Nozaki Pilgrimage (Nozaki mairi)
***** Location: Japan
***** Season: Spring
***** Category: Observance
Nozaki Mairi 野崎参り、野崎まいり、野崎参
Festival at Daitoo Town (close to Osaka, on the way to Nara) at the temple Jigen-Ji 慈眼寺, also called Kannon Temple at Nozaki, Nozaki Kannon 野崎観音.
Another kigo refers to the small boat, which was used during the Edo period to reach this temple
Nozakibune 野崎船.
The temple belongs to the Sootoo-Sect (Soto) of Zen and this festival is held every year from the first to the 10th of May. (It is a kigo of spring according to the lunar calendar, when the festival was held in April.)
The temple is quite famous and this festival has been the stage of novels and even appears in Joruri (Japanese puppet play) in the tragical suicide story of O-Some and Hisamatsu
and in Rakugo (traditional comic storytelling).
The most important statue of this tempel is a Kannon with 11 heads.
During the festival days, thousands of worshippers attend and the stalls and vending stores are full of people. Some walk along the river whilst talking bad about their fellow human friends, a custom of this festival, which is also called the "Badmouthing Festival" warukuchi matsuri 悪口祭り.
At the temple a memorial service is held to express thanks to all things you are linked to in this world, wheather you know of them or not, Muen-Kyoo Hooyoo 無縁経法要.

Here is a map of the temple compounds. Click on any building to see the photo.
Look at this page with more photos and explanations in English

Nozaki Kannon, a place for pilgrims

An Indian monk who came to Japan around 750 told the Japanese monk Gyooki (Gyoki) that the area around Nozaki looked very much like the Deer Park near Benares, where Shakyamuni Buddha held his first sermon.
When Gyooki heared this, he made a statue of Kannon Bosatsu with eleven heads from a with birch tree, which is the object of our veneration today.
野崎観音は、福聚山慈眼寺といい曹洞宗のお寺です。天平勝宝年間(749年~757年)来朝した婆羅門僧正(インド僧)が「野崎の地は釈迦が初めて仏法を説いた鹿野苑(ハラナ)に良く似ている」と行基菩薩に申されました。それを聞いた行基は、白樺で観音様のお姿(十一面観音)を彫みこの地に安置されましたのがこのお寺のはじまりです。慈眼寺「光割牒」に、「観音像は行基菩薩の手彫りなり、長谷(奈良県)の観音像と同木也」と書かれています。 幾多の戦乱のため荒れはて、1565年(永禄8年)三好・松永の兵によって全焼し、本尊の観音様だけが残りました。長い間、小さいお堂のままでおまつりしてありましたが、元和2年(1616年)青厳和尚がこのお寺を復興され、元禄宝永ごろにのざきまいりが盛んになると共に、お寺も栄え、現在に到っています。 奈良県長谷寺、京都市地蔵院とゆかりが深く特に本尊は上にも述べたように長谷寺と同木と伝えられています。 ご利益は、開運招運・厄除け・縁結び・安産・子授け。また近松門左衛門「女殺油地獄」・近松半二「新版歌祭文」・落語「のざきまいり」・東海林太郎「野崎小唄」などの作品の舞台となっています。 文化財としては、大東市有形文化財「石造九(八)重層塔」。涅槃絵図・本堂壁画「花蝶菩薩」など。「花蝶菩薩」は先代の住職、尾瀧一峰の思いを具現化したもので、花をモチーフにした天女が舞う鮮やかなモダンなものです。
There is also a stone with a haiku by Basho engraved in the temple precincts.

The whole text with music
【主な登場人物】 喜ぃ公 清ぇやん 船頭 土手を行く人たち
■こぉらまた、大勢の人やなぁ、おいどぉや、こっち出てこい。しっかり歩けよ ●「しっかり歩け」やけど、大勢の人やないかいな。船場辺の旦那衆、お家(いえ)さんやとか、ぼんちやみな、ぞろぞろ歩いたはるかと思たらやで、また芸妓衆や舞妓衆連れて、あないして遊びに出たはる人もおるしやで、われわれみたいに何やで、職人がまたウロウロしてるちゅな、いろいろ種々雑多な人たちですねぇ。
"Yakko no kenka" appears to be the prototype for the Osaka rakugo story "Nozaki mairi," about an argument at Osaka’s Nozaki Shrine (where, it is said, winning an argument brings good luck).
Worldwide use
Things found on the way
More details about Gyoki Bosatsu Gyooki 行基菩薩 and other kigo for him.
A manhole with the story of the Nozaki Pilgrimage

More details of the manhole are here
................................ A little detour
Manholes with Daruma by Gabi Greve

source : blog.kantanwc.com
harukaze ya isakahi agaru nozakibune
spring breeze -
fighting, badmouthing
on the Nozaki boat
Okamoto Shoohin 岡本松浜 Okamoto Shohin(1879-1939)
Saijiki for Buddhist Events 仏教歳時記
noasobi o saou Nozaki no hanagoyomi
inviting us to play
in the open fields -
Festival at Nozaki
Saijiki for Buddhist Events 仏教歳時記
Related words
***** Pilgrimages henro (Japan)
***** Gyooki Memorial Day, Gyooki-ki 行基忌
Gyoki Bosatsu 行基菩薩
1 comment:
sennichi mairi omamori 千日参, sennichi moode 千日詣 pilgrimage of 1000 days
at Nozaki
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