat too indicate that he, still a visitor or guest, has been accepted as Kiku's husband. The mats could be placed on the porch or in a room with a board floor or in the yard outside. In any case, Issa obviously enjoys being able to sit down -- that is, to become intimate -- and relax with Kiku's family as a new member. The opening of the evening-blooming moonflowers that are watched by Issa and members Kiku's family seems to suggest the simultaneous "opening" of the faces and hearts of all those sitting on mats as they watch the flowers open and get to know each other

A few hokku later is this hokku:

haha-oya ya suzumi-gatera no matsuri-obi

wears a festival sash
and stays cool, too

This might be Issa's mother-in-law if Issa is thinking of her as the mother of his wife rather than more formally as his mother-in-law, and I translate it to allow that possibility. She's put on a thin cotton robe for the summer festival, and she ties it with a colorful sash tied in a stylish way a middle-aged woman wouldn't use with her ordinary robes. Festival is a hot image, since people are excited, and Issa implies that she feels hot, perhaps further suggesting that she ties her robe a little loosely to cool off. If this is Issa's mother-in-law, the further suggestion would be that a third reason for her way of dressing is that she now feels relaxed with Issa around and has warmly accepted him as a son-in-law. The straw mat and the sash would then both suggest close but unspoken human bonds.

Chris Drake


***** Bindweed (hirugao)  昼顔
Kigo for mid-summer
Fa. Concolvulus

Bindweed is the common weedy version of the morning glory. It has white to blue flowers, smaller than the cultivated types, and the flowers open and close daily, as opposed to morning glories that bloom only for a single day.

bindweed clambers
around the swingset
with no swings

M. Kei, US
WKD : Chesapeake Saijiki

hirugao hokku by
. Matsuo Basho 松尾芭蕉 - Archives of the WKD .


kigo for mid-summer

hamahirugao, hama hirugao 浜昼顔 (はまひるがお)
seashore false bindweed, beach morning glory
Calystegia soldanella



Sweets from Japan (wagashi)

Chiyo-Ni (Chiyoni), Kaga no Chiyo jo (1703-1775)

. Gourds and melons as KIGO



- #asagao #morningglory -





***** Location: North America
***** Season: All Summer
***** Category: Animal


Trichechus manatus

The West Indian Manatee is a large gray or brown aquatic mammal. Adults average about 10 feet long and weigh 1,000 pounds. They have no hindlimbs, and their forelimbs are modified as flippers. Manatee tails are flattened horizontally and rounded. Their body is covered with sparse hairs and their muzzles with stiff whiskers. Sexes are distinguished by the position of the genital openings and presence or absence of mammary glands.

Manatees will consume any aquatic vegetation available to them and sometimes even shoreline vegetation. Although primarily herbivorous, they will occasionally feed on fish. Manatees may spend about 5 hours a day feeding, and may consume 4 to 9 percent of their body weight a day.

During the winter months, the United States' manatee population confines itself to the coastal waters of the southern half of peninsular Florida and to springs and warm water outfalls as far north as southeast Georgia. Manatees also winter in the St. Johns River near Blue Spring State Park. During summer months, they may migrate as far north as coastal Virginia on the east coast and the Louisiana coast on the Gulf of Mexico.

Manatee populations also exist outside the continental United States in coastal areas of the Caribbean and Central and South America. In Puerto Rico, manatees apparently occur around the southern and eastern end of the island and around nearby Vieques Island. Except for rare sightings, manatees seem to be absent from the Virgin Islands at present, but fossils have been found in middens on St. Croix.

The population of manatees in Florida has been estimated to be at least 1,865 individuals. There are an estimated 60 to 100 manatees in Puerto Rico. In the last decade, yearly mortality in Florida has averaged nearly 150 animals a year, double that of the preceding decade. The average proportion of first-year calves in the population is 10 percent with a range of 5 to 15 percent.

Read a lot more here:


Annual Manatee Events & Festivals
Related Links


As for seasonal habits, there's one well known manatee named Chessiewho migrates up the east coast each summer. So many web sites on him that I'm just giving you the google search page:

Linda Papanicolaou

Worldwide use

Things found on the way


a whirlpool glows in the estuary -- manatee

a mermaid* plays in the bay -- milkyway

*the mermaid myth was thought to come from manatee sightings

Chibi (Dennis Holmes)


storms approach
old manatee
bids adieu

© Haiga by Shanna Moore and Photo by Paula Fisher

Related words

***** dugong (Dugong dugon)
topic for haiku

. . . CLICK here for Photos !

Manatees (family Trichechidae, genus Trichechus) are large, fully aquatic marine mammals sometimes known as sea cows. They contain three of the four living species in the order Sirenia, the other being the dugong, which is native to the Eastern Hemisphere.
The clearest visible difference between manatees and dugongs is in the shape of the tail; a manatee tail is paddle-shaped, while a dugong tail is fluked, similar in shape to a that of a whale.
© More in the WIKIPEDIA !

Dugongs are most often seen alone or in pairs, usually a mother and her calf, but they have been sighted in large herds of several hundred. Dugongs have multiple mating partners, and may breed year-round. Their mating behavior involves groups of male dugongs splashing, tail-thrashing, and lunging as they compete for a single female.
 source : www.reef.edu.au

Although Dugongs breed year round, they show some seasonality, with mating and calving apparently peaking in spring and summer especially in the higher latitude limits of their range (Marsh 1999c).
source : www.hsus.org/marine_mammals

Compiled by Kathy Earsman, Australia


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